The following rate structure and design information as required by part 7825.3800 shall be filed:
A summary comparison of test year operating revenue under present and proposed rates by customer class of service showing the difference in revenue and the percentage change.
A detailed comparison of test year operating revenue under present and proposed rates by type of charge including minimum, demand, energy by block, gross receipts, automatic adjustments, and other charge categories within each rate schedule and within each customer class of service.
A cost-of-service study by customer class of service, by geographic area, or other categorization as deemed appropriate for the change in rates requested, showing revenues, costs, and profitability for each class of service, geographic area, or other appropriate category, identifying the procedures and underlying rationale for cost and revenue allocations. Such study is appropriate whenever the utility proposes a change in rates which results in a material change in its rate structure.
January 20, 2005
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes