Gas utilities shall submit monthly to the department purchased gas adjustment reports, which must include:
a summary of adjustments that were implemented in the previous month and the computation of each adjustment;
an explanation of significant changes between the base gas cost and current cost, quantified as to changes in price and source of gas;
estimated gas volumes purchased from suppliers whose gas rates are not regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; and
estimated costs of gas purchased in item D expressed as a percentage of all commodity-delivered gas costs and demand-delivered gas costs.
The department shall summarize the monthly reports every three months and submit the summary to the commission for review.
Gas utilities shall file for a change in demand to increase or decrease demand, to redistribute demand percentages among classes, or to exchange one form of demand for another. A filing must contain:
the utility's design-day demand by customer class and the change in design-day demand, if any, necessitating the demand revision;
a description of design-day gas supply from all sources under the new level, allocation, or form of demand.
A gas utility shall provide notice to the intervenors in its previous two general rate cases of the availability of the change in demand filing when it submits the filing to the department.
14 SR 977
January 20, 2005
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes