The minimum construction requirements in items A and B apply to storage facilities required to be permitted under part 7041.0600, subpart 2.
Any basin, tank, pit, or lagoon used to store liquid sewage sludge must not seep at a rate greater than 500 gallons per acre per day.
Any area used to store dewatered sewage sludge must be paved with asphalt, concrete, or other material meeting the seepage requirement in item A to a depth sufficient to bear the weight of unloading and loading trucks and equipment without cracking. The pad must be sloped and curbed to collect all runoff water. Runoff water must be routed to a wastewater treatment facility or used in a manner approved by the commissioner.
MS s 116.07
21 SR 1642
October 27, 2003
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes