This part contains the procedure used to determine the AWSAR for a sewage sludge that does not cause the annual pollutant loading rates in part 7041.1100, subpart 4, item D, to be exceeded. The relationship between the annual pollutant loading rate (APLR) for a pollutant and the AWSAR for a sewage sludge is shown in the equation in this subpart.
APLR = C x AWSAR x 0.001
APLR = Annual pollutant loading rate in kilograms per hectare per 365-day period.
C = Pollutant concentration in milligrams, per kilogram of total solids (dry weight basis).
AWSAR = Annual whole sludge application rate in metric tons per hectare per 365-day period (dry weight basis).
0.001 = A conversion factor.
To determine the AWSAR, the equation in subpart one is rearranged as follows:
_ C x 0.001 |
The procedure used to determine the AWSAR is described in subitems (1) to (4).
Analyze a sample of the sewage sludge to determine the concentration for each of the pollutants listed in part 7041.1100, subpart 4, item D, in the sewage sludge.
MS s 116.07
21 SR 1642
October 27, 2003
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes