Any person discharging industrial or other wastes from a point source shall comply with the requirements in items A to C.
Point source dischargers of industrial or other wastes must comply with all applicable federal standards adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under sections 301, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act, United States Code, title 33, sections 1311, 1316, and 1317. Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, parts 401 through 469, are incorporated by reference.
If effluent limits for five-day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, pH, or oil are not established by the federal standards under item A for any point source discharger of industrial or other wastes, the point source discharger shall comply with the effluent limits for those substances established in part 7053.0215, subpart 1, or with such other equivalent mass limits established under part 7053.0205, subpart 8, if applicable.
Point source dischargers of industrial or other wastes shall comply with all additional effluent limits established by the agency in any permit proceeding for that discharger through application of the criteria provided by Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 125, subpart A.
The requirements of subpart 1, items B and C, do not apply to animal feedlots.
The requirements for total suspended solids and phosphorus under subpart 1, item B, and for phosphorus under subpart 4, do not apply to waters discharged from a dredge disposal facility and returned to the water body where the water was removed if:
best management practices and best practicable technology are established in a state disposal system permit for the facility; and
In addition to the requirements of subpart 1, a person discharging industrial or other wastes from a point source shall comply with the nutrient control requirements of part 7053.0255.
A point source discharger of industrial or other wastes that uses a stabilization pond or aerated pond as the principal method of biologically treating the waste shall comply with subparts 1 to 4, except that the total suspended solids effluent limits applicable to a discharger under subpart 1, item B, are the limits in part 7053.0215, subpart 3, rather than the total suspended solids limits in part 7053.0215, subpart 1.
32 SR 1699
April 1, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes