No license holder shall knowingly undertake a service that conflicts with the interests of the license holder or any other client of the license holder. Prior to accepting a prospective client wherein a conflict of interest may arise, the license holder shall disclose to the current client and prospective client such facts as may give rise to a conflict of interest and obtain written consent from both parties.
A license holder shall respond within a reasonable time to all client communication.
A license holder shall respond within a reasonable time to all board communication. A reasonable time for response shall be specified in the communication.
A license holder shall not knowingly enter into a contract with an unlicensed party which provides that the unlicensed party will perform one or more of the tasks listed in Minnesota Statutes, section 326.338, unless the license holder and unlicensed party fulfill the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 326.336.
MS s 326.3331
15 SR 2627
May 27, 2003
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes