The purpose of this part is to establish the objectives for developing numeric water quality standards listed in parts 7050.0220, 7050.0222, 7050.0227, and 7052.0100 and site-specific water quality criteria for toxic pollutants or chemicals developed in the absence of numeric standards. The listed numeric standards for toxics and site-specific numeric criteria established by methods in parts 7050.0218 and 7050.0219 protect class 2 waters for the propagation and maintenance of fish and aquatic life, the consumption of fish and edible aquatic life by humans, the use of surface waters for public and private domestic consumption where applicable, and the consumption of aquatic organisms by wildlife. These criteria also protect the uses assigned to class 7, limited resource value, waters as described in parts 7050.0140 and 7050.0227.
Protection of the aquatic community from the toxic effects of pollutants means the protection of no less than 95 percent of all the species in any aquatic community. Greater protection may be applied to a community if economically, recreationally, or ecologically important species are very sensitive.
Protection of human consumers of fish, other edible aquatic organisms, and water for drinking from surface waters means that exposure from noncarcinogenic chemicals, including nonlinear carcinogens (NLC), singly or in mixtures, must be below levels expected to produce known adverse effects; the combined risk from mixtures of noncarcinogens and NLC must not exceed the common health risk index endpoints or health endpoints described in part 7050.0222, subpart 7, item D; and the incremental cancer risk from exposure to carcinogenic chemicals, singly or in mixtures, must not exceed one in 100,000. The combined risk from mixtures of linear carcinogens (C) will be determined as described in part 7050.0222, subpart 7, item E.
Protection of wildlife that eat aquatic organisms means the protection of the most sensitive wildlife species or populations. Greater protection may be applied if the exposed animals include endangered or threatened wildlife species listed in chapter 6134, or in Code of Federal Regulations, title 50, part 17, under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, United States Code, title 16, sections 1531 to 1543.
15 SR 1057; 18 SR 2195; 32 SR 1699; 39 SR 1344
December 9, 2016
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes