The open season for taking crayfish is April 1 through November 30. Crayfish less than one inch in length from tip of rostrum to tip of tail must be returned unharmed to the water.
The following provisions in this subpart apply to gear and marking requirements on the taking of crayfish:
Crayfish may be harvested with gear allowed for rough fish and minnows in addition to gear specified in this part. Crayfish traps or harvesting devices must be identified in a permanent and legible manner with a plastic or metal tag not smaller than one inch by three inches bearing the user's name and address.
Floats used to mark traps may not be larger than four inches square or four inches in diameter.
MS s 97C.871; and others at 19 SR 6
19 SR 484
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes