The owner or operator of a facility subject to parts 7017.1002 to 7017.1220 shall submit an excess emissions report each calendar quarter. The report must be submitted even if there were no excess emissions, monitor downtime, or monitor bypasses during the quarter. The report shall be submitted on a form approved by the commissioner within 30 days of the end of each calendar quarter. Any such form provided by the commissioner shall only seek information relevant to the excess emissions report.
The excess emissions report must contain the information in items A to E.
Excess emissions:
the date and time of commencement and completion of each period of excess emissions recorded by the CEMS, COMS, or approved alternative monitoring system including excess emissions even if they occurred during periods when the numerical emission limit was not in effect; for example, periods of excess emissions during periods of start-up, shutdown, and malfunction which are allowed by the applicable regulation;
the magnitude of the excess emissions and any conversion factor used to calculate the excess emissions; and
the corrective action taken or preventive measures taken by the facility in response to the excess emissions.
Monitor downtime:
identification of the cause of each period of monitor downtime, including periods of acceptable monitor downtime; and
the corrective action taken or preventive measures adopted to stop or reduce monitor downtime.
Monitor bypass periods:
the dates and times of commencement and completion of each period where emissions are generated but the monitor was bypassed;
the corrective action taken or preventive measures adopted to stop or reduce monitor bypasses.
23 SR 1764; 41 SR 763
January 27, 2017
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes