Parts 7470.1000 to 7470.1700 govern the operation of Type A, B, C, D, and multifunctional school activity buses used for transporting pupils to or from school or school-related activities when the buses are owned and operated by a school district or nonpublic school, or privately owned and operated under a contract or agreement with a school district or nonpublic school.
Pupils are not to be evicted from the bus along the route for a breach of discipline. All breaches of discipline must be reported by the bus driver to the authorized person.
The entrance door must be closed at all times when transporting pupils and the bus is in motion.
All buses must load and unload in the right lane of the roadway, at pupil stops on bus routes approved by the authorized person. Loading or unloading in a designated turn lane or in a lane immediately adjacent to a designated right-hand turn lane is prohibited unless the turn lane is a designated school bus stop at which pupils are not required to cross the road. Under these circumstances, the bus must stop at the extreme right-hand side of the turn lane and the eight-light system and stop arm should not be used. Loading and unloading pupils within an intersection is prohibited.
No pupils may be in the bus while the fuel tank is being filled. On leaving the vehicle when pupils are in the bus, the driver shall stop the motor, remove the ignition key, set the brakes, and otherwise render the bus immobile.
The authorized person shall see that no materials, including guns, loaded or unloaded; gasoline cans, empty or full; animals, except companion animals accompanying persons with disabilities; or any other object of a dangerous or objectionable nature are transported in the school bus when pupils are being transported.
Buses must not be run backwards on the school grounds or at any other point if it can be avoided. If necessary to run a bus backwards, the driver should have adequate visibility to determine if any moving vehicles are within 500 feet in either direction, when on roadways. When there is a pupil pick-up or unloading at a backing point, the driver shall always load before backing and unload after backing. No pupils may be outside the bus when it is backing.
In case of an accident or breakdown of the bus the driver shall not leave the bus, but shall send two of the patrol or other responsible pupils to the nearest house to summon help.
Immediate reports of all accidents, however slight, involving the school bus must be made by the driver to the authorized person and to any other authorities as required by law, rule, or regulation. The driver shall prepare and keep all records and reports required by the authorized person.
MS s 169.449
20 SR 722; 32 SR 1983
May 16, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes