Lake Superior, except those portions identified in subpart 3, item B, as a prohibited outstanding resource value waters;
lake trout lakes, both existing and potential, as determined by the commissioner in conjunction with the Department of Natural Resources, outside the boundaries of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Voyageurs National Park and identified in parts 7050.0460 to 7050.0470;
the following state and federal designated scenic or recreational river segments:
Saint Croix River, entire length;
Cannon River from northern city limits of Faribault to its confluence with the Mississippi River;
North Fork of the Crow River from Lake Koronis outlet to the Meeker-Wright county line;
Kettle River from north Pine County line to the site of the former dam at Sandstone;
Minnesota River from Lac qui Parle dam to Redwood County State-Aid Highway 11;
Mississippi River from County State-Aid Highway 7 bridge in Saint Cloud to northwestern city limits of Anoka;
Rum River from State Highway 27 bridge in Onamia to Madison and Rice Streets in Anoka; and
the following surface waters associated with calcareous fens. The number following the name of the fen is the occurrence number assigned by the Department of Natural Resources that uniquely identifies the record of information for the particular fen:
Becker County: Spring Creek WMA NHR fen, 34 (T.142, R.42, S.13);
Carver County: Seminary fen, 75 (T.116, R.23, S.35);
Clay County:
Barnesville Moraine fen, 44 (T.137, R.44, S.18);
Barnesville WMA fen, 10 (T.137, R.45, S.1);
Barnesville WMA fen, 43 (T.137, R.44, S.18);
Felton Prairie fen, 28 (T.142, R.46, S.36);
Felton Prairie fen, 36 (T.141, R.46, S.13);
Felton Prairie fen, 48 (T.142, R.45, S.31);
Felton Prairie fen, 53 (T.141, R.46, S.24);
Haugtvedt WPA North Unit fen, 54 (T.137, R.44, S.28, 29); and
Spring Prairie fen, 37 (T.140, R.46, S.11);
Clearwater County: Clearbrook fen, 61 (T.149, R.37, S.17);
Dakota County:
Black Dog Preserve fen, 63 (T.27, R.24, S.34);
Fort Snelling State Park fen, 25 (T.27, R.23, S.4); and
Nicols Meadow fen, 24 (T.27, R.23, S.18);
Goodhue County:
Holden 1 West fen, 3 (T.110, R.18, S.1);
Perched Valley Wetlands fen, 2 (T.112, R.13, S.8); and
Red Wing fen, 72 (T.113, R.15, S.21);
Houston County: Houston fen, 62 (T.104, R.6, S.26);
Jackson County:
Heron Lake fen, 45 (T.103, R.36, S.29); and
Thompson Prairie fen, 20 (T.103, R.35, S.7);
Le Sueur County:
Ottawa Bluff fen, 56 (T.110, R.26, S.3);
Ottawa WMA fen, 7 (T.110, R.26, S.11); and
Ottawa WMA fen, 60 (T.110, R.26, S.14);
Lincoln County: Hole-in-the-Mountain Prairie fen, 6; Pipestone (T.108, R.46, S.1; T.109, R.45, S.31);
Mahnomen County: Waubun WMA fen, 11 (T.143, R.42, S.25);
Marshall County:
Tamarac River fen, 71 (T.157, R.46, S.2);
Viking fen, 68 (T.155, R.45, S.18);
Viking fen, 70 (T.155, R.45, S.20); and
Viking Strip fen, 69 (T.154, R.45, S.4);
Martin County: Perch Creek WMA fen, 33 (T.104, R.30, S.7);
Murray County: Lost Timber Prairie fen, 13 (T.105, R.43, S.2);
Nicollet County:
Fort Ridgely fen, 21 (T.111, R.32, S.6); and
Le Sueur fen, 32 (T.111, R.26, S.16);
Nobles County: Westside fen, 59 (T.102, R.43, S.11);
Norman County:
Agassiz-Olson WMA fen, 17 (T.146, R.45, S.22);
Faith Prairie fen, 15 (T.144, R.43, S.26);
Faith Prairie fen, 16 (T.144, R.43, S.35);
Faith Prairie fen, 27 (T.144, R.43, S.25); and
Green Meadow fen, 14 (T.145, R.45, S.35, 36);
Olmsted County:
High Forest fen, 12 (T.105, R.14, S.14, 15); and
Nelson WMA fen, 5 (T.105, R.15, S.16);
Pennington County:
Sanders East fen, 65 (T.153, R.44, S.7);
Sanders East fen, 74 (T.153, R.44, S.7); and
Sanders fen, 64 (T.153, R.44, S.18, 19);
Pipestone County:
Burke WMA fen, 57 (T.106, R.44, S.28); and
Hole-in-the-Mountain Prairie fen, 6 (see Lincoln County, subitem (10);
Polk County:
Chicog Prairie fen, 39 (T.148, R.45, S.28);
Chicog Prairie fen, 40 (T.148, R.45, S.33);
Chicog Prairie fen, 41 (T.148, R.45, S.20, 29);
Chicog Prairie fen, 42 (T.148, R.45, S.33);
Kittleson Creek Mire fen, 55 (T.147, R.44, S.6, 7);
Tympanuchus Prairie fen, 26 (T.149, R.45, S.17); and
Tympanuchus Prairie fen, 38 (T.149, R.45, S.16);
Pope County:
Blue Mounds fen, 1 (T.124, R.39, S.14, 15);
Lake Johanna fen, 4 (T.123, R.36, S.29); and
Ordway Prairie fen, 35 (T.123, R.36, S.30);
Redwood County:
Swedes Forest fen, 8 (T.114, R.37, S.19, 20); and
Swedes Forest fen, 9 (T.114, R.37, S.22, 27);
Rice County:
Cannon River Wilderness Area fen, 18 (T.111, R.20, S.34); and
Cannon River Wilderness Area fen, 73 (T.111, R.20, S.22);
Scott County:
Savage fen, 22 (T.115, R.21, S.17);
Savage fen, 66 (T.115, R.21, S.16); and
Savage fen, 67 (T.115, R.21, S.17);
Wilkin County:
Anna Gronseth Prairie fen, 47 (T.134, R.45, S.15);
Anna Gronseth Prairie fen, 49 (T.134, R.45, S.10);
Anna Gronseth Prairie fen, 52 (T.134, R.45, S.4);
Rothsay Prairie fen, 46 (T.136, R.45, S.33);
Rothsay Prairie fen, 50 (T.135, R.45, S.15, 16); and
Rothsay Prairie fen, 51 (T.135, R.45, S.9);
Winona County: Wiscoy fen, 58 (T.105, R.7, S.15); and
Yellow Medicine County:
Sioux Nation WMA NHR fen, 29 (T.114, R.46, S.17); and
Yellow Medicine fen, 30 (T.115, R.46, S.18).