Whenever a household goods carrier gives a prospective shipper an estimate of charges, either verbal or written, covering the movement of shipper's household goods, said carrier shall issue a written order to the carrier's driver which shall show the name and pickup address of the shipper, the delivery address of the movement, the time of pickup, the items to be transported, and the estimate of charges for such movement. If, upon arrival at the point where the pickup is to be made, the driver finds that there are additional items to be transported other than those named in the order, or if for other reasons the estimate must be revised, the adjustment of the estimate must be noted on the order and signed by the shipper. A copy of said order or estimate must be given to the shipper.
The household goods carrier, at the time of loading the shipment, shall specifically call the shipper's attention to the released value of the goods as fixed in its tariff and by part 7800.2100 and shall notify the shipper that anything above the released value must be insured by the shipper if the shipper is to recover more than the released value in case of loss or damage. If the shipper shall request insurance coverage for the excess (or entire) value, upon tender by the shipper to the carrier of the cost of such insurance, the carrier shall obtain for the shipper a policy of insurance in the amount required by the shipper and at or before the time of the pickup of such goods shall deliver to the shipper evidence of such insurance coverage. If the carrier fails to notify the shipper in writing of the released value limitation or that insurance coverage is available or any shipper has ordered and paid for insurance and the carrier fails to deliver evidence of such insurance coverage at or before the time of the pick up of the shipment, the carrier shall be responsible for the full value of all items of the household goods shipment lost or damaged while being loaded or transported or unloaded by the carrier.
MS s 221.031
17 SR 1279
September 9, 2005
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes