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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.

IFC section 906.1.

IFC section 906.1 is amended to read:

906.1 Where required. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in the following locations:

1. In all Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, R-1, R-2, R-4 and S occupancies.

Exception: In Group E occupancies equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, fire extinguishers shall be required only in laundry rooms, boiler and furnace rooms, mechanical and electrical rooms, garages, stages, projection booths, shops, laboratories, kitchens, locker rooms, custodial closets, trash-collection rooms, storage rooms greater than 100 square feet, and similar areas.

2. Within 30 feet (9, 144 mm) of commercial cooking equipment.

3. In areas where flammable or combustible liquids are stored, used or dispensed.

4. On each floor of structures under construction, except Group R-3 occupancies, in accordance with Section 3315.1.

5. Where required by the sections indicated in Table 906.1.

6. Special-hazard areas, including but not limited to laboratories, computer rooms and generator rooms, where required by the fire code official.

7. R-3 occupancies used as family day care, group family day care, foster care, adult family day services and residential hospices.

Subp. 2.

IFC section 906.2.

IFC section 906.2 is amended to read:

906.2 General requirements. Portable fire extinguishers shall be selected, installed, and maintained in accordance with this section and NFPA 10. Section 7.1.2 of NFPA 10 is deleted.

(The exceptions are unchanged and still apply.)

Subp. 3.

IFC section 906.2.

IFC section 906.2.1 is amended to read:

906.2.1 Certification of service personnel for portable fire extinguishers. Service personnel providing or conducting maintenance on portable fire extinguishers shall possess a valid certificate issued by an approved organization for the type of work performed.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 299F.011; 326B.02


32 SR 10; 40 SR 1437

Published Electronically:

May 12, 2016

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes