IFC Section 1019.1 is amended to read:
1019.1 Minimum number of exits. Occupants within rooms and spaces shall be provided with and have access to the minimum number of approved independent exits as required by Section 1015.1. Occupants on every story, in every basement, and in every building shall be provided with and have access to the minimum number of approved independent exits as required by Table 1019.1, except as modified in Section 1019.2. For the purposes of this chapter, occupied roofs shall be provided with exits as required for stories. The required number of exits from any story, basement or individual space shall be maintained until arrival at grade or the public way. [Table 1019.1 unchanged.]
IFC Section 1019.1 is amended by adding a section to read:
1019.1.3 Press box roof access. The means of egress from occupied press box roofs shall comply with the provisions of this chapter. Occupied press box roofs shall be provided with guards in accordance with Section 1013.
Exception: Press box roofs used as camera, video, or security platforms or similar uses having an occupant load of nine or less shall have access to not less than one means of egress. The means of egress is permitted to be by way of a roof hatch or scuttle and ships ladder.
IFC Section 1019.2 is amended to read as follows:
1019.2 Buildings or stories with one exit. Only one exit shall be required in buildings or stories as described below:
1. Buildings or stories described in Table 1019.2, provided that the building has not more than one level below the first story above grade plane.
2. Buildings or stories of a Group R-3 occupancy.
3. Single-level buildings with the occupied space at the level of exit discharge provided that the story or space complies with Section 1015.1 as a space with one means of egress.
IFC Table 1019.2 is amended to read as follows:
Table 1019.2
Buildings or Stories with One Exit
Occupancy | Maximum Height of Building Above Grade Plane | Maximum Occupants (or Dwelling Units) per Floor (with One Exit) and Travel Distance |
A,Bd,Ee,F,M,U | 1 story | 49 occupants and 75 feet travel distance |
H-2,H-3 | 1 story | 3 occupants and 25 feet travel distance |
H-4,H-5,I,R | 1 story | 10 occupants and 75 feet travel distance |
Sa | 1 story | 29 occupants and 100 feet travel distance |
Bb,F,M,Sa | 2 stories | 30 occupants and 75 feet travel distance |
R-2 | 2 storiesc | 4 dwelling units and 50 feet travel distance |
[Footnotes unchanged.]
MS s 299F.011
32 SR 10
October 11, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes