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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.

License application drawings.

Applications for all hunts must be made according to this part and according to application instructions provided by the commissioner. Each person must apply at an electronic license system agent or the Department of Natural Resources License Center. Drawings will be conducted by the department to determine persons who will be eligible to purchase licenses for each season. The drawings will be subject to the quotas established by the commissioner. Preference in the respective drawings is given to applicants based upon the number of times they have correctly applied for a license for that hunt but have been unsuccessful. A person selected by the drawings is eligible to purchase a license to hunt turkey. Upon issuance of a turkey license for the spring or fall season, all accumulated preference for that season is lost, except as provided in subpart 6.

Subp. 2.

Participation in application drawings.

Applicants may complete an application for either the spring or fall turkey hunt or both. A person may not apply more than once for a hunt, whether as an individual or as a member of a group. Qualifying individuals may apply for the resident landowner-tenant turkey drawing. All of the information in items A to H must be supplied on the application forms.


A resident applicant 18 years or older must provide the applicant's individual Minnesota driver's license number of 13 characters, a 13-character firearms safety number, or an official state of Minnesota identification number of 13 characters issued by the Department of Public Safety.


A nonresident 18 years or older must provide a driver's license number or other identification number.


A resident or nonresident applicant age 12 to 15 by the opening day of the season may provide one of the above numbers or may participate in the drawing without a number by providing the applicant's full first, middle, and last name and date of birth. Youthful applicants who do not provide a number will be placed into the drawing using a number generated by the department.


Up to four persons desiring to hunt together as a group may apply as a group. Group applications shall either all be selected or none selected. All group members must apply for the same wild turkey permit areas and time periods. The preference rating of applicants who apply as a group shall be determined by the individual in the group with the lowest preference. Group applications may be made up of all general or all landowner-tenant applications, but not both.


A person who applies as a landowner or tenant but does not meet the definition as provided by this part will be ineligible for that season's drawings.


Application deadlines are as follows:


spring season: the second Friday in January; and


fall season: the last Friday in July.


Youth age 17 and younger may purchase a wild turkey hunting license to hunt one spring turkey season. A wild turkey hunting license under this item is separate from the normal lottery process and is valid for hunting in any wild turkey permit area during an established time period. The youth hunter must select a time period.


A person who has not applied for a wild turkey license through the lottery or who applied for a license and was unsuccessful in the lottery may purchase a wild turkey hunting license to hunt the spring turkey season during either the seventh or eighth time period. A wild turkey hunting license under this item is separate from the normal lottery process.


Turkey lottery preference points shall not be reduced for a person purchasing a license under this item.


A person may take only one bearded turkey in a spring turkey season regardless of whether the hunter purchased a license through the lottery system or as provided in this item.

Subp. 3.

Landowner-tenant drawing.

A landowner-tenant license application drawing will be held subject to the restrictions in items A to F.


An applicant must meet all eligibility requirements and must provide a complete and accurate description of the qualifying land.


An applicant must be a landowner, tenant, or a member of the landowner's or tenant's immediate family. Family members include those related by blood, marriage, or adoption.


For each wild turkey permit area and time period, no more than 20 percent of the successful participants will be drawn from the special landowner-tenant applications.


An individual participant in the landowner-tenant drawing may submit only one application and only for the turkey wild turkey permit area in which the participant resides.


Applicants unsuccessful in the landowner-tenant drawing will be included in the general drawing.


Landowner-tenant licensees must allow turkey hunting as provided by Minnesota Statutes, section 97A.435, and the commissioner will make descriptions of these lands available to licensed turkey hunters.

Subp. 4.

Modification of quota numbers for group applications.

The quota of licenses or permits for a drawing may be increased to accommodate group members if the last applicant to be selected is a member of a group.

Subp. 5.

Drawing application fee.

An applicant must pay a fee as provided by statute at the time of application at the electronic license system-point of sale (ELS-POS) agent. Any check that is returned to the department for nonpayment will invalidate the application and the check will be destroyed. Refunds of application fees will not be made for any reason.

Subp. 6.

Undersubscribed wild turkey permit areas.

In permit areas and time periods with fewer applicants than available licenses, the remaining available licenses may be first offered to unsuccessful applicants for other permit areas or time periods on a first-come, first-served basis. An eligible person must apply individually and in person at an ELS-POS (point-of-sale) agent location or individually through the ELS-Internet or ELS-Telephone system to obtain a remaining available license. Any remaining available licenses not purchased by unsuccessful applicants may then be issued to any eligible person on a first-come, first-served basis. Individuals who purchase these remaining available licenses retain their accumulated preference.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 97A.435; 97B.711; 97B.723


18 SR 83; 20 SR 2287; 30 SR 613; 35 SR 2014

Published Electronically:

July 5, 2011

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes