Part | Title |
7105.0010 | DEFINITIONS. |
7105.0020 | PURPOSE. |
7105.0040 | EXCLUSIONS. |
7105.0110 | SANCTIONS. |
7105.0120 | FEES. |
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms and abbreviations have the meanings given them. Terms that are not specifically defined have the meanings given them in Minnesota Statutes, sections 115.01, 115C.02, and 116.46.
"Active participation" means the process of installing, repairing, or closing an underground storage-tank system, particularly during critical junctures. Active participation does not include the process of sampling soil or groundwater or conducting corrective action at an underground storage tank site.
"Approved training provider" means a person approved by the commissioner to provide the tank service provider training course, recertification course, or the final examination.
"Certificate" means a document issued by the agency to a person who has met the certification requirements of this chapter.
"Certified contractor" means a contractor that has been certified by the agency under the requirements of this chapter to engage in the business of installing, repairing, or closing underground storage-tank systems.
"Certified supervisor" or "supervisor" means an individual certified by the agency under the requirements of this chapter to perform one or more storage tank projects. This individual provides on-site supervision and direction to workers engaged in a storage tank project.
"Closure" or "removal" means permanently taking an underground storage tank out of service by either closing it in place, removing it from the ground, or converting it to store a nonregulated substance, as required by Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 280, or its counterpart in chapter 7150.
"Contractor" means a corporation, partnership, public agency, or any other association that holds itself out as being qualified to engage in storage tank projects.
"Critical junctures" in the case of an installation means the steps in the installation of an underground storage-tank system that are important to the prevention of releases, including but not limited to:
setting of the tank and the piping, including placement of anchoring devices, backfill to the level of the tank, and strapping, if any;
any time during the installation in which components of the piping are connected, field coated, or cathodically protected;
all pressure testing of the tank system, including associated piping, performed during the installation; and
"Critical junctures" in the case of a tank removal means the steps in the removal project that are important to the prevention of releases, including but not limited to:
"Critical junctures" in the case of a repair means the steps in the repair project that are comparable to the steps listed for item A in terms of their importance in the prevention of releases, including but not limited to:
"Day," when used to describe a day of training, equals eight hours including breaks and lunch.
"Diploma" means a document issued by an approved training provider verifying the successful completion of the required training course.
"Disciplines of certification" or "disciplines" means the categories of tank projects within which a person may be certified under the requirements of this chapter. Each discipline includes the storage tank projects listed in items A and B.
The discipline of "installation or repair" includes installation as defined in subpart 15 and repair as defined in subpart 21.
"Employ" means to engage a person's services through a contractual or other written agreement.
"Installation" means the work involved in placing an underground storage tank in position and preparing it to be placed in service.
"Operator" means a person in control of, or having responsibility for, the daily operation of a tank, and who was in control of, or had responsibility for, the daily operation of the tank immediately before discontinuation of its use.
"Owner" means a person who holds title to, controls, or possesses an interest in a tank and who held title to, controlled, or possessed an interest in a tank immediately before discontinuation of its use. Owner does not include a person who holds an interest in a tank solely for financial security, unless through foreclosure or other related actions the holder of a security interest has taken possession of the tank.
"Person" means an individual, partnership, association, public or private corporation, or other legal entity, including the United States government, an interstate commission or other body, the state, or any agency, board, bureau, office, department, or political subdivision of the state, but does not include the Pollution Control Agency.
"Regulated substance" means:
petroleum, including:
gasoline and fuel oil as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 296.01, subdivisions 18 and 21;
crude oil or a fraction of crude oil that is liquid at a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit and a pressure of 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute;
constituents of gasoline and fuel oil under subitem (1) and constituents of crude oil under subitem (2); and
petroleum-based substances that are comprised of a complex blend of hydrocarbons derived from crude oil through processes of separation, conversion, upgrading, and finishing, such as motor fuels, jet fuels, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils, lubricants, and used oils.
"Repair" means the correction, restoration, modification, or upgrading of a tank system, including but not limited to the addition of cathodic-protection systems; the replacement of piping, valves, fill pipes, or vents; and other similar activities that may affect the integrity of the tank system.
"Storage tank project" means the installation, repair, or closure of an underground storage tank within a common excavation upon which discrete work is done that is separated in time and space.
"Tank" or "tank system" has the same meaning as underground storage tank.
"Tank service provider" means a person who installs, repairs, or closes an underground storage tank.
"Underground storage tank" means any one or a combination of containers including tanks, vessels, enclosures, or structures and underground appurtenances connected to them, that is used to contain or dispense an accumulation of regulated substances and the volume of which, including the volume of the underground pipes connected to them, is ten percent or more beneath the surface of the ground.
14 SR 1718; 18 SR 1059; L 1992 c 575 s 53
June 6, 2019
This chapter implements the requirement of Minnesota Statutes, section 116.491, that the agency require a person who installs, repairs, or takes an underground storage tank permanently out of service to first obtain a certificate of competency from the agency.
MS s 116.491
14 SR 1718
October 2, 2007
No person may install, repair, or close a tank system after July 9, 1990, unless:
a supervisor certified in the appropriate discipline is physically present on site at all critical junctures during the storage tank project; and
the certified supervisor in item A is also a certified contractor or is in the employ of a certified contractor.
A copy of the contractor's current certificate must be at the work location and posted in a conspicuous place. Certified supervisors must have copies of current certificates issued by the agency at the location where they are supervising work.
Owners or operators of an underground storage tank must not allow a storage tank project to be performed on their tank system, except in compliance with subpart 1.
MS s 116.491
14 SR 1718
October 2, 2007
The following underground storage tanks are excluded from the requirements of this chapter:
a wastewater treatment tank system that is part of a wastewater treatment facility regulated under United States Code, title 33, section 1317 or 1342;
equipment or machinery that contains regulated substances for operational purposes such as hydraulic lift tank systems and electrical equipment tank systems;
an emergency spill or overfill containment tank system that is expeditiously emptied after use;
farm or residential tank systems of 1,100 gallons or less capacity used for storing motor fuel for noncommercial purposes;
tank systems of 1,100 gallons or less capacity used for storing heating oil for consumptive use on the premises where stored;
pipeline facilities, including gathering lines, regulated under United States Code, title 49, chapter 24 or 29;
tank systems located in an underground area such as a basement, cellar, mine working, drift, shaft, or tunnel if the tank is located on or above the surface of the floor;
tank systems containing radioactive material that is regulated under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, United States Code, title 42, sections 2011 to 2296;
a tank system that is part of an emergency generator system at nuclear power generator facilities regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission under Code of Federal Regulations, title 10, part 50, Appendix A;
MS s 116.491
14 SR 1718
June 6, 2019
To obtain certification from the commissioner, an applicant for a contractor's certificate shall:
be, or have in its employ, a certified supervisor who will exercise responsible supervisory control over a given storage tank project and who will be physically present on site at the critical junctures in the tank project;
submit and maintain for the duration of the certification period documentation showing that it has comprehensive general liability insurance, surety bonds, or liquid company assets that, in combination, represent a value of not less than five times the value of the largest storage tank project contract performed by the contractor during the previous two years;
A contractor may be certified in one or more of the following disciplines providing it employs supervisors that are certified in the disciplines for which the contractor seeks certification, as defined in part 7105.0010, subpart 13:
To apply for certification as a certified contractor, the following information must be submitted to the agency on a form provided by the agency:
a summary of the project history of the firm over the two-year period immediately preceding the application;
documentation that the contractor meets the financial responsibility requirements in subpart 1, item B;
identification of industry or government licenses held by the firm related to underground storage tanks;
the names of employees certified by the agency to perform and supervise storage tank projects, including identification of the specific disciplines for which they are certified, certification numbers, and expiration dates;
a statement signed and notarized by at least one active officer, partner, owner, or designated managerial representative of the contractor that certifies that:
the person signing has obtained a copy of the applicable laws and rules pertaining to the regulation of underground storage tanks in the state, including the standards of performance in part 7105.0070;
the person signing has read and understands the regulations in subitem (1) and will direct the employees and principals of the company to perform the storage tank projects rendered by the company in a manner that is consistent with their requirements; and
on all storage tank projects a certified supervisor will exercise responsible supervisory control over the work and will be physically present on site at all critical junctures during the storage tank project; and
remittance of the contractor certification fee.
The application must be specific to one contractor, but may include a request to be certified in more than one discipline.
The commissioner must be notified in writing within 30 days of any change in status, including but not limited to a change in address, ownership, supervisor status, or loss of a contractor or supervisor certification.
Certification renewals and upgrades must be applied for as outlined in subpart 3. In addition, a copy of the applicant's most recent contractor certificate must also accompany the application. Completed renewal applications should be submitted no later than 30 days before the expiration date.
Contractor certificates expire two years after the date of issuance.
14 SR 1718; 18 SR 1059
October 2, 2007
To obtain certification from the commissioner, an applicant for a supervisor's certificate shall:
in the four-year period immediately before making an initial or renewal application, have successfully completed an approved training course as outlined in parts 7105.0080 and 7105.0090, or a course approved by the commissioner under subpart 7;
have at least two years of tank service experience and have actively participated in the field on a minimum of five underground storage tank projects during the four-year period immediately before making an initial or renewal application, with at least four of these projects being in the discipline for which the individual wishes to be certified. Any experience obtained after July 9, 1990, for the purposes of obtaining initial certification, must be in the employ of a certified contractor and under the immediate and personal supervision of a certified supervisor; and
Successful completion of a training course includes attending all training hours and passing the final examination.
An individual, with the appropriate training and experience, may be certified in one or more of the following disciplines, as defined in part 7105.0010, subpart 13:
To apply for certification as a certified supervisor, the following information must be submitted to the agency on a form provided by the agency:
the applicant's full name, job title, name of business, business address, and business phone number;
the date of the final examination and documentation that a passing score was received, if not included on the course diploma;
a signed, notarized statement that the applicant has obtained a copy, read, understands, and will comply with all applicable laws and rules pertaining to the regulation of underground storage tanks in the state, including the standards of performance in part 7105.0070.
The application must be specific to one individual, but may include a request to be certified in more than one discipline.
Certification renewals and upgrades must be applied for as outlined in subpart 4. In addition, a copy of the applicant's most recent certificate must accompany the application. Completed renewal applications should be submitted no later than 30 days before the expiration date.
Supervisor certificates expire four years after the applicant successfully completes the final training course examination.
The commissioner shall approve a tank service provider certification course sponsored by a state or organization other than an approved training provider if the commissioner determines that the course is comparable to the program outlined in parts 7105.0080 and 7105.0090. Persons seeking reciprocity under this subpart shall be required by the commissioner to pass an examination to verify their familiarity with Minnesota's laws pertaining to underground storage-tank systems if the commissioner finds that their courses did not adequately address Minnesota's statutes and rules. This examination may be taken any time after the completion of the approved training course and before applying for certification. However, the certificate expires four years after the final day of the approved training course.
14 SR 1718; 16 SR 2207; 18 SR 1059; 30 SR 1130
June 6, 2019
Certified contractors and supervisors shall comply with the standards of performance in items A and B.
Certified contractors and supervisors shall perform or undertake only those storage tank projects that conform to accepted industry standards and federal, state, and local laws and safeguard the public life, health, safety and welfare, and the environment.
Certified contractors and supervisors must not offer, give, solicit, or receive, either directly or indirectly, any commission, gift, or other valuable consideration to secure work, and shall not make any political contribution with the intent to influence the award of a contract by public authority.
In addition to the standards in subpart 1, certified supervisors:
shall perform all storage tank projects so that there is no release of the contents of the tank;
must not affix the supervisor's signature or certification number to a storage tank project unless it was accomplished under the supervisor's direct control and personal supervision and the supervisor was present at all critical junctures during the storage tank project; and
must not certify to an owner that a storage tank project is complete unless it complies with Minnesota Statutes, sections 116.46 to 116.50, Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 280, subparts A to G, and state technical tank rules, chapter 7150, adopted under Minnesota Statutes, section 116.49, subdivision 1. Where storage tank projects are being performed for an owner or operator on a contract basis, both the certified supervisor and the certified contractor for whom the supervisor works are responsible for the accuracy of the representations made.
MS s 116.491
14 SR 1718
October 2, 2007
The initial storage tank service provider training course must be at least five days in length and must include lectures, demonstrations, four hours of hands-on training, course review, and a final written examination.
The renewal storage tank service provider training course must be at least two days in length and must include lectures, demonstrations, course review, and a final written examination.
All the following topics must be included in the initial course. One or more of the following topics must be included in the renewal course. The commissioner shall approve topics to be included in the renewal course based on a list submitted by training providers and based on the requirements of part 7105.0100. Publications cited are incorporated by reference in part 7105.0130:
regulatory review providing familiarity with the following codes, statutes, rules, and recommended practices and how they relate to the other course requirements, with particular emphasis on subitem (9):
PEI's Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems (PEI/RP 100);
API's Removal and Disposal of Used Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks (API Recommended Practice 1604);
EPA's Underground Storage Tanks - Technical Requirements at Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 280, subparts A to G;
parts 7510.3120 and 7510.3240, incorporating by reference and amending Article 79 of the Uniform Fire Code;
legal liabilities and defenses:
a discussion of comprehensive general liability policies, claims-made and occurrence policies, and environmental and pollution liability policy clauses;
a discussion of EPA's Underground Storage Tanks Containing Petroleum - Financial Responsibility Requirements at Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 280, subpart H; and
safety aspects, including discussions on:
OSHA's Safety and Health standards relating to excavations, trenching, and shoring; confined space; and competent person requirements;
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Employee Right-to-Know training standards in part 5206.0700;
working around heavy equipment, excavations, hazardous materials, vehicular traffic, overhead and underground obstacles such as power and sewer lines, and other hazardous situations;
safety considerations and precautions, including erecting physical barriers and signs, and trench shoring;
underground storage-tank installation:
project management:
planning and mobilization, including lining up work crews and tools, calling subcontractors, and picking up materials;
subcontractors and material suppliers, including coordination of schedules and ordering materials, with consideration given to material compatibility between other equipment and product to be stored;
job site management and allocation of work areas, including areas to safely stockpile materials such as backfill, tanks, and piping, and safe and effective traffic flow for heavy equipment as well as civilian traffic;
preinstallation inspection and testing:
inspection of tanks, pipes, and other materials for size, as well as scratches, dents or other damages, and minor repairs;
preinstallation "soap test" on single-wall and double-wall tanks, including proper soaping techniques, selection of gauges, and proper pressures;
testing and visual inspection of cathodic-protection systems, secondary containment, monitoring systems, and overfill prevention systems before placing the tank facility into operation;
installation methods:
types and specific installation requirements, including galvanized steel, fiberglass, coated, and single-walled and double-walled;
pipefitting, including curing times for fiberglass adhesives, compatibility of product with pipe dope, minimizing fittings, tightness, and pipe support;
electrical installation:
regulatory review, including:
parts 7510.3120 and 7510.3240, incorporating by reference and amending Article 79 of the Uniform Fire Code; and
API's Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems (API Recommended Practice 1632);
Class I locations, Divisions I and II, requirements and restrictions as described in parts 7510.3120 and 7510.3240, incorporating by reference and amending Article 79 of the Uniform Fire Code;
general installation considerations, including trenching, cover, grounding, backfill, seals, bushings, supports, and stray currents;
accessibility of circuit breakers for monitoring devices and impressed cathodic-protection systems by unauthorized personnel; and
ancillary equipment placement and installation:
observation and monitoring wells, including a discussion of Minnesota Department of Health's Water Well Construction Code in chapter 4725;
release detection:
leak detection:
observation wells located in the excavation zone and collection sumps of secondary-containment systems;
corrosion protection:
requirements for external corrosion protection in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 280, subparts A to G, and state technical tank rules adopted under Minnesota Statutes, section 116.49, subdivision 1, when adopted;
a discussion of API's Cathodic Protection of Underground Storage Tanks and Piping Systems (API Recommended Practice 1632);
tank closure and removal:
regulatory discussion:
requirements for external corrosion protection in EPA's Underground Storage Tanks - Technical Requirements at Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 280, subparts A to G;
API's Removal and Disposal of Used Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks (API Recommended Practice 1604);
closure in place, filling with inert substances such as sand, concrete slurries, or polyurethane-type foams;
role of other consultants, including corrosion experts, environmental contamination consultants, and engineers;
contract specifications and discussion of key elements that are included in contract specifications;
demonstrations and hands-on training that gives actual experience performing tasks associated with tank projects:
supervisory techniques for tank activities to enforce and reinforce the required work practices and discourage unsafe work practices;
a discussion of the possible environmental consequences resulting from improper installation, repair, and closure of underground storage-tank systems;
other subjects that the commissioner determines should be taught to reflect advances in tank installation, repair, and removal methods or safety practices.
14 SR 1718; 18 SR 1059
June 6, 2019
Examinations must be conducted by the agency, or by personnel of colleges or educational institutes selected and designated by the agency.
The initial or renewal training course examination administered under this chapter must be a written, comprehensive examination consisting of 100 objective questions, covering the topics discussed in the training course.
A person seeking certification or recertification as a certified supervisor shall participate in all course requirements and pass a written final examination. An applicant shall score 75 percent or higher to pass the final examination. The final examination must be passed within ten days after completing the training course, except as provided in subpart 4.
If a person fails to pass the initial or renewal training course examination, one retest may be taken within 30 days after a person receives a notice of failure. If a person fails to pass the retest, the full course must be attended again before further testing.
The training provider shall issue a diploma to each student who completes the initial or renewal training course and successfully passes the examination. The following information must be included on the diploma:
an expiration date for accreditation that is four years after the date on which the student passed the examination.
If the person administering the examination is not the same person administering the course, both persons shall sign the diploma.
14 SR 1718; 16 SR 2207; 18 SR 1059; 30 SR 1130
October 2, 2007
The commissioner may approve initial or renewal training courses developed by persons other than the agency staff. The commissioner shall approve a course that meets the requirements of this part and parts 7105.0080 and 7105.0090. To apply for agency approval of a tank service provider training course, the following information must be submitted to the commissioner:
a letter from the training course sponsor that clearly indicates how the course meets parts 7105.0080 and 7105.0090, including:
a description and an example of diplomas issued to students who attend the course and pass the examination.
To be considered qualified, course instructors shall meet the following requirements:
field experience in storage tank installation, repair, and removal equal to a total of at least 4,000 hours, which may be met by just one instructor, or through a combination of experience held by a number of instructors; and
after meeting the requirement in item A, any additional instructors shall have directly related experience or academic credentials in a related field.
The agency shall suspend or revoke approval of a training course if the commissioner finds that the course is not providing training that meets the requirements of this chapter.
Except as provided in subpart 3, approval of a training course shall remain in effect until the agency notifies approved trainers that changes in the course are required. At that time, the training providers shall submit the revised course to the agency for approval.
14 SR 1718; 18 SR 1059
October 2, 2007
The commissioner may refuse to issue, renew, or reinstate a certificate or suspend or revoke a certificate for any of the following reasons:
failure to meet the technical requirements of Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 280; technical standards for underground storage tanks, chapter 7150, adopted under Minnesota Statutes, section 116.49, subdivision 1; the requirements of this chapter including the Standards of Performance in part 7105.0070; or other law relating to storage tank projects; or
The commissioner may initiate an investigation upon receiving a signed written complaint alleging the existence of grounds for sanctions against a certified person or an applicant for certification, or whenever the commissioner has reason to believe that sanctions may be warranted.
Prior to revoking or suspending a certificate and subsequent to a refusal to issue, reissue, or reinstate a certificate, the person against whom the sanction is being imposed shall be given notice of the sanction, and the reasons for it, and the person shall have ten days from the date of receiving the notice to request that a contested case hearing be held on the matter. The commissioner shall not revoke or suspend a certificate until the contested case hearing has been completed or until the request for a hearing has been considered at an agency meeting and denied. If no request for a contested case hearing is received by the commissioner within the ten days, the sanction set forth in the notice shall go into effect, in the case of a certificate suspension or revocation, or shall become final, in the case of a refusal to issue, reissue, or reinstate a certificate.
Upon receipt of a contested case hearing request, the commissioner shall either grant the request and schedule a hearing or put the matter on the agenda for consideration at an agency meeting under part 7000.0550, subpart 2. If the matter is considered at an agency meeting, the provisions of part 7000.1900 shall govern whether a hearing request is granted. Contested case hearings under this part must comply with the contested case provisions of chapter 7000 and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14.
Upon revocation or suspension, certified persons shall return to the agency their original certificate and current renewal certificates.
A person whose certificate has been revoked shall not be entitled to apply for recertification until at least one year following the effective date of revocation or for any longer period of time specified in the revocation order.
The commissioner shall reinstate a suspended certificate if the person whose certificate has been suspended fulfills the terms of the suspension order and meets all applicable requirements of the rules for obtaining a certificate.
14 SR 1718; 18 SR 1059; 19 SR 1310
October 2, 2007
The fee for each new, modified, or renewal application for contractor or supervisor certification is $50.
The agency commissioner shall only return fees received from individuals who are rejected for certification.
MS s 116.491
14 SR 1718
October 2, 2007
For purposes of this chapter, the documents in subparts 2 to 4 are incorporated by reference. They can be found at the Minnesota Law Library, 25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155. They are subject to frequent change. If any of the documents in subparts 2 to 4 are amended, and if the amendments are incorporated by reference or otherwise made a part of state or federal law applicable to the installation, repair, or closure of storage tank systems, then the amendments to the documents are also incorporated by reference into this chapter.
The following documents are also available from the American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20005:
American Petroleum Institute, Removal and Disposal of Used Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks, API/RP 1604 (December 1987);
American Petroleum Institute, Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems, API/RP 1615 (November 1987);
American Petroleum Institute, Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems, API/RP 1632 (December 1987); and
The following document is also available from the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269: National Fire Protection Association, Cleaning Small Tanks and Containers, NFPA 327 (1987).
The following document is also available from the Petroleum Equipment Institute, P.O. Box 2380, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101: Petroleum Equipment Institute, Recommended Practices for the Installation of Liquid Storage Systems, PEI/RP 100 (1990).
14 SR 1718; 18 SR 1059
October 2, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes