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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.

Schedules designating open seasons for certain waters.

The waters listed in each of the following schedules will be open during the designated seasons to the netting of whitefish and ciscoes. Unless otherwise indicated, the names of the bodies of water refer to lakes.

Subp. 2.

Schedule I.

All bodies of water listed in this schedule may be opened and closed on a 48-hour notice posted at lake accesses and other public places based on a determination of the following:


the abundance of game fish;


climatic conditions that affect the vulnerability of game fish to accidental harvest; and


the abundance of whitefish or ciscoes.

County Minimum mesh size 3-1/2 inches allowed Minimum mesh size 1-3/4 inches allowed
Balsam, Big, T.58,59, R.24, S.5 + Various Itasca X
Basswood, T.64,65, R.9, 10,11, S. Var. Lake X
Bear Island, T.61, R.13, S. Var. St. Louis X
Deer, T.56, R.26,27; T.57, R.26,27, S. Var. Itasca X
Devil Track Lake, T.62, R.1, S. Var. Cook X
Ely, T.57,58, R.17, S. Var. St. Louis X
Fall, T.63, R.11,12, S. Var.; T.64, R.11, S. Var. Lake
St. Louis
Green, T.120, R.33,34; T.121, R.33,34 Kandiyohi X
Greenwood, T.64N, R.2E, S. Var. Cook X
Ida, T.129,130, R.38 Douglas X
Mille Lacs Aitkin
Crow Wing
Mille Lacs
Nashwauk, T.57, R.23,24, S.7 + Var. Itasca X
Newton, T.63,64, R.11, S. Var. Lake X
Ojibway, T.63, R.9,10, S. Var. Lake X
Poplar, T.64, R.1W,2W Cook X
Rachel, T.127, R.39 Douglas X
Shagawa, T.63, R.12, S. Var. St. Louis X
Side, T.60N, R.21W, S. Var. St. Louis X
South Sturgeon, T.59-60, R.21-22, S. Var. St. Louis X
Straight, T.140, R.36, S.6 + Var. Becker X
Turtle, Big, T.59, R.26,27; T.60, R.26,27 Itasca X
Vermillion, T.61, R.16; T.62, R.14,15,16,17; T.63, R.15,16,17, 18 - all except Pike Bay, south and west of a north-south line at narrowest portion between Echo Point and Punchers Point, T.62, R.15, S.19 + Var. St. Louis X

Subp. 3.

Schedule II.

All bodies of water listed in this schedule are open during the dates indicated by one of the following symbols:

A = Second Friday of October through the first Sunday of December;

B = First Friday of November through the second Sunday of December; or

C = Second Friday of November through the second Sunday of December.

County Minimum mesh size 3-1/2 inches allowed Minimum mesh size 1-3/4 inches allowed Open dates
Ball Club, T.144, R.25,26; T.145, R.26 Itasca X B
Bass, T.137, R.28 Crow Wing X B
Bass, north basin and Snyder Bay to the narrows, T.56, R.26 Itasca X B
Bass, Big, T.140, R.26, S.27 + Various Cass X B
Beltrami, T.148, R.32,33 Beltrami X B
Bemidji, Little, T.142, R.39, S.23 + Var. Becker X B
Benedict, T.142, R.32 Hubbard X B
Black Bear, T.46, R.29,30; T.47, R.29,30 Crow Wing X B
Blackduck, T.149, R.31 Beltrami X B
Blackwater, T.140, R.29, S.25 + Var. Cass X B
Bowstring, T.146, R.25,26; T.147, R.25,26 Itasca X B
Bowstring, Little, T.58, R.27, S.23 + Var. Itasca X B
Boy, T.142, R.27,28 Cass X B
Brule, T.60, R.21, S. Var. Cook X A
Buffalo, T.140, R.40,41; T.141, R.40 Becker X C
Buzzle, Big, T.148, R.35 Beltrami X B
Caribou, T.65, R.1E Cook X A
Carr, T.146, R.33 Beltrami X B
Cass, T.145,146, R.30,31 Beltrami
Clear, T.137, R.28 Crow Wing X B
Clearwater, T.149, R.35,36 Beltrami
Cotton, T.139,140, R.40 Becker X B
Crane, T.67, R.16,17 St. Louis X A
Crooked, T.144, R.31 Cass X B
Crooked, T.45, R.28, S.16 + Var. Crow Wing X B
Crow Wing, Fifth and Sixth Lakes (channel between), T.140, R.33, S.20 Hubbard X B
Crow Wing, Seventh and Eighth Lakes (channel between), T.140, R.33, S.12 + Var. Hubbard X B
Crow Wing, Ninth, T.140, 141, R.32 Hubbard X B
Crystal, T.136, R.42 Otter Tail X C
Curfman, T.138, R.41 Becker X B
Cut Foot Sioux, T.146,147, R.27 Itasca X B
Deer, T.148, R.34 Beltrami X B
Deer, T.62, R.24, S. Var. Itasca X B
Detroit, T.138,139, R.41 Becker X B
Eagle, T.45, R.29 Crow Wing X B
Elbow, T.64, R.18, S. Var. St. Louis X A
Elbow, Big, T.142, R.38,39 Becker X C
Eunice, T.138, R.42, S.26 + Var. Becker X B
Fish, T.137, R.42 Otter Tail X C
Fish Hook, T.140, R.34,35 Hubbard X B
Floyd, Big, T.139, R.41 Becker X B
Franklin, T.136,137, R.42 Otter Tail X C
Gilstad, T.148,149, R.30 Beltrami X B
Graham, T.137,138, R.40 Becker
Otter Tail
Grant, T.146,147, R.34 Beltrami X B
Graves, T.58, R.26 Itasca X B
Gull, T.134, R.29,30; T.135, R.29 Cass
Crow Wing
Gull, Upper, T.135, R.29 Cass X B
Hanging Horn, Big, T.46, R.19 Carlton X B
Howard, T.141, R.31 Cass X B
Ice Cracking, T.141, R.38,39 Becker X C
Isabella, T.61, R.8; T.62, R.7,8 Lake X A
Island, T.141, R.35 Hubbard X B
Jack, T.141,142, R.30 Cass X B
Jessie, T.147,148, R.25 Itasca X B
Jewett, T.134, R.43 Otter Tail X C
Kabekona, T.142, R.32; T.143, R.32,33 Hubbard X B
Kabetogama, T.69,70, R.19-22 Koochiching
St. Louis
Kimble, T.137, R.28 Crow Wing X B
Kitchie, T.146,147, R.30 Beltrami X B
Lake of the Woods Lake of the Woods
Leaf, East, T.134, R.37,38 Otter Tail X C
Leaf, Middle, T.134, R.38 Otter Tail X C
Leaf, West, T.134, R.38 Otter Tail X C
Leavitt, T.139, R.25,26 Cass X B
Leech, including Kabekona Bay and all other bays, T.141, R.29,31; T.142, R.28,29,30,31,32; T.143, R.28,29,30,31; T.144, R.28,29,30 Cass
Lida, T.135,136, R.42 Otter Tail X C
Lizzie, T.136,137, R.42 Otter Tail X C
Long, T.138,139, R.41 Becker X B
Long, T.139,140, R.34 Hubbard X B
Long, T.134, R.42,43 Otter Tail X C
Long, Lower South, T.44, R.29,30 Crow Wing X B
Long, North, T.134, R.28, 29; T.135, R.28 Crow Wing X B
McCraney, T.143, R.40, S.25 + Var. Mahnomen X B
Many Point, T.141, R.38; T.142, R.38,39 Becker X B
Maple, T.60, R.27 Itasca X B
Margaret (Kilpatrick), T.135, R.29 Cass X B
Marquette, T.146, R.33 Beltrami X B
Maud, T.138, R.42 Becker X B
Melissa, T.138, R.41 Becker X B
Moore, T.142, R.38, S.5; T.143, R.38, S.32 Becker
Movil, T.147,148, R.33 Beltrami X B
Murphy, T.137, R.39, S.6; T.138, R.39, S.31 Becker
Otter Tail
Namakan, T.68, R.17,18; T.69, R.17,18,19, except the narrows between Namakan and Sand Point Lakes St. Louis X A
Net (Burnett), T.142, R.40, S.17 + Var. Becker X B
Oak (Mud), T.143, R.32, S.27 Hubbard X B
Ossawinamakee (Long), T.136, 137, R.28 Crow Wing X B
Pelican, T.135, R.27,28; T.136, R.27,28 Crow Wing X B
Pelican, Big, T.137, R.42,43 Otter Tail X C
Pike, T.142, R.38 Becker X B
Pike, East, T.65, R.2E,3E Cook X A
Pike Bay, T.145, R.30,31 Cass X B
Pillager, T.133,134, R.30 Cass X B
Pimushe, T.147,148, R.30,31 Beltrami X B
Pine, Big, T.136,137, R.38 Otter Tail X C
Pine, Little, T.136, R.39; T.137, R.38,39 Otter Tail X C
Pine Mountain, T.138, R.30; T.139, R.30,31 Cass X B
Plantaganette, T.145, R.33, 34; T.146, R.33 Beltrami
Pokegama, T.54, R.25,26; T.55, R.25,26 Itasca X B
Portage, T.141, R.31 Cass X B
Portage, T.45, R.28, S.29 + Var. Crow Wing X B
Potato and Eagle Lakes (channel between), T.141, R.35, S.22 Hubbard X B
Prairie, T.50, R.20 St. Louis X B
Pug Hole Lake, T.140, R.26, S.2 + Var. Cass X B
Rainy, T.69-71, R.17-24 Koochiching
St. Louis
Round, T.141, R.38,39 Becker X B
Round, T.134, R.28,29; T.135, R.28,29 Crow Wing X B
Round, T.148, R.27,28 Itasca X B
Rush Island, T.148, R.26, S.15 + Var. Itasca X B
Sand, Big, T.147,148, R.26 Itasca X B
Sand Point, T.67, R.16,17; T.68, R.16,17, except the narrows between Sand Point and Namakan Lakes and Sand Point and Little Vermillion Lakes St. Louis X A
Sandy, T.149, R.35 Beltrami X B
Sandy, Big, T.49, R.23,24; T.50, R.23,24 Aitkin X B
Sauk, Big, T.126,127, R.34 Stearns
Silver Island, T.60, R.6; T.61, R.6,7 Lake X A
Snyder (Snider), T.143, R.39,40 Mahnomen X B
Stalker, T.132, R.41 Otter Tail X C
Star, T.137, R.28 Crow Wing X B
Star, T.135, R.40,41; T.136, R.41 Otter Tail X C
Steamboat, T.144, R.31,32 Cass
Strawberry, T.141,142, R.40 Becker X B
Sucker, Lower (Big Sucker), T.144, R.30; T.145, R.29,30 Cass X B
Swan, T.55,56, R.22,23, S. Var. Itasca X B
Ten Mile, T.140, R.30,31; T.141, R.30,31 Cass X C
Thunder, Big, T.140, R.26 Cass X B
Tulaby, T.142,143, R.39 Becker
Turtle, Big, T.148, R.33 Beltrami X B
Turtle, Little, T.148, R.31, 32 Beltrami X B
Turtle River Lake, T.147, 148, R.32 Beltrami X B
Twin Lakes, T.56, R.23,24 Itasca X B
Wabedo, T.140, R.28 Cass X B
Washburn, T.139,140, R.26 Cass X B
White Earth, T.142,143, R.40 Becker
Wilson Bay, T.134, R.29,30 Cass X B
Wimer, T.137, R.40 Otter Tail X C
Winnibigoshish, T.145, R.27, 28,29; T.146, R.27,28, 29; T.147, R.27,28 Cass
Winnibigoshish, Little, T.145, R.26,27; T.146, R.26,27, except those portions within one-fourth mile of river channels Cass
Wolf, Big, T.145,146, R.32, S. Var. Beltrami
Woman, T.140, R.28,29; T.141, R.28,29 Cass X B

Subp. 4.

[Repealed, 23 SR 348]

Subp. 5.

Special restrictions for Leech Lake Reservation.

The seasons, daily, and possession limits for the taking of fish from bodies of water within the Leech Lake Reservation for noncommercial purposes shall be the same as the statewide regulations, except whitefish which shall have a daily and possession limit of 25 and cisco which shall have a daily and possession limit of 50. These limits do not apply to band or tribal members possessing a valid band fishing identification permit.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 97A.045; 97C.345; 97C.395; 97C.401; 97C.805; and others at 19 SR 6


18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 19 SR 2222; 20 SR 2287; 23 SR 348; 24 SR 1849; 28 SR 629; 32 SR 1039

Published Electronically:

June 11, 2008

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes