Part | Title |
6262.0400 | [Renumbered 6264.0050] |
6262.0900 | [Repealed, 32 SR 1039] |
6262.3150 | DEFINITIONS. |
Angling hours on all streams and rivers from Lake Superior upstream to posted boundaries, including Lake Superior tributaries with no posted boundaries, are from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset during the open season; provided that angling hours on the St. Louis River in St. Louis and Carlton Counties and the Pigeon River in Cook County are continuous during the open season except as provided by Minnesota Statutes, section 97C.415, subdivision 1.
Angling hours for all species on all inland waters are continuous during the open season, except as provided by Minnesota Statutes, section 97C.415, subdivision 1, and except for certain waters which are subject to experimental or special regulations.
Take A Kid Fishing Weekend is the first Friday, Saturday, and Sunday after the first Monday in June. Take a Kid Ice Fishing Weekend is the Saturday, Sunday, and Monday that coincides with President's Day.
Except as provided in parts 6212.2600, subpart 3, and 6262.0600, subpart 4, and Minnesota Statutes, sections 17.4985, subdivision 3; 97C.505, subdivision 1; 97C.515, subdivision 3; 97C.525, subdivision 1; and 97C.821, a person may not import, transport, or stock in any waters of the state live fish eggs, fish spawn, or immature or adult fish of any species without a permit issued by the commissioner. An angling license does not authorize a person to import, transport, or stock live fish.
Fish that are taken by angling and not immediately released into the water after capture are considered to be in possession. Once a limit of fish has been reduced to possession, no culling or live well sorting (the act of replacing one fish with another one) of that species is allowed.
A person shall not angle for, including catch-and-release, or reduce to possession any species during its closed season.
Once a person or persons fishing as a party as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 97C.317, retain a daily limit for a species, all fish of that species that are subsequently taken must be immediately released into the water after capture.
While on or fishing in state waters with size restrictions that differ from statewide regulations, including experimental waters, special management waters, boundary waters, or any other waters with size restrictions, all fish for which the different size restrictions apply must be undressed and measurable when in a person's possession, regardless of where taken, except under the following conditions:
when a watercraft is docked or moored to shore or when on the ice and a person is in the act of preparing and using the fish for a meal; or
when a person is on an experimental or special management water and the fish were lawfully taken, have been packaged and labeled by a licensed fish packer, are to be prepared for a meal while on the ice or shore of that water body, and do not otherwise exceed the statewide possession limits.
When fish are consumed under subitem (1), the angler must maintain the carcass of a fish with size limits in such a way that the carcass may be readily unpacked, unwrapped, and separated so that the carcass may be examined, measured, and counted to ensure compliance with size restrictions for that day, as defined under Minnesota Statutes, section 645.45.
It is unlawful for a person to have in possession, regardless of where taken, any fish in excess of or outside of the limits for that water body when fishing in that water. A person must immediately return to the water any fish that is taken by angling that is in excess of or outside the limits. This item does not apply to a person who is on an experimental or special management water and the fish were lawfully taken, have been packaged and labeled by a licensed fish packer, are to be prepared for a meal while on the ice or shore of that water body, and do not otherwise exceed the statewide possession limits.
A person who is in transit on the water, taking the most direct route back to the person's lodging or docking, and not fishing, may possess fish outside of or in excess of the limits for that water body, if the species were legally taken from connected waters.
An angler may have up to three single or multiple hooks on a line used as a single tackle configuration attached to the end of a fishing line. The total configuration from the first hook to the last hook must be nine inches or less. Live, artificial, preserved, or dead bait is allowed. This configuration is not considered an artificial bait or fly.
An angler may have one additional single or multiple hook on a line as part of an artificial bait as long as it is within three inches of the artificial bait.
Except for a single artificial bait or three artificial flies, an angling rig with more than one hook is not allowed on designated trout streams and lakes.
MS s 14.388; 84.027; 84D.05; 84D.09; 84D.10; 84D.11; 84D.13; 86B.121; 97A.031; 97A.045; 97A.401; 97A.418; 97A.445; 97A.505; 97A.510; 97A.551; 97C.001; 97C.005; 97C.041; 97C.085; 97C.205; 97C.315; 97C.325; 97C.345; 97C.355; 97C.395; 97C.401; 97C.415; and others at 19 SR 6
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 19 SR 2222; 20 SR 2287; L 2003 c 28 art 1 s 20; 28 SR 629; 30 SR 394; 32 SR 1044; 33 SR 1334; 35 SR 138; 36 SR 435; 38 SR 787
December 9, 2013
Fish may be taken in inland waters by angling during the time specified for each of the following species, however, certain waters of the state are subject to experimental regulations, special regulations, or are closed for the taking and possession of fish. When the closing date of a season falls on a Saturday, the season will extend through the following Sunday.
Species and Open Season | Daily and Possession Limits | |
A. | Largemouth and smallmouth bass. | 6 in aggregate. |
(1) | In all waters lying east and north of U.S. Highway 53 from Duluth to International Falls and Pelican and Ash Lakes, St. Louis County. | |
Saturday two weeks prior to the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to the last Sunday in February. | ||
From the second Monday in September to the end of the season, angling for smallmouth bass shall be limited to catch and release only. Any smallmouth bass must be immediately returned to the water and it shall be unlawful for anyone to have in possession, regardless of where taken, any smallmouth bass while on or fishing in inland waters. | ||
(2) | In all other waters. | |
Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to the last Sunday in February. | ||
From the second Monday in September to the end of the season, angling for smallmouth bass shall be limited to catch and release only. Any smallmouth bass must be immediately returned to the water and it shall be unlawful for anyone to have in possession, regardless of where taken, any smallmouth bass while on or fishing in inland waters. | ||
B. | Brown trout. | |
(1) | In all streams in Houston, Fillmore, Mower, Dodge, Olmsted, Winona, Wabasha, and Goodhue Counties. April 1 to September 30. |
5 in aggregate with rainbow and brook trout and splake. No more than 1 may be over 16 inches in length. No harvest of trout is allowed from April 1 up to but not including the Saturday nearest April 15 and from September 15 to September 30. During these time periods, all trout must be immediately returned to the water and all hooks must be barbless. |
(2) | In all other streams, except those in part 6262.0300, subpart 6, item C, for St. Louis, Lake, Carlton, and Cook Counties. Saturday nearest April 15 to September 30. |
5 in aggregate with rainbow and brook trout and splake. No more than 1 may be over 16 inches in length. |
(3) | In lakes only: | 5 in aggregate with rainbow and brook trout and splake. No more than 3 may be over 16 inches in length. |
Statewide. | ||
Saturday two weeks prior to Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to October 31. | ||
All lakes entirely within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. | ||
January 1, except when January 1 falls on a Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday, then opening day is the preceding Saturday (Saturday nearest January 1), to March 31. | ||
All lakes entirely or partly outside the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. | ||
Saturday nearest January 15 to March 31. | ||
Lakes in Becker, Beltrami, Cass, Crow Wing, and Hubbard Counties, except Blue Lake in Hubbard County. | ||
Closed for the winter season. | ||
C. | Brook trout and splake. | |
(1) | In all streams in Houston, Fillmore, Mower, Dodge, Olmsted, Winona, Wabasha, and Goodhue Counties. April 1 to September 30. |
5 in aggregate with rainbow and brown trout and splake. No more than 1 may be over 16 inches in length. No harvest of trout is allowed from April 1 up to but not including the Saturday nearest April 15 and from September 15 to September 30. During these time periods, all trout must be immediately returned to the water and all hooks must be barbless. |
(2) | In all other streams, except those in part 6262.0300, subpart 6, item B, for St. Louis, Lake, Carlton, and Cook Counties. Saturday nearest April 15 to September 30. |
5 in aggregate with brown and rainbow trout. No more than 1 may be over 16 inches in length. |
(3) | In lakes only: | 5 in aggregate with brown and rainbow trout. No more than 3 may be over 16 inches in length. |
Statewide. | ||
Saturday two weeks prior to Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to October 31. | ||
All lakes entirely within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. | ||
January 1, except when January 1 falls on a Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday, then opening day is the preceding Saturday (Saturday nearest January 1), to March 31. | ||
All lakes entirely or partly outside the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. | ||
Saturday nearest January 15 to March 31. | ||
Lakes in Becker, Beltrami, Cass, Crow Wing, and Hubbard Counties, except Blue Lake in Hubbard County. | ||
Closed for the winter season. | ||
D. | Rainbow trout, including steelhead. | |
(1) | In all streams in Houston, Fillmore, Mower, Dodge, Olmsted, Winona, Wabasha, and Goodhue Counties. April 1 to September 30. |
5 in aggregate with brown and brook trout and splake. No more than 1 may be over 16 inches in length. No harvest of trout is allowed from April 1 up to but not including the Saturday nearest April 15 and from September 15 to September 30. During these time periods, all trout must be immediately returned to the water and all hooks must be barbless. |
(2) | In all other streams, except those in part 6262.0300, subpart 6, item A, for St. Louis, Lake, Carlton, and Cook Counties. Saturday nearest April 15 to September 30. |
5 in aggregate with brook and brown trout and splake. No more than 1 may be over 16 inches in length. |
(3) | In lakes only: | 5 in aggregate with brook and brown trout and splake. No more than 3 may be over 16 inches in length. |
Statewide. | ||
Saturday two weeks prior to Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to October 31. | ||
All lakes entirely within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. | ||
January 1, except when January 1 falls on a Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday, then opening day is the preceding Saturday (Saturday nearest January 1), to March 31. | ||
All lakes entirely or partly outside the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. | ||
Saturday nearest January 15 to March 31. | ||
Lakes in Becker, Beltrami, Cass, Crow Wing, and Hubbard Counties, except Blue Lake in Hubbard County. | ||
Closed for the winter season. | ||
E. | Lake trout. | 2 |
Statewide. | ||
Saturday two weeks prior to Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to September 30. | ||
All lakes entirely within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. | ||
January 1, except when January 1 falls on a Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday, then opening day is the preceding Saturday (Saturday nearest January 1), to March 31. | ||
All lakes lying entirely or partly outside the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. | ||
Saturday nearest January 15 to March 31. | ||
F. | Walleye and sauger. | 6 in aggregate. |
Saturday two weeks prior to the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to the last Sunday in February. | ||
G. | Northern pike. | 3 |
Saturday two weeks prior to the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to the last Sunday in February. | ||
The limit also applies to the taking by dark house spearing. | ||
H. | Muskellunge (including muskellunge-northern pike hybrid). | |
The first Saturday in June to December 1. | ||
(1) | In all inland waters not listed in subitem (2). | 1 in aggregate. The minimum size limit is 48 inches in length. |
(2) | In the following lakes in Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington Counties: | 1 in aggregate. The minimum size limit is 40 inches in length. |
Lake: | County: | |
Bryant | Hennepin | |
Bush | Hennepin | |
Calhoun | Hennepin | |
Cedar | Hennepin | |
Cedar | Scott | |
Clear | Washington | |
Crystal | Dakota | |
Crystal | Hennepin | |
Eagle | Carver | |
Elmo | Washington | |
Gervais | Ramsey | |
Island | Ramsey | |
Isles | Hennepin | |
Johanna | Ramsey | |
Nokomis | Hennepin | |
Orchard | Dakota | |
Phalen | Ramsey | |
Pierson | Carver | |
Silver | Ramsey | |
Wasserman | Carver | |
Weaver | Hennepin | |
I. | Rock bass. | 30 |
Continuous. | ||
J. | White (striped) bass. | 30 |
Continuous. | ||
K. | Crappies. | 10 |
Continuous. | ||
L. | Sunfish. | 20 |
Continuous. | ||
M. | Flathead and channel catfish. Continuous. |
5 in aggregate. No more than 1 may be over 24 inches and no more than 2 may be flathead catfish. |
N. | Perch. | 100 to November 30, 2000. |
Continuous. | 20 daily, 50 in possession, December 1, 2000, to November 30, 2001. | |
20 daily, 40 in possession, December 1, 2001, and thereafter. | ||
O. | Bullheads. | 100 |
Continuous. | ||
P. | Sturgeon. | 0 |
Closed. | ||
Q. | Carp, bowfin, redhorse, sheepshead, suckers, burbot, gar, whitefish, goldeyes, tullibees, buffalo, smelt. | No limits. |
Continuous. |
Rainbow smelt may be taken by licensed anglers and those exempt from licensing at any time by angling and dip net. Smelt may be taken in inland lakes by minnow seines, not more than 25 feet in length or four feet in depth. Live smelt may not be possessed or transported.
MS s 14.388; 97A.045; 97C.005; 97C.025; 97C.041; 97C.045; 97C.325; 97C.371; 97C.375; 97C.395; 97C.401; 97C.405; 97C.411; 97C.415; 97C.811
18 SR 83; 19 SR 2222; 20 SR 2287; 22 SR 292; 23 SR 348; 23 SR 373; 24 SR 1849; 25 SR 1964; 27 SR 1017; 30 SR 394; 32 SR 1039; 34 SR 1165; 35 SR 1396; 37 SR 1664
June 3, 2013
Fish may not be taken in Lake Superior except as provided by this part or under permit.
No more than two lines with one bait attached to each line may be used to take fish on Lake Superior, except that only one line may be used within 100 yards of the mouth of any flowing stream.
While on any portion of the Minnesota waters of Lake Superior, a person licensed to take fish by angling or as otherwise authorized by Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, or the province of Ontario, may not possess or transport more than the daily limit of fish allowed under any one but not more than one of their licenses.
Smelt may be taken by licensed anglers from Lake Superior and tributary streams subject to the following provisions:
smelt may be taken with the use of dip nets and minnow seines not more than 25 feet in length nor more than four feet in depth. Seines may not be used in any stream, except the St. Louis River, and seines may not be used in Lake Superior within 100 feet of the mouth of any stream;
Except as provided in this subpart, taking fish for bait purposes from all Minnesota waters of Lake Superior and all waters of the St. Louis River downstream of the Fond du Lac Dam in St. Louis and Carlton Counties, including any and all outflows, estuaries, streams, creeks, or waters adjacent to or flowing into these waters, is prohibited.
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 84D.03, subdivision 3, and 97C.341, paragraph (b), eggs from legally taken and possessed trout harvested from Lake Superior or its tributaries below the posted boundaries may be used to make spawn bags for bait as provided in this item and as authorized in Minnesota Statutes, section 97C.341, paragraph (a). Spawn bags may be used only in Lake Superior and its tributaries below the posted boundaries and may be transported to and from Lake Superior or its tributaries below the posted boundaries.
Angling season and daily and possession limits for Lake Superior are as follows:
Species | Open Season | Daily and Possession Limits | |
A. | Rainbow trout, including steelhead | ||
All streams and rivers from Lake Superior upstream to the posted boundaries, including the St. Louis River upstream to the Highway 23 bridge, and Lake Superior tributaries with no posted boundaries. Only a single hook may be used for angling, except in the Pigeon River (Cook County), and the St. Louis River (St. Louis and Carlton Counties). | Continuous | 5 in aggregate with brown and brook trout and splake. No more than 3 may be clipped rainbow trout, including steelhead. The minimum size limit for clipped rainbow trout is 16 inches in length. Clipped rainbow trout have their adipose fin removed and must show a healed scar. No harvest of unclipped rainbow trout is allowed. All unclipped rainbow trout must be returned to the water immediately and it is unlawful for anyone to have in possession, regardless of where taken, any unclipped rainbow trout while on or fishing in Lake Superior. | |
In all streams of the Lake Superior watershed in St. Louis, Lake, Carlton, and Cook Counties above the posted boundaries and their tributaries. | Saturday nearest April 15 to September 30 | No harvest of rainbow trout is allowed. All rainbow trout must be returned to the water immediately. It is unlawful for anyone to have in possession, regardless of where taken, any rainbow trout while on or fishing in the listed waters. | |
B. | Brook trout and splake | ||
All streams and rivers from Lake Superior upstream to the posted boundaries, including the St. Louis River upstream to the Highway 23 bridge, and Lake Superior tributaries with no posted boundaries. | Saturday nearest April 15 through Labor Day | 5 in aggregate with brown and rainbow trout. The aggregate limit for brook trout and splake is 1 and the minimum size limit is 20 inches in length. | |
Only a single hook may be used for angling, except in the Pigeon River (Cook County), and the St. Louis River (St. Louis and Carlton Counties). | |||
In all streams of the Lake Superior watershed in St. Louis, Lake, Carlton, and Cook Counties above the posted boundaries and their tributaries. | Saturday nearest April 15 to September 30 | 5 in aggregate with brown trout. No more than 1 may be over 16 inches in length. | |
C. | Brown trout | ||
All streams and rivers from Lake Superior upstream to the posted boundaries, including the St. Louis River upstream to the Highway 23 bridge, and Lake Superior tributaries with no posted boundaries. Only a single hook may be used for angling, except in the Pigeon River (Cook County), and the St. Louis River (St. Louis and Carlton Counties). | Continuous | 5 in aggregate with rainbow and brook trout and splake. No more than 1 may be over 16 inches and the minimum size limit is 10 inches in length. | |
In all streams of the Lake Superior watershed in St. Louis, Lake, Carlton, and Cook Counties above the posted boundaries and their tributaries. | Saturday nearest April 15 to September 30 | 5 in aggregate with brook trout and splake. No more than 1 may be over 16 inches in length. | |
D. | Lake trout | ||
All streams and rivers from Lake Superior upstream to the posted boundaries, including the St. Louis River upstream to the Highway 23 bridge, and Lake Superior tributaries with no posted boundaries. | December 1 through the first full weekend in October | 3 | |
E. | Chinook, coho, Atlantic, and pink salmon | Continuous | 5 in aggregate. All must be at least 10 inches in length. Only 1 may be an Atlantic salmon. |
F. | Smelt | Continuous | Smelt may be possessed without limit and may be bought or sold at any time. |
G. | Walleye | ||
All streams and rivers from Lake Superior upstream to the posted boundaries, including the St. Louis River upstream to the Highway 23 bridge, and Lake Superior tributaries with no posted boundaries. | Saturday two weeks prior to Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through March 1 | 2. All must be at least 15 inches in length. | |
H. | Northern pike | ||
All streams and rivers from Lake Superior upstream to the posted boundaries, including the St. Louis River upstream to the Highway 23 bridge, and Lake Superior tributaries with no posted boundaries. | Saturday two weeks prior to Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through March 1 | 2 |
All other species may be taken as allowed by inland regulations. When the closing date of the season falls on a Saturday, the season extends to the following Sunday.
Only a single hook per rod may be used for angling below the posted boundaries in tributaries to Lake Superior, except in the Pigeon River (Cook County), and the St. Louis River (St. Louis and Carlton Counties). "Single hook" does not include a treble or double hook, stinger hook, or lure with multiple single hooks or more than one hook on any type of drop line or at the end of the line.
MS s 14.388; 84.027; 97A.045; 97C.025; 97C.315; 97C.395; 97C.401; 97C.415; 97C.811; and others at 19 SR 6
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 19 SR 2222; 22 SR 292; 23 SR 348; 28 SR 629; 35 SR 1396; 37 SR 1664; 38 SR 787
December 9, 2013
[Renumbered 6264.0050]
June 11, 2008
The following waters or designated portions are closed to the taking of all fish at all times, except by permit according to part 6260.0300, subpart 1, and Minnesota Statutes, section 97C.041:
Anoka and Ramsey Counties: Wilkinson Lake, including inlet and outlet channels, S.4,5,9, T.30, R.22; S.34, T.31, R.22.
Cass County: Thunder Creek at the outlet of Thunder Lake, within 500 feet below the dam, S.10, T.140, R.26.
Cass and Itasca Counties: Winnibigoshish Lake, within 300 feet below the Federal Dam, S.25, T.146, R.27.
Dakota and Washington Counties: Mississippi River, within 150 feet below the Federal Dam at Hastings, S.21, T.115, R.17.
Douglas and Grant Counties: Lake Christina, S.3-11,17,18, T.130, R.40 and S.1,12,13, T.130, R.41.
Goodhue County: Mississippi River, within 150 feet below U.S. Lock and Dam No. 3 near Red Wing, S.10, T.113, R.15; except that fishing from shore within 150 feet below the lock and dam and from boats that remain outside the 150-foot restricted zone is permitted.
Hennepin County: Mississippi River, within 150 feet below the St. Anthony Falls Dam at Minneapolis, S.23, T.29, R.24.
Hennepin and Ramsey Counties: Mississippi River, within 150 feet below U.S. Lock and Dam No. 1 (Ford Dam), between Minneapolis and St. Paul, S.17, T.28, R.23.
Houston County: Mississippi River, within 150 feet below U.S. Lock and Dam No. 8 near Reno, S.7, T.101, R.3; except that fishing from shore within 150 feet below the lock and dam and from boats that remain outside the 150-foot restricted zone is permitted.
Itasca County:
Mississippi River, from 500 feet upstream to 300 feet downstream of the Blandin Dam, S.21, T.55, R.25.
Ramsey County:
Pleasant Lake, including inlet and outlet channels, S.7,8,18,19, T.30, R.22, and S.12,13, T.30, R.23.
Ramsey and Anoka Counties: Wilkinson Lake, including inlet and outlet channels. See Anoka and Ramsey Counties.
Ramsey and Hennepin Counties: Mississippi River. See Hennepin and Ramsey counties for area closed.
St. Louis County:
Lester River, immediately downstream of the Superior Street bridge to the bottom of the first falls. The pool downstream of the first falls remains open. S.8, T.50, R.13.
St. Louis and Carlton Counties: St. Louis River, from the Fond du Lac Dam downstream for one-half mile to the Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary cable, S.6, T.48, R.15.
Wabasha County: Mississippi River, within 150 feet below U.S. Lock and Dam No. 4 near Kellogg, S.17, T.110, R.9; except that fishing from shore within 150 feet below the lock and dam and from boats that remain outside the 150-foot restricted zone is permitted.
Washington and Dakota Counties: Mississippi River. See Dakota and Washington Counties for area closed.
Winona County: Mississippi River, within 150 feet below the following U.S. Locks and Dams: No. 5, S.17, T.108, R.8; No. 5A, S.9, T.107, R.7; No. 6, S.8, T.106, R.5, near Winona; and No. 7, S.28, T.105, R.4, near Dresbach; except that fishing from shore within 150 feet below these locks and dams and from boats that remain outside the 150-foot restricted zone is permitted.
Lake and St. Louis Counties: Knife River from the U.S. Highway 61 bridge in S.36, T.52, R.12, downstream to the cable below the Knife River fish trap in S.31, T.52, R.11 and S.36, T.52, R.12.
Morrison County: Mississippi River, Zebulon Pike Reservoir's portion known as Musky Bay T.138, R.30, S.1 E1/2 of NE1/4.
The following waters in the portions designated are closed to the taking of all fish during the periods specified:
Cook County:
Sea Gull River, S.19,30,31, T.66, R.4, and S.25,36, T.66, R.5, from Sea Gull Lake including Gull Lake to Saganaga Lake approximately 1/3 mile north of the narrows. The dates of closure are from April 1 through the Friday before Memorial Day weekend;
Gauthier Creek, S.27, T.62, R.3E; Kadunce Creek, S.2, T.61, R.2E, from 0.2 to 0.4 miles above the mouth; and Devil Track River, S.11,12, T.61, R.1E, from 1.1 to 1.6 miles above the mouth. The dates of the closure are September 1 through May 31;
Granite River (at Saganaga Lake) S.4, T.66, R.4, from Saganaga Falls downstream to Saganaga Lake, including Saganaga Lake within 300 yards of the mouth of the Granite River. The dates of the closure are April 1 through May 31;
Little Gunflint-Little North channel (Granite River at Gunflint Lake) S.16, T.65, R.2, the channel between Little Gunflint Lake and Little North lake, including Little Gunflint Lake within 300 yards of the channel mouth and Little North Lake within 100 yards of the head of the channel. The dates of the closure are April 1 through May 31; and
Cross River (at Gunflint Lake) S.24,25,26, T.65, R.4, and S.19,30, T.65, R.3, from Cook County Road 12 (Gunflint Trail) crossing downstream to Gunflint Lake, including Gunflint Lake within 300 yards of the mouth of the Cross River. The dates of the closure are April 1 through the Friday before Memorial Day weekend.
St. Louis and Carlton Counties:
St. Louis River, S.6,7, T.48, R.15, from the State Highway 23 bridge upstream to the Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary cable crossing the river. The dates of closure are from the Saturday closest to March 1 to May 18; and
Lake Superior from the mainland to a line that runs from the mouth of Chester Creek, S.23, T.50N, R.14W, to the outermost portion of the north/west arm of the Duluth ship canal, S.27, T.50N, R.14W. The dates of closure are from the day after the first full weekend in October to November 30. When November 30 falls on a Saturday, the closure extends to the following Sunday. Fishing is allowed only from shore in this area during the dates of closure.
Sherburne County: Elk River, S.33, T.33, R.26, for a distance of 1,000 feet below the power dam at the city of Elk River. The dates of closure are November 1 to the third Sunday in February.
Cass County: the Gull River from the United States Army Corps of Engineers dam (Government Lot 1, S.20, T.134N, R.29W) downstream 250 feet. The closure is from the Saturday two weeks prior to the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to the Friday before Memorial Day.
Goodhue County:
Mississippi River, within 300 feet below Lock and Dam 3 at Red Wing, S.10, T.113, R.15. The closure is from March 1 to April 30; and
Cannon River and Hay Creek floodplain, S.10,11,13,14,15,23,24,25,26, T.113, R.15, and S.19, T.113, R.14, includes floodplain lakes and streams in the area bounded on the northwest by the Vermillion River, on the south and southwest by Canadian Pacific Railroad track, and on the north and east by the Mississippi River. The dates of closure are April 1 through May 15.
Wabasha County: Mississippi River, within 300 feet below Lock and Dam 4 at Alma, Wisconsin, S.17,20, T.110, R.9. The closure is from March 1 to April 30.
The following waters have restrictions on the possession of fish:
Mink Lake in Wright County: S.23-25, T.121, R.27, and Somers Lake in Wright County, S.24-25, T.121, R.27, are closed to the possession of all fish through February 28, 1998, except that the daily and possession limit for sunfish is five. Possession and use of minnows as bait, except processed minnows in a dried, frozen, or pickled condition, is prohibited.
Annie Battle inlet and outlets in Otter Tail County: The inlet stream (T.133N, R.40W, S.24) beginning at the northeast exit point of Molly Stark Lake to the confluence with Annie Battle Lake and the outlet stream (T.133N, R.40W, S.12) beginning at the northwest exit of Annie Battle to Blanche Lake are closed to the possession of northern pike and largemouth bass. The daily and possession limit for sunfish is five.
Eagle Creek in Scott County: S.7,18, T.115N, R.21W, and S.13, T.115N, R.22 (south of State Highway 101 to the source of the east and west branches that are west of State Highway 13) is closed to the possession of trout.
Crawford Lake in Wright County: S.20, T.119N, R.25W, is closed to the possession of largemouth bass. The daily and possession limit for sunfish is five, for crappie is five, for walleye is two, and for yellow perch is ten.
Waters or portions of waters designated as spawning beds or fish preserves under chapter 6264 may be posted closed to the taking of fish or posted to restrict motorboat operations based on:
Waters or portions of waters being used by the commissioner for research or management activities may be posted closed to the taking of fish or posted to restrict motorboat operations if necessary to prevent:
Notice of closures or restrictions under this subpart shall be posted at all public access sites and on the Department of Natural Resources Web site no less than 48 hours prior to the effective date. The posting shall include a description of the closure or restriction and associated dates.
MS s 84D.05; 84D.09; 84D.10; 84D.11; 84D.13; 86B.121; 97A.031; 97A.045; 97A.101; 97A.401; 97A.418; 97A.505; 97A.510; 97A.551; 97C.001; 97C.005; 97C.085; 97C.205; 97C.315; 97C.325; 97C.345; 97C.395; 97C.401; 97C.801
18 SR 83; 19 SR 2222; 20 SR 2287; 22 SR 292; 23 SR 348; 24 SR 1849; 27 SR 1313; 28 SR 629; 32 SR 1039; 33 SR 1442; 36 SR 435; 37 SR 1664
October 3, 2013
The commissioner may modify seasons and limits under Minnesota Statutes, section 84.027, subdivision 13, or sections 97A.0451 to 97A.0459, to accommodate tribal declarations for fish harvest in the 1837 Ceded Territory in compliance with the court ruling in Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa v. Minnesota, 119 S.Ct. 1187 (1999). Changes shall be posted at water access sites and the Department of Natural Resources Web site.
All walleye in possession while on or fishing in the following waters must be 15 inches in length or greater. The possession limit for walleye and sauger in aggregate is six. Taking walleye and sauger in the following waters is limited to the Saturday two weeks prior to the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to the third Sunday in February.
Name | Location | County |
Inland waters of Mississippi River pool 3 | from the railroad tracks on the Minnesota-Wisconsin border upstream to the dam at Hastings, Minnesota | Dakota, Washington |
While on or fishing in the following waters, the possession limit for sunfish is five, the possession limit for crappie is five, the possession limit for yellow perch is ten, the possession limit for walleye is two, and the possession limit for largemouth bass is one. A person's possession limit may not include more than one northern pike over 30 inches in length. The possession limit for northern pike is three.
Name | Location | County |
Little Sauk Lake | T.128, R.34W, S.32 | Todd |
A person shall not take minnows for personal use, except by angling, from a stream, stream tributary, sidechannel, oxbow, backwater, or other seasonally or permanently connected water of the Missouri River watershed that is in Lincoln, Pipestone, Murray, Rock, or Nobles County and that lies south of U.S. Highway 14 to the Iowa border and west of U.S. Highway 59 to the South Dakota border. These waters include, but are not limited to, Medary Creek, Flandreau Creek, East Branch Flandreau Creek, Willow Creek, Pipestone Creek, North Branch Pipestone Creek, Split Rock Creek, Beaver Creek, Little Beaver Creek, Springwater Creek, Rock River, East Branch Rock River, Ask Creek, Little Rock River, Little Rock Creek, Kanaranzi Creek, Norwegian Creek, East Branch Kanaranzi Creek, Elk Creek, Champepadan Creek, Mound Creek, Poplar Creek, Chanarambie Creek, North Branch Chanarambie Creek, and Mud Creek.
A person may not take for personal use any tadpole madtoms (Noturus gyrinus) or stonecats (Noturus flavus), except by special permit, from a stream, stream tributary, side channel, oxbow, backwater, or other seasonally or permanently connected water that is in Dodge, Freeborn, or Mower County.
While on or fishing in the following waters, angling for northern pike is limited to catch and release only, whereby any northern pike caught must be immediately returned to the water. Catch and release angling for northern pike is legal during the open season for this species in inland waters. It is unlawful for anyone to have in possession, regardless of where taken, any northern pike while on or fishing in the following waters. A person may not possess a motorized ice auger or electronic fish finding devices while on or fishing in the following waters. Electronic fish finding devices include depth finders; fish finders; underwater videos or cameras; sonars; global positioning systems; and temperature, oxygen, and pH meters.
Name | Location | County | End Date | |
A. | Annie Battle Lake | T.133, R.39,40, S.13,18,19,24 | Otter Tail | 3/1/2013 |
B. | Annie Battle inlet stream beginning at the exit point of Molly Stark Lake to the confluence with Annie Battle Lake | T.133, R.40, S.24 | Otter Tail | 3/1/2013 |
C. | Annie Battle outlet stream beginning at the northwest exit of Annie Battle Lake to Blanche Lake | T.133, R.40, S.12 | Otter Tail | 3/1/2013 |
While on or fishing in the following waters, angling for largemouth bass and northern pike is limited to catch and release only, whereby any largemouth bass and northern pike caught must be immediately returned to the water. Catch and release angling for largemouth bass and northern pike is legal during the open season for these species in inland waters. It is unlawful for anyone to have in possession, regardless of where taken, any largemouth bass or northern pike while on or fishing in these waters. Spearing is prohibited from December 1 to the last Sunday in February.
Name | Location | County |
Stieger | T.116, R.24, S.11,12,13,14 | Carver |
While on or angling in the following waters, the daily and possession limit for sunfish is five and angling for northern pike and largemouth bass is limited to catch and release only, whereby any northern pike or largemouth bass caught must be immediately returned to the water. A person may not possess a motorized ice auger or electronic fish finding devices while on or fishing in the following waters. Electronic fish finding devices include depth finders; fish finders; underwater videos or cameras; sonars; global positioning systems; and temperature, oxygen, and pH meters.
Name | Location | County |
Black Bass Lake | T.42, R.27, S.11-14 | Mille Lacs |
While a person is on or fishing in the following waters, the daily and possession limit for sunfish is ten and for crappie is five and fishing for northern pike and largemouth bass is limited to catch and release only, whereby any northern pike or largemouth bass caught must be immediately returned to the water. Catch and release fishing for northern pike and largemouth bass is legal during the open season for these species in inland waters. It is unlawful for anyone to have in possession, regardless of where taken, any northern pike or largemouth bass while on or fishing in the following waters.
Name | Location | County | |
A. | Fladmark | T.135, R.42, S.13,14,24 | Otter Tail |
B. | Twenty One | T.135, R.42, S.16,21 | Otter Tail |
The Rochester Area Lakes are the five waters listed in item C. Daily and possession limits provided in item B apply to the five waters listed in item C as a whole.
While a person is on or fishing in the Rochester Area Lakes:
the daily and possession limit for sunfish, black crappie, white crappie, and yellow perch in aggregate is ten, of which not more than five may be black crappie or white crappie in aggregate;
the daily and possession limit for largemouth bass and smallmouth bass in aggregate is one; and
The Rochester Area Lakes include the following waters:
Name | Location | County |
Gamehaven (Willow Reservoir No. 4) | T.106, R.13,14, S.25,30,31,36 | Olmsted |
Cascade Ponds | T.107, R.14, S.33,34 | Olmsted |
Manor Woods Pond | T.107, R.14, S.33 | Olmsted |
Silver Lake | T.107, R.14, S.25,26,35,36 | Olmsted |
Silver Creek Reservoir No. 2 | T.107, R.13, S.26,27 | Olmsted |
While a person is on or angling in the following waters, angling is limited for all species to catch and release only, whereby any species that are caught must be immediately returned to the water.
Name | Location | County |
Lester Lake | T.142, R.32, S.5,6 | Hubbard |
24 SR 1849; 28 SR 629; 30 SR 904; 32 SR 1039; 37 SR 1431
April 11, 2013
Rough fish may be taken according to Minnesota Statutes, sections 97C.345, 97C.371, and 97C.375.
Rough fish may be taken by fish trap, net, dip net, seine, or other device capable of taking fish from May 1 through the Sunday before the third Monday in February between sunrise and sunset in all inland waters and by archery at night on water bodies designated under subpart 2 from June 1 to the last day in August, except where the taking of fish is otherwise prohibited by law or rule.
Rough fish may be taken by harpooning with a rubber powered gun, spring gun, or compressed air gun. Harpooning equipment may not be used within 1,000 feet of an established swimming beach. Harpooning equipment may be discharged only when both the equipment and operator are entirely beneath the surface of the water and may not be carried in a cocked position while out of the water.
Rough fish may be taken by archery, provided that the arrows used are tethered or controlled by an attached line. The use of crossbows is prohibited, except as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 97B.106.
Rough fish may be taken by means of hand-held dip nets having a diameter not exceeding 24 inches.
Rough fish may be taken by hand-held spears in open water or through the ice. The season for taking rough fish by hand-held spears is from the last Saturday in April up to but not including the third Monday in February. The season is closed from the third Monday in February to the Friday before the last Saturday in April. A person may possess a spear on or near waters between sunrise and sunset during the open season.
Suckers may be taken by spearing from the last Saturday in April through the last Sunday in February. The season is closed from the Monday following the last Sunday in February to the Friday before the last Saturday in April. A person may possess a spear on or near waters between sunrise and sunset during the open season.
As described in this subpart, up to 100 bullheads greater than 7.0 inches and equal to or less than 10.0 inches may be taken, possessed, and held for use as live bait.
Bullheads taken under this subpart may be taken from the wild by:
seines used as authorized for noncommercial taking of minnows as prescribed under part 6230.0250, subpart 6; chapter 6254; and Minnesota Statutes, sections 97C.505 and 97C.511, subdivision 1.
Bullheads taken under this subpart are considered part of the daily and possession limits in parts 6262.0200, subpart 1, item P, and 6262.0650, item C.
Bullheads taken under this subpart must be transported in a container with a locking lid or other device to prevent escape. Release of the live bullheads into the wild is not allowed.
A person transporting or holding bullheads under this subpart must allow inspection of the bullheads by the commissioner at any time.
A person may not transport live bullheads under this subpart across the borders into Minnesota without an appropriate commercial license and transportation permit.
Live bullheads, regardless of size, may not be transported north of State Highway 210.
White suckers that are over 12 inches and have been legally purchased from a licensed commercial vendor may be transported alive. The person transporting these fish must have the sales receipt on their person. The sales receipt must show the date and time of purchase.
MS s 14.388; 97A.045; 97A.551; 97B.106; 97C.001; 97C.041; 97C.205; 97C.315; 97C.345; 97C.371; 97C.375; 97C.381; 97C.401; and others at 19 SR 6
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 23 SR 348; 31 SR 745; 32 SR 1039; 35 SR 138; 37 SR 1664; 38 SR 787
December 9, 2013
Daily and possession limits of rough fish taken by spearing, harpooning, archery, and dip nets are:
18 SR 83; 23 SR 348
June 11, 2008
Except as provided by Minnesota Statutes, section 97C.345, rough fish may not be taken by spearing, harpooning, archery, or dip netting in any designated trout stream or lake, posted spawning area, or any water where spawning, trapping, or hatchery operations are being carried on.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484
June 11, 2008
Rough fish taken by spearing, harpooning, or archery may not be returned to the water and rough fish may not be left on the banks of any water of the state.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484
June 11, 2008
The waters listed in each of the following schedules will be open during the designated seasons to the netting of whitefish and ciscoes. Unless otherwise indicated, the names of the bodies of water refer to lakes.
All bodies of water listed in this schedule may be opened and closed on a 48-hour notice posted at lake accesses and other public places based on a determination of the following:
the abundance of whitefish or ciscoes.
County | Minimum mesh size 3-1/2 inches allowed | Minimum mesh size 1-3/4 inches allowed | |
Balsam, Big, T.58,59, R.24, S.5 + Various | Itasca | X | |
Basswood, T.64,65, R.9, 10,11, S. Var. | Lake | X | |
Bear Island, T.61, R.13, S. Var. | St. Louis | X | |
Deer, T.56, R.26,27; T.57, R.26,27, S. Var. | Itasca | X | |
Devil Track Lake, T.62, R.1, S. Var. | Cook | X | |
Ely, T.57,58, R.17, S. Var. | St. Louis | X | |
Fall, T.63, R.11,12, S. Var.; T.64, R.11, S. Var. | Lake St. Louis |
X | |
Green, T.120, R.33,34; T.121, R.33,34 | Kandiyohi | X | |
Greenwood, T.64N, R.2E, S. Var. | Cook | X | |
Ida, T.129,130, R.38 | Douglas | X | |
Mille Lacs | Aitkin Crow Wing Mille Lacs |
X | |
Nashwauk, T.57, R.23,24, S.7 + Var. | Itasca | X | |
Newton, T.63,64, R.11, S. Var. | Lake | X | |
Ojibway, T.63, R.9,10, S. Var. | Lake | X | |
Poplar, T.64, R.1W,2W | Cook | X | |
Rachel, T.127, R.39 | Douglas | X | |
Shagawa, T.63, R.12, S. Var. | St. Louis | X | |
Side, T.60N, R.21W, S. Var. | St. Louis | X | |
South Sturgeon, T.59-60, R.21-22, S. Var. | St. Louis | X | |
Straight, T.140, R.36, S.6 + Var. | Becker | X | |
Turtle, Big, T.59, R.26,27; T.60, R.26,27 | Itasca | X | |
Vermillion, T.61, R.16; T.62, R.14,15,16,17; T.63, R.15,16,17, 18 - all except Pike Bay, south and west of a north-south line at narrowest portion between Echo Point and Punchers Point, T.62, R.15, S.19 + Var. | St. Louis | X |
All bodies of water listed in this schedule are open during the dates indicated by one of the following symbols:
A = Second Friday of October through the first Sunday of December;
B = First Friday of November through the second Sunday of December; or
C = Second Friday of November through the second Sunday of December.
County | Minimum mesh size 3-1/2 inches allowed | Minimum mesh size 1-3/4 inches allowed | Open dates | |
Ball Club, T.144, R.25,26; T.145, R.26 | Itasca | X | B | |
Bass, T.137, R.28 | Crow Wing | X | B | |
Bass, north basin and Snyder Bay to the narrows, T.56, R.26 | Itasca | X | B | |
Bass, Big, T.140, R.26, S.27 + Various | Cass | X | B | |
Beltrami, T.148, R.32,33 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Bemidji, Little, T.142, R.39, S.23 + Var. | Becker | X | B | |
Benedict, T.142, R.32 | Hubbard | X | B | |
Black Bear, T.46, R.29,30; T.47, R.29,30 | Crow Wing | X | B | |
Blackduck, T.149, R.31 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Blackwater, T.140, R.29, S.25 + Var. | Cass | X | B | |
Bowstring, T.146, R.25,26; T.147, R.25,26 | Itasca | X | B | |
Bowstring, Little, T.58, R.27, S.23 + Var. | Itasca | X | B | |
Boy, T.142, R.27,28 | Cass | X | B | |
Brule, T.60, R.21, S. Var. | Cook | X | A | |
Buffalo, T.140, R.40,41; T.141, R.40 | Becker | X | C | |
Buzzle, Big, T.148, R.35 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Caribou, T.65, R.1E | Cook | X | A | |
Carr, T.146, R.33 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Cass, T.145,146, R.30,31 | Beltrami Cass |
X | B | |
Clear, T.137, R.28 | Crow Wing | X | B | |
Clearwater, T.149, R.35,36 | Beltrami Clearwater |
X | B | |
Cotton, T.139,140, R.40 | Becker | X | B | |
Crane, T.67, R.16,17 | St. Louis | X | A | |
Crooked, T.144, R.31 | Cass | X | B | |
Crooked, T.45, R.28, S.16 + Var. | Crow Wing | X | B | |
Crow Wing, Fifth and Sixth Lakes (channel between), T.140, R.33, S.20 | Hubbard | X | B | |
Crow Wing, Seventh and Eighth Lakes (channel between), T.140, R.33, S.12 + Var. | Hubbard | X | B | |
Crow Wing, Ninth, T.140, 141, R.32 | Hubbard | X | B | |
Crystal, T.136, R.42 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Curfman, T.138, R.41 | Becker | X | B | |
Cut Foot Sioux, T.146,147, R.27 | Itasca | X | B | |
Deer, T.148, R.34 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Deer, T.62, R.24, S. Var. | Itasca | X | B | |
Detroit, T.138,139, R.41 | Becker | X | B | |
Eagle, T.45, R.29 | Crow Wing | X | B | |
Elbow, T.64, R.18, S. Var. | St. Louis | X | A | |
Elbow, Big, T.142, R.38,39 | Becker | X | C | |
Eunice, T.138, R.42, S.26 + Var. | Becker | X | B | |
Fish, T.137, R.42 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Fish Hook, T.140, R.34,35 | Hubbard | X | B | |
Floyd, Big, T.139, R.41 | Becker | X | B | |
Franklin, T.136,137, R.42 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Gilstad, T.148,149, R.30 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Graham, T.137,138, R.40 | Becker Otter Tail |
X | B | |
Grant, T.146,147, R.34 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Graves, T.58, R.26 | Itasca | X | B | |
Gull, T.134, R.29,30; T.135, R.29 | Cass Crow Wing |
X | B | |
Gull, Upper, T.135, R.29 | Cass | X | B | |
Hanging Horn, Big, T.46, R.19 | Carlton | X | B | |
Howard, T.141, R.31 | Cass | X | B | |
Ice Cracking, T.141, R.38,39 | Becker | X | C | |
Isabella, T.61, R.8; T.62, R.7,8 | Lake | X | A | |
Island, T.141, R.35 | Hubbard | X | B | |
Jack, T.141,142, R.30 | Cass | X | B | |
Jessie, T.147,148, R.25 | Itasca | X | B | |
Jewett, T.134, R.43 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Kabekona, T.142, R.32; T.143, R.32,33 | Hubbard | X | B | |
Kabetogama, T.69,70, R.19-22 | Koochiching St. Louis |
X | A | |
Kimble, T.137, R.28 | Crow Wing | X | B | |
Kitchie, T.146,147, R.30 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Lake of the Woods | Lake of the Woods Roseau |
X | A | |
Leaf, East, T.134, R.37,38 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Leaf, Middle, T.134, R.38 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Leaf, West, T.134, R.38 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Leavitt, T.139, R.25,26 | Cass | X | B | |
Leech, including Kabekona Bay and all other bays, T.141, R.29,31; T.142, R.28,29,30,31,32; T.143, R.28,29,30,31; T.144, R.28,29,30 | Cass Hubbard |
X | A | |
Lida, T.135,136, R.42 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Lizzie, T.136,137, R.42 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Long, T.138,139, R.41 | Becker | X | B | |
Long, T.139,140, R.34 | Hubbard | X | B | |
Long, T.134, R.42,43 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Long, Lower South, T.44, R.29,30 | Crow Wing | X | B | |
Long, North, T.134, R.28, 29; T.135, R.28 | Crow Wing | X | B | |
McCraney, T.143, R.40, S.25 + Var. | Mahnomen | X | B | |
Many Point, T.141, R.38; T.142, R.38,39 | Becker | X | B | |
Maple, T.60, R.27 | Itasca | X | B | |
Margaret (Kilpatrick), T.135, R.29 | Cass | X | B | |
Marquette, T.146, R.33 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Maud, T.138, R.42 | Becker | X | B | |
Melissa, T.138, R.41 | Becker | X | B | |
Moore, T.142, R.38, S.5; T.143, R.38, S.32 | Becker Clearwater |
X | B | |
Movil, T.147,148, R.33 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Murphy, T.137, R.39, S.6; T.138, R.39, S.31 | Becker Otter Tail |
X | B | |
Namakan, T.68, R.17,18; T.69, R.17,18,19, except the narrows between Namakan and Sand Point Lakes | St. Louis | X | A | |
Net (Burnett), T.142, R.40, S.17 + Var. | Becker | X | B | |
Oak (Mud), T.143, R.32, S.27 | Hubbard | X | B | |
Ossawinamakee (Long), T.136, 137, R.28 | Crow Wing | X | B | |
Pelican, T.135, R.27,28; T.136, R.27,28 | Crow Wing | X | B | |
Pelican, Big, T.137, R.42,43 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Pike, T.142, R.38 | Becker | X | B | |
Pike, East, T.65, R.2E,3E | Cook | X | A | |
Pike Bay, T.145, R.30,31 | Cass | X | B | |
Pillager, T.133,134, R.30 | Cass | X | B | |
Pimushe, T.147,148, R.30,31 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Pine, Big, T.136,137, R.38 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Pine, Little, T.136, R.39; T.137, R.38,39 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Pine Mountain, T.138, R.30; T.139, R.30,31 | Cass | X | B | |
Plantaganette, T.145, R.33, 34; T.146, R.33 | Beltrami Hubbard |
X | B | |
Pokegama, T.54, R.25,26; T.55, R.25,26 | Itasca | X | B | |
Portage, T.141, R.31 | Cass | X | B | |
Portage, T.45, R.28, S.29 + Var. | Crow Wing | X | B | |
Potato and Eagle Lakes (channel between), T.141, R.35, S.22 | Hubbard | X | B | |
Prairie, T.50, R.20 | St. Louis | X | B | |
Pug Hole Lake, T.140, R.26, S.2 + Var. | Cass | X | B | |
Rainy, T.69-71, R.17-24 | Koochiching St. Louis |
X | A | |
Round, T.141, R.38,39 | Becker | X | B | |
Round, T.134, R.28,29; T.135, R.28,29 | Crow Wing | X | B | |
Round, T.148, R.27,28 | Itasca | X | B | |
Rush Island, T.148, R.26, S.15 + Var. | Itasca | X | B | |
Sand, Big, T.147,148, R.26 | Itasca | X | B | |
Sand Point, T.67, R.16,17; T.68, R.16,17, except the narrows between Sand Point and Namakan Lakes and Sand Point and Little Vermillion Lakes | St. Louis | X | A | |
Sandy, T.149, R.35 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Sandy, Big, T.49, R.23,24; T.50, R.23,24 | Aitkin | X | B | |
Sauk, Big, T.126,127, R.34 | Stearns Todd |
X | B | |
Silver Island, T.60, R.6; T.61, R.6,7 | Lake | X | A | |
Snyder (Snider), T.143, R.39,40 | Mahnomen | X | B | |
Stalker, T.132, R.41 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Star, T.137, R.28 | Crow Wing | X | B | |
Star, T.135, R.40,41; T.136, R.41 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Steamboat, T.144, R.31,32 | Cass Hubbard |
X | B | |
Strawberry, T.141,142, R.40 | Becker | X | B | |
Sucker, Lower (Big Sucker), T.144, R.30; T.145, R.29,30 | Cass | X | B | |
Swan, T.55,56, R.22,23, S. Var. | Itasca | X | B | |
Ten Mile, T.140, R.30,31; T.141, R.30,31 | Cass | X | C | |
Thunder, Big, T.140, R.26 | Cass | X | B | |
Tulaby, T.142,143, R.39 | Becker Mahnomen |
X | B | |
Turtle, Big, T.148, R.33 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Turtle, Little, T.148, R.31, 32 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Turtle River Lake, T.147, 148, R.32 | Beltrami | X | B | |
Twin Lakes, T.56, R.23,24 | Itasca | X | B | |
Wabedo, T.140, R.28 | Cass | X | B | |
Washburn, T.139,140, R.26 | Cass | X | B | |
White Earth, T.142,143, R.40 | Becker Mahnomen |
X | B | |
Wilson Bay, T.134, R.29,30 | Cass | X | B | |
Wimer, T.137, R.40 | Otter Tail | X | C | |
Winnibigoshish, T.145, R.27, 28,29; T.146, R.27,28, 29; T.147, R.27,28 | Cass Itasca |
X | B | |
Winnibigoshish, Little, T.145, R.26,27; T.146, R.26,27, except those portions within one-fourth mile of river channels | Cass Itasca |
X | B | |
Wolf, Big, T.145,146, R.32, S. Var. | Beltrami Hubbard |
X | B | |
Woman, T.140, R.28,29; T.141, R.28,29 | Cass | X | B |
The seasons, daily, and possession limits for the taking of fish from bodies of water within the Leech Lake Reservation for noncommercial purposes shall be the same as the statewide regulations, except whitefish which shall have a daily and possession limit of 25 and cisco which shall have a daily and possession limit of 50. These limits do not apply to band or tribal members possessing a valid band fishing identification permit.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 19 SR 2222; 20 SR 2287; 23 SR 348; 24 SR 1849; 28 SR 629; 32 SR 1039
June 11, 2008
Gill nets for taking whitefish and ciscoes may not be set after sunset or raised before sunrise. All gill nets must be operated only by the licensee. Gill nets must be tended at least once every 24 hours. A person may use only one gill net.
MS s 97C.345; and others at 19 SR 6
19 SR 484
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 32 SR 1039]
June 11, 2008
The following is a special fish management species and requires a tag:
Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens).
A person may not possess a special fish management species unless the person has a valid tag for that species. A tag is not required to angle for a special fish management species.
A person applying for a tag must either possess a valid fishing license or be specifically exempt by law from the fishing license requirement. A person exempt by law from the fishing license requirement must still obtain a tag to legally possess a special fish management species.
Upon application and payment of the required fee, the authorized licensing agent shall issue the appropriate number of tags and registration cards for the species requested. Each tag issued shall specify the species for which it is valid.
No more than one set of tags for each special fish management species may be purchased. A set is defined as the number of tags equal to the prescribed legal daily and possession limits for that species. Duplicate tags shall not be issued.
Immediately after reducing a special fish management species to possession, a tag holder must validate and attach a tag to the fish. A tag holder may not affix any tag to the carcass of a special fish management species that the tag holder did not personally catch.
To validate a tag, the tag holder must use a sharp object to cut out or use a pen to indelibly mark the appropriate notch on the tag indicating:
A tag must be attached to a special fish management species as described in this item and in such a manner that it cannot be readily removed before the fish is consumed or processed. For lake sturgeon, tag holders must attach the validated tag to the caudal peduncle (narrow portion of the body just in front of the tail fin) using string, twine, wire, or similar device.
A tag holder must register a catch of a special fish management species within 48 hours of reducing it to possession by completing and mailing the registration card provided with the tag. The following registration information is required:
32 SR 1039
June 11, 2008
License applicants must be at least 18 years of age at the time the license is issued and possess a valid United States Coast Guard operator's license appropriate for the watercraft to be used. Applications are available from the License Bureau and must be submitted to the Lake Superior Area Fisheries Supervisor.
MS s 97C.311; and others at 19 SR 6
19 SR 484
June 11, 2008
Licensed Lake Superior fishing guides must keep accurate records on forms provided by the commissioner. Records must be kept on a monthly basis and must be submitted by the licensee so that they are received by the Lake Superior area fisheries supervisor on or before the tenth day of each month for the preceding month. Records must be submitted whether or not the licensee engaged in guiding during the reporting month, except that records need not be submitted for the months of November through April unless the licensee has engaged in guiding during those months.
Failure to submit any required records three times or more in a two-year period will invalidate any subsequent application for licensure as a guide for up to a three-year period, upon determination by the commissioner.
MS s 97C.311; and others at 19 SR 6
19 SR 484; 23 SR 348
June 11, 2008
Fish nets, including minnow seines used by minnow dealers, must be marked, as provided by Minnesota Statutes, section 97C.351, as follows:
gill nets must be marked on one end of the float line near the first float. One end of the gill net must have a pole, stake, or buoy projecting at least two feet above the surface of the water or ice.
Tags for marking nets must be of a minimum size of 2-1/2 inches by five-eighths inch and must be provided by the owner or operator of the nets.
MS s 97C.351
18 SR 83
June 11, 2008
The terms used in sections 6262.3150 to 6262.3300 have the meanings given them in this part.
"Dressed fish" means fish that may have heads, entrails, gills, and either the scales or skin removed.
"Fillet" means a portion, not including the cheeks, of the flesh of a fish that has been removed. Scales or skin may be removed or intact.
MS s 97A.551; and others at 19 SR 6
19 SR 484
June 11, 2008
All fish that are being transported or shipped by residents or nonresidents must be packed and wrapped in such a way that they may be readily unpacked, unwrapped, separated, examined, and counted.
Except for bullheads, sunfish, and crappies, all dressed fish and fillets must retain, in a place other than the belly, a patch of skin, measuring at least one square inch, with scales intact. Dressed and filleted sauger will be counted as walleye.
A fish may not be reduced to more than two fillets.
Fish having statewide length limits may only be possessed in the field, transported, or shipped undressed, except as provided by Minnesota Statutes, section 97A.551, subdivision 4.
A person may transport a tagged special fish management species during the open season and the two days following the season for that species.
A person other than the tag holder may transport a tagged special fish management species that the tag holder has registered if the fish has an additional informational tag attached to it, marked in indelible ink with the signature of the tag holder and the locations from which and to which the fish is being transported.
All tagged special fish management species must be transported in devices that readily allow for inspection.
Processing of a special fish management species may only be done at the tag holder's permanent residence, except:
The validated special fish management species tag must be a part of the packaging and remain with the processed fish until all meat is consumed.
Special fish management species must be shipped undressed and must have the appropriate validated tag attached, except when packaged by a licensed fish packer.
MS s 97A.551; and others at 19 SR 6
19 SR 484; 28 SR 629; 32 SR 1039
June 11, 2008
Fish packed by a licensed fish packer must be packed and labeled in accordance with the following provisions:
Each package of fish must be individually labeled by the licensed fish packer. The label must be marked legibly in ink and contain the following information:
name and license number of the angler or person who lawfully possesses the fish, unless the person is exempt from the license requirement, which must be noted;
19 SR 484; 24 SR 1849; 32 SR 1039; 33 SR 1334
February 10, 2009
A person possessing fish taken under a commercial fishing license, or private aquatic life as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 17.47, subdivision 7, is exempt from the provisions of parts 6262.0100, subpart 5, 6262.3200, and 6262.3250 provided the person can show documentation that the fish were lawfully obtained.
19 SR 2222; 28 SR 629
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes