When two or more projects on the project priority list have been assigned the same total number of priority points under parts 7077.0116 to 7077.0118, the project that has the highest number of points assigned based upon environmental and human health threats shall be ranked higher. For purposes of this part, points assigned under parts 7077.0117, subparts 6 to 11; 7077.0118, subparts 1 to 5; and 7077.0119, subpart 1, are based upon environmental and human health threats.
If two or more projects remain tied in total priority points after application of subpart 1, the projects shall be ranked in order of the population of the municipalities served by the project as recorded in the last federal census, with the highest population ranked first.
30 SR 923
October 2, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes