Subpart 1.
Treatment and disposal options.
A generator shall treat or dispose of petroleum contaminated soil in accordance with one of the methods in items A to D:
land treatment at an approved land treatment site, as provided in this chapter;
land treatment at a land treatment facility which has received a solid waste management permit in accordance with parts 7001.0010 to 7001.0210 and chapter 7035;
thermal treatment by a soil roaster which has received an agency air emission permit in accordance with parts 7001.0010 to 7001.0210 and chapters 7005, 7007, 7009, 7011, 7017, 7019, 7021, 7023, 7025, 7028, 7030, and 7035; or
an alternative type of treatment or disposal allowed by agency rules.
Subp. 2.
Generator responsibility.
Nothing in this chapter relieves the generator from responsibility under Minnesota Statutes, section 115.061, to ensure the proper treatment or disposal of petroleum contaminated soil.