The board believes continuing education for peace officers is necessary to promote and ensure their professional competence.
No peace officer license may be renewed unless the licensee or the licensee's appointing authority provides the board proof the licensee has successfully completed board-approved continuing education required in part 6700.1000, subpart 3. Licensees may be randomly selected by a computerized random number generator for a continuing education review. If selected, the licensee must verify successful completion of the required hours of continuing education for license renewal.
For the purpose of this part, "sponsor" means a school, agency, individual, or organization that has received authority from the board to provide board-approved courses for continuing education credit.
A sponsor that seeks to receive continuing education course approval shall submit a completed application on a form provided by the board.
No approval will be granted unless the course is law enforcement related, is based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to be a peace officer, and meets a law enforcement educational need.
No approval will be granted unless the sponsor submits information required by the board at least ten days before commencement of the proposed course. Required information may include course goals and objectives, a course outline including timeline, instructor qualifications and evaluation, and an agreement the course statement shall be read according to subpart 6a.
Instructors who teach continuing education courses shall possess professionally recognized training and experience in the assigned subject area, and board-recognized instructor training or specialized academic preparation in the assigned subject area.
Guest lecturers shall have their classroom activities supervised by an individual who has completed board-recognized instructor training.
The board will approve the course for continuing education credit hours based on each hour of proposed training. An hour consists of 50 minutes of learning activities.
The board may allow a sponsor to offer a continuing education course for a specified period of time without further documentation.
The board may mandate specific courses and required minimum hours in selected subject areas. An agency may require or provide more than the number of hours of continuing education required by the board.
The board may issue specific learning objectives applicable to the content of continuing education courses.
All continuing education courses are subject to periodic review by the board. The sponsor shall cooperate with the board's review.
The designee of the sponsor shall read aloud the following statement at the beginning of each class:
"The (name of the sponsor) is a continuing education sponsor as approved by the Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training. This course (name of the course), (course number) has been approved by the POST Board for continuing education credit. Peace officers who successfully complete this course will receive (total credits approved) hours of continuing education.
The sponsor of this course has a written policy for the investigation and resolution of allegations of classroom discrimination. This policy applies to all faculty, instructors, administrative staff, and students. A copy of the policy may be obtained from the sponsor by contacting (insert appropriate name and contact information)."
An inactive licensed officer is eligible to attend continuing education courses. Priority may be given to active licensees.
A list of licensees who successfully complete an approved continuing education course shall be maintained by the sponsor. Successful completion of the course shall be determined by the sponsor.
Peace officers may earn up to one-half of their required continuing education credits for instructing in approved continuing education courses. The peace officer may earn two hours of continuing education credit for each hour of instruction.
Peace officers may receive continuing education credit for a course that was not approved by the board provided the course was not denied approval, the licensee can show proof the course meets the requirements of subpart 3, item B, and can prove successful completion of the course.
Continuing education credit may be granted for courses completed at accredited colleges and universities if the course meets the requirements of subpart 3, item B. Credit shall be granted with one semester credit equaling 15 continuing education credits and one quarter credit equaling ten continuing education credits.
Every sponsor must establish written procedures for the investigation and resolution of allegations of classroom discrimination. These procedures must minimally specify:
The sponsor must make the written procedures required in subpart 13 available to all faculty, instructors, administrative staff, and anyone else upon request.
Complaints that allege classroom discrimination during a course must be processed according to the written procedures required in subpart 13 by the sponsor.
The board may take disciplinary action against a sponsor that:
fails to cooperate or whose faculty, instructors, or administrative staff fail to cooperate with the board's investigation into an allegation of a violation of this part.
Disciplinary action for violation of subpart 15 consists of one or more of the following: a letter of censure to the sponsor, probation of the sponsor, or denial of approval of other courses for a specified period of time.
Disciplinary proceedings under this part shall be conducted pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14, and the rules of the Office of Administrative Hearings, chapter 1400.
9 SR 2701; 14 SR 12; 18 SR 1961; 26 SR 181; 32 SR 2173
July 9, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes