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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

7011.1229 TABLE 2.

The table in this part governs emission limitations for a Class II waste combustor. For acid gas limitations, either the applicable percent reduction or the parts per million by volume emission limitation, whichever is less stringent, is the emission limitation for the waste combustor.

Size Class II
Particulate Matter
Front-half 0.015 gr/dscf
Total 0.020 gr/dscf
(total) 30 ng/dscm
Acid Gases
HCl 90% control or 25 ppm
SO2 80% control or 30 ppm
Carbon monoxide
Modular 50 ppm
Mass burn or fluidized bed 100 ppm
RDF stoker 150 ppm
Opacity 10%
Mercury (short-term)
Modular 100 µg/dscm or 85% removal
Mass Burn 100 µg/dscm or 85% removal
RDF (90-day test interval) 50 µg/dscm or 85% removal
FBC 100 µg/dscm or 85% removal
Mercury (long-term)
Modular 60 µg/dscm or 85% removal
Mass burn 60 µg/dscm or 85% removal
RDF (90-day test interval) 30 µg/dscm or 85% removal
FBC 60 µg/dscm or 85% removal
RDF (12-month test interval) 30 µg/dscm or 85% removal

Statutory Authority:

MS s 116.07


18 SR 2584; 22 SR 1975

Published Electronically:

February 25, 2008

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes