The owners and operators of a stationary source may apply for a registration permit under this part if the stationary source consists of only indirect heating units (boilers), reciprocating internal combustion engines, and/or emissions from use of VOC-containing materials, and meets the following criteria:
all emissions units at the stationary source are included under calculations 1, 2A, 2B, and 3 in subpart 4, are insignificant activities under part 7007.1300, subparts 2 and 3, or are conditionally insignificant activities;
the stationary source does not burn fuels which exceed the sulfur limits listed in Table 1 or 2 in subpart 4;
all VOC emissions from the stationary source are included under calculation 3 or all VOC emissions from the stationary source are from conditionally insignificant activities in compliance with parts 7008.4000 and 7008.4100;
the 12-month rolling sum of calculations determined under calculations 1, 2A, 2B, and 3 in subpart 4 is less than 50;
the owner or operator does not anticipate making changes in the next 12 months which will cause the stationary source to be ineligible for this type of registration permit under items A to F and H; and
the stationary source does not use or generate nitrous oxide, other than from combustion units, and does not use or generate hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, or sulfur hexafluoride.
An application for a registration permit under this part must contain the following:
information identifying the stationary source and its owners and operators, including company name and address (plant name and address if different from the company name), owner's name and agent, and contact telephone numbers, including names of plant site manager or contact, and the person preparing the application if different;
a description of the stationary source's processes and products, by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code;
a copy of the applicable new source performance standards (NSPS) listed in part 7007.1110, subpart 2, item C, with the applicable portions of the standards highlighted, including applicable parts of Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 60, subpart A, General Provisions, or an NSPS checklist form provided by the commissioner, for each affected facility as defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 60.2;
a statement of whether the owner or operator will base records required under subpart 3 on the purchase or the use of VOC-containing materials, on the purchase or use of fuels, and on hours of operation; and
the calculations required by subpart 4. If the stationary source has not been operated, the owner or operator shall estimate the gallons of VOC-containing materials, amount of fuels burned, and hours of operation on a 12-month rolling sum basis during normal operation in performing the calculations required in subpart 4. If the stationary source has been operated less than 12 months on the date of application under this part, the owner or operator shall perform the calculation in subpart 4 by calculating gallons of VOC-containing materials purchased or used, amount of fuels purchased or used, or hours of operation by multiplying by 12 the larger of the following:
the average monthly gallons of VOC-containing materials purchased or used, amount of fuel purchased or used, or hours of operation;
Unless a stationary source is eligible under subpart 3a, the owners and operators of a stationary source issued a registration permit under this part shall comply with all of the requirements in items A to K.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by calculating VOC actual emissions from VOC-containing materials purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application) in calculation 3 in subpart 4, the owner or operator must:
record by the last day of each month, the amount of each VOC-containing material purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application) for the previous month;
maintain a record of the material safety data sheet (MSDS), or a signed statement from the supplier stating the maximum VOC content, for each VOC-containing material purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application); and
using calculation 3 in subpart 4, recalculate and record by the last day of each month the 12-month rolling sum of the actual VOC emissions from all VOC-containing materials purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application) for the previous 12 months, the date the calculation was made, and the calculation itself.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using fuel burned in calculation 1 or 2A in subpart 4, the owner or operator must:
for each unit type, record by the last day of each month the 12-month rolling sum of the amount of each fuel purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application) for the previous 12 months;
record the sulfur content of each fuel purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application), and maintain for each batch of fuel a record of the vendor certifications of sulfur content or test results by an independent laboratory using the ASTM method listed for the fuel in Table 1 or Table 2 (whichever applies), if a sulfur threshold is stated for that fuel in Table 1 or 2 in subpart 4; and
using calculations 1 and 2A in subpart 4, for each unit type, recalculate and record by the last day of each month the 12-month rolling sum of emissions for the previous 12 months, the date the calculation was made, and the calculation itself.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using hours of operation in calculation 2B in subpart 4, the owner or operator must, for each emissions unit included in calculation 2B:
record each by the last day of each month the hours operated, rounded to the nearest hour for the previous month; and
using calculation 2B in subpart 4, recalculate and record by the last day of each month the 12-month rolling sum of emissions for each emissions unit for the previous 12 months, the date the calculation was made, and the calculation itself.
The owner or operator must add together and record by the last day of each month the 12-month rolling sum of the calculations made in items A to C for the previous 12 months. This sum is the eligibility number.
The owner or operator must not burn any fuels at the stationary source that are not listed in Table 1 or Table 2 of subpart 4, or that exceed the sulfur content limits listed in Table 1 or Table 2, and must not burn bituminous or subbituminous coal in any hand-fed indirect heating unit (boiler).
The 12-month rolling sum determined by the calculation in item D, the eligibility number, shall not exceed 50.
The owner or operator must have emissions from the stationary source only from indirect heating units (boilers, except hand-fed boilers burning bituminous or subbituminous coal), from reciprocating internal combustion engines, from insignificant activities under part 7007.1300, subparts 2 and 3, from conditionally insignificant activities, and/or from use of VOC-containing materials.
The owner or operator must comply with all applicable requirements, including new source performance standards.
The owner or operator shall keep the following information on site for emission points venting emission units included in subpart 4, calculation 1, which burn coal, coke, wood, bark, number 5 or 6 residual oil, or number 4 distillate oil:
If the registration permit was issued before January 2, 2011, the owner or operator must begin record keeping for greenhouse gases as CO2e on January 2, 2011, for example, tracking whether any insignificant activities no longer qualify as such.
If the eligibility number determined by the calculation in item D is less than 25 for the previous calendar year, the owner or operator of a stationary source issued a registration permit under this part shall comply with all of the requirements in items A to E.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by calculating VOC actual emissions from VOC-containing materials purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application) in calculation 3 in subpart 4, the owner or operator must:
maintain records of the amount of each VOC-containing material purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application) each calendar year;
maintain a record of the material safety data sheet (MSDS), or a signed statement from the supplier stating the maximum VOC content, for each VOC-containing material purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application); and
using calculation 3 in subpart 4, recalculate and record by April 1 of each calendar year the sum of the actual VOC emissions from all VOC-containing materials purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application), and the calculation itself for the previous calendar year.
If the stationary source determined eligibility in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using fuel burned in calculation 1 or 2A in subpart 4, the owner or operator must:
for each unit type, record by April 1 of each calendar year the sum of the amount of each fuel purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application) for the previous calendar year;
record the sulfur content of each fuel purchased or used (whichever was stated in the permit application), and maintain for each batch of fuel a record of the vendor certifications of sulfur content or test results by an independent laboratory using the ASTM method listed for the fuel in Table 1 or Table 2 in subpart 4 (whichever applies), if a sulfur threshold is stated for that fuel in Table 1 or Table 2 in subpart 4; and
using calculations 1 and 2A in subpart 4, for each unit type, recalculate and record by April 1 of each calendar year the sum of emissions and the calculation itself for the previous calendar year.
If the stationary source qualified in the permit application, in whole or in part, by using hours of operation in calculation 2B in subpart 4, the owner or operator must, for each emissions unit included in calculation 2B:
record by April 1 of each calendar year the hours operated, rounded to the nearest hour for the previous calendar year; and
using calculation 2B in subpart 4, recalculate and record by April 1 of each calendar year the sum of emissions for each emissions unit and the calculation itself for the previous calendar year.
The owner or operator must add together and record by April 1 of each calendar year the sum of the calculations made in items A to C. This sum, the eligibility number, shall not exceed 25 to be eligible under this subpart. If the eligibility number exceeds 25, then the owner or operator must comply with subpart 3 and have an eligibility number of less than 25 for two consecutive calendar years before eligibility for this subpart is reinstated.
The tables and calculations in this subpart shall be used to determine whether a stationary source is eligible for a registration permit under this part. For the purposes for fuel specifications listed in calculations 1 and 2A, the Annual Book of American Society for Testing and Materials Standards (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshocken, PA 19428-2959, volumes 4.05, 5.01, 5.03, and 5.05 (1993) are incorporated by reference. ASTM is the author and publisher. These publications are available through the Minitex interlibrary loan system (University of Minnesota Library). These documents are subject to frequent change.
Calculation 1. Indirect Heating Emissions Units. For stationary sources with indirect heating emissions units, multiply the 12-month rolling sum of each fuel used by the multiplication factor (MF) listed in Table 1. Add the results of all the calculations to arrive at the calculation 1 total. The following formula determines the calculation 1 total:
STEP 1: fuel type used (in units specified) x MF = fuel type total
STEP 2: fuel type 1 total + fuel type 2 total + ... fuel type n total = Calculation 1 total
TABLE 1 | ||
FUEL USED (units burned/year)-[specification] | SULFUR LIMIT | MULTIPLI- CATION FACTOR (MF) |
anthracite coal (tons)-[ASTM D 388(Vol 05.05)] | 2.38% | 4.64E-02 |
bituminous coal (tons)-[ASTM D 388(Vol 05.05)] | 2.10% | 4.10E-02 |
sub bituminous coal (tons)-[ASTM D 388 (Vol 05.05)] | 1.66% | 2.91E-02 |
lignite A coal (tons)-[ASTM D 388(Vol 05.05)] | 1.26% | 1.89E-02 |
petroleum coke (tons)-[ASTM C 1160(Vol 04.05)] | 2.33% | 4.55E-02 |
untreated domestic wood and bark (tons)-[ASTM D 1165(Vol 04.09)] | n/a | 8.40E-03 |
kerosene (gallons)-[ASTM D 3699(Vol 05.03)] | 0.50% | 3.59E-05 |
No. 1 and No. 2 distillate (gallons)-[ASTM D 396(Vol 05.01)] | 0.50% | 3.59E-05 |
No. 4 distillate (gallons)-[ASTM D 396(Vol 05.01)] | 1.80% | 1.40E-04 |
No. 5 and No. 6 residual (gallons)-[ASTM D 396(Vol 05.01)] | 1.80% | 1.46E-04 |
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (gallons)-[ASTM D 1835(Vol 05.01 and 05.05)] | n/a | 1.05E-05 |
dry or commercial pipeline natural gas (cubic feet)-this must be a mixture of ethane, methane, not more than five percent propane and not more than one percent butane | n/a | 1.40E-07 |
Calculation 2. Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine Emission Units. A stationary source with one or more reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engines shall, for each RIC engine, use either calculation 2A or 2B. Stationary sources with RIC engine emission units burning fuels not listed in Table 2, however, must use calculation 2B.
Calculation 2A. RIC Engine Fuel Usage Calculation. For stationary sources with one or more RIC engines, multiply the 12-month rolling sum of each fuel used by the multiplication factor (MF) from Table 2. Add the results of each calculation to determine the total for that RIC engine. The following formula determines the calculation 2A total:
STEP 1: fuel type used (in specified units) x MF = fuel type total
STEP 2: fuel type 1 total + fuel type 2 total + ... fuel type n total = Calculation 2A total
TABLE 2 | ||
FUEL USED (units burned/year)-[specification] | SULFUR LIMIT | MULTIPLI- CATION FACTOR (MF) |
No. 1 and No. 2 diesel, and kerosene (gallons)-[ASTM 975(Vol 05.01)] | 0.5% | 3.09E-04 |
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (gallons)-[ASTM D 1835(Vol 05.01 and 05.05)] | n/a | 6.95E-05 |
dry or commercial pipeline natural gas (cubic feet)-[as defined in Table 1] | n/a | 1.70E-06 |
Calculation 2B. RIC Engine Operating Hours Calculation. For stationary sources with one or more RIC engines, multiply the design capacity of the engine in horsepower by the 12-month rolling sum of hours operated and by the multiplication factor 1.22E-05. The owner or operator shall perform this calculation for each RIC engine, then add the results of all the calculations to arrive at the calculation 2B total. The following formula determines the calculation 2B total:
STEP 1: engine horsepower design capacity x hours operated x 1.22E-05 = RIC engine total
STEP 2: RIC engine 1 total + RIC engine 2 total + ... RIC engine n total = Calculation 2B total
Calculation 3. VOC Emissions Units. An owner or operator of a stationary source which purchases or uses VOC-containing materials shall, for each material purchased or used which contains VOC, multiply a factor of ten by the weight factor (WF) of the VOC in the material (weight of VOC per weight of VOC-containing material) by the density of the material (in pounds per gallon) by the 12-month rolling sum of gallons of that material purchased or used. The owner or operator shall perform this calculation for each material purchased or used which contains VOC (including VOC purchased or used for cleaning) and add the results of the calculations to arrive at the calculation 3 total. In determining the WF and the density, the owner or operator shall use the maximum listed in the material safety data sheets (MSDS) or a signed statement from the supplier for each VOC-containing material. The following formula determines the calculation 3 total:
STEP 1: 10 [WF x density of the material (lb/gal) x (1 ton/2,000 lb) x the 12-month rolling sum of material purchased or used (gallons)] = material total
STEP 2: material 1 + material 2 + ... material n total = Calculation 3 total
Any owner or operator of a stationary source that holds a registration permit option C and is ineligible for a registration permit option C on or after January 1, 2007, shall apply for another type of permit on or before December 31, 2008.
MS s 116.07
19 SR 1345; 20 SR 2316; 21 SR 165; 23 SR 2224; 27 SR 1579; 32 SR 904; 37 SR 991
January 24, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes