Part | Title |
6310.0200 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.0300 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.0400 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.0500 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.0600 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.1100 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.1200 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.1300 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.1400 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.2100 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.2200 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.2600 | DEFINITIONS. |
6310.2700 | PURPOSE. |
6310.2810 | MR 2003 [Expired] |
6310.2900 | Repealed by subpart |
6310.3200 | [Repealed, 37 SR 403] |
6310.3600 | [Repealed, L 2012 c 197 art 2 s 45; 37 SR 403] |
6310.3700 | DISHONORED CHECKS. |
6310.5100 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.5200 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.5300 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.5400 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.5500 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.6100 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.6200 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.7100 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.7200 | [Repealed, 9 SR 2673] |
6310.7600 | [Repealed, 12 SR 102] |
6310.7700 | [Repealed, 12 SR 102] |
6310.7800 | [Repealed, 12 SR 102] |
6310.7900 | [Repealed, 12 SR 102] |
6310.8000 | [Repealed, 12 SR 102] |
6310.8100 | [Repealed, 12 SR 102] |
[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
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[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
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[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
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[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
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[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
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[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
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[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
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[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
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[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
June 11, 2008
"Acceptable continuing education activity" means a learning experience which meets the criteria established in part 6310.2800, subpart 3.
"Acceptable nursing practice" means employment or volunteer nursing in any setting. Employment includes those positions for which the individual is required to be a nurse. For professional nursing practice, the practice must have included one or more of the functions defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 148.171, subdivision 15. For practical nursing practice, the practice must have included one or more of the functions defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 148.171, subdivision 14.
"Contact hour" means 50 consecutive minutes, except in reference to the class period of an educational institution. Class periods of no less than 45 minutes will be accepted as a contact hour. The number of contact hours for a course are determined by the number of class credits assigned to the course multiplied by the number of full weeks in the term.
"Continuing education participation period" means the 24-month interval of time immediately before the registration expiration date during which a licensee must fulfill the continuing education requirements for registration renewal. The length varies for a licensee's first registration period after licensure or reregistration, beginning on the date of licensure or reregistration and ending on the registration expiration date.
"Continuing education report" means the evidence submitted to the board to officially authenticate that the applicant has fulfilled all continuing education requirements for licensure.
"Deferment" means postponement of participation in and reporting of all or part of the continuing education activities required for renewal.
"Instructor" means a presenter, preparer, guide for a continuing education activity, or written programmed instruction.
"License" means the authority issued by the board to an individual who meets for the first time the requirements to practice professional or practical nursing in Minnesota.
"Licensee" means either a professional or practical nurse who has been granted a license by the board to practice professional or practical nursing in Minnesota.
"Licensure" means the process by which the board confers legal authority upon an individual authorizing the person to engage in professional or practical nursing, thereby certifying that those licensed have attained the minimal degree of competency necessary to ensure that the public health, safety, and welfare will be reasonably well protected.
"Participation" means to be present at or in any other manner taking part in an acceptable continuing education activity.
"Practical nurse" means a person authorized by the board to engage in the practice of practical nursing as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 148.171, subdivision 14.
"Professional nurse" means a person authorized by the board to engage in the practice of professional nursing as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 148.171, subdivision 15.
"Refresher course" for the applicant for licensure by endorsement under Minnesota Statutes, section 148.211, subdivision 2, or for reregistration under Minnesota Statutes, section 148.231, subdivision 5, means a planned program of study with a clinical component that provides a review and evaluation of basic nursing knowledge and abilities to enhance clinical competency within the professional or practical scope of practice. The criteria for a refresher course is identified in Program Requirements: Appendices to Minnesota Administrative Rules, Chapter 6310, in part 6310.3800 as incorporated by reference in part 6310.3800.
"Registration" means the process by which the names and original license numbers of individuals licensed by the board are listed as individuals authorized to engage in professional or practical nursing during a registration period.
"Registration renewal" means the periodic process whereby a licensee who is licensed and registered with the board requests and obtains registration for the next registration period.
"Registration expiration date" means the last calendar day of a registration period.
"Registration period" means the interval of time during which the individual is authorized to engage in professional or practical nursing during a registration period. The initial registration period following licensure, endorsement, or reregistration is from six to 29 full calendar months starting on the day of licensure, endorsement, or reregistration and ending on the last day of the licensee's month of birth in an even-numbered year if the year of birth was an even-numbered year or in an odd-numbered year if the year of birth was in an odd-numbered year. Subsequent registration periods are 24-month periods. For registration renewal, the period starts on the first day of the month following expiration of the previous registration period. The period ends the last day of the licensee's month of birth in an even- or odd-numbered year according to the licensee's year of birth.
"Reregistration" means the process whereby a licensee regains the authority to practice professional or practical nursing after one or more days without current registration.
"Temporary permit" means the authority issued by the board to an applicant for reregistration that authorizes practice of professional or practical nursing in Minnesota during participation in the clinical portion of a refresher course.
12 SR 102; 15 SR 838; 18 SR 468; 19 SR 2223; L 1999 c 172 s 18; 24 SR 1884; 37 SR 403
October 3, 2012
Parts 6310.2600 to 6310.3000 establish the requirements for registration for professional nurses and practical nurses including continuing education.
Part 6310.3100 establishes the requirements for reregistration. Parts 6310.3300 to 6310.3700 establish the requirements for change of name and address; lost, stolen, or destroyed licenses; and verification of Minnesota license.
12 SR 102; 18 SR 468; 37 SR 403
October 3, 2012
The board shall provide a registration renewal notice at least three full calendar months before a licensee's registration expiration date using the last contact information provided by the licensee which constitutes official notification. Failure to receive the registration renewal notice sent by the board does not relieve the licensee of the obligation to renew registration by the expiration date.
A licensee shall submit the completed registration renewal application, fee, and continuing education report to the board in time for the application to be received in the board office by the registration expiration date. The board shall return an application that is received without a fee or an application that is incomplete. The licensee must resubmit the application and fee by the licensee's registration expiration date.
A licensee shall respond to questions on the application that relate to the grounds for disciplinary action listed in Minnesota Statutes, section 148.261. The licensee shall submit true information. Falsification or omission of information provides grounds for disciplinary action. The board may require further information of the licensee to determine whether the licensee has engaged in conduct warranting disciplinary action listed in Minnesota Statutes, section 148.261.
The licensee shall submit the fee with the application for renewal by the registration expiration date. The fee must be made payable to the Minnesota Board of Nursing. The board shall return a fee that is received without an application or is made out incorrectly. The licensee shall resubmit the fee with an application by the licensee's registration expiration date. The fee is not refundable.
A registered nurse shall participate in the ratio of at least one contact hour of acceptable continuing education for each month of registration. A licensed practical nurse shall participate in the ratio of at least one contact hour of acceptable continuing education for each two months of registration.
For a continuing education activity to be acceptable for renewal of registration, the criteria in items A to G must be met.
The content must be designed to enhance the licensee's ability to practice nursing. The content may include such topics as those included in a nursing curriculum. For licensees who are not engaged in direct patient care but who are required to be licensed as a nurse in their employment, the content may include topics that may assist the licensees in the performance of their responsibilities. Unacceptable content includes subject matter that is inaccurate, outdated, or not generally accepted within the health care community.
The activity must last at least one contact hour. Licensees may report an activity that lasts more than one contact hour but less than an additional contact hour. Licensees shall not claim contact hours in which they did not participate, for example, if they arrived late or left early.
The activity must be completed during the licensee's continuing education participation period.
The instructor must be qualified to teach the content. Qualifications include education, preparation of information related to the objectives for the activity, or experience.
If the continuing education activity has been approved by another health licensing board or association or if the licensee is currently certified by a national professional nursing organization, only the criteria for acceptability in item A or B must be met.
If the activity has been approved by another health licensing board or association, the criteria in subitems (1) to (5) must be met.
The activity must last at least one contact hour. Licensees may report an activity that lasts more than one contact hour but less than an additional contact hour. Licensees shall not claim contact hours in which they did not participate, for example, if they arrived late or left early.
The activity must be completed during the licensee's continuing education participation period.
The instructor must be qualified to teach the content. Qualifications include education, preparation of information related to the objectives for the activity, or experience.
If the licensee has a current certificate from a national professional nursing organization, the criteria in subitems (1) to (5) must be met.
The initial certification must be based on predetermined standards for specialty certification assuring that the licensee has acquired knowledge and skill in the specialty.
If the current specialty certificate is a recertification certificate, it must be based on meeting periodic continuing education or other current competency certification requirements.
The licensee shall not use the practice specialty certificate as a substitute for any previously deferred contact hours.
A licensee may do one of the following within the licensee's participation period and apply up to ten contact hours to the activity:
Confirmation of continuing education shall be a part of the renewal of registration application. Each licensee shall verify that the continuing education activities used to meet the licensee's renewal requirements meet all the criteria in subparts 3, 4, and 5, and that the information is true in every respect.
The registration renewal application, registration renewal fee, and continuing education report must be received in the board office by the licensee's registration expiration date.
If the licensee's registration renewal application, registration renewal fee, and continuing education report are received in the board office after the registration expiration date, the applicant is not eligible for renewal of registration. The board shall return the application and fee to the licensee. The board shall provide a reregistration application to the licensee. The licensee may not practice nursing after the registration expiration date until reregistration requirements have been met as specified in part 6310.3100.
If the board receives an incomplete renewal application and fee by the registration expiration date, the board shall notify the licensee of any deficiency. On the deficiency notice, the board shall note if the application, the continuing education report, or the fee submitted by a licensee is incomplete, incorrect, or not in compliance with this part. The licensee may not practice nursing after the registration expiration date until registration requirements have been met. The registration renewal application, fee, and other documents will be retained by the board whenever possible.
If a licensee does not have enough contact hours of acceptable continuing education, the licensee has the options listed in items A and B.
Defer the number of contact hours that the licensee is lacking. The deferred hours shall be added to the contact hours required in the immediately succeeding continuing education participation period. Contact hours may be deferred if there are no current deferred contact hours required of the licensee. If the licensee is deferring a fraction of a contact hour, a whole contact hour must be deferred. If the licensee does not renew for the continuing education participation period that included the deferred hours, the deferred hours shall be required for reregistration.
A licensee provides grounds for disciplinary action if the licensee does not meet one of the options for insufficient hours in subpart 6c or fails an audit and is not eligible to defer.
The licensee shall submit true, complete, and accurate information. Falsification of any evidence for any registration period or falsification or omission of information provides grounds for disciplinary action.
Each licensee shall keep information documenting each continuing education activity submitted to meet registration renewal requirements. The licensee shall retain the information for two years after the continuing education activities are reported to the board.
On presentation of convincing evidence by a registration or reregistration applicant, the board shall grant a variance from the following requirements:
for the required number of continuing education contact hours, evidence of unexpected illness or personal tragedy.
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 326.56, a licensee who is in the armed forces of the United States or is employed outside the United States in employment which is essential to the prosecution of any war or the national defense, and whose registration was in effect at the time of entry into the armed forces or engagement in employment outside the United States, is not obligated to renew registration. The board must be notified in writing by the licensee regarding the qualifications for this exemption. The exemption ceases six months after discharge from active duty or termination of the aforementioned employment. A registration renewal notice shall be sent to the licensee at the time that a registration renewal notice would normally be sent to the licensee. The licensee may be requested to reconfirm exempt status. If the licensee no longer qualifies for the exemption, the requirements for registration renewal must be met. The required number of contact hours are calculated based on the number of months since the exemption ceased to the month of the registration renewal expiration date and according to the ratio specified in subpart 3.
The board shall nullify incomplete registration renewal applications that are not completed, returned, and received by the board within 30 days following notification of the deficiency or by the licensee's registration expiration date, whichever is later. For a nullified application, the fee shall be forfeited and the application and other documents may be destroyed according to Minnesota Statutes, section 138.17, subdivision 7.
The name of a licensee who does not return the complete renewal application and fees by the registration expiration date shall be removed from the list of individuals authorized to practice professional or practical nursing.
11 SR 1331; 12 SR 102; 15 SR 838; 18 SR 468; 22 SR 973; 24 SR 1884; 37 SR 403
October 3, 2012
MR 2003 [Expired]
June 11, 2008
October 3, 2012
At the time of renewal, the board shall randomly select a sample of licensees and require substantiation of participation in the activities that the licensees confirmed on their continuing education report. The licensee shall submit documents or written statements that verify the information in part 6310.2800, subpart 3, item G.
Licensees who participated in other acceptable continuing education listed in part 6310.2800, subpart 4, with required documentation or subpart 5 with submission of all or a portion of the article, book, paper, study, research, or brochure that verifies participation as a panel member.
Failure to substantiate the hours with the required information shall result in the hours being automatically deferred to the next participation period unless the licensee is not eligible to do so. At the next renewal or reregistration, the licensee shall substantiate participation in all the hours of continuing education required for that reporting period including the automatically deferred hours. Failure to substantiate the hours at this time shall provide grounds for disciplinary action.
For licensees who have deferred continuing education hours on record, except those automatically deferred as indicated in subpart 1, the board shall randomly select a sample of licensees and require substantiation of participation in the activities that the licensees must report. The licensee shall submit substantiation of participation in all of the continuing education hours required for that participation period, the deferred hours, and the regular hours. The licensee shall submit documents or written statements that verify the information listed in subpart 1.
18 SR 468; 24 SR 1884; 37 SR 403
October 3, 2012
A licensee shall obtain a reregistration application from the board. A licensee shall submit an application for reregistration and respond to questions on the application that relate to the grounds for disciplinary action listed in Minnesota Statutes, section 148.261. The licensee shall submit true information. Falsification or omission of information provides grounds for disciplinary action. The board may require further information of the licensee to determine whether the licensee has engaged in conduct warranting disciplinary action listed in Minnesota Statutes, section 148.261. The board shall return an application that is received without a fee or an application that is incomplete.
Licensees whose registrations expired within the two years preceding application for reregistration shall report participation in the required number of acceptable continuing education hours. To fulfill this requirement, the criteria in items A to D must be met.
The number of contact hours required are the number of hours the licensee was responsible for at the time registration expired, including any deferred hours.
To be acceptable, the continuing education must meet the requirements specified in part 6310.2800, subpart 3, with the exception of item D, or part 6310.2800, subpart 4 or 5.
Participation must have occurred during the 24 months immediately preceding board action on the application for reregistration.
The board shall provide a method for reporting continuing education. In the report of continuing education, the board shall require the name of the activity, the date of the activity, and the number of contact hours for each of the activities. The licensee shall report participation in the required acceptable continuing education. A professional nurse who has been certified in a nursing specialty may submit a copy of the practice specialty certificate in lieu of reporting participation in the continuing education contact hours. The copy of the current certificate must be attached to the report of continuing education. Each licensee shall verify that the continuing education activities met all the criteria specified in part 6310.2800, subpart 3, items A to C and E to G; 4; or 5, and that the information contained on the continuing education report is true in every respect.
A licensee who has deferred continuing education contact hours on record shall make up the deferred contact hours before board action on the application for reregistration. The licensee shall submit a report of participation in the required number of contact hours and submit the substantiating documents required in part 6310.3000, subpart 1. The board shall audit the substantiating documents to be certain that the requirements in part 6310.3000, subpart 1, have been met.
A licensee shall submit proof of acceptable nursing practice that occurred within the two years immediately preceding receipt by the board of the application for reregistration. Verification of acceptable nursing practice must be reported on a form provided by the board or in a statement submitted in writing that includes the information required by the board on the verification of practice form. It must be completed by the individual best able to verify the licensee's practice. If the licensee was employed by an institution or agency, an employer shall complete the verification. In lieu of an employer, a patient, volunteer supervisor, patient's family, physician, or peer may verify acceptable practice. If the applicant supplies a written statement that verification cannot be obtained because the institution or agency no longer has the relevant records or went out of business, the last date of employment shall be accepted from the applicant.
A licensee who has not been engaged in acceptable nursing practice within the two years preceding receipt by the board of the application for reregistration must comply with items A to D:
A licensee must report the number of months since the licensee's last date of acceptable nursing practice.
A licensee must participate in and report participation in acceptable continuing education as specified in part 6310.2800, subparts 3, items A, B, C, E, and F; and 5. The licensee must complete the required number of contact hours of continuing education. The registered nurse must complete one contact hour of acceptable continuing education for each month that the licensee was not engaged in acceptable practice. The licensed practical nurse must complete one contact hour for every two months that the licensee was not engaged in acceptable practice. The maximum hours required are 60 hours for a registered nurse and 30 hours for a licensed practical nurse. The continuing education must be reported on the form provided by the board.
If the licensee has not engaged in acceptable nursing practice for more than five years, the licensee must successfully complete a refresher course that meets board criteria. The licensee shall complete the refresher course within the 24 months immediately preceding board action on the application for licensure.
The licensee shall report the successful completion of the refresher course on an affidavit provided by the board. The affidavit must be signed by the person responsible for the refresher course. Successful completion of a refresher course will meet continuing education requirements.
The licensee shall have a temporary permit to practice to participate in the clinical component of a refresher course with the exception of degree granting programs. A temporary permit may be issued if the degree granting program requires it.
To obtain a temporary permit to complete the clinical portion of a refresher course if being taken in Minnesota, a licensee shall submit the completed reregistration application, fee, and a statement of intent to participate in a refresher course. The statement of intent must be signed by the person responsible for the refresher course. The statement of intent must contain the request for a temporary permit. The board shall issue a temporary permit after the application, fee, and statement of intent have been received and evaluated for compliance with this chapter. The board shall issue the temporary permit for no more than 90 days. The temporary permit is valid only for practice as a part of the refresher course. While the temporary permit is in effect, the registered nurse may use the title registered nurse, abbreviated "RN," and a licensed practical nurse may use the title licensed practical nurse, abbreviated "LPN." If there is a delay in the completion of the clinical portion of the refresher course, the licensee shall complete another statement of intent. The board shall issue another temporary permit for no more than 90 days.
The licensee who must successfully complete a refresher course shall submit the affidavit of successful completion of a refresher course. The affidavit of successful completion must be signed by the person responsible for the refresher course.
A licensee residing outside of Minnesota applying for reregistration for the purpose of obtaining verification of current registration status to another country or United States jurisdiction must have an out-of-state address and submit a verification of licensure request from another jurisdiction. The verification of licensure request must be submitted with the reregistration application. The fee for verification must be separate from the fee for reregistration.
Nothing in this part shall be construed as preventing the board from proceeding with disciplinary action pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 148.261. Grounds for the board to proceed with disciplinary action include, but are not limited to, practicing nursing without current registration for more than two years, repeated occurrences of practicing nursing without current registration, or knowingly practicing nursing without current registration.
The board shall nullify an incomplete reregistration application if the licensee fails to complete the application process within one year after submission of the application. For a nullified application, the reregistration shall be forfeited and the application and other documents may be destroyed according to Minnesota Statutes, section 138.17, subdivision 7. If a licensee fails to submit an application and fee within six months after the board received any other documents relating to the application, the board may destroy the documents. If a licensee whose application has been nullified wants to be reregistered, a new reregistration application must be submitted and all applicable reregistration requirements must be met.
The board shall authorize an individual to engage in the practice of practical or professional nursing in Minnesota once the reregistration requirements have been met. The initial registration period is as defined in part 6310.2600, subpart 15. Licensees shall participate in the number of contact hours of acceptable continuing education according to the number of full months in the initial registration period. For licensed practical nurses, the number of contact hours is one contact hour for every two months of registration. For registered nurses, the number of contact hours is one contact hour for every month of registration. The continuing education must meet the criteria in part 6310.2800.
12 SR 102; 15 SR 838; 18 SR 468; 22 SR 973; 24 SR 1884; L 2012 c 197 art 2 s 45; 37 SR 403
October 3, 2012
[Repealed, 37 SR 403]
October 3, 2012
The licensee who has changed names shall notify the board as soon as possible and provide official documentation of the name change to the board.
The licensee who has changed addresses shall notify the board as soon as possible. The board shall notify the licensee of address changes made in the licensee's records.
12 SR 102; 15 SR 838; 24 SR 1884; 37 SR 403
October 3, 2012
A duplicate license shall not be issued. A replacement license may be issued for a fee when the licensee notifies the board that the original license was lost, stolen, or destroyed. The replacement license shall be marked "Replacement" and the date of issuance indicated.
11 SR 1331; 12 SR 102; 15 SR 838; 37 SR 403
October 3, 2012
Licensure verification for the purpose of obtaining a license in another jurisdiction must be completed through Nursys, the nurse licensing database for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Licensure verification for another purpose such as a licensee wishing a certified statement of licensure status sent to a foreign country or to any other third party may, upon written request and payment of a fee, have a certified statement of Minnesota licensure status issued to the Board of Nursing, other official agency empowered to issue nursing licenses in the other jurisdiction or country or a third party. A replacement of the certified statement shall not be issued within the first two months nor more than six months after the original statement was issued. If requested by the licensee, a replacement shall be issued without charge between two and six months after the original statement was issued.
A Minnesota licensee wishing a certified statement of licensing examination scores sent to a third party may, upon written request and payment of fee, have a certified statement of examination scores issued.
A copy of a transcript or other application materials is provided from the board files upon payment of a fee. Copies will not be provided for transcripts or other application materials available from nursing programs in the United States.
11 SR 1331; 12 SR 102; 22 SR 973; 37 SR 403
October 3, 2012
[Repealed, L 2012 c 197 art 2 s 45; 37 SR 403]
October 3, 2012
Nonreplacement of a dishonored check for the fees required for renewal of registration or for reregistration and nonpayment of the service charge shall result in a nullified registration. Nonreplacement of a dishonored check for the fee required for prescribing authority and nonpayment of the service charge shall result in the nullification of prescribing authority.
12 SR 102; 22 SR 973; 24 SR 1884; L 2012 c 197 art 2 s 45; 37 SR 403
October 3, 2012
Program Requirements: Appendices to Minnesota Administrative Rules, Chapter 6310, issued by the Minnesota Board of Nursing, February 2012, are incorporated by reference. They are available through the Minnesota Board of Nursing Web site at under the education topic tab. They are not subject to frequent change.
MS s 148.191
37 SR 403
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[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
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[Repealed, 9 SR 2673]
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[Repealed, 12 SR 102]
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[Repealed, 12 SR 102]
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes