All designers and inspectors who are certified or apprentices must complete 18 hours of continuing education training related to SSTS every three years, with a minimum of six of those hours devoted to soils education with a field component. All installers and service providers who are certified or apprentices must complete 12 hours of continuing education training related to SSTS every three years.
An individual with a maintainer certification must complete 12 hours of continuing education related in general to SSTS or nine hours of continuing education specifically related to SSTS maintenance or land application of septage every three years.
Certified individuals and apprentices must complete the applicable hours of continuing education under items A and B that meet the criteria under subpart 2 for each time period specified in those items. The continuing education requirement is not increased for multiple specialty area certifications. Continuing education hours earned in excess of those required under this subpart shall not be carried over to meet the requirements for future renewal periods. The renewal period begins when the first examination is taken in which a passing score is received under part 7083.1040 or when conditional eligibility under item E is awarded by the commissioner.
The continuing education must be taken during the time specified in this subpart and remains valid even though not reported before the end of the certification period. However, certification is considered expired until the training is reported.
If adequate continuing education training is not taken during the certification period, certification eligibility must be regained by retaking the required training and passing the examinations under parts 7083.1030 and 7083.1040, or by commissioner approval of an application for a nonrenewable, one-year conditional certification eligibility extension. The application must be submitted on a form provided by the commissioner. The application must contain a signed statement that the applicant agrees to complete, within one year, all continuing education that was not taken and to pass no more than two different specialty area examinations within one year applicable to the certification eligibility that the commissioner determined has lapsed. The applicant must include information with the application to verify compliance with part 7083.1090, when applicable. If the applicant does not meet the conditions of the one-year conditional certification eligibility agreement, the certification eligibility expires and the individual must complete all missed continuing education and pass exams under part 7083.1040 for each specialty area sought in order to regain eligibility for certification.
In each certification period, certified individuals and apprentices must accrue continuing education hours specified in items A to C. At least one-half of the required training must be directly related to the administrative and technical parts of chapters 7080 to 7083 as determined by the commissioner.
Coursework that qualifies for continuing education credit is coursework related to the technical aspects of sewage, sewage treatment, SSTS, soil identification, soil interpretation, soil water movement, engineering or environmental health related to SSTS, maintenance or operation of an SSTS, land application of wastes, or other related topics. Credit must also be given for coursework relating to state SSTS rules and statutes and coursework related to the administration of local ordinances, permitting, and inspection. Only programs accredited or otherwise authorized by the commissioner for continuing education credit are allowed to be used to maintain a certification or apprentice designation.
32 SR 1420; 38 SR 1001; 40 SR 689
October 31, 2016
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes