The agency's procedural and permitting rules, chapters 7000 and 7001, apply to all permits required by this chapter. In addition to information required by part 7001.1050, permit applications must include the information listed in items A to L, except that items I and J need only be included when applicable, on a form provided by the commissioner. Information in item I is required when exceptional quality sewage sludge or sewage sludge which is sold or given away in a bag or other container is prepared. Item J is required when the application is for storage or construction of a storage facility for bulk sewage sludge.
A description of the process used to meet Class A or Class B pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements, including any information needed to make these determinations including temperatures, retention times, salmonella, virus, and viable helminth data, volatile solids reduction calculations and management practices.
Sewage sludge chemical characteristics determined from a sample or samples taken within one year of application submittal, analyzed, at a minimum, for the parameters listed in part 7041.1500, subpart 2, items A to E, unless the sewage sludge is generated from septic tanks in which case an analysis is not necessarily required. The commissioner shall determine and notify the permit applicant if an analysis is required to protect human health or the environment after review of the permit application. In order to make this determination, the permit application must include information on the size and location of the septic tanks and a description of any commercial (such as a restaurant) or industrial discharges to the treatment works.
A description of how and when representative samples of sewage sludge applied to the land will be taken.
Information necessary to evaluate the laboratory quality assurance and quality control procedures including analytical methods, detection limits, and holding times of the laboratory doing the analysis in item B and the sampling techniques, preservation method, and shipping technique used by the preparer.
Any groundwater monitoring data, with a description of the well locations and approximate depth to groundwater for land application sites if this data is not already on file at the agency.
The location to which sewage sludge is transferred and the names of applicators, contractors, or distributors who will use or dispose of the sewage sludge, if applicable.
A management plan that describes how the person who prepares the sewage sludge will ensure that the proposed distribution or land application of the sewage sludge meets the requirements of this chapter. The following items shall be included or addressed in the plan:
a copy of any permits issued to the applicant which contain conditions for the treatment of sewage sludge which are not issued by the agency;
a certification statement appropriate to the type of sewage sludge prepared as required in part 7041.1600;
a copy of any labels or information sheets to be supplied to users or distributors of the sewage sludge, if applicable;
what information will be submitted on the annual report and when the annual report will be submitted.
Information describing storage or construction of storage which includes:
operating conditions for receiving and removing sewage sludge and handling spills if liquid sewage sludge is stored;
Any information required to determine the appropriate standards for permitting under this chapter.
Any other information the commissioner may request and reasonably require to assess the sewage sludge land application practices, to determine whether to issue a permit, or to ascertain appropriate permit requirements such as detailed product description and proposed distribution.
MS s 116.07
21 SR 1642
October 27, 2003
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes