A local service provider (LSP) shall provide, as part of its local service offering, the following to all customers within its service area:
1 + intraLATA and interLATA presubscription and code-specific equal access to interexchange carriers subscribing to its switched access service;
toll and information service-blocking capability without recurring monthly charges as provided in the commission's ORDER REGARDING LOCAL DISCONNECTION AND TOLL BLOCKING CHARGES, Docket No. P-999/CI-96-38 (June 4, 1996), and its ORDER GRANTING TIME EXTENSIONS AND CLARIFYING ONE PORTION OF PREVIOUS ORDER, Docket No. P-999/CI-96-38 (September 16, 1996), which are incorporated by reference, are not subject to frequent change, and are available through the statewide interlibrary loan system;
one white pages directory per year for each local calling area, which may include more than one local calling area, except where an offer is made and explicitly refused by the customer;
a white pages and directory assistance listing, or, upon customer request, a private listing that allows the customer to have an unlisted or unpublished telephone number;
blocking capability according to the commission's ORDER ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS FOR THE PROVISION OF CUSTOMER LOCAL AREA SIGNALING SERVICES, Docket No. P-999/CI-92-992 (June 17, 1993) and its ORDER AFTER RECONSIDERATION, Docket No. P-999/CI-92-992 (December 3, 1993), which are incorporated by reference, are not subject to frequent change, and are available through the statewide interlibrary loan system; and
telecommunications relay service capability or access necessary to comply with state and federal regulations.
At a minimum, each LSP shall offer the services identified in subpart 1 as a separate tariff or price list offering on a flat rate basis. An LSP may also offer basic local service on a measured rate basis or in combination with other services. An LSP may impose separate charges for the services set forth in subpart 1 only to the extent permitted by applicable laws, rules, and commission orders.
An LSP shall provide its local services on a nondiscriminatory basis, consistent with its certificate under part 7812.0300 or 7812.0350, to all customers who request service and whose premises fall within the carrier's service area boundaries or, for an interim period, to all requesting customers whose premises fall within the operational areas of the local service provider's service area under part 7812.0300, subpart 4, or 7812.0350, subpart 4. The obligation to provide resale services does not extend beyond the service capability of the underlying carrier whose service is being resold. The obligation to provide facilities-based services does not require an LSP that is not an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) to build out its facilities to customers not abutting its facilities or to serve a customer if the local service provider cannot reasonably obtain access to the point of demarcation on the customer's premises.
An LSP designated an ETC by the commission must provide local service, including, if necessary, facilities-based service, to all requesting customers within the carrier's service area on a nondiscriminatory basis, regardless of a customer's proximity to the carrier's facilities. An LSP may assess special construction charges approved by the commission if existing facilities are not available to serve the customer.
Competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) may designate service areas different from the service areas of local exchange carriers (LECs).
An LSP shall not withdraw from a service area unless another LSP certified for that area will be able to provide basic local service to the exiting local service provider's customers immediately upon the date the exiting provider discontinues service. An LSP shall not withdraw from its service area until at least 60 days after it has given written notice to the commission, department, Office of Attorney General-Residential Utilities Division (OAG-RUD), and its customers. The notice must identify the other LSPs available to its customers.
22 SR 46
October 24, 2005
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes