An owner or operator of a stationary source with emissions of SO2, PM-10, or NOx applying for a capped permit or a state permit with EMS provisions, or required to do a prechange analysis for a pollutant under part 7007.1146, subpart 3, must comply with either subpart 2 or 3 for each relevant pollutant (SO2, PM-10, and NOx). A stationary source with less than 12 months of emissions data or performing a prechange analysis under part 7007.1146, subpart 3, shall use estimated actual annual emissions for NOx. In performing this analysis, the stationary source shall not assume any specific limits or conditions not contained in parts 7007.1140 to 7007.1148. If a stationary source used control equipment efficiencies in parts 7011.0060 to 7011.0080 for calculations in part 7007.1147, then these efficiencies should be included in determining hourly potential emissions under this part.
Fugitive dust emissions from unpaved roads and parking lots do not need to be included for either of the methods unless the commissioner determines emissions from those fugitive dust sources may be large enough to significantly impact the assessment. Emission units with an hourly potential emission rate of less than 0.1 pounds per hour of PM-10, NOx, or SO2 do not need to be included in either of the methods.
An owner or operator may use an electronic spreadsheet, called CAPS, provided by the agency to enter emissions data, and (1) stack height and distance to the property line, or (2) dispersion factors for each stack/vent at the stationary source to perform the ambient air quality assessment. The CAPS electronic spreadsheet is incorporated by reference and is available at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Internet site It is not subject to frequent change.
The owner or operator shall enter into the CAPS spreadsheet the potential emissions of SO2 and PM-10 in units of pounds per hour for each emissions unit at the stationary source for which calculations were performed under part 7007.1147 unless otherwise allowed by this part. The owner or operator shall enter into the CAPS spreadsheet the estimated future annual NOx emissions in units of tons per year which were calculated using the methods in part 7007.1147. The one-hour, three-hour, and 24-hour SO2; the 24-hour PM-10; and the annual NO2 concentrations predicted at and beyond the property line of the stationary source using the spreadsheet must be lower than the corresponding standard in part 7009.0080.
The owner or operator must use the default dispersion factors in CAPS or develop dispersion factors using the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Dispersion Information Screening Procedures for Emission Risk Screening Evaluations (DISPERSE) program or the Environmental Protection Agency SCREEN3 program. DISPERSE or DISPERSE with Emphasis on DISPERSE Look-up Table and DISPERSE Batch Programs, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (October 21, 2003) is incorporated by reference, is not subject to frequent change, and is available on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Internet site SCREEN3 is incorporated by reference in subpart 3.
An owner or operator may use EPA's SCREEN3 model, or its most recent version, to perform the ambient air quality assessment. The owner or operator shall model potential SO2 and PM-10 emissions in units of pounds per hour and estimated future annual NOx emissions in units of tons per year using the most recent version of EPA's screen model.
SCREEN3 User's Guide, EPA-454/B-95-004, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, September 1995, is incorporated by reference, is available at, and is not subject to frequent change.
The owner or operator shall model the potential emissions of SO2 and PM-10 in units of pounds per hour for each emissions unit at the stationary source for which calculations were performed under part 7007.1147 unless otherwise allowed by this part. The owner or operator shall model the estimated future annual NOx emissions in units of tons per year which were calculated using the methods in part 7007.1147. The one-hour, three-hour, and 24-hour SO2; the 24-hour PM-10; and annual NO2 concentrations predicted at and beyond the property line of the stationary source using SCREEN3 must be lower than the corresponding standard in part 7009.0080.
When using SCREEN3 to estimate concentrations for standard averaging times longer than one hour, the owner or operator shall multiply the maximum one-hour concentration predicted by SCREEN3 by the following factors: 0.9 for the three-hour concentration, 0.4 for the 24-hour concentration, and 0.08 for the annual concentration.
The commissioner may request the owner or operator to provide the data used to complete the air quality assessment performed under this subpart or subpart 2.
Nothing in this part shall be construed to allow violation of any national or state ambient air quality standards. If the commissioner requests it, the owner or operator must demonstrate compliance with the national or state ambient air quality standards using an alternative method or for other pollutants and averaging times for which standards exist.
MS s 116.07
29 SR 626; 46 SR 1209
May 16, 2022
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes