Permits being reissued are subject to the same procedural requirements that apply to initial permit application and issuance.
Any title I condition shall remain in effect without regard to permit expiration or reissuance, and shall be restated in the reissued permit.
If the owner or operator of a stationary source has submitted a timely and complete application for reissuance of a permit, the permit shall not expire until the permit has been reissued or the reissuance has been denied, unless the agency determines that any of the following are true:
the permittee is not in substantial compliance with the terms and conditions of the expired permit or with a stipulation agreement or compliance schedule designed to bring the permittee in compliance with the permit;
the agency, as a result of an action or failure to act of the permittee, has been unable to take final action on the application on or before the expiration date of the permit; or
the permittee has submitted an application with major deficiencies or has failed to properly supplement the application in a timely manner after being informed of deficiencies.
MS s 116.07
18 SR 1059
November 29, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes