The owners and operators of a stationary source may apply for a registration permit under this part if the stationary source meets the following criteria:
all emissions units at the stationary source are either included in calculations in subpart 4, or are insignificant activities under part 7007.1300, subparts 2 and 3, or are conditionally insignificant activities;
the 12-month rolling sum of actual emissions at the stationary source for each pollutant are less than or equal to the thresholds in subpart 5; and
the owner or operator does not anticipate making changes in the next year which will cause the stationary source's 12-month rolling sum of actual emissions to exceed any threshold in tons per year listed in subpart 5.
An application for a registration permit under this part must contain all of the following requirements:
information identifying the stationary source and its owners and operators, including company name and address (plant name and address if different from the company name), owner's name and agent, and contact telephone numbers, including names of plant site manager or contact, and the person preparing the application if different;
a description of the stationary source's processes and products, by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code;
a copy of the applicable new source performance standards (NSPS) listed in part 7007.1110, subpart 2, item C, with the applicable portions of the standards highlighted, including applicable parts of Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 60, subpart A, General Provisions, or an NSPS checklist form provided by the commissioner, for each affected facility as defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 60.2;
a statement of whether the owner or operator will base records required under subpart 3 on the purchase or the use of VOC-containing or hazardous air pollutant-containing materials and on the purchase or use of fuels;
the calculations required by subpart 4, and the total actual emissions per pollutant that result from those calculations. A stationary source in which the only hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions are VOC emissions and that has actual VOC emissions less than five tons per year is not required to calculate emissions of HAPs. If the stationary source has not been operated, the owner or operator shall estimate actual emissions during normal operation in performing the calculations required by subpart 4. If the stationary source has been operated less than 12 months on the date of application under this part, the owner or operator shall estimate actual emissions by multiplying by 12 the larger of the following:
if the calculations required by subpart 4 used control equipment efficiencies for listed control equipment determined by part 7011.0070, a copy of the portion of the control equipment manufacturer's specifications with the operating parameters required to be monitored under part 7011.0080 highlighted, and if the efficiency is based on an alternative control efficiency under part 7011.0070, subpart 2, a copy of the performance test plan with the operating parameters highlighted. The owner or operator of a hot mix asphalt plant shall provide a copy of the portion of the control equipment manufacturer's specifications with the operating parameters required to be monitored under part 7011.0917, subpart 7, or the information to support an alternative operating range required by part 7011.0917, subpart 1; and
if the calculations required by subpart 4 used emission factors established by a performance test approved by the commissioner under parts 7017.2001 to 7017.2060 and reflected use of control equipment that is not listed in part 7011.0070, a copy of the portion of the control equipment manufacturer's specifications which includes the operating parameters. If the emissions are discharged to the control equipment through a hood, then the owner or operator must evaluate, on a form provided by the commissioner, whether the hood conforms to the design and operating practices recommended in "Industrial Ventilation - A Manual of Recommended Practice, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists," and must include with the permit application the certification required in part 7011.0072, subpart 2.
Insignificant activities at the stationary source listed in part 7007.1300, subparts 2 and 3, or conditionally insignificant activities, are not required to be included in the application.
Unless a stationary source is eligible under subpart 3a, the owner or operator of a stationary source issued a permit under this part shall comply with all of the requirements in items A to N.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by calculating VOC and hazardous air pollutant actual emissions from VOC-containing or hazardous air pollutant-containing materials, purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application), the owner or operator must:
record by the last day of each month, the amount of each VOC-containing or hazardous air pollutant-containing material purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application), and the VOC and hazardous air pollutant content for the previous calendar month;
maintain a record of the material safety data sheet (MSDS), or a signed statement from the supplier stating the maximum VOC or hazardous air pollutant content, for each VOC-containing or hazardous air pollutant-containing material purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application);
recalculate and record by the last day of each month the 12-month rolling sum of actual VOC and hazardous air pollutant emissions from VOC-containing and hazardous air pollutant-containing materials purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application) for the previous 12 months, the date the calculation was made, and the calculation itself; and
if the owner or operator assumes a reduction of emissions in using the materials balance method under subpart 4, item D, due to recycling of material off site, keep records of the amount of material shipped off site for recycling and the calculations done to determine the amount to subtract. Acceptable records include the material safety data sheets, invoices, shipping papers, and hazardous waste manifests.
A stationary source in which the only hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions are VOC emissions and that has actual VOC emissions less than five tons per year is not required to maintain records and perform the calculations of HAPs emissions under subitems (1) to (3).
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using fuel burned in the calculations in subpart 4, the owner or operator must:
record by the last day of each month the amount of each fuel purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application) for the previous month; and
recalculate and record by the last day of each month the 12-month rolling sum of emissions for the previous 12 months, the date the calculation was made, and the calculation itself. This calculation must also include greenhouse gases as CO2e effective January 2, 2011.
If the stationary source qualified in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using hours of operation in the calculations in subpart 4, the owner or operator must:
record by the last day of each month the hours operated for each emissions unit, rounded to the nearest hour for the previous month; and
recalculate and record by the last day of each month the 12-month rolling sum of emissions for the previous 12 months, the date the calculation was made, and the calculations itself.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by calculating actual emissions under subpart 4 based on the quantity of material handled or throughput, or product produced, the owner or operator must:
record by the last day of each month for each material handled or throughput and for each product produced, the amount of the material handled or throughput and the amount of product produced for the previous month; and
recalculate and record by the last day of each month for each material handled or throughput and for each product produced, the 12-month rolling sum of emissions for the previous 12 months, the date the calculation was made, and the calculation itself.
The owner or operator must recalculate and record by the last day of each month, pursuant to subpart 4, the 12-month rolling sum of actual emissions from the stationary source for the previous 12 months, the date the calculation was made, and the calculation itself. This calculation must include all emissions units at the stationary source and the information required by subpart 4, item B, subitem (3), if continuous emissions monitor (CEM) data is used in the calculation. This calculation need not include emissions from insignificant activities under part 7007.1300, subparts 2 and 3, or conditionally insignificant activities.
If the stationary source qualified in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using control equipment efficiencies for:
listed control equipment determined under part 7011.0070, the owner or operator shall comply with parts 7011.0060 to 7011.0080, except that the owner or operator of a hot mix asphalt plant shall comply instead with part 7011.0917. If the calculations required by subpart 4 used control equipment efficiencies based on an alternative control efficiency under part 7011.0070, subpart 2, the owner or operator shall also comply with the operating parameters of the performance test that established the alternative control efficiency; or
control equipment that is not listed in part 7011.0070, the owner or operator shall comply with subpart 6 and with the operating parameters of the performance test that established the emission factor. The owner or operator may operate this control equipment before conducting a performance test and establishing an emission factor, but the owner or operator must calculate actual emissions assuming an uncontrolled emission factor for the period of operation prior to the date the performance test is conducted.
The 12-month rolling sum of actual emissions from the stationary source determined pursuant to subpart 4 must not exceed the thresholds in subpart 5 for any pollutant.
If the calculation of actual emissions required by subpart 2, item E, for the application or by subpart 3, item E, for compliance verification exceeds five tons per year of sulfur dioxide or particulate matter less than ten microns, the owner or operator shall keep the following at the stationary source for all emission units venting to these emission points:
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using fuel sulfur data in the calculations in subpart 4, the owner or operator must:
record by the last day of each month the amount of each fuel burned for each batch of fuel for the previous month;
maintain a record of the fuel sulfur content verified by vendor certification or measured by an independent laboratory using ASTM methods for each batch of fuel received; and
recalculate and record by the last day of each month the 12-month rolling sum of SO2 emissions for the previous 12 months, the date the calculation was made, and the calculation itself using the calculation method in subpart 4.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using hours of operation in the calculations in subpart 4, the owner or operator must:
record by the last day of each month the hours operated for each emissions unit, rounded to the nearest hour for the previous month; and
recalculate and record by the last day of each month the 12-month rolling sum of emissions for the previous 12 months, the date the calculation was made, and the calculation itself.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by calculating actual emissions as CO2e of hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, and sulfur hexafluoride, purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application), the owner or operator must:
record, by the last day of each month, the amount purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application) of each material containing hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, and sulfur hexafluoride and the mass content of these pollutants for the previous calendar month;
maintain a record of the material safety data sheet (MSDS) or a signed statement from the supplier stating the maximum content of hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, and sulfur hexafluoride in each material containing hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, and sulfur hexafluoride purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application);
calculate and record, by the last day of each month, the 12-month rolling sum of actual emissions as CO2e of hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, and sulfur hexafluoride purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application) for the previous 12 months, the date the calculation was made, and the calculation itself; and
if the owner or operator assumes a reduction of emissions in using the material balance method under subpart 4, item D, due to recycling or disposal of material off-site, keep records of the amount of material shipped off-site for recycling and the calculations done to determine the amount to subtract. Acceptable records include monitoring records, material safety data sheets, invoices, shipping papers, and hazardous waste manifests.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by calculating actual emissions as CO2e of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, or methane resulting from a chemical process such as fermentation, wastewater treatment, or decomposition, the owner or operator must:
record, by the last day of each month, the amount of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, or methane generated by the chemical processes for the previous calendar month;
calculate and record, by the last day of each month, the 12-month rolling sum of actual emissions as CO2e of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, or methane for the previous 12 months, the date the calculation was made, and the calculation itself; and
if the owner or operator assumes a reduction of emissions in using the material balance method under subpart 4, item D, due to the collection and reuse, recycling, or disposal of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, or methane on-or off-site, keep records of the amount of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, or methane used or shipped off-site and the calculations done to determine the amount to subtract. Acceptable records include monitoring records, invoices, shipping papers, operating data for air pollution control equipment, or process equipment.
If the actual emissions for the previous calendar year of each pollutant are less than the emission eligibility limits for each pollutant listed in Table 3A, then the owner or operator shall comply with all of the requirements in items A to H.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by calculating greenhouse gases (GHGs) as CO2e, VOC, and HAP actual emissions from GHGs-containing, VOC-containing, or HAP-containing materials, purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application), the owner or operator must:
maintain records of the amount of each GHGs-containing, VOC-containing, or HAP-containing material purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application), and the GHGs or VOC content each calendar year;
maintain a record of the material safety data sheet (MSDS), or a signed statement from the supplier stating the maximum GHGs, VOC, or HAP content, for each GHGs-containing, VOC-containing, or HAP-containing material purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application); and
calculate and record, by April 1 of each calendar year, the sum of actual GHGs emissions as CO2e, VOC emissions, and hazardous air emissions from GHGs-containing, VOC-containing, and HAP-containing materials purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application), and the calculation itself for the previous calendar year.
A stationary source in which the only HAP emissions are VOC emissions and that has actual VOC emissions less than five tons per year is not required to maintain records and perform the calculations of HAP emissions under subitems (1) to (3).
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using fuel burned in the calculations in subpart 4, the owner or operator must:
maintain records of the amount of each fuel purchased or used each calendar year (whichever was stated in the permit application); and
calculate and record by April 1 of each calendar year the sum of the emissions, and the calculation itself for the previous calendar year.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using hours of operation in the calculations in subpart 4, the owner or operator must:
maintain records of the hours operated for each emissions unit for each calendar year, rounded to the nearest hour; and
calculate and record by April 1 each calendar year the sum of the emissions, and the calculations itself for the previous calendar year.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by calculating actual emissions under subpart 4 based on the quantity of material handled or throughput, or product produced, the owner or operator must:
maintain records each calendar year of the amount of each material handled or throughput and for each product produced, the amount of the material handled or throughput, and the amount of product produced; and
calculate and record by April 1 of each calendar year for each material handled or throughput and for each product produced, the sum of the emissions and the calculation itself for the previous calendar year.
By April 1 of each calendar year, the owner or operator must calculate and record, pursuant to subpart 4, the sum of actual emissions from the stationary source, and the calculation itself for the previous calendar year. This calculation must include all emissions units at the stationary source, except for insignificant activities under part 7007.1300, subparts 2 and 3, and the information required by subpart 4, item B, subitem (3), if continuous emissions monitor (CEM) data is used in the calculation. The sum of actual emissions for each pollutant from the stationary source must not exceed the emission eligibility limits in Table 3A for any pollutant. If the emission eligibility limit in Table 3A is exceeded for any pollutant, then the stationary source is no longer eligible under this subpart and must comply with subpart 3 and have actual emissions for each pollutant below the eligibility limits in Table 3A for two consecutive calendar years before eligibility for this subpart is reinstated.
The owners and operators must comply with subpart 3, items F and H to J.
HAP | 2.5 tons/year for a single HAP |
6.25 tons/year total for all HAPs | |
PM | 25 tons/year |
PM-10 | 25 tons/year for an Attainment Area |
0 tons/year for a Nonattainment Area | |
VOC | 25 tons/year |
SO2 | 25 tons/year |
NOx | 25 tons/year |
CO | 25 tons/year |
Pb | 0.05 tons/year |
CO2e | 25,000 tons/year |
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using fuel sulfur data in the calculations in subpart 4, the owner or operator must:
maintain records of the amount of each fuel burned for each batch of fuel for each calendar year;
maintain a record of the fuel sulfur content verified by vendor certification or measured by an independent laboratory using ASTM methods for each batch of fuel received; and
calculate and record by April 1 of each calendar year the sum of SO2 emissions and the calculation itself for the previous calendar year using the calculation method in subpart 4.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using hours of operation in the calculations in subpart 4, the owner or operator must:
maintain records of the number of hours operated for each emissions unit, rounded to the nearest hour for each calendar year; and
calculate and record by April 1 of each calendar year the sum of emissions and the calculation itself for the previous calendar year.
The owner or operator of a stationary source may use a calculation worksheet provided by the commissioner for calculating actual emissions under this part, or may use the calculation methods under items A to E. The owner or operator must calculate actual emissions for each emissions unit, except that similar emissions units may be aggregated for emission calculation purposes. The owner or operator of a stationary source shall use the calculation method in item B instead of the calculation method in item A if the data described in item B are available for the stationary source. The alternative methods described in items C, D, and E may be used by the owner or operator without advance notification to the commissioner. The commissioner shall reject data submitted using the methods described in items B to E if the conditions set forth for the method are not fully met. To prevent double counting of emissions, the owners and operators must select one calculation method under this subpart for each emissions unit at the stationary source. Fugitive dust emissions must be included in the calculations under this subpart only if the stationary source is in a category listed in part 7007.0200, subpart 2, item B, subitems (1) to (27).
All calculations of actual emissions required under this part shall be based on the stationary source's operating parameters, and must use the following equation:
E = OP x UEF x [1-CE], where
E = Actual Emissions in tons per year
OP = Operating Parameter as required by the Uncontrolled Emission Factor (hours of operation or units produced)
UEF = Uncontrolled Emission Factor (pounds of pollutant per hour of operation or units produced) as defined in part 7005.0100, subpart 10a, for uncontrolled emissions
CE = Control Efficiency (percent expressed as a decimal fraction of 1.00) determined according to part 7011.0070 for listed control equipment.
If the owner or operator of the stationary source has collected emissions data through use of a continuous emission monitor (CEM) in compliance with the preconditions in subitems (1) and (2), the owner or operator shall use the CEM data to calculate actual emissions, the calculation shall be based on all of the CEM data, and the following requirements shall be met:
the CEM data have not been rejected by the commissioner due to failure by the owner or operator to comply with all requirements of parts 7017.1002 to 7017.1220; all applicable permit conditions; and any other applicable state or federal laws pertaining to CEM operation;
the total operating time of the applicable emissions unit and the total operating time of the CEM for the previous 12 consecutive months must be included in the permit application and in the monthly records required in subpart 3; and
an explanation of how the emissions were calculated based on the CEM data must be included in the permit application and in the monthly records required in subpart 3. In calculating actual emissions, the owner or operator must use the rated capacity of the flow unless the CEM provides actual data on the flow rate. For periods when the CEM is down and the emission unit is operating, the CEM data shall be substituted with emission data calculated using data obtained from the CEM. The CEM must have recorded data for at least 90 percent of the hours the emission unit was operated for the calendar year. The substitute CEM data must be representative of emission unit operation and, if applicable, of the control equipment operation during the period of CEM downtime. If substitute CEM data meeting these conditions is not available, emissions during periods of CEM downtime shall be calculated using emission factors as specified in item A or performance test data as specified in item C.
Emission factors from performance tests may be used for the calculation of actual emissions, provided that:
the emissions unit is either an uncontrolled unit (for the tested pollutant) or is fitted with air pollution control equipment subject to the monitoring and record-keeping requirements of parts 7011.0060 to 7011.0080 or is fitted with air pollution equipment that has met the requirements of subpart 6; and
the performance tests met all the requirements of parts 7017.2001 to 7017.2060, and all other applicable state rules and federal regulations governing performance tests. The owner or operator of a stationary source that uses an emission factor developed from a performance test shall use the calculation method under item A.
A material balance method may be used to calculate greenhouse gases as CO2e and VOC actual emissions. The owner or operator of a stationary source that uses material balance to calculate greenhouse gases as CO2e and VOC actual emissions shall determine total greenhouse gases as CO2e and VOC actual emissions (E) using the equation in this item. A separate calculation must be made for each individual gas comprising the pollutant greenhouse gases and the results converted to CO2e. The amount of CO2e from each individual gas comprising the pollutant greenhouse gases must be added together for the total tons per year of CO2e.
E = (a - b - c) x (1 - d), where
a = the amount of VOC or each individual gas comprising the pollutant greenhouse gases entering the process or the amount of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, or methane generated. A signed statement from the supplier or the material safety data sheet must be submitted stating the maximum amount of VOC or each individual gas comprising the pollutant greenhouse gases in any material that was used in the process.
b = the amount of VOC or each individual gas comprising the pollutant greenhouse gases incorporated permanently into the product. This includes VOCs or each individual gas comprising the pollutant greenhouse gases chemically transformed in production. It does not include latent VOC or each individual gas comprising the pollutant greenhouse gases remaining in the product that will at some time be released to the atmosphere. An explanation of this calculation must also be submitted.
c = the amount of VOC or each individual gas comprising the pollutant greenhouse gases, if any, leaving the process as waste, or otherwise not incorporated into the product and not emitted to the air.
d = the control efficiency (percent expressed as a decimal fraction of 1.00) determined according to part 7011.0070.
The owner or operator of a stationary source may determine sulfur dioxide actual emissions by measuring the sulfur content of the fuel and assuming that all of the sulfur in the fuel is oxidized to sulfur dioxide. The sulfur content of each batch of fuel received must be measured by an independent laboratory using ASTM methods or verified by vendor certification. The sulfur dioxide actual emissions shall be determined for each batch of fuel received by using the following equation:
SO2 = %S/100 x F/2,000 x 2, where
SO2 = Sulfur dioxide emissions from a batch of fuel in tons.
%S = Weight percent sulfur in the fuel being burned.
F = Amount of fuel burned by weight in pounds.
2,000 = Pounds per ton.
2 or 64/32 = Pounds of sulfur dioxide per pound of sulfur in one pound-mole.
The total sulfur dioxide emissions for the year shall be the sum total of the individual batch totals.
The owner or operator must calculate actual emissions for the stationary source using the calculations under subpart 4 and the calculated 12-month rolling sum of actual emissions must be less than or equal to the thresholds listed in Table 3.
HAP | 5 tons/year for a single HAP |
12.5 tons/year total for all HAPs | |
PM | 50 tons/year |
PM-10 | 50 tons/year for an Attainment Area |
25 tons/year for a Nonattainment Area | |
VOC | 50 tons/year |
SO2 | 50 tons/year |
NOx | 50 tons/year |
CO | 50 tons/year |
Pb | 0.5 tons/year |
CO2e | 50,000 tons/year |
If the stationary source qualified in the permit application, in whole or in part, or demonstrates compliance, in whole or in part, by using an emission factor determined through a performance test that reflects the use of control equipment that is not listed in part 7011.0070, the owner or operator shall:
operate the control equipment whenever operating the emission units controlled by the control equipment in compliance with this item. The control equipment shall at all times be operated in the range established by the control equipment manufacturer's specifications for each control equipment parameter that is required to be monitored by the approved test plan during the performance test, or within the operating parameters set by the commissioner as the result of the most recent performance test conducted under parts 7017.2001 to 7017.2060, if those are more restrictive. The control equipment must have been manufactured by a control equipment manufacturer as defined in part 7011.0060, subpart 3. The monitoring parameters shall indicate that the control equipment is operating under the same conditions as during the performance test. If the commissioner determines such monitoring parameters do not exist, then an emission factor may not be established through a performance test under this part;
operate the monitoring equipment for each parameter required to be monitored as part of the approved test at all times the control equipment is required to operate;
record each parameter required to be monitored at least every 24 hours when in operation or more frequently, if the commissioner determines that more frequent monitoring is required to determine the control equipment is operating under the same conditions as during the performance test;
report to the commissioner any recorded reading outside the specification or range of specification of any monitored parameter required by the approved test plan in accordance with the deadlines in part 7007.0800, subpart 6, item A, subitem (2), except that owners or operators shall make this report only if a deviation occurred in the reporting period;
conduct additional performance tests, upon request of the commissioner or the administrator, to verify the accuracy of the emission factor or for any of the reasons specified in part 7017.2020, subpart 1;
in the event of a shutdown or breakdown of control or process equipment or deviations which would endanger human health or the environment, comply with part 7019.1000;
recalculate the actual emissions if the owner or operator becomes aware of information indicating that the emission factor determined through the performance test is no longer representative; and
if the emissions are discharged to the control equipment through a hood, maintain at the stationary source the evaluation of each hood, and record each month the fan rotation speed, fan power draw, or face velocity of each hood, or other comparable air flow indication method.
MS s 116.07
19 SR 1345; 20 SR 2316; 20 SR 2253(NO. 42); 21 SR 165; 22 SR 1237; 23 SR 1764; 23 SR 2224; 27 SR 1579; 28 SR 1482; 32 SR 904; 37 SR 991
January 24, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes