The owners and operators of the following stationary sources are not required to obtain a permit under parts 7007.0100 to 7007.1850:
notwithstanding parts 7007.0200 and 7007.0250, any stationary source that would be covered by a permit solely because it is subject to one or more of the following new source performance standards:
Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 60, subpart AAA, Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters (incorporated by reference at part 7011.2950);
Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 60, subpart JJJ, Standards of Performance for Petroleum Dry Cleaners (incorporated by reference at part 7011.3250);
Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 60, subpart Kb, Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (including Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction or Modification Commenced after July 23, 1984 (incorporated by reference at part 7011.1520, item C), if all storage vessels subject to this standard at the stationary source each have a capacity greater than or equal to 40 cubic meters and less than 75 cubic meters;
Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 60, subpart Dc, Standards of Performance for Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units (incorporated by reference at part 7011.0570), if all steam generating units subject to this standard at the stationary source are only capable of combusting natural gas or propane;
Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 60, subpart IIII, Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (incorporated by reference at part 7011.2305), if all engines subject to this standard at the stationary source each have a displacement less than 30 liters per cylinder and did not rely on performance testing of the affected unit to demonstrate compliance with the standard; and
Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 60, subpart JJJJ, Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (incorporated by reference at part 7011.2310), if all engines did not rely on performance testing of the affected unit to demonstrate compliance with the standard;
notwithstanding parts 7007.0200 and 7007.0250, any stationary source that would be covered by a permit solely because it is subject to Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 61, subpart M, National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Asbestos, section 61.145, Standard for Demolition and Renovation, or 61.154, Standard for Active Waste Disposal Sites (incorporated by reference at part 7011.9920);
any stationary source with only emissions units listed as insignificant activities in part 7007.1300, subparts 2 and 3, and conditionally insignificant activities. The owner or operator must maintain records that demonstrate that a permit is not required. These records shall contain a list of all emissions units and the Minnesota Rules citation that defines those emissions units as an insignificant activity or conditionally insignificant activity. The records shall be permanently kept at the stationary source or a central office and be readily available for examination and copying by the commissioner or a representative of the commissioner;
notwithstanding parts 7007.0200 and 7007.0250, any stationary source that would be covered by a permit solely because it is subject to one or more new source performance standards under Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 60, and that is subject only to the notification and record-keeping provisions of the applicable standards.
MS s 116.07
18 SR 1059; 19 SR 1345; 20 SR 2316; 21 SR 165; 22 SR 1237; 23 SR 2224; 27 SR 1579; 28 SR 1482; 32 SR 904; 37 SR 991
January 24, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes