Part | Title |
6290.0100 | PURPOSE. |
6290.0200 | DEFINITIONS. |
6290.0400 | DESIGN STANDARDS. |
6290.0500 | CONTEST JUDGING. |
As required by Minnesota Statutes, section 97A.045, subdivision 7, this chapter establishes contest procedures by which the Department of Natural Resources selects and utilizes designs for fish and wildlife stamp images. Contest entries that do not conform to this chapter shall be ineligible for a stamp contest.
MS s 97A.045
19 SR 974
June 11, 2008
"Commissioner" means the commissioner of natural resources or the commissioner's designated representative.
"Migratory waterfowl stamp" means the stamp issued by the department under Minnesota Statutes, section 97B.801, that allows individuals to take migratory waterfowl.
"Pheasant stamp" means the stamp issued by the department under Minnesota Statutes, section 97B.715, that allows individuals to take pheasants.
"Trout and salmon stamp" means the stamp issued by the department under Minnesota Statutes, section 97C.305, that allows individuals to angle for trout and salmon in specified waters.
MS s 97A.045
19 SR 974; 36 SR 1155
April 12, 2012
Each stamp contest is open only to residents of Minnesota who have maintained a legal residence in the state for a minimum of 60 days immediately preceding the entry deadline for the contest.
A person who wins a contest is ineligible to enter a contest for the same type of stamp for the year of competition following the contestant's first win. A person who wins a contest for one type of stamp is eligible for the other fish and wildlife stamp contests described in part 6290.0200.
The entry period for each contest will be prescribed in a notice published in the State Register at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the contest entry period. Entry forms provided by the department must be used and can be obtained by contacting the department as prescribed in the contest entry notice. A contest application package will be provided by the department to interested parties upon request.
Entries for each stamp contest will be accepted only during the contest entry period. Entries must be received by the department by 4:00 p.m. on the last day of the contest entry period. Late or early entries will not be accepted.
A person may submit only one entry per year for each type of stamp contest. If two or more entries are submitted for a stamp contest in one year, all of that person's entries for that contest will be declared ineligible.
An entry for a migratory waterfowl, pheasant, or trout and salmon stamp contest must be mailed or delivered to the department at the address specified in the contest application package. A contest entry should be securely wrapped and enclosed in a container or envelope with the name of the stamp contest clearly marked on the outside. All completed and signed contest entry forms must accompany the contest entry. These contest entry forms shall include:
any other forms specified in the contest application package.
Submission of all of the contest entry forms are required for eligibility. Failure to include all completed contest entry forms will render the contest entry ineligible.
The department assumes no liability for damage, loss, or theft of a contest entry.
A person winning a stamp contest will receive no financial remuneration from the state. The reproduction rights agreement required with the submission of a contest entry will require the contest winner to agree to grant the department the exclusive rights to use the contest entry as the design for the applicable stamp and for use of the stamp image on commercial products produced or licensed by the department. All rights to the reproduction in a print form are retained by the person submitting a contest entry, including the contest winner. The remainder of the reproduction rights for the design will be determined by the department on an annual basis and will be specified in the reproduction rights agreement form included in the contest application package. If a design is reproduced in a limited or open edition by any party other than the department or its licensees, the contest winner shall deliver two signed prints without cost to the department.
MS s 97A.045
19 SR 974; 36 SR 1155
April 12, 2012
The eligible species for migratory waterfowl and trout and salmon contests shall be specified in the contest application package. The eligible species for the pheasant stamp is the ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus). The eligible species for the wild turkey stamp is the Eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris). The eligible species for the walleye stamp is the walleye (Sander vitreus vitreus). The eligible species should be the primary subject of the contest entry. A contest entry may contain species other than the eligible species as accompanying design elements.
The background or setting of a contest entry shall only represent environments found in Minnesota. Design elements in a contest entry should be accurately portrayed as to ecology and anatomy, although they need not be literal renditions.
A contest entry may be created in one or a combination of media. A contest entry shall be an original work of art created by the person submitting the contest entry and shall be one of a kind design. Entries shall not be created by photographic, digital, or electronic imagery processes.
The design size of a contest entry shall be two-dimensional on a horizontal format nine inches in width and 6-1/2 inches in height. Winning contest entries must produce a quality stamp image.
A contest entry shall be firmly attached to solid white matting with dimensions of 12 inches in width and nine inches in height. No other color shall be used for matting.
A contest entry shall not exceed three-eighths inch in thickness, including matting.
A contest entry shall not be framed or covered by glass or other material.
MS s 97A.045
19 SR 974; 36 SR 1155
April 12, 2012
Notice of the date and location of judging for each contest will be contained in the contest application package.
Contest judging panels will be chosen by the commissioner of natural resources and will consist of at least five members reflecting areas of expertise including, but not limited to: art, hunting or fishing, outdoor media, conservation, or publishing. Judges will serve for a length of time to be established by the department.
Each contest entry will be assigned an identifying number prior to the judging to keep the identity of the artist of the contest entry unknown to the judges. The identity of the artist of the contest entries will not be revealed to the judges prior to the selection of the winning entry.
Three rounds of judging will be used to select a winner in each contest.
During the first round of judging, the judging panel will view all eligible contest entries. Each judge shall select all those contest entries that the judge wishes to see advance to the second round.
During the second round, the contest entries selected by any judge from the first round will be separated from those contest entries not selected in the first round. Each judge shall select all those contest entries that the judge wishes to see advanced to the third round. Any contest entry receiving at least three votes shall advance to the third round. If no entry receives three votes, all entries receiving two votes will advance to the third round.
During the third round, the judges shall give each contest entry a numerical score. The contest entry receiving the highest combined numerical score shall be selected the winner. In the case of a tie for the winning entry or a tie for second place, the judges will repeat the process described for the third round, but only as to the tied entries. If for any reason, the contest entry with the highest combined numerical score is disqualified, the entry with the next highest combined numerical score shall be selected the winner.
MS s 97A.045
19 SR 974; 36 SR 1155
April 12, 2012
Contest entries will be returned to the address specified by the artist and artists are responsible for notifying the department of an address change. If a contest entry is returned to the department because it is undeliverable or unclaimed, the department will not be obligated to trace the location of the artist to return the contest entry. All unclaimed entries, after one year, shall be assumed to be abandoned and shall become the property of the department.
The winning entry shall be retained by the department for such period of time as necessary to complete the stamp and stamp image.
MS s 97A.045
19 SR 974
June 11, 2008
All contest entries shall be subject to display for promotion of the stamp and the stamp image by the department or parties authorized by the department.
MS s 97A.045
19 SR 974
June 11, 2008
The department reserves the right to not conduct a stamp contest. If the department conducts a stamp contest, the department reserves the right not to select or use a winning entry even if all requirements of this chapter are met.
MS s 97A.045
19 SR 974
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes