In addition to the pharmacist-in-charge requirements of part 6800.2400, the section of the pharmacy providing home health care pharmacy services must be managed by a pharmacist licensed to practice pharmacy in Minnesota who is knowledgeable in the specialized functions of preparing and dispensing compounded, sterile parenteral products, including the principles of aseptic technique and quality assurance. The knowledge is usually obtained through residency training programs, continuing education programs, or experience in an intravenous admixture facility. The pharmacist-in-charge is responsible for the purchasing, storage, compounding, repackaging, dispensing, and distribution of drugs and pharmaceuticals and for the development and continuing review of policies and procedures, training manuals, and quality assurance programs. The pharmacist-in-charge may be assisted by additional pharmacists adequately trained in this area of practice.
The pharmacist managing the section of the pharmacy providing home health care pharmacy services may be assisted by supportive personnel. The personnel must have specialized training in the field and must work under the immediate supervision of a licensed pharmacist. The training provided to the personnel must be described in writing in a training manual. Their duties and responsibilities must be consistent with their training and experience and must remain in conformity with the requirements of part 6800.3850.
A pharmacist must be accessible at all times to respond to patients' and other health professionals' questions and needs.
MS s 151.06
18 SR 1145
September 21, 2011
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes