All tariffs and classifications, supplements thereto, and reissues thereof shall be prepared, posted, and filed in accordance with the Rules of Tariff Circular MF No. 3, supplements thereto or reissues thereof, issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission and naming rules governing the construction, filing, and posting of Freight-Rate Publications, except to the extent that such rules may contravene Minnesota Public Utilities Commission orders or specific provisions of Minnesota Statutes, and except that tariffs and supplements thereto may be prepared with pen and ink or typewriter, in addition to the form of preparations authorized by Tariff Circular MF No. 3. Freight rate publications shall be filed on ten days' notice, except as otherwise specifically authorized by the commission.
The commission shall not accept for filing a tariff of rates from permit carriers which on its face appears to be noncompensatory. If the carrier filing the tariff is of the opinion that the rates are compensatory, the carrier may file a petition for reconsideration which the commission shall hear and make determination by a final order on the premises.
MS s 221.161
17 SR 1279
September 9, 2005
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes