An advisory committee on subsurface sewage treatment systems is established.
The committee shall, subject to the approval of the commissioner, review and advise the agency on:
the administration of standards and ordinances pertaining to SSTS at the state and local level;
The committee consists of the following voting members of whom:
six must be county administrators, such as zoning administrators, sanitarians, and environmental health specialists, each of whom administers an SSTS permitting or inspection program. The six administrators must be geographically distributed throughout the state;
seven must be SSTS designated certified individuals as defined in part 7083.0020, subpart 6, six of whom have geographic distribution throughout the state and the seventh representing the state at large, with each certification category represented on the committee;
two must be elected public officials with members having geographic distribution throughout the state; and
The following agencies and associations shall each have at least one nonvoting member to assist the advisory committee and to be advised, in turn, on matters relating to chapters 7080 to 7083: the agency, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Department of Health, the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service, the Minnesota Association of Professional Soil Scientists, the Metropolitan Council, the Association of Minnesota Counties, the Minnesota Association of Townships, the League of Minnesota Cities, the Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers, the Association of Small Cities, the Minnesota Association of Realtors, the Minnesota Environmental Health Association, SSTS supplier, the Minnesota On-Site Wastewater Association, the American Society of Home Inspectors, the Minnesota Small Business Association, Hospitality Minnesota, and Minnesota Waters.
All voting members must be appointed by the commissioner from recommendations by the named entities or organizations. All members serve four-year terms, with terms staggered to maintain continuity. Voting members, except for individuals serving under subpart 3, item B, shall serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. If the voting member's attendance falls below 50 percent during the term, the appointed member loses membership status for the remaining term. The commissioner shall then appoint a replacement member for the remainder of the term from the recommendation offered by the affected entity or organization. In the case of a vacancy, the commissioner shall appoint a replacement member for the unexpired balance of the term. Administrators, inspectors, elected officials, and contractors must be bona fide residents of this state for at least three years before being appointed and must have at least three years' experience in their respective businesses or offices.
Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, Henry M. Robert (2000), must prevail at all meetings of the advisory committee. Robert's Rules of Order is incorporated by reference, is available through the Minitex interlibrary loan system, and is not subject to frequent change.
32 SR 1420
March 11, 2011
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes