[Renumbered 7511.8400]
Standard NFPA 13 as listed in chapter 80 is amended to read as follows:
13 - 16: Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
315.3.1, Table 507.3, 901.11.1, 901.11.2, 903.2.8.4, 903.3.1.1, 903., 903., 903., 903.3.2, 903.3.8.2, 903.3.8.5, 904.12, 905.2.1.4, 907.6.4, 914.3.2, 1019.3, Table 1103.4, 1206.2.11.1, 1206.3.5.1, 3201.1, 3204.2, Table 3206.2, 3206.4.1, 3206.10, 3207.2, 3207.2.1, 3208.2.2, 3208.2.2.1, 3208.4, 3210.1, 3401.1, 5104.1, 5104.1.1, 5106.5.7, 5704.3.3.9, Table 5704.3.6.3(7), 5704., 5704.3.8.4.
Standard NFPA 13D as listed in chapter 80 is amended to read as follows:
13D - 16: Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes.
903.3.1.3, 903.
Standard NFPA 14 as listed in chapter 80 is amended to read as follows:
14 - 16: Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems.
905.2, 905.4.2, 905.6.2, 905.8.
Standard NFPA 30 as listed in chapter 80 is amended to read as follows:
30 - 18: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code.
608.1, 5701.2, 5703.6.2, 5703.6.2.1, 5704.2.7, 5704.2.7.1, 5704.2.7.2, 5704., 5704.2.7.4, 5704.2.7.6, 5704.2.7.7, 5704.2.7.8, 5704.2.7.9, 5704.2.9.3, 5704.2.9.4, 5704., 5704., 5704., 5704., 5704., 5704., 5704., 5704.2.10.2, 5704., 5704.2.11.3, 5704., 5704.2.12.1, 5704.3.1, 5704.3.1.2, 5704.3.6, Table 5704.3.6.3(1), Table 5704.3.6.3(2), Table 5704.3.6.3(3), 5704., 5704.3.8.4, 5706.8.3.
Standard NFPA 58 as listed in chapter 80 is amended to read as follows:
58 - 17: Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code.
319.8.3, 603., 2311.5, 3903.6, 6101.1, 6102.1.
Standard NFPA 72 as listed in Chapter 80 is amended to read as follows:
72 - 16: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code.
508.1.6, Table 901.6.1, 903.4.1, 904.3.5, 907.2, 907.2.10, 907.2.1.2, 907.2.1.3, 907.2.12.2, 907., 907.5.2.2, 907., 907.6, 907.6.1, 907.6.2, 907.7, 907.7.1, 907.7.2, 907.8, 907.8.2, 907.8.5, 917.1, 1103.7.1.3, 1103.7.6, 1103.7.6.1, 1203.2.4, 2810.11.
Standard NFPA 96 as listed in chapter 80 is amended to read as follows:
96 - 2017: Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations.
607.2, 607.3, 904.12.
Standard NFPA 99 as listed in chapter 80 is amended to read as follows:
99 - 2012: Health Care Facilities Code.
609.1, 1203.4.1, 1203.5.1, 5306.4, 5306.5, 5306.6.
Standard NFPA 101 as listed in chapter 80 is amended to read as follows:
101 - 2012: Life Safety Code.
102.13, 102.13.1, 1029.6.2, 1101.5, 1104.17.2.3.
Standard NFPA 204 as listed in chapter 80 is amended to read as follows:
204 - 15: Standard for Smoke and Heat Venting.
Table 901.6.1, 910.5.1, 910.5.2, 910.7.
Standard NFPA 289 as listed in chapter 80 is amended to read as follows:
289 - 18: Standard Method of Fire Test for Individual Fuel Packages.
807.3, 807.4.1, 807.5.1.1, 807.5.3.4, 808.3.
Standard NFPA 701 as listed in chapter 80 is amended to read as follows:
701 - 15: Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame-propagation of Textiles and Films.
807.3, 807.4.1, 807.5.1.2, 807.5.3.4, 2603.5, 3104.2.
MS s 326B.02
44 SR 610
April 16, 2020
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes