Part | Title |
6700.0100 | DEFINITIONS. |
6700.0901 | DEFINITIONS. |
6700.0902 | ACCREDITATION. |
6700.1000 | LICENSE RENEWAL. |
6700.1100 | [Repealed, 10 SR 354; 14 SR 12] |
6700.1105 | DEFINITIONS. |
6700.1120 | [Repealed, 26 SR 181] |
6700.1200 | [Repealed, 10 SR 354; 14 SR 12] |
6700.1201 | [Repealed, 14 SR 12] |
6700.1300 | Repealed by subpart |
6700.1900 | [Repealed, 26 SR 181] |
6700.2000 | DEFINITIONS. |
6700.2100 | SCOPE. |
6700.2700 | POLICE PURSUITS. |
For the purpose of this chapter, the terms in this part have the meanings given them, unless another intention clearly appears.
"Agency" has the meaning given it in Minnesota Statutes, section 626.84, subdivision 1, paragraph (h).
"Appointing authority" means the public official, board, commission, or other person or group of persons responsible for the initial appointment and continued tenure of persons employed by the agency as peace officers and part-time peace officers.
"Appointment" means the official declaration provided by the agency to the POST Board which indicates that the agency has engaged the services of a peace officer or part-time peace officer beginning on a specified date.
"Board" or "POST Board" means the Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training.
"Certification" means official acknowledgment by the board that a school meets all of the criteria listed in parts 6700.0300 and 6700.0400 to offer professional peace officer education or the academic component or clinical skills component of the professional peace officer education.
"Chief law enforcement officer" means the designated head and the highest ranking board-licensed peace officer within an agency.
"Conviction" means that a person has been charged with a crime and the person was found guilty of that crime, regardless of length of or imposition or execution of any sentence received, any deferred finding of guilt or imposition of sentence by the court, any continuance for dismissal granted by the court, or any expungement of the offense records or conviction.
"Coordinator" means a person who is employed full-time by a certified school, and designated by a certified school, to manage the day-to-day activities of the professional peace officer education program.
"Eligible to be licensed" means the status of an individual who has passed the peace officer licensing examination or the reciprocity examination, but who has not yet secured employment as a peace officer.
"Guest lecturer" means a person who is invited by the instructor to teach occasionally in a school or a board-approved course in continuing education.
"Inactive licensed officer" means an individual who holds a currently valid peace officer license issued by the board, but who is not currently employed by an agency.
"Instructor" means a person who is recognized as being qualified to teach in a school or board-approved continuing education course.
"Part-time peace officer" has the meaning given it in Minnesota Statutes, section 626.84, subdivision 1, clause (f).
"Peace officer" has the meaning given it in Minnesota Statutes, section 626.84, subdivision 1, clause (c).
"School" means a postsecondary institution which is accredited by one of the six regional accrediting associations and authorized to award academic degrees including, but not limited to, Associate of Arts (A.A.) degrees, Associate of Science (A.S.) degrees, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degrees, and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees.
"Postsecondary degree" means an academic degree awarded by a school.
"Postsecondary certificate" means a nonacademic title awarded by a school that shows completion of a specific course of study.
"Classroom discrimination" means oral, written, graphic, or physical conduct directed against any person or group of persons because of their race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran's status that has the purpose or reasonably foreseeable effect of demeaning or intimidating that person or group of persons.
11 SR 2337; 14 SR 12; 18 SR 1961; L 2005 c 10 art 1 s 82; 32 SR 2173
October 11, 2013
The Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training, which operates pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections 626.84 to 626.863, is authorized to adopt rules and standards relating to the selection, training, and licensing of peace officers and part-time peace officers in Minnesota. The following rules are adopted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections 214.12, 626.843, and 626.863.
MS s 626.843
18 SR 1961; L 1997 c 7 art 1 s 169
July 9, 2008
The professional peace officer education must minimally include instruction in the learning objectives approved by the board and based on the following subject areas:
cultural awareness and response to crime victims.
The organization of the curriculum and the location of delivery of curriculum components is the responsibility of the certified school's governing body.
Participation or continued instruction in a particular subject area in subpart 1 may be waived by the coordinator upon satisfactory evidence of approved equivalent training.
All certified schools shall comply with the minimum requirements in subpart 1 and shall furnish reasonable and necessary proof to the board to verify that the provisions of subpart 1 are being met. Nothing in parts 6700.0100 to 6700.1800 precludes any certified school from enacting rules which establish standards of training above the minimum requirements in subpart 1.
Periodically the board may revise the learning objectives applicable to the content of the professional peace officer education as outlined in subpart 1. These revisions must be incorporated into the professional peace officer education of the certified program.
All certified schools shall develop standards for admission to the professional peace officer education courses. These standards must measure the student's likelihood of successful completion of the program.
If a student is denied admission or participation in the professional peace officer education program because of any of the requirements in item A or B, the certified school shall inform the student of the denial and its reasons for the denial. The certified school shall also afford the student a formal appeal process. That appeal process must be reduced to writing and provided to each student who is denied admission or participation in the program because of any of the requirements in item A or B.
Prior to admission to the professional peace officer education program, all students must be advised in writing of the minimum selection standards under part 6700.0700, using an advisory form developed by the board. In addition, students shall be advised in writing of the credit transfer agreements which the certified program has established with upper division institutions in Minnesota.
The certified school's responsibilities include the following:
The certified school shall be responsible for maintaining and making available to the board and executive director pertinent information on all classes conducted in the certified school. The coordinator shall notify the executive director of students who have successfully completed the professional peace officer education.
The certified school shall implement a records retention schedule requiring that curriculum materials used in the delivery of professional peace officer education be retained for five years. The materials must include course outlines, bibliographies, and other materials which would document the contents of the certified school's curriculum. This document applies to courses offered both on the certified school's campus and at any contracted extended sites.
The chief executive officer of the certified school shall, by October 1 of each year, file with the board an affirmative action plan and such other relevant information as the board may require. The affirmative action plan must include specific goals and objectives which describe measurable statements of performance for the recruitment and retention of minority students and women in the certified school's professional peace officer education program. By September 1 of each year, the chief executive officer of the certified school shall submit a written report to the board evaluating the effectiveness of the special goals and objectives included in the affirmative action plan from the previous year. "Minority student" means a Black, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander, American Indian, or Alaskan native person. Relevant information may include lesson plans and course outlines.
When a coordinator leaves a certified school, the chief executive officer of the certified school must notify the board no later than 20 days after the coordinator has left the position, and provide the board with the name of the new coordinator. The signature facsimile of the new coordinator must accompany this notification. Any person appointed as a coordinator after January 1, 1990, must have a bachelor's degree in law enforcement, criminal justice, education, social or behavioral science, or related field and at least three years of experience with a criminal justice agency.
All instructors who teach law enforcement courses in a certified school shall possess a postsecondary degree, or have professionally recognized training and experience to teach the assigned subject matter. This part shall not preclude the use of guest lecturers.
Each certified school shall implement a formal written safety policy which incorporates specific rules, procedures, and protocols to ensure student and faculty safety as well as provide a safe, humane, and educationally sound learning environment. These policies must contain at least:
a process for students to identify any preexisting injuries or medical restrictions which may affect their ability to safely participate in the training;
a prohibition against unduly harsh training activities, or training activities which are designed to humiliate or inappropriately accentuate student shortcomings;
a process for written documentation of details associated with any student injury which occurs during any training course. Specific injury trends and any particularly high risk training practices or techniques shall be evaluated, amended, or eliminated if safe environments cannot be ensured;
guidelines to direct instructors to reduce instructional pace and intensity during heat waves, cold waves, or other adverse climatic or environmental conditions; and
a prohibition against depriving students of necessary food, water, or protective equipment when engaged in physical or psychomotor skills training.
Students and faculty shall be provided with a copy of the written safety policy required in subpart 8. Instructors shall review this policy prior to any psychomotor skills training.
The registrar's office of each certified school shall retain documentation on an official school transcript which indicates the manner in which the student completed the professional peace officer education courses.
14 SR 12; 18 SR 1961; 25 SR 1242; 26 SR 181; 27 SR 1866
July 9, 2008
Upon filing a proper application, a school desiring certification shall be reviewed by the board. The board will not consider certification unless the school has shown a documented need for its program. The school must also file with the board satisfactory proof that the school will offer courses meeting the prescribed learning objectives, has reasonable training equipment and facilities including library, and has qualified instructors. All applications for certification must be accompanied by evidence that the higher education system office governing the applicant school has approved the application of the school and, if required, that the application has been approved by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education.
Upon review of an application, properly filed by a school, and having determined that the school has met the requirements in subpart 1, the board shall grant provisional certification until such time as an on-site evaluation and inspection has been completed.
The board's duties with respect to certification include the following:
Not later than one year from the granting of provisional certification, the board shall grant or deny certification. Certification shall remain contingent upon periodic review by the board or by the executive director in addition to the requirements for a renewal application every five years as provided by item C.
Before a certified school offers any course from the professional peace officer education program at another site not included in its original application, the certified school must seek written approval from the board. The board shall consider those criteria in subpart 1 in determining whether the proposal will be approved.
By May 1, 1990, and every five years after that, the board must send a renewal application form to all certified schools. This application form must request information regarding the criteria contained in subpart 1. The coordinator must file the completed application with the board by November 1 of the year the application form was received. All applications for renewal of certification must be accompanied by evidence that the higher education system office governing the applicant school has approved the application of the school and, if required, that the application has been approved by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education. Upon review of the properly filed application form, the board shall renew the school's certification for another five years, if the board finds that the requirements of subpart 1 have been met. If a certified school does not comply with the requirements of this subpart, the school's certification will be deemed to have expired and the school will be required to reapply for certification under the procedures in subparts 1 and 2.
Failure of a certified school to comply with any of the following requirements will result in imposition of disciplinary sanctions by the board against the certified school:
provision of instruction consistent with the published learning objectives in the subject areas for which the school was certified pursuant to part 6700.0300, subpart 1;
cooperation of the staff and faculty of a certified school with any board investigation relative to its certification status;
cooperation of the staff and faculty of a certified school with any board investigation of alleged misconduct by students, staff, or faculty in the giving or taking of examinations, reports, or investigations required by the board. The staff and faculty shall report any misconduct which is discovered to the board. For purposes of this requirement, the term "misconduct" includes cheating on any licensing examination or tests required by the rules of the board, or helping another to cheat; filing a false report with the board; or obstructing a board investigation; and
Sanctions for failure to comply with the requirements in subpart 4 shall be one or more of the following: a letter of censure to the coordinator of the certified school; formal or informal probation for the certified school; or suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of certification of the certified school.
14 SR 12; 18 SR 1961; L 1995 c 212 art 3 s 59; 26 SR 181; L 2005 c 107 art 2 s 60
July 9, 2008
Every certified school must establish written procedures for the investigation and resolution of allegations of classroom discrimination. These procedures must minimally specify:
the process that will be used to notify the complainant of the investigation and disposition; and
The coordinator must provide all new students who are in courses taught as a part of the professional peace officer education program a summary of the written procedures required under subpart 1. The coordinator must provide all faculty and staff members who participate in courses as a part of the professional peace officer education program a copy of the written procedures required under subpart 1. Also, the coordinator must make the procedures required under subpart 1 available to anyone else upon request.
Complaints which allege classroom discrimination at a certified school must be processed according to the written procedures adopted by the certified school required in subpart 1.
14 SR 12
July 9, 2008
Students who successfully complete professional peace officer education which meets the minimum requirements in part 6700.0300, subpart 1, are eligible to take the peace officer licensing examination. An application must include an official certified transcript showing the completion of a postsecondary degree and the coordinator's signature attesting to the student's successful completion of professional peace officer education.
Upon successful completion of the peace officer licensing examination, a person is eligible to be licensed for three years. If the person is not licensed after three years, the person may reinstate eligibility by passing the peace officer licensing examination again. Upon successful completion of the examination the person is eligible to be licensed for three years.
11 SR 2337; 14 SR 12; 18 SR 1961
July 9, 2008
For the purposes of this part, the terms defined have the meanings given to them.
"Basic police education" means:
a basic course recognized by a state council, state commission, state board, or state agency which leads to licensing or basic certification as a law enforcement officer where the appointing authority is located; or
a basic course sponsored by the federal government for its law enforcement officers, including but not limited to, the basic Drug Enforcement Administration's agent school, the Federal Bureau of Investigation's basic agent school, or the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center's uniformed patrol course or basic investigators course.
"Law enforcement officer" means a person appointed or employed as a peace officer in another state, or a federal law enforcement employee, who has full powers of arrest, authority to carry a firearm, and is classified in a law enforcement position by the office of personnel management, not including any time served in the United States armed services.
"Postsecondary degree" means an academic title awarded by a postsecondary institution which is accredited by a member of one of the six regional accrediting associations and authorized to award degrees including, but not limited to, Associate of Arts (A.A.) degrees, Associate of Science (A.S.) degrees, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degrees, and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees.
"Years of experience" means the total number of years the applicant has been employed as a law enforcement officer since completing the basic police education course.
A person who has completed a postsecondary degree, who has had three years of employment as a law enforcement officer after completing basic police education, who has served as a law enforcement officer during the past six years, and who has not had a peace officer license, certificate, or the federal equivalent suspended or revoked shall qualify for the reciprocity examination; or a person who has five years of employment as a law enforcement officer after completing basic police education, who has served as a law enforcement officer during the past six years, and who has not had a peace officer license, certificate, or the federal equivalent suspended or revoked shall qualify for the reciprocity examination.
The eligibility for a person to take the reciprocity examination shall be void one year after qualifying for the examination. In order to reestablish eligibility, the person shall comply with subpart 7 and part 6700.0600.
Upon successful completion of the reciprocity examination, a person is eligible for a peace officer license. If the person is not licensed after three years, the person may reinstate eligibility by again demonstrating qualifications for the examination pursuant to subpart 7 and must again comply with the provisions of part 6700.0600.
This part shall not apply to a person who holds a lapsed, revoked, or suspended peace officer license.
11 SR 2337; 14 SR 12; 30 SR 903
July 9, 2008
Licensing examinations will be offered at least four times each year. The board shall establish the examination schedules. An applicant for any of the licensing examinations shall submit a written application on a form provided by the board to be received by the board no later than two weeks before the scheduled date of the examination. An application shall be accompanied by the appropriate nonrefundable fee under subpart 2. Applications and all supporting documents for the peace officer licensing examination must be received by the board no later than two weeks before the day of the examination. In no cases shall applications and supporting documentation be accepted after the two-week deadline. The application and supporting documents are valid for one year from the date the application is received by the board.
A nonrefundable fee shall be paid to the board before taking the following licensing examinations:
An applicant who fails an examination will be allowed to retake that examination two times, upon furnishing to the board a renewed written application and appropriate fee.
A third or subsequent retake of the examination will require the applicant to submit a remedial training plan to the executive director for board approval. This plan must be directed at deficiencies indicated in previous examinations and must include, at a minimum, the following:
evaluation process to be used in verifying satisfactory completion of the listed activities; and
date of completion of all activities.
An additional written application and appropriate fee will be required for each administration of the examination.
The eligibility for a person to take the examination in subpart 2 shall be void one year after the application to take the examination was received by the board. The fee and any supporting documents are invalid at the same time the application becomes invalid. In order to reinstate eligibility, the person shall comply with subparts 1 and 2.
14 SR 12; 18 SR 1961; 22 SR 1449
July 9, 2008
Violations of the following standards shall be grounds to deny an applicant to take an examination or to deny or revoke eligibility for a license:
communicating with any other person in any way during an examination, except with the express permission of the monitor;
referring to books or any study material during the examination, except with the express permission of the monitor;
Disciplinary hearings under this rule shall be conducted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 214.10, subdivisions 2 to 5; parts 1400.5100 to 1400.8400; the Administrative Procedure Act, Minnesota Statutes, sections 14.001 to 14.69; and the rules of the Office of Administrative Hearings, chapter 1400. The requirement to notify the chief law enforcement officer shall be waived if the person does not currently possess a license.
If the board receives a complaint which alleges a violation of subpart 1 after the person receives a license, the board shall begin proceedings to suspend or revoke the license.
11 SR 2337; L 1990 c 422 s 10; 18 SR 1961; 25 SR 1242
August 7, 2013
A person eligible to be licensed shall meet the following minimum selection standards before being appointed to the position of peace officer. The appointing authority may affirm that the applicant has already completed certain of these standards, but the affirmation must be documented pursuant to subpart 2.
The applicant shall possess a valid Minnesota driver's license; or in case of residency therein, a valid driver's license from another state; or eligibility to obtain either license.
The applicant shall submit to a thorough background search, including searches by local, state, and federal agencies, to disclose the existence of any criminal record or conduct which would adversely affect the performance by the applicant of peace officer duties.
The applicant must not be required to register as a predatory offender under Minnesota Statutes, section 243.166 or 243.167.
No applicant may be appointed to the position of peace officer who has been convicted:
of any offense in any other state or federal jurisdiction which would have been a felony if committed in Minnesota;
under Minnesota Statutes, section 609.224, 609.2242, 609.231, 609.2325, 609.233, 609.2335, 609.234, 609.324, 609.465, 609.466, 609.52, or 609.72, subdivision 3; or convicted under any state or federal narcotics or controlled substance law irrespective of any proceeding under Minnesota Statutes, section 152.18, or any similar law of another state or federal law; or
of any of the crimes listed in this item in another state or federal jurisdiction, or under a local ordinance that would be a conviction if committed in Minnesota.
The applicant shall be fingerprinted for the purpose of disclosure of any felony convictions. Fingerprint cards shall be forwarded to the appropriate divisions of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The chief law enforcement officer shall immediately notify the board if a previous felony conviction is discovered.
A licensed physician or surgeon shall make a thorough medical examination of the applicant to determine that the applicant is free from any physical condition which might adversely affect the performance of peace officer duties.
An evaluation, including an oral interview, shall be made by a licensed psychologist to determine that the applicant is free from any emotional or mental condition which might adversely affect the performance of peace officer duties.
The applicant shall pass a job-related examination of the applicant's physical strength and agility to demonstrate the possession of physical skills necessary to the accomplishment of the duties and functions of a peace officer.
The applicant shall successfully complete an oral examination conducted by or for the agency to demonstrate the possession of communication skills necessary to the accomplishment of the duties and functions of a peace officer.
The chief law enforcement officer shall maintain documentation necessary to show completion of subpart 1. The chief law enforcement officer is not required to obtain documentation for subpart 1, item J, if the applicant completed part 6700.0500, subpart 3. The documentation is subject to periodic review by the board, and shall be made available to the board at its request.
An appointing authority may require an applicant to meet more rigid standards than those prescribed in this part.
11 SR 2337; 14 SR 12; 18 SR 1961; 25 SR 1242; 26 SR 209; 30 SR 903
July 9, 2008
If any background search required by this chapter reveals a conviction of a felony, or the conviction of any crime listed in this chapter, or conviction of a crime which was charged under an ordinance or law of another state but would be a conviction under Minnesota Statutes, section 609.52, if it was charged under state law, the chief law enforcement officer shall immediately notify the board.
11 SR 2337; 18 SR 1961
July 9, 2008
The chief law enforcement officer shall notify the board of the appointment of any person to the position of peace officer before the first day of the appointee's employment. Notification shall be made on a form provided by the board, and it shall include the appointee's full name, sex, date of birth, the effective date of the appointment, and an affirmation that the appointee has met all selection standards as prescribed in part 6700.0700. The appointee may not exercise peace officer powers until the notification form is received and approved by the board.
If the appointee is not already a licensed peace officer, but is eligible to be licensed, the appointee shall apply to be licensed at the time of appointment. Application shall be made on a form provided by the board, and both the applicant and the chief law enforcement officer shall affirm that the applicant is eligible to be licensed. The applicant shall also submit the licensing fee as prescribed in subpart 4.
The executive director shall issue a license certificate to an applicant who has complied with the requirements set forth in part 6700.0700, subpart 1, and in subpart 2 of this part, and whose affirmations are consistent with the board's records. The period of the initial licensure shall be determined according to the initial letter of the licensee's surname, the date of expiration being determined by the provisions set forth in part 6700.1000, subpart 1.
The licensing fee is $90. If the board receives an application and fee on or after March 1 of the year in which the applicant would otherwise be due to renew the license, the license will be valid through June 30 of the third year following receipt.
Licenses shall remain the property of the board. The license certificate and any renewal certificates shall be surrendered to the board if suspended or revoked.
8 SR 2774; 18 SR 1961; 22 SR 1449
July 9, 2008
The board believes continuing education for peace officers is necessary to promote and ensure their professional competence.
No peace officer license may be renewed unless the licensee or the licensee's appointing authority provides the board proof the licensee has successfully completed board-approved continuing education required in part 6700.1000, subpart 3. Licensees may be randomly selected by a computerized random number generator for a continuing education review. If selected, the licensee must verify successful completion of the required hours of continuing education for license renewal.
For the purpose of this part, "sponsor" means a school, agency, individual, or organization that has received authority from the board to provide board-approved courses for continuing education credit.
A sponsor that seeks to receive continuing education course approval shall submit a completed application on a form provided by the board.
No approval will be granted unless the course is law enforcement related, is based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to be a peace officer, and meets a law enforcement educational need.
No approval will be granted unless the sponsor submits information required by the board at least ten days before commencement of the proposed course. Required information may include course goals and objectives, a course outline including timeline, instructor qualifications and evaluation, and an agreement the course statement shall be read according to subpart 6a.
Instructors who teach continuing education courses shall possess professionally recognized training and experience in the assigned subject area, and board-recognized instructor training or specialized academic preparation in the assigned subject area.
Guest lecturers shall have their classroom activities supervised by an individual who has completed board-recognized instructor training.
The board will approve the course for continuing education credit hours based on each hour of proposed training. An hour consists of 50 minutes of learning activities.
The board may allow a sponsor to offer a continuing education course for a specified period of time without further documentation.
The board may mandate specific courses and required minimum hours in selected subject areas. An agency may require or provide more than the number of hours of continuing education required by the board.
The board may issue specific learning objectives applicable to the content of continuing education courses.
All continuing education courses are subject to periodic review by the board. The sponsor shall cooperate with the board's review.
The designee of the sponsor shall read aloud the following statement at the beginning of each class:
"The (name of the sponsor) is a continuing education sponsor as approved by the Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training. This course (name of the course), (course number) has been approved by the POST Board for continuing education credit. Peace officers who successfully complete this course will receive (total credits approved) hours of continuing education.
The sponsor of this course has a written policy for the investigation and resolution of allegations of classroom discrimination. This policy applies to all faculty, instructors, administrative staff, and students. A copy of the policy may be obtained from the sponsor by contacting (insert appropriate name and contact information)."
An inactive licensed officer is eligible to attend continuing education courses. Priority may be given to active licensees.
A list of licensees who successfully complete an approved continuing education course shall be maintained by the sponsor. Successful completion of the course shall be determined by the sponsor.
Peace officers may earn up to one-half of their required continuing education credits for instructing in approved continuing education courses. The peace officer may earn two hours of continuing education credit for each hour of instruction.
Peace officers may receive continuing education credit for a course that was not approved by the board provided the course was not denied approval, the licensee can show proof the course meets the requirements of subpart 3, item B, and can prove successful completion of the course.
Continuing education credit may be granted for courses completed at accredited colleges and universities if the course meets the requirements of subpart 3, item B. Credit shall be granted with one semester credit equaling 15 continuing education credits and one quarter credit equaling ten continuing education credits.
Every sponsor must establish written procedures for the investigation and resolution of allegations of classroom discrimination. These procedures must minimally specify:
The sponsor must make the written procedures required in subpart 13 available to all faculty, instructors, administrative staff, and anyone else upon request.
Complaints that allege classroom discrimination during a course must be processed according to the written procedures required in subpart 13 by the sponsor.
The board may take disciplinary action against a sponsor that:
fails to cooperate or whose faculty, instructors, or administrative staff fail to cooperate with the board's investigation into an allegation of a violation of this part.
Disciplinary action for violation of subpart 15 consists of one or more of the following: a letter of censure to the sponsor, probation of the sponsor, or denial of approval of other courses for a specified period of time.
Disciplinary proceedings under this part shall be conducted pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14, and the rules of the Office of Administrative Hearings, chapter 1400.
9 SR 2701; 14 SR 12; 18 SR 1961; 26 SR 181; 32 SR 2173
July 9, 2008
For the purpose of this part, the following words and phrases have the meanings given.
"Accreditation" means a sponsor that has received authority from the board to approve courses the sponsor provides for continuing education credit.
"Accredited sponsor" means a school, agency, individual, or organization that has received authority granted by the board to self-approve courses the sponsor provides for continuing education credit.
"Sponsor" means a school, agency, individual, or organization that has received authority from the board to provide board-approved courses for continuing education credit.
"Disciplinary action" means one or more of the following sanctions: letter of censure to the sponsor, probation of the sponsor, denial of approval of other courses for a specified amount of time, or suspension or revocation of the accreditation.
11 SR 2337; 32 SR 2173
July 9, 2008
The board believes sponsors who provide peace officer continuing education play a vital role in ensuring professional competence. The board recognizes a sponsor demonstrates competency by providing courses that are law enforcement related, promote professional job-related competence, and meet a law enforcement educational need. The board further believes if a sponsor has proven competency and is in good standing with the board, the sponsor can apply to become an accredited sponsor.
For the purpose of this part, "accreditation" means a sponsor who provides continuing education courses and seeks accreditation from the board.
A sponsor that seeks accreditation shall submit a completed application on a form provided by the board.
No approval will be granted unless the sponsor has submitted and received continuing education course approval from the board over a two-year period, and the board has not taken disciplinary action against them.
No approval will be granted unless the sponsor's courses are law enforcement related, based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to be a peace officer, and meet a law enforcement educational need.
No approval will be granted unless the sponsor submits information required by the board. Required information includes instructional objectives, course curriculum, facilities/learning resources, classroom discrimination policy, and agreement the course statement shall be read according to subpart 9.
Upon receipt of a completed application, the board shall issue a letter within 30 days granting or denying accreditation.
Instructors who teach continuing education courses shall possess professionally recognized training and experience in the assigned subject area, and board-recognized instructor training or specialized academic preparation in the assigned subject area.
Guest lecturers shall have their classroom activities supervised by an individual who has completed board-recognized instructor training.
The course will be approved for continuing education credit hours based on each hour of proposed training. An hour consists of 50 minutes of learning activities.
Accredited sponsors shall be evaluated by the board a minimum of once every five years to ensure compliance. Accredited sponsors may be evaluated at intervals less than once every five years. Accredited sponsors shall cooperate with the board's evaluation.
The accredited sponsor shall retain copies of information required by the board. Required information includes learning goals, specific performance objectives, timeline showing a breakdown of hours, course outline of each major unit of instruction, instructor qualifications, and instructor evaluations.
The documentation must be maintained for five years or until evaluated by the board and shall be made available to the board upon request.
The designee of the accredited sponsor shall read aloud the following statement at the beginning of each class:
"The (name of the accredited sponsor) is a continuing education accredited sponsor as approved by the Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training. This course (name of the course), (course number) has been approved by the POST Board for continuing education credit. Peace officers who successfully complete this course will receive (total credits approved) hours of continuing education.
The accredited sponsor of this course has a written policy for the investigation and resolution of allegations of classroom discrimination. This policy applies to all faculty, instructors, administrative staff, and students. A copy of the policy may be obtained from the accredited sponsor by contacting (insert appropriate name and contact information)."
The board may take disciplinary action against an accredited sponsor that:
fails to cooperate or whose faculty, instructors, or administrative staff fail to cooperate with the board's investigation into an allegation of a violation of this part.
Disciplinary action for violation of subpart 10 consists of one or more of the following: a letter of censure to the accredited sponsor, probation of the accredited sponsor, denial of approval of other courses for a specified period of time, or suspension or revocation of the accreditation.
Disciplinary proceedings under this part shall be conducted pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14, and the rules of the Office of Administrative Hearings, chapter 1400.
Every accredited sponsor must establish written procedures for the investigation and resolution of allegations of classroom discrimination. The procedures must minimally specify:
The accredited sponsor must make the written procedures required in subpart 12 available to all faculty, instructors, administrative staff, and to anyone else upon request.
Complaints that allege classroom discrimination during a course must be processed according to the written procedures required in subpart 12 by the accredited sponsor.
11 SR 2337; 14 SR 12; L 1990 c 422 s 10; 32 SR 2173
July 9, 2008
Peace officer licenses issued by the board under part 6700.0800 are valid until they expire, are revoked, or are surrendered by the licensee. Part-time peace officer licenses issued by the board pursuant to part 6700.1101 are valid until they expire, are revoked, or are surrendered by the licensee.
The licenses of licensees whose surnames begin with the letters A through G are due for renewal on July 1, 1983, and on July 1 every third year thereafter.
The licenses of licensees whose surnames begin with the letters H through M are due for renewal on July 1, 1984, and on July 1 every third year thereafter.
The licenses of licensees whose surnames begin with the letters N through Z are due for renewal on July 1, 1982, and on July 1 every third year thereafter.
The executive director shall issue a certificate of renewal, which is valid for three years, to each applicant who has submitted the appropriate fee on or before June 30 of the year when the license becomes due for renewal and also completed the required hours of continuing education. The appropriate fees are $90 for renewal of a peace officer license and $45 for renewal of a part-time peace officer license. The required hours of continuing education are:
16 hours for a peace officer or a part-time peace officer who has been licensed for at least six months but less than 18 months;
32 hours for a peace officer or a part-time peace officer who has been licensed for at least 18 months but less than 30 months; and
48 hours for a peace officer or a part-time peace officer who has been licensed for at least 30 months.
When a licensee's surname is changed by reason of marriage or a judicial order, the original date of expiration of the licensee's license shall not change.
A license shall expire when the requirements of subpart 3 are not met.
The executive director shall restore a license and issue a certificate of renewal for a license which has been expired for less than three years when the licensee submits:
documentation which shows that the licensee has completed the number of continuing education credits required by subpart 3.
For the purposes of subparts 6 and 9, the appropriate license renewal fee for an expired license is as follows:
When a license has been expired for more than three years, the executive director shall restore the license when:
For the purposes of subpart 8, the appropriate licensing examination is as follows:
Notwithstanding any rule to the contrary, after a peace officer license has been restored, the licensee shall complete 48 hours of board-approved continuing education on or before June 30 of the year when the license becomes due for renewal.
Any contested case which arises from subpart 3, 6, or 8 will be processed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14, and the rules of the Office of Administrative Hearings.
8 SR 2774; 9 SR 2701; 14 SR 12; 18 SR 1961; 20 SR 828; 22 SR 1449; 26 SR 181; 27 SR 1866
July 9, 2008
[Repealed, 10 SR 354; 14 SR 12]
July 9, 2008
In view of the legislature's stated policy on part-time peace officers in Minnesota Statutes, section 626.8461, and the board's respect for the varied services of these supplemental and supervised part-time employees, the board deems that it is most appropriate for the chief law enforcement officer to be responsible for the training and continuing education of the part-time peace officers working in the chief law enforcement officer's agency.
An applicant for a part-time peace officer license shall meet the following minimum selection and training standards set forth in Minnesota Statutes, section 626.8463, prior to being appointed. The chief law enforcement officer must affirm that the applicant has completed these standards and maintained appropriate documentation pursuant to subpart 3.
The applicant must not have been convicted of a felony in this state or in any other state or federal jurisdiction or of any offense in any other state or federal jurisdiction which would have been a felony if committed in Minnesota. The applicant shall be fingerprinted for the purpose of disclosure of any felony convictions. Fingerprint cards shall be forwarded to the appropriate divisions of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The chief law enforcement officer shall immediately notify the board if a felony conviction is discovered.
A licensed physician or surgeon shall make a thorough medical examination of the applicant to determine whether the applicant is free from any physical condition which would adversely affect the performance of part-time peace officer duties.
An evaluation shall be made by a licensed psychologist to determine that the applicant is free from any emotional or mental condition which might adversely affect performance of part-time peace officer duties.
The applicant for a part-time peace officer license shall successfully complete a first aid course and a firearms training course.
The applicant shall pass the part-time peace officer licensing examination. An applicant is eligible to take the part-time peace officer licensing examination only after the provisions of items A to D have been met and the board has received a written application to take the examination signed by the chief law enforcement officer and the appropriate fee. This application shall also serve to certify compliance with the provisions of this subpart. If the applicant is not licensed within one year of taking the examination, the applicant shall retake it.
The chief law enforcement officer shall maintain the documentation necessary to show compliance with subpart 2, items A to D. The documentation is subject to periodic review by the board and shall be made available to the board upon its request.
The chief law enforcement officer shall notify the board in writing before the first day of employment of an individual who has been appointed to the position of part-time peace officer. Notification shall be made on a form provided by the board and shall include the appointee's full name, sex, date of birth, and the effective date of appointment. If the appointee is not currently licensed, the appointee shall apply for a license pursuant to the provisions of subpart 5. The appointee shall not exercise part-time peace officer powers until the notification form is received and approved by the board.
The chief law enforcement officer shall notify the board within ten days of all voluntary or involuntary terminations of part-time peace officers. The notification shall include the name of licensee, licensee's forwarding address, unless the licensee requests that this information not be divulged, and date of termination. An individual who possesses an inactive part-time peace officer license has no part-time peace officer power or authority.
An individual possessing a part-time peace officer license may maintain the license in inactive status provided that he or she meets the requirements of part 6700.1000, subpart 3.
An individual who is appointed to the position of a part-time peace officer within three years of the date when the individual's license was placed on inactive status is not required to comply with selection standards outlined in subpart 2, items A to C.
An individual who is appointed as a part-time peace officer more than three years after the date the individual's license was placed on an inactive status is required to complete the selection standards outlined in subpart 2, items A to C, prior to his or her first day of employment. For compliance with this subpart, previously completed standards are not acceptable. The chief law enforcement officer shall maintain the documentation necessary to show compliance with this subpart. The documentation is subject to periodic review by the board and shall be made available upon request by the board.
This part does not apply to peace officers who are employed on a part-time basis.
10 SR 354; 11 SR 2337; 18 SR 1961; 22 SR 1449; 26 SR 181; L 2014 c 244 s 3
July 10, 2014
For the purpose of parts 6700.1105 to 6700.1130, the terms in this part have the meanings given them.
"Active duty status" means the part-time peace officer is authorized by agency policy to act as an agent of the appointing authority with power of arrest and authority to carry a firearm.
"Designated peace officer" means the peace officer appointed by the chief law enforcement officer or designee and responsible for the supervision of the part-time peace officer.
"Hours worked" means the actual numbers of hours served while the part-time peace officer is on active duty status.
"Supervision of part-time peace officer" means the part-time peace officer and the designated peace officer are aware of their respective identities, the part-time peace officer has the ability to directly contact the designated peace officer, and the part-time or designated peace officer can achieve direct personal contact within a reasonable time.
MS s 626.843
18 SR 1961
July 9, 2008
This part applies to all agencies which appoint, employ, or otherwise use the services of a part-time peace officer.
An agency which appoints, employs, or otherwise uses the services of a part-time peace officer shall establish a written policy including at least:
the terms and conditions under which a part-time peace officer is considered to be on active duty status;
the means by which a part-time peace officer is made aware of the identity and location of the designated peace officer, and the means by which a part-time peace officer must notify the designated peace officer of the part-time peace officer's active duty status;
the means by which a part-time peace officer shall notify the designated peace officer when the part-time peace officer is no longer on active duty status.
An agency which designates a peace officer to supervise a part-time peace officer shall establish a written policy including at least:
how the designated peace officer is to be notified of the designated peace officer's responsibility for assuming supervision of a part-time peace officer;
the duties and responsibilities of the designated peace officer in exercising supervisory responsibility for a part-time peace officer;
the means by which the part-time peace officer is to notify the designated peace officer that the part-time peace officer is on active duty status; and
the means by which the designated peace officer is to be notified when the part-time peace officer is no longer on active duty status.
An agency which agrees to designate a peace officer for the supervision of a part-time peace officer who is not employed by the same agency as the designated peace officer shall establish at a minimum:
a written joint powers agreement which confers upon the designated peace officer full power and authority within the jurisdiction of the part-time peace officer to be supervised.
MS s 626.843
18 SR 1961
July 9, 2008
A part-time peace officer must not work more than 1,040 hours on active duty status during the calendar year.
A part-time peace officer shall record all active duty hours worked, on a form provided by the board, for each agency by whom the part-time peace officer is appointed. The part-time peace officer shall record the date, time, and total hours of active duty. The part-time peace officer shall also record the name of the agency for whom the hours were worked, and the name of the designated peace officer assigned for each shift or time entry on the log.
On the last day of every month, the part-time peace officer shall provide the chief law enforcement officer of each agency by whom the part-time peace officer is employed written notice of the total number of hours worked for all agencies. The notice shall be provided on a form provided by the board.
The part-time peace officer shall keep and maintain copies of active duty reporting forms for five years and shall make the forms available to the board upon request.
MS s 626.843
18 SR 1961
July 9, 2008
[Repealed, 26 SR 181]
July 9, 2008
Copies of policies required under parts 6700.1105 to 6700.1130 must be provided to all part-time peace officers before they are authorized to exercise part-time peace officer authority on behalf of a unit of government. Copies of these policies shall also be distributed to all designated peace officers.
MS s 626.843
18 SR 1961
July 9, 2008
An agency which terminates a part-time peace officer for any reason shall notify the part-time peace officer in writing of the termination and provide a copy of this notice to the board within ten days of the termination.
MS s 626.843
18 SR 1961
July 9, 2008
[Repealed, 10 SR 354; 14 SR 12]
July 9, 2008
[Repealed, 14 SR 12]
July 9, 2008
July 9, 2008
The chief law enforcement officer shall notify the board within ten days of all voluntary and involuntary terminations of peace officers. The notification shall include name of licensee, licensee's forwarding address unless licensee requests that this information not be divulged, and date of termination.
An individual possessing a peace officer license may maintain the license in an inactive status, provided the individual meets the requirements of part 6700.1000, subpart 3.
An individual who is appointed to a law enforcement position within three years of the date the individual's license was placed on inactive status shall not be required to comply with selection standards outlined in part 6700.0700, subpart 1. An individual who is appointed to a law enforcement position more than three years after the date that individual's license was placed on inactive status shall be required to comply with selection standards as outlined in part 6700.0700, subpart 1 prior to the first day of employment. For compliance with this subpart, previously completed standards are not acceptable. The chief law enforcement officer shall maintain necessary documentation to show compliance with this subpart. The documentation is subject to periodic review by the board and shall be made available upon request by the board.
An individual who possesses an inactive peace officer license has no peace officer power or authority.
11 SR 2337; 17 SR 1279; 18 SR 1961
July 9, 2008
This part is adopted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 626.843, subdivision 1, clause (e); section 626.845, subdivision 1, clause (i); and chapter 214.
Nothing in parts 6700.0100 to 6700.1800 shall preclude or prevent any agency, political subdivision, civil service commission, or other appointing authority from publishing and enforcing rules, policies, or procedures which are more comprehensive than those minimum statewide standards set forth hereinafter. The responsibility for enforcing any rules, policies, or procedures which are more comprehensive than the following minimum standards of conduct remains with the promulgating agency, political subdivision, commission, or appointing authority.
The board believes that in order for the public to have confidence in the integrity and ability of law enforcement, it is paramount that peace officers demonstrate that they are capable of self-regulation. The board further believes that internal discipline is properly a function of the appointing authority and its political subdivision. These standards of conduct relate to licensure only and violations thereof do not enlarge on a peace officer's civil or criminal liability in any way.
MS s 626.843
July 9, 2008
Violation of any of the following standards of conduct by a licensee constitutes grounds for disciplinary action:
engaging in conduct prohibited by, or listed as, grounds for disciplinary action in this chapter, Minnesota Statutes, chapter 214, or sections 626.84 to 626.90, or engaging in conduct which violates any statute enforced by the board;
obtaining a license from the board by fraud or cheating, or attempting to subvert the examination process;
being convicted of a felony or gross misdemeanor in this state, or in any other state or federal jurisdiction of an offense that would constitute a felony or gross misdemeanor if committed in Minnesota including a finding or verdict of guilt, whether or not the adjudication of guilt is withheld or not entered, an admission of guilt, or no contest;
having been the subject of revocation, suspension, or surrender of a peace officer license or certificate in resolution of a complaint or other adverse action relating to licensing or certification in another jurisdiction;
failing to report the revocation, suspension, or surrender of a license or certificate in resolution of a complaint, or other disciplinary or adverse action taken against a licensee in this or another jurisdiction, or having been refused a license or certificate by any other jurisdiction;
being convicted of a state or federal narcotics or controlled substance law irrespective of any proceedings under Minnesota Statutes, section 152.18, or any similar law of another state or federal law;
being adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction, within or without the state, as incapacitated, lacking the capacity to serve as a peace officer, chemically dependent, mentally ill and dangerous to the public, or as having a psychopathic personality, or required to register as a predatory offender under Minnesota Statutes, section 243.166 or 243.167;
engaging in sexual penetration or contact without consent, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 609.341, or engaging in conduct that violates Minnesota Statutes, section 617.23. Sexual contact does not include contact that is part of standard police procedure such as search and arrest;
being convicted, including a finding or verdict of guilt, whether or not the adjudication of guilt is withheld or not entered, an admission of guilt, or a no contest plea of a violation of Minnesota Statutes, sections 518B.01, subdivision 14; 609.23; 609.231; 609.342; 609.343; 609.344; 609.345; 609.3451; 609.43; 609.465; 609.466; 609.52; 609.53; 609.748, subdivision 6; or 626.557;
failing to cooperate with an investigation of the board as required by part 6700.1610, subpart 4;
9 SR 2701; 11 SR 2337; 18 SR 1961; 20 SR 828; 30 SR 903; L 2013 c 62 s 32
August 1, 2013
A person with knowledge of conduct constituting grounds for action under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 214, or the board's regulatory provisions in part 6700.1600 may report the violation to the board.
A licensee shall report to the board and chief law enforcement officer any action, inaction, or condition of that licensee which the licensee reasonably believes would constitute grounds for disciplinary action under any of the board's regulatory provisions.
Reports required by this part must be submitted no later than 90 days after learning of the reportable event.
A licensee who is the subject of an investigation, or who is questioned in connection with an investigation, shall cooperate fully with the investigation. Cooperating includes responding fully and promptly to questions raised by or on behalf of the board relating to the subject of the investigation, providing copies of records in the licensee's possession relating to matters under investigation, assisting the board in its investigation which includes executing releases for records as requested by the board, and appearing at conferences or hearings scheduled by the board.
MS s 626.843
20 SR 828
July 9, 2008
For the purpose of this part, "affected parties" means the complainant, the licensee who is subject to the complaint, and the chief law enforcement officer in the agency employing the officer who is a party to the complaint.
The complaint investigation committee shall consist of three board members who shall supervise the processing of the complaint. At least two of these members shall be peace officers. The board chair shall appoint the complaint investigation committee and the chair.
All three committee members must be present to act, and decisions of the committee shall be by majority vote.
MS s 626.843
L 1984 c 640 s 32; 17 SR 1279; 20 SR 828; 26 SR 181
July 9, 2008
In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the board may, acting through the complaint investigation committee and without a hearing, petition a district court for a temporary restraining order if the committee finds that the licensee has violated a rule that the board is empowered to enforce and continued practice by the licensee would create an imminent risk or harm to others.
When grounds exist under any of the provisions set forth in this chapter, the board may take one or more of the following disciplinary actions:
When grounds exist under the board's regulatory provisions, the executive director may enter into a settlement agreement with the regulated licensee for corrective action which may include requiring the regulated person:
to submit to the executive director a written protocol or reports designed to prevent future violations of the same kind;
to perform other action justified by the facts.
The listing of these measures in this subpart does not preclude the board from including the measure in any order for disciplinary action.
Upon reinstating a license or granting an applicant's license, the board may, at its discretion, impose a reinstatement fee.
The board may in its own name, acting through the complaint investigation committee, issue a cease and desist order to stop an unlicensed person from engaging in unauthorized practice or violating or threatening to violate a rule or order which the board has issued or is empowered to enforce. The cease and desist order must state the reason for its issuance and give notice of the person's right to request a hearing under Minnesota Statutes, sections 14.57 to 14.62. The order shall be effective upon personal service or three days after mailing if served by mail. The board may also, in its own name, seek a temporary restraining order from the appropriate district court to stop an unlicensed person from engaging in unauthorized practice or violating or threatening to violate a rule or order which the board has issued or is empowered to enforce.
MS s 626.843
20 SR 828
July 9, 2008
Pursuant to Laws of Minnesota 1981, chapter 341, section 1, the board shall provide annual reimbursement to help defray the costs that have been incurred by local units of government in making continuing education available to the peace officers employed by them; provided, however, that the board's program of reimbursement is contingent upon the continued availability of funds designated for that purpose.
Equal shares of the available funds shall be disbursed to the local units for each peace officer who:
has been employed by the same local unit during at least eight of the 12 months immediately preceding the local unit's application for reimbursement; and
has had at least 16 hours of board-approved continuing education made available to the peace officer by the local unit during those 12 months.
share may be awarded when a peace officer has worked part-time for a local unit, but only one local unit shall be credited with a share for the same peace officer.
The board shall furnish application forms to each local unit as soon as possible after July 1 of each year. When applying for reimbursement, a local unit shall provide a list of the peace officers together with their license numbers for whom it is seeking reimbursement and affirm that it is eligible to be reimbursed in accordance with the board's rules.
Application forms shall be signed by the chief law enforcement officer. The forms shall be submitted to the executive director within 30 days of the distribution of the forms, except that the executive director may grant an extension of time which shall not exceed ten days.
The executive director may require such further information or documentation as may be necessary to substantiate a correction in the number of shares to be credited to an applicant for reimbursement. If the same peace officer is claimed by more than one applicant, the executive director shall determine which applicant is eligible for the share. This determination shall be made by documented statements of hours worked. Reimbursement funds shall be disbursed to the county, municipal, or township treasurer as soon as possible after approval of the applications and computation of the amount per share to be awarded to each applicant.
9 SR 2701; 18 SR 1961
July 9, 2008
[Repealed, 26 SR 181]
July 9, 2008
"Data" means personnel data as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 13.43, subdivision 1, which is public if it falls within the categories listed in subdivision 2 of that statute.
"Misconduct" means an act or omission by an employee or appointee of an agency licensed by the board which may result in disciplinary action by the agency or appointing authority.
8 SR 2145
July 9, 2008
The board recognizes the importance of the need for each agency and appointing authority to have and to use written procedures for the investigation and resolution of allegations of misconduct. The agency and appointing authority have the responsibility to impose the disciplinary sanctions they find appropriate for misconduct that occurs. Nothing in parts 6700.2000 to 6700.2600 shall be interpreted or is intended to authorize the board to approve, deny, or modify in any manner sanctions which may or may not be imposed by the agency or appointing authority.
8 SR 2145
July 9, 2008
On or before October 1, 1984, the chief law enforcement officer shall establish written procedures for the investigation and resolution of allegations of misconduct against licensees employed or appointed by the chief's agency. These procedures shall minimally specify:
the process which will be used to notify the complainant of the investigation and disposition; and
8 SR 2145; 17 SR 1279
July 9, 2008
The chief law enforcement officer shall affirm to the board compliance with part 6700.2200 no later than October 15, 1984. If an agency begins operation after October 1, 1984, the chief law enforcement officer shall affirm to the board compliance with part 6700.2200 no later than 15 days after the agency begins operation.
8 SR 2145
July 9, 2008
Copies of current written procedures governing allegations of misconduct shall be available to the public on request. Copies of written procedures governing allegations of misconduct and any subsequent modifications of the procedures shall be distributed by an agency to licensees who are employed or appointed by the agency.
8 SR 2145
July 9, 2008
The chief law enforcement officer or designee or designees shall maintain data concerning misconduct by licensees employed or appointed by the agency according to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 15.17 and 15.171. The board may request copies of this data. The chief law enforcement officer shall supply the data and an affidavit of compliance with part 6700.2200, item B to the board within five days of the request, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. If compliance is not possible within that time, the chief law enforcement officer shall inform the board and shall have an additional five days to comply with the request, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.
8 SR 2145; 17 SR 1279
July 9, 2008
Complaints which allege misconduct by a licensee shall be processed according to the agency's written procedures. Failure to comply with these procedures or any other provisions of parts 6700.2000 to 6700.2500 shall be grounds for disciplinary action against the chief law enforcement officer's license.
8 SR 2145
July 9, 2008
The board recognizes the complex and unpredictable factors associated with police pursuits. It is imperative that there be written procedures for these types of serious law enforcement operations. The board has identified the issues which the procedures must consider. Because police pursuits may involve peace officers from other jurisdictions, the board encourages each agency to advise neighboring agencies, or agencies which have concurrent jurisdictions, of its police pursuit policies.
14 SR 12
July 9, 2008
On or before October 1, 1989, the chief law enforcement officer of each agency must establish written procedures to govern the conduct of peace officers from that agency who are in pursuit of a vehicle being operated in violation of Minnesota Statutes, section 609.487. These written procedures must consider the following issues:
circumstances in which a peace officer may initiate a pursuit of a vehicle being operated in violation of Minnesota Statutes, section 609.487;
duties and number of the agency's law enforcement vehicles, displaying red lights and siren, that are permitted to participate in the pursuit of a vehicle operated in violation of Minnesota Statutes, section 609.487;
requirements for the operation of the pursuing law enforcement vehicle that is operated as an authorized emergency vehicle as prescribed in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 169;
use and proper application of specific offensive tactics which may be used to terminate a pursuit including, but not limited to, bumping, ramming, blocking, or boxing in the pursued vehicle;
application of deadly force as defined by Minnesota Statutes, section 609.066, during the course of a pursuit;
role and responsibilities of the agency's peace officer during intra-jurisdictional and inter-jurisdictional pursuits; and
methods of evaluation of the pursuit.
The written procedures must also state how peace officers will provide assistance to a person injured during the course of a pursuit.
14 SR 12
July 9, 2008
The chief law enforcement officer of each law enforcement agency shall adopt specific training requirements concerning pursuits based on:
14 SR 12
July 9, 2008
Copies of the written procedures governing police pursuits, or any subsequent modifications, must specify the effective date.
Copies of current written procedures governing police pursuits must be available to the public on request. Copies of written procedures governing police pursuits and any subsequent modifications of the procedures must be distributed by the chief law enforcement officers to licensees who are employed or appointed by the agency.
14 SR 12
July 9, 2008
The chief law enforcement officer of each law enforcement agency shall affirm to the board compliance with part 6700.2701 no later than October 15, 1989. The board will supply the compliance form to be used. If any agency begins operation after October 1, 1989, the chief law enforcement officer shall affirm to the board compliance with part 6700.2701 no later than 15 days after the agency begins operation.
14 SR 12
July 9, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes