Part | Title |
DEER | |
6232.0200 | DEFINITIONS. |
6232.0700 | LEGAL DEER BY ARCHERY. |
6232.1200 | [Repealed, 30 SR 613] |
6232.1400 | [Repealed, 33 SR 1967] |
6232.1700 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2287] |
6232.1900 | [Repealed, 30 SR 613] |
6232.2450 | [Repealed, 30 SR 613] |
6232.2500 | DISABLED HUNT. |
6232.2550 | [Renumbered 6230.0280] |
6232.2600 | DEFINITIONS. |
6232.3000 | BEAR QUOTA AREAS. |
6232.3100 | BEAR NO-QUOTA AREA. |
6232.3300 | NUISANCE BEARS. |
6232.4000 | NUISANCE MOOSE. |
6232.4100 | MOOSE ZONES. |
ELK | |
6232.4200 | DEFINITIONS. |
6232.4600 | ELK ZONES. |
All big game must be transported in such a manner that inspection by registration agents or conservation officers is readily accomplished.
Persons taking big game must retain any required license, permit, seal, or tag as long as any of the meat is in their possession.
It is unlawful to construct, occupy, or use any elevated blind or stand for the purpose of hunting, observing, or killing big game in state parks, when opened to hunting, except that portable stands or blinds may be used for this purpose provided they are removed each day at the close of hunting hours and do no permanent damage.
Wounded or captured game reduced to possession must be killed before being removed from the site where taken, and once reduced to possession must be included in a person's daily bag limit.
Bows and arrows used for taking big game must meet the criteria in items A to C.
Arrowheads must meet the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 97B.211, subdivision 2. Nonretractable arrowheads are barbless if the trailing edge of the blade creates a 90 degree or greater angle with the shaft of the arrow.
Retractable broadheads may be used if they meet the following criteria:
they are at least seven-eighths of an inch in width and no more than two inches in width at or after impact with a big game animal; and
they are a barbless design and function in a barbless manner. Retractable arrowheads are a barbless design if the trailing edge of each blade creates a 90 degree or greater angle with the shaft when the blades are fully retracted. Retractable arrowheads function in a barbless manner if, when withdrawn from a big game animal, the blades retract so that the trailing edge of each blade is at a 90 degree or greater angle to the arrow shaft.
MS s 97A.535; 97B.035; 97B.311; 97B.411; 97B.505; 97B.515; and others at 19 SR 6
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 19 SR 2222; 20 SR 2287; 34 SR 621
October 3, 2013
The terms used in parts 6232.0200 to 6232.2500 have the meanings given them in this part.
"Antlerless deer" means does, fawns, and bucks with no antler three inches or more in length.
"Deer permit area" means an area of the state consisting of one or more deer registration blocks. Deer permit areas open for taking legal bucks and antlerless deer during the regular firearms deer season are defined as follows:
"intensive deer permit area" means a deer permit area where taking deer of either sex is authorized by a regular firearms license and where multiple bonus permits are authorized;
"managed deer permit area" means a deer permit area where taking deer of either sex is authorized by a regular firearms license and where bonus permits are authorized; and
"lottery deer permit area" means a deer permit area where taking legal bucks is authorized by a regular firearms license and taking antlerless deer is authorized by an either-sex permit.
"Bonus permit" means a license to take and tag deer by archery or firearms, in addition to deer authorized to be taken under regular archery or firearms licenses. It is available for one-half the cost of a regular resident or nonresident license and is valid immediately upon issuance, as long as the purchaser has a valid regular license. Deer taken and tagged with a bonus permit must be antlerless unless otherwise prescribed by the commissioner.
"Legal buck" means a deer having at least one antler three inches or more in length.
"Registration block" means a geographic area designated for the registration of harvested deer and bear as provided by part 6232.4700.
The "regular firearms season" means the seasons described in part 6232.1300.
"Regular firearms license" means a license valid for taking a deer by firearms in the regular firearms or muzzleloader season, except bonus permits. "Regular archery license" means a license valid for taking a deer by archery in the archery season, except bonus permits.
"Antler point" means an antler projection measuring at least one inch in length when measured from the base to the tip.
"Earn-a-buck hunt" means a hunt in which a hunter must tag at least one antlerless deer before tagging a legal buck.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 19 SR 2222; 30 SR 613; L 2008 c 368 art 2 s 82; 34 SR 621; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
A firearm deer hunter may purchase a firearm license valid for the regular firearms deer season or a youth firearms license. A muzzleloader deer hunter may purchase a muzzleloader license valid for the muzzleloader season or a youth muzzleloader license. For the regular firearm season, a hunter must select either the A or B season and this option will be printed on the license at the time of purchase. A person may only hunt deer by firearms within the season option indicated on the person's firearm license, except:
The quota of licenses or permits for a drawing may be increased to accommodate group members if the last applicant to be selected is a member of a group.
A party is a group of two or more licensed deer hunters who are afield hunting together and are all using firearms or all using archery equipment. A member of a party may kill a deer for another member of the party who has an unused tag valid for that deer, except as provided by Minnesota Statutes, section 97B.301. A mixed-weapons group is considered two separate parties. Multizone buck licensees may party hunt with regular firearms licensees. Persons issued permits under Minnesota Statutes, section 97B.055, subdivision 3, who are hunting in a lottery deer permit area and do not have an either-sex permit may not tag antlerless deer for another member of the party.
The tag of the license valid for taking the deer must be affixed around the tendon or bone of a hind leg, around the base of an antler, or through a slit cut in either ear.
A bonus permit may be purchased any time throughout the open deer seasons. Bonus permits are valid immediately upon purchase, as long as the purchaser has a valid regular license. When a regular license is purchased after the start of the season for that license, a bonus permit is not valid until the waiting period has expired for the regular license.
At the time a deer is tagged at the site of kill, the tag must be validated. Validation consists of using a knife or similar sharp object to cut out or a pen to indelibly mark the appropriate notches on the tag indicating:
A person licensed to take deer must not operate an all-terrain vehicle or snowmobile in an area open for the taking of deer by firearms during legal shooting hours on a day that they are licensed to take deer within that area except from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. each day.
A person licensed to take deer who does not possess a firearm, either cased or uncased, may use an all-terrain vehicle or snowmobile to retrieve and transport a deer that is known to be dead from the close of shooting hours to two hours after the close of shooting hours during the regular firearms deer season and for one day after the season on wildlife management areas north and west of a line described as follows:
State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 from the west boundary of the state to STH 89; then north along STH 89 to Fourtown; then north on County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 44, Beltrami County, to County Road 704, Beltrami County; then north on County Road 704 to Dick's Parkway State Forest Road; then north on Dick's Parkway to CSAH 5, Roseau County; then north on CSAH 5 to Warroad; then north on STH 11 to STH 313; then north on STH 313 to the north boundary of the state.
For purposes of this chapter, all-terrain vehicles are vehicles, including trail bikes, three-wheelers, four-wheelers, tracked vehicles, or other manufactured or homemade vehicles, not licensed for highway use. Motor vehicles licensed for and being lawfully operated on a public road or highway, or farm tractors being used for agricultural purposes, are exempt from this subpart. This subpart applies to all lands and waters regardless of ownership except as provided in item B, and except that:
the owner of the land on which the all-terrain vehicle or snowmobile is operated is exempt; and
a person with the landowner's permission to operate an all-terrain vehicle or snowmobile on the land is exempt.
A permit to operate these vehicles during the restricted hours may be issued by a conservation officer in the event of an emergency or other unusual conditions. Legal use of snowmobiles during the open deer season is governed by part 6100.5100.
A person may not tag more than one legal buck per calendar year using any combination of licenses. A person may not tag more than one deer during a license year by any method, except as authorized in items A to H.
In deer areas designated as managed or intensive, a person may tag deer with an archery, firearms, or muzzleloader license.
A person may tag a deer by archery, firearm, or muzzleloader with a bonus permit in specified areas as prescribed in this chapter.
In no case may a person tag more than five deer per year by firearms, archery, muzzleloader, or all methods combined, except additional deer may be taken as provided in items D, subitem (4); E; F; and G.
Except as provided in items E, F, and G, the total bag limits by deer permit area are as follows:
in addition to the total bag limits under subitems (1) to (3), a person with a free landowner deer license may take one additional antlerless deer on land owned or leased by the person in managed and intensive deer permit areas.
Up to two antlerless deer may be taken in the early antlerless deer areas as prescribed in part 6232.1750. These deer may be taken in addition to the bag limit established in item C.
Hunters hunting in the Metropolitan Deer Management Zone under part 6232.4700, subpart 158, may take and tag an unlimited number of deer.
Hunters hunting in the special bovine tuberculosis area (deer permit area 101) may take and tag an unlimited number of deer.
Muzzleloader and archery deer hunters hunting in deer permit areas 300 to 399 may take deer under the most liberal bag limits prescribed for the deer permit area.
MS s 14.388; 84.924; 97A.411; 97A.535; 97B.071; 97B.301; 97B.311; and others at 19 SR 6
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 19 SR 2222; 20 SR 2287; 22 SR 292; 30 SR 394; 30 SR 613; 31 SR 745; L 2008 c 368 art 2 s 82; 34 SR 621; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
Persons tagging a deer must present the deer for registration at a designated deer registration station or agent of the commissioner and obtain a big game possession tag or connect to online or telephone DNR harvest registration systems and follow the instructions to obtain a registration confirmation number.
All deer taken in special hunt areas must be registered as specified in the materials provided to all special hunt permittees.
Registration agents are not required to inspect deer at registration stations. Legally registered deer may be transported anytime during or after the deer hunting season. No part of the carcass, except skin or entrails, may be removed until after the deer has been registered using one of the methods described in subpart 2, except that deer may be quartered prior to registration as long as all parts remain together and are presented for registration and the head of the deer remains attached to one quarter. A person may not process a deer unless it has been registered as evidenced by a possession tag or registration confirmation number.
Deer taken in the special bovine tuberculosis area (deer permit area 101) must be registered prior to transport outside the area, except that deer may be registered in Wannaska.
18 SR 83; 20 SR 2287; 22 SR 292; 30 SR 613; 33 SR 215; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
Military personnel and disabled veterans may obtain a license to hunt deer as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, sections 97A.441 and 97A.465, under the conditions in this part.
The free license, either-sex permit, and tag must be obtained from an electronic license system special agent or the Department of Natural Resources License Center.
The license entitles the holder to take a deer of either sex during the season option selected. A license is not valid in the special areas provided in this chapter. Military or disabled veteran licensees are not eligible for free bonus permits, all-season deer licenses, or multizone buck licenses.
If the muzzleloader season is selected, hunting must be confined to those areas as provided by this chapter and is subject to all other provisions applying to the muzzleloader hunt.
If an archery license is obtained, hunting is subject to all other provisions which apply to archery deer hunting.
The license and official leave papers or evidence of disability must be carried on the person of the licensee while hunting deer and transporting any deer taken.
All persons hunting deer under this subpart must comply with all provisions of this chapter not inconsistent with this part.
18 SR 83; 30 SR 613; 33 SR 1967
October 3, 2013
The open dates for taking deer by archery are from the Saturday nearest September 16 through December 31.
MS s 97B.311
18 SR 83; 20 SR 2287; 30 SR 613; 33 SR 215
October 3, 2013
Antlerless deer and legal bucks may be taken by archery, except that archery hunters may not take antlerless deer in lottery deer permit areas that have no either-sex permit quota or in lottery deer permit areas that have a quota of youth antlerless permits for firearms deer hunters under part 6232.1800.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 2222; 30 SR 613
October 3, 2013
The special bow and arrow hunt permit application procedure, except the Camp Ripley archery hunt, is described in this subpart.
Hunters must send a stamped, self-addressed business-sized envelope to the headquarters of the appropriate special bow hunt unit with a request for the application form and instructions. A person may not apply more than once for a hunt, whether as an individual or as a member of a group.
Up to four persons may apply as a group by mailing all applications in one envelope. Either the entire group will be selected by the drawing or none will be selected.
Hunters may not apply for more than one of the hunts conducted in the Hennepin County Park system.
Special bow and arrow permits are valid in areas designated by the commissioner and published in the annual hunting regulations booklet.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 2222
October 3, 2013
Camp Ripley may be open, by permit only, for the taking of deer by archery. Open dates are the two-day period beginning the third Thursday in October and the two-day period beginning the last Saturday in October.
Only persons possessing a valid Minnesota archery or all-season deer hunting license, an unused possession tag valid for taking a deer by archery, and a permit validated for the Camp Ripley archery hunt will be permitted to enter Camp Ripley. Permits are not transferable between individuals or hunting dates. The permit for the Camp Ripley archery hunt authorizes the permit holder to take one deer at Camp Ripley, unless otherwise authorized by the commissioner. A permit holder may not take any species other than deer at Camp Ripley.
19 SR 484; 30 SR 613
October 3, 2013
If the number of applications for Camp Ripley archery hunt permits exceeds the quota in the annual hunting regulations, a preference drawing shall be used to select permit holders. A person may enter the preference drawing by supplying the person's driver's license number, official state identification number, or 13-digit firearms safety identification number on the application. Applicants establish a preference rating based on the number of times they have applied in previous years and have not obtained a permit. The preference rating increases each year the applicant applies unsuccessfully. Persons applying for the first time have no preference. Applicants receiving a permit lose their accrued preference.
Up to four persons may apply as a group. Either all members of a group will be selected or none will be selected. The preference rating of applicants who apply as a group is based on the individual in the group with the lowest preference. All group members must apply for the same time period.
19 SR 484; 30 SR 613
October 3, 2013
This subpart applies to access into Camp Ripley during the archery hunt.
Archers with valid permits must enter and leave Camp Ripley only by way of the southeast railroad gate and only from noon on the day before the hunt to 8:00 p.m. on the last day of the hunt.
Permittees will be issued a current map of Camp Ripley showing areas of Camp Ripley that are closed to hunting. A person may not enter any closed area, except for the road from the southeast railroad gate through the checkpoint to the open hunting area. A zoning system may be used to regulate access into various portions of the open areas of Camp Ripley.
Permittees will be allowed beyond the department checkpoint only from one hour before sunrise to 1-1/2 hours after sunset on each day open for hunting, or as otherwise authorized by the commissioner.
Hunters may not pursue wounded deer into closed areas, except with prior approval and when escorted by an agent of the commissioner.
Persons or vehicles, while on any road or trail, may not pass beyond any barrier, gate, or warning sign.
All-terrain vehicles are not permitted in Camp Ripley during the Camp Ripley archery hunt, except as authorized by permit for hunters with disabilities. All vehicles are restricted to operating only on designated roads, except as authorized by permit.
Only portable stands or blinds may be used and must be removed each day at the close of hunting hours and do no permanent damage.
Deer may not be removed from Camp Ripley or transported beyond the department checkpoint until registered at the checkpoint.
The commissioner may close the season without prior notice, if necessary to accommodate military training priorities or in case of weather emergency.
19 SR 484; 20 SR 2287; 30 SR 613
October 3, 2013
[Repealed, 30 SR 613]
October 3, 2013
The purchase of a bonus permit is authorized for any person who has purchased a valid archery deer license for the current year. Bonus permits may be purchased from electronic license system agents, the Department of Natural Resources License Center, and other authorized agents.
19 SR 2222; 24 SR 644; 30 SR 613; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
This subpart applies to deer permit areas 100 to 199. Legal bucks may be taken for a 16-day period beginning the Saturday nearest November 6. In managed or intensive deer permit areas, antlerless deer may be taken throughout this season. In lottery deer permit areas and in special hunt areas, antlerless deer may be taken only by permit throughout this season and only within the deer permit or special hunt area specified on each hunter's permit, except as specifically authorized by statute. A person who is authorized by statute to take a deer of either sex without an either-sex permit and who is licensed for season option A may take an antlerless deer without a permit, except in those lottery deer permit areas where no either-sex permits are offered and in youth-only antlerless deer permit areas.
This subpart applies to deer permit areas 200 to 299. Legal bucks may be taken for a nine-day period beginning the Saturday nearest November 6. In managed or intensive deer permit areas, antlerless deer may be taken throughout this season. In lottery deer permit areas and in special hunt areas, antlerless deer may be taken only by permit throughout this season and only within the deer permit or special hunt area specified on each hunter's permit, except as specifically authorized by statute. A person who is authorized by statute to take a deer of either sex without an either-sex permit and who is licensed for season option A may take an antlerless deer without a permit, except in those lottery deer permit areas where no either-sex permits are offered and in youth-only antlerless deer permit areas.
This subpart applies to deer permit areas 300 to 399. Item B applies to season option A. Item C applies to season option B.
Legal bucks may be taken in season option A for a seven-day period beginning the Saturday nearest November 6. In managed or intensive deer permit areas, antlerless deer may be taken throughout this season. In lottery deer permit areas and in special hunt areas, antlerless deer may be taken only by permit throughout this season and only within the deer permit or special hunt area specified on each hunter's permit, except as specifically authorized by statute. A person who is authorized by statute to take a deer of either sex without an either-sex permit and who is licensed for season option A may take an antlerless deer without a permit, except in those lottery deer permit areas where no either-sex permits are offered and in youth-only antlerless deer permit areas.
Legal bucks may be taken in season option B for a nine-day period beginning the Saturday nearest November 20. In managed or intensive deer permit areas, antlerless deer may be taken throughout this season. In lottery deer permit areas and in special hunt areas, antlerless deer may be taken only by permit throughout this season and only within the deer permit or special hunt area specified on each hunter's permit, except as specifically authorized by statute. A person who is authorized by statute to take a deer of either sex without an either-sex permit and who is licensed for season option B may take an antlerless deer without a permit, except in those lottery deer permit areas where no either-sex permits are offered and in youth-only antlerless deer permit areas.
Legal bucks and antlerless deer may be taken in the Metropolitan Deer Management Zone beginning on the Saturday nearest November 6 and ending on the last day of the final firearms deer season. The Metropolitan Deer Management Zone is deer permit area 601 according to part 6232.4700, subpart 158.
The provisions for taking antlerless deer in this part apply to the use of a regular firearms, all-season, or youth deer license tag. In addition, antlerless deer may be taken and tagged with bonus permits as prescribed in parts 6232.1900 and 6232.1950.
The commissioner may reduce either-sex and special hunt permit quotas for permit areas wholly or partially within the 1837 Ceded Territory at the time the computerized drawing is conducted to accommodate tribal declarations for antlerless deer harvest in the 1837 Ceded Territory in compliance with Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa v. Minnesota, 119 S. Ct. 1187 (1999).
18 SR 83; 19 SR 2222; 30 SR 613; 33 SR 1967; 34 SR 621; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
[Repealed, 33 SR 1967]
October 3, 2013
During any firearms season in the shotgun use area, only legal shotguns loaded with single-slug shotgun shells, legal muzzleloading long guns, and legal handguns may be used for taking deer. Legal shotguns include those with rifled barrels.
The shotgun use area is that portion of the state lying within the boundary described under Minnesota Statutes, section 97B.318, subdivision 1.
The all legal firearms use area is that part of the state lying outside of the shotgun zone.
MS s 97B.311
18 SR 83; 20 SR 2287; 33 SR 215
October 3, 2013
Before applying to hunt in a special hunt permit area, a person must purchase a deer hunting license. A firearms deer license validated for the proper season option and a permit valid for that area is required to hunt deer in firearms special hunt areas. Special hunt permit applications must be made at an electronic license system agent or the Department of Natural Resources License Center.
Applications for all firearms special hunt permits must be made according to this subpart and according to application instructions provided by the commissioner.
Each person must apply at an electronic license system agent or the Department of Natural Resources License Center. A person may not apply more than once for a hunt, whether as an individual or as a member of a group.
Up to four persons desiring to hunt as a group may apply together. Group applications will either all be selected or none selected.
The preference rating of applicants who apply as a group will be based on the individual in the group with the lowest preference.
Unsuccessful applicants for special hunt areas may, at the discretion of the commissioner, be given a second choice for undersubscribed special hunt areas.
For those special hunt areas that are undersubscribed after provisions of subpart 4 are implemented, the commissioner may issue remaining permits over-the-counter on a first-come first-serve basis to individuals possessing a firearms license validated for the proper season option.
The commissioner may reduce the permit quota for the St. Croix and Wild River State Parks firearms special hunts at the time the computerized drawing is conducted to accommodate tribal declarations for antlerless deer harvest in the 1837 Ceded Territory in compliance with Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa v. Minnesota, 119 S. Ct. 1187 (1999).
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 30 SR 613; 33 SR 1967; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
[Repealed, 20 SR 2287]
October 3, 2013
The commissioner shall annually designate all deer permit areas as intensive, managed, or lottery and shall establish permit quotas for taking deer of either sex in lottery deer permit areas.
30 SR 613
October 3, 2013
Residents and nonresidents are eligible for either-sex permits. A person may not apply for an either-sex deer permit without first purchasing a firearms or muzzleloader deer license. The application may be made for only one of the deer permit areas described in this part, and must be for the season option on the applicant's deer license. A person may submit more than one application for an either-sex permit. A person may apply for an either-sex permit or a special hunt permit, but not both.
The application deadline is the first Thursday following Labor Day.
If the number of applications for either-sex permits in a lottery deer permit area or for permits in a special hunt area exceeds the quota set forth in the annual hunting regulations, a preference drawing will be used to select permit holders. Persons 12 years of age or older may enter the preference drawing by supplying their driver's license number, official state of Minnesota Identification Number, or 13-digit Firearms Safety Identification Number on the application, except that resident hunters under age 16 on the Saturday nearest November 6 may not apply for either-sex permits. All applicants who have reached their 18th birthday by the first Thursday following Labor Day must provide one of these three numbers to qualify. Applicants under 18 years of age who do not submit one of these numbers will be assigned a number and will be entered into the preference drawing. Applicants establish a preference rating based upon the number of times they have applied in previous years and have not obtained an either-sex or special hunt area permit. The preference rating will increase each year the applicant applies unsuccessfully for either an either-sex or special hunt area permit. Persons applying for the first time have no preference. Applicants receiving either-sex or special hunt area permits lose their accrued preference.
Deer permit areas are comprised of registration blocks of the same number.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 19 SR 2222; 30 SR 613; 33 SR 1967; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
[Repealed, 30 SR 613]
October 3, 2013
The purchase of a bonus permit is authorized for any person who has purchased and presents a regular firearms or muzzleloader deer license for the current year. Bonus permits may be purchased for one-half the cost of a regular license from electronic license system agents, the Department of Natural Resources License Center, and other authorized agents.
Bonus permits may be used to take antlerless deer during the regular firearms and muzzleloader seasons if the person has a valid license for that season.
19 SR 2222; 30 SR 613; 34 SR 621; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
A person who purchases and presents a license valid for the archery, firearm, or muzzleloader season may purchase up to two early antlerless permits. Early antlerless permits may be purchased for one-quarter the cost of a regular license from electronic license system agents, the Department of Natural Resources License Center, and other authorized agents.
For the early antlerless season, hunters must have an archery license, a firearms license valid for any season option, or a muzzleloader license. Up to two early antlerless permits may be used to take antlerless deer by archery, firearms, or muzzleloader in deer areas as prescribed in part 6232.1750. At least one early antlerless permit must be purchased to participate in the season.
33 SR 1967
October 3, 2013
An unlimited number of disease management permits may be purchased by a person who has purchased a valid deer license. Disease management permits may be purchased for $1.50 from electronic license system agents, the Department of Natural Resources License Center, and other authorized agents.
MS s 97B.311
33 SR 215
October 3, 2013
A multizone buck license allows a hunter to hunt and tag a legal buck during any open firearms zone and time period except the late Zone 3B and the muzzleloader seasons.
Multizone buck license holders may not apply for lottery either-sex permits or special hunt area permits. Multizone buck licensees may purchase and use bonus permits to take antlerless deer in managed and intensive deer permit areas or special hunt areas prescribed by the commissioner. Bonus permits for multizone buck hunters are valid during any open firearms zone or time period, except the late Zone 3B and the muzzleloader seasons. Multizone buck licensees may not take antlerless deer under Minnesota Statutes, section 97B.055, subdivision 3, or 97B.301, subdivision 6.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 2222; 30 SR 613
October 3, 2013
An all-season deer license allows a hunter to take and tag one legal buck and one antlerless deer per year. All-season deer license holders may hunt deer in any of the following seasons, according to all rules and laws for methods of taking in each respective season and zone:
the regular firearms season during any open firearms zone and time period, except the Zone 3B season.
In lottery deer permit areas, all-season deer hunters must apply for and receive authorization to take and tag an antlerless deer by firearms.
In managed or intensive deer permit areas, all-season deer hunters may take and tag an antlerless deer with the antlerless tag accompanying the license.
30 SR 613
October 3, 2013
The muzzleloader season is the 16-day deer season beginning the Saturday nearest November 27. Special permit areas may be open for less than 16 days.
Antlerless deer and legal bucks may be taken by muzzleloader during the muzzleloader season in any managed or intensive area. Muzzleloader hunters may take antlerless deer in a lottery area only if the person has obtained an either-sex permit through the procedure described in part 6232.1800.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 2222; 30 SR 613; 34 SR 621; 35 SR 505
October 3, 2013
Only legal muzzleloaders with open or peep type sights may be used for taking deer during the muzzleloader season.
MS s 97B.311
18 SR 83; 20 SR 2287; 24 SR 644
October 3, 2013
Purchase of a resident or nonresident firearms deer license validated for the muzzleloader season is required to apply for and to hunt deer in a muzzleloader special hunt area.
18 SR 83
October 3, 2013
[Repealed, 30 SR 613]
October 3, 2013
Hunters must be participants in a program for physically disabled hunters sponsored by a nonprofit organization and must be referred by an organization prior to being issued a permit. Permittees must purchase an archery or firearms deer hunting license. Each permittee may be accompanied by one or more assistants named by the nonprofit organizations and approved by the commissioner. Assistants are not required to purchase licenses and may assist permittees in taking deer. Both permittees and assistants must meet the blaze orange requirement for deer hunters.
Disability permittees may hunt in open areas and seasons as designated by the commissioner and published in the annual hunting regulations booklet.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 2222
October 3, 2013
[Renumbered 6230.0280]
Youth special deer hunt permittees may hunt in open areas and times designated by the commissioner. All participating youths and a parent or guardian authorized by the parent who is at least 18 years of age must attend the mandatory orientation and prehunt orientation and clinic. During the hunt, youth participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian authorized by the parent who is at least 18 years of age. The accompanying adult may not hunt. Party hunting is not allowed. Persons participating in youth archery special deer hunts must obtain a valid license for taking deer by archery by the beginning date of the respective hunt. Persons participating in youth firearms special deer hunts must obtain a license for taking deer by firearms, valid for any season option, by the beginning date of the respective hunt. The blaze orange requirements in Minnesota Statutes, section 97B.071, paragraph (a), apply to all hunters and trappers, and all adult mentors of youth hunters, in areas open to youth firearms deer hunting during the open hunting dates established in this part.
Applications for youth special hunts must be made according to this part and according to application instructions provided by the commissioner. Applicants for youth firearms special hunts must be at least 12 years old and under age 16 by the beginning hunt date. Applicants for youth archery special hunts must be at least 12 years old and under age 18 by the beginning hunt date. Each person must apply at an electronic license system agent or the Department of Natural Resources License Center. Group applications are not allowed. If the number of eligible applicants exceeds the quota established by the commissioner, the commissioner shall conduct a drawing to determine eligible participants. Preference for the youth special hunt drawing is given to applicants based on the number of years they have correctly applied for a youth special hunt permit but have been unsuccessful. Upon issuance of a youth special hunt permit, all accumulated preference is lost. The application deadline is the Friday nearest August 17.
30 SR 613; 33 SR 1967
October 3, 2013
Youths participating in youth special deer seasons must obtain a license for taking deer by firearms, valid for any season option, by the beginning date of the special season. A youth special season participant may take one deer, which must be antlerless. One bonus permit may be used. An adult mentor age 18 or older authorized by the youth's parent or guardian must accompany the youth hunter at all times during the hunt. The accompanying adult may not hunt. Party hunting is not allowed. The blaze orange requirements in Minnesota Statutes, section 97B.071, paragraph (a), apply to all hunters and trappers, and all adult mentors of youth hunters, in the areas open to firearms deer hunting during the youth special seasons established in this part.
30 SR 613; 33 SR 1967
October 3, 2013
The terms used in parts 6232.2600 to 6232.3500 have the meanings given them in this part.
"Bait" means materials placed for the purpose of attracting or attempting to attract bears.
"Bear bait station" means a location at which bait is placed for the purpose of hunting. Bear bait station does not include materials that are at all times attended by the hunter.
"Garbage dump" means a site regularly and primarily used for the disposal of garbage or other refuse.
"No-quota area" means that part of this state not included within the boundaries of bear hunt permit areas.
MS s 97B.411
18 SR 83
October 3, 2013
Bears may be taken by licensed hunters using legal firearms or legal bow and arrow from September 1 through the Sunday nearest October 15.
MS s 97B.411
18 SR 83
October 3, 2013
A person may not take more than one bear in quota areas and two bears in no-quota areas during any calendar year whether by firearm or archery. Bears taken may be of either sex or any age except that bear cubs may not be taken.
Party hunting for bears is not permitted. A person may not shoot a bear for another person or tag a bear shot by another person.
Persons taking a bear must affix a tag and validate their license at the site of kill as provided below:
Persons killing a bear must affix to the carcass the site tag provided with their bear hunting license. The tag must be fastened around the bear's sternum (breast bone), through an ear, or around a leg bone or tendon so that the tag cannot be readily removed. A hunter may not possess or use the site tag of another, except when transporting a bear as provided by Minnesota Statutes, section 97A.535.
At the time a bear is tagged at the site of kill, the license of the person whose tag is affixed to the bear must be validated. Validation consists of using a knife or similar sharp object to cut out or a pen to indelibly mark the appropriate notches on the registration slip indicating:
Bears may be skinned, quartered, or further divided prior to transportation and registration, but all edible meat and all other parts of the bear retained by the hunter must be presented for registration at the same time.
Every person taking a bear must present it for registration at a designated bear registration station or, in the case of a nuisance bear authorization, to the authorizing wildlife manager or officer, within 48 hours after taking and obtain a big game possession tag. Prior to transporting the bear from the registration station, the possession tag must be attached to the bear in the same manner as the site tag provided with the license.
A person taking a bear must submit samples to the department in the envelope provided at bear registration stations according to instructions of the department. It is the responsibility of each person taking a bear to mail the envelope to the department, except in those cases where a bear registration station is collecting the samples.
18 SR 83; 22 SR 292; 24 SR 644; 34 SR 621
October 3, 2013
A person may not apply more than once per season, whether as an individual or as a member of a group.
Drawings will be conducted by the department to determine those eligible to purchase a bear license within the bear quota areas.
An applicant must select a first choice of bear quota area and may select a second choice of bear quota area. Preference in the drawings will be given to applicants based upon:
the number of times they have correctly applied for a license in a quota area in previous years but have not been selected; or
the number of times they have correctly applied in the preference only area in previous years but have not been selected.
Upon issuance of a quota area license, all accumulated preference is lost. Obtaining a no-quota bear license has no effect upon eligibility or preference in the drawings.
In quota areas with fewer applicants than available licenses or licenses not purchased as described in subpart 9, the remaining available licenses may be first offered to unsuccessful applicants on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 12:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday following the deadline in subpart 9.
To obtain a remaining available license, an eligible person must apply individually and in person at an electronic license system agent location or individually through the ELS-Internet or ELS-Telephone system.
Any remaining available licenses not purchased by unsuccessful applicants may then be issued to any eligible person as prescribed by the commissioner on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 12:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday following the deadline in subpart 9. Individuals who purchase these remaining available licenses retain their accumulated preference.
A person whose big game hunting privileges are not suspended and, if born after December 31, 1979, has successfully completed a firearms safety course approved by the commissioner prior to the opening day of the bear season, is eligible to purchase a bear license for the no-quota area or to enter a drawing for a permit area license. All applicants who will have reached their 18th birthday by September 1 must provide a driver's license number, a Minnesota identification card number issued by the Department of Public Safety, or a 13-digit Firearms Safety Certificate number. Eligible applicants under this age who do not submit one of these numbers will be assigned a number and entered into the preference drawing.
Applications must be returned to the License Bureau. The application deadline is the first Friday of May.
Persons may apply individually or as part of a group totaling no more than four persons. Those who wish to apply as a group must submit their applications for the drawing together in one envelope. All applications in a group must be for the same permit area. The individual within a group with the lowest preference rating will determine the preference rating of the group. Either all members of the group or none will be drawn. Improperly completed applications will be rejected but will not disqualify other members of the group.
The quota of licenses or permits for a drawing may be increased to accommodate group members if the last applicant to be selected is a member of a group.
Successful applicants will receive a notice, with instructions, authorizing them to obtain a license. Successful applicants who do not purchase a license according to the instructions or who do not provide all of the requested information will be disqualified. All accumulated preference is lost upon issuance of a license.
Applicants can accumulate preference only by selecting bear quota area 99.
A person selected through the bear permit drawing must purchase the license on or before the Friday nearest July 31. Any licenses not purchased by the deadline shall be issued following the drawing procedures in subpart 2.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 2222; 24 SR 644; 30 SR 613; 33 SR 215; 33 SR 1967; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
Licenses for bear quota areas are limited in number and are issued through a drawing as provided in part 6232.2900. Quota area licenses are valid only in the quota area specified on the license.
Bear Quota Area 12 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 72 and the northern boundary of the state; thence along STH 72 to the Tamarac River; thence along the southerly shore of said river to Upper Red Lake; thence along the southeasterly shore of said lake to the eastern boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation; thence along the easterly, southerly, and westerly boundaries of said reservation to the point where the Clearwater River leaves the reservation boundary; thence along the south shore of said river to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 2, Polk County; thence along CSAH 2 to CSAH 27, Pennington County; thence along CSAH 27 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to CSAH 28, Pennington County; thence along CSAH 28 to CSAH 54, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 54 to CSAH 6, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 6 to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to County Road (CR) 134, Marshall County; thence along CR 134 to STH 54; thence along STH 54 to CSAH 9, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 2, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 2 to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to STH 310; thence along STH 310 to the Roseau River; thence along the south shore of said river to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to the northern boundary of the state; thence along the northern boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Bear Quota Area 13 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning on the northern boundary of the state at State Trunk Highway (STH) 72; thence along the northern boundary of the state to a point due north of the intersection of STH 11 and U.S. Highway 71; thence due south to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to STH 72; thence north along STH 72 to the point of beginning.
Bear Quota Area 22 consists of that portion of the state known as the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) but excluding the detached part of the BWCA lying south of the Echo Trail, St. Louis County, and known as the Trout Lake unit or block.
Bear Quota Area 24 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of U.S. Highway 2 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 65; thence along STH 65 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to STH 135; thence along STH 135 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 21, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 21 to the Soudan-Two Harbors Branch of the Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railway Company (DM&IR); thence along said railroad to CSAH 16, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 16 to U.S. Highway 53; thence along U.S. Highway 53 to CSAH 133, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 133 to CSAH 25, Itasca County; thence along CSAH 25 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to the point of beginning.
Bear Quota Area 25 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and STH 65; thence along STH 1 to STH 169; thence along STH 169 to the first Shagawa River bridge at Winton; thence along the northerly shore of said river to Fall Lake; thence along the westerly and northerly shores of Fall Lake to the southern boundary of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA); thence westward along the southerly boundary of the BWCA to the intersection with the northern boundary of the state; thence along the northern boundary of the state to a point due north of the junction of U.S. Highway 71 and STH 11 at Pelland; thence due south to said junction; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to the point of beginning.
Bear Quota Area 26 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of U.S. Highway 2 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 65; thence along STH 65 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to STH 72; thence along STH 72 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to the point of beginning.
Bear Quota Area 31 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning on U.S. Highway 53 at the eastern boundary of the state; thence along U.S. Highway 53 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 16, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 16 to the Soudan-Two Harbors Branch of the Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railway Company (DM&IR); thence along said railroad to CSAH 21, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 21 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 135; thence along STH 135 to STH 169; thence along STH 169 to the first Shagawa River bridge at Winton; thence along the northerly shore of said river to Fall Lake; thence along the westerly and northerly shores of Fall Lake to the southern boundary of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA); thence easterly along said boundary of the BWCA to the northern boundary of the state at Magnetic Lake; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the state to the boundary of the BWCA on the south shore of North Lake; thence along the boundaries of this detached part of the BWCA to the northern boundary of the state at South Fowl Lake; thence along the northern and eastern boundaries of the state to the point of beginning.
Bear Quota Area 41 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of the northern boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 7, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 7 to CSAH 6, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 6 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 92; thence along STH 92 to STH 223; thence along STH 223 to CSAH 14, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 14 to CSAH 4, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 4 to the west boundary of Clearwater County; thence along said boundary to the southern boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation; thence along the southern and eastern boundaries of said reservation to the southeasterly shore of Upper Red Lake; thence along said lakeshore to the Tamarac River; thence along the southerly shore of said river to STH 72; thence along STH 72 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to STH 92; thence along STH 92 to the northern boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence west along said reservation boundary to the point of beginning.
Bear Quota Area 43 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of U.S. Highway 59 and the northern boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence along said boundary to State Trunk Highway (STH) 92; thence along STH 92 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to STH 18; thence along STH 18 to U.S. Highway 169; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to the Mississippi River; thence upstream along the easterly shore of said river to STH 27 at Little Falls; thence along STH 27 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to the point of beginning.
The Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge within Area 43 is not open for bear hunting.
Bear Quota Area 44 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of U.S. Highway 59 and the northern boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence along said boundary to State Trunk Highway (STH) 92; thence along STH 92 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1, Crow Wing County; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 2, Cass County; thence along CSAH 2 to STH 371; thence along STH 371 to STH 87; thence along STH 87 to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to the point of beginning.
Bear Quota Area 45 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 10 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 87; thence along STH 87 to STH 371; thence along STH 371 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 2, Cass County; thence along CSAH 2 to CSAH 1, Crow Wing County; thence along CSAH 1 to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to STH 18; thence along STH 18 to U.S. Highway 169; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to the Mississippi River; thence upstream along the Mississippi River along the easterly shore of said river to STH 27; thence along STH 27 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to the point of beginning.
Bear Quota Area 51 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning on U.S. Highway 53 on the eastern boundary of the state; thence along U.S. Highway 53 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 133, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 133 to CSAH 25, Itasca County; thence along CSAH 25 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 6; thence along STH 6 to STH 18; thence along STH 18 to U.S. Highway 169; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to STH 47; thence along STH 47 to STH 27; thence along STH 27 to STH 65; thence along STH 65 to STH 18; thence along STH 18 to the western boundary of Pine County; thence along the western and northern boundaries of Pine County to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to CSAH 22, Pine County; thence along CSAH 22 to CSAH 32; thence along CSAH 32 to the eastern boundary of the state; thence along the eastern boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 2222; 20 SR 2287; 22 SR 292
October 3, 2013
Licenses for the no-quota area are not limited in number and may be purchased at an electronic licensing system (ELS) agent, ELS-Internet, or ELS-Telephone. A person may purchase a license for both a quota area and the no-quota area in the same year. No-quota licenses are valid only in the no-quota area.
MS s 97B.411
18 SR 83; 20 SR 2287; 34 SR 621
October 3, 2013
A person may not establish, service, maintain, or sign any bear bait station prior to the Friday nearest August 14.
In order to establish, service, maintain, or sign any bear bait station, a person must have a valid bear hunting license or be operating under the direction of a person with a valid bear hunting license.
No more than three bait stations may be placed at one time for each licensed bear hunter. If a hunter wishes to establish a different bait station, one of the hunter's three existing bait stations must be removed. Each licensed bear hunting outfitter may establish up to three bait stations in addition to bait stations placed for licensed hunters.
A person may not establish a bear bait station without registering the site as provided in this subpart.
The following information must be provided on a form provided by the commissioner or on an 8-1/2 inch by 11 inch sheet of paper:
name, address, Minnesota DNR number, and telephone number of person who established the bear bait station; and
The form must be mailed to the Division of Enforcement no later than the next postal service day following establishment of the bear bait station.
A person establishing a bear bait station must display a sign at the site meeting the following requirements.
The sign must be made of plastic, wood, or metal and must be at least six inches by ten inches in size and, on public land, no more than 18 inches by 24 inches in size.
The sign must contain:
for unguided hunters, the full name and either the Minnesota DNR number or Minnesota driver's license number of the person on whose behalf the bait is placed; or
if placed by a bear hunting outfitter for a client, the outfitter's Minnesota driver's license number or bear hunting outfitter license number.
Letters and numbers must be legibly printed and either painted or impressed on the sign material.
The sign must be prominently displayed between six and ten feet above the natural ground level and within 20 feet of the bait.
The person who placed the signs is responsible for their removal within 48 hours of the close of the bear season.
Only signs prescribed in items A to D may be used. Warning or other signs used to mark generic locations of bait stations or advise people of bait stations on public land are prohibited.
A person may not hunt bear within 100 yards of a bear bait station unless it is registered and marked with a sign as required by this part.
A person may not take bear or establish a bear bait station within one-half mile of a garbage dump.
A person may not establish a bear bait station within 100 yards of a site where bait has been placed prior to the Friday nearest August 14.
A person may not establish a bear bait station within 150 yards of a campsite or in bear quota area 22.
18 SR 83; 20 SR 2287; 35 SR 505
October 3, 2013
Nuisance bears may be taken by licensed bear hunters from July 1 to August 31 under the conditions in this part.
Wildlife managers or conservation officers may authorize licensed hunters to take nuisance bears after the manager or officer has verified that a nuisance problem exists.
Only hunters licensed for the area where damage is occurring will be authorized to take bears. Only one hunter may hunt under a license. Authorized hunters are restricted to the location specified on the license.
A licensee taking a nuisance bear prior to the season must register it with the authorizing wildlife manager or conservation officer within 48 hours after taking.
MS s 97B.411
18 SR 83; 24 SR 644
October 3, 2013
A licensed bear hunter may not take a bear being studied under a research permit issued by the commissioner if the permit holder or designee is accompanying the bear and has identified the bear to the hunter as a research animal.
MS s 97B.411
18 SR 83
October 3, 2013
An application for a bear hunting outfitter or master bear hunting outfitter license can be obtained from the License Center.
A bear hunting outfitter or master bear hunting outfitter license may not be issued after August 31 in any year.
The licensee may add additional persons to a master bear hunting outfitter license at any time.
Any person listed under a master bear hunting license remains on that license for the entire license year. No person may be substituted for a person listed under a master bear hunting outfitter license.
All licensed bear hunting outfitters and master bear hunting outfitters must complete the report form provided with the license and return it to the specified address no later than ten days after the close of the bear season. Failure to submit this report or failure to provide all requested information may result in ineligibility for a bear hunting outfitter or master bear hunting outfitter license for the following bear season.
Information required under item B, subitems (1) to (3), must be recorded on the report form before any bear hunting activity takes place.
Information required under item B, subitems (4) to (6), must be recorded on the report form within 24 hours of a bear being harvested by a guided hunter or within 24 hours of the completion of a hunt when a bear is not harvested.
The records required under this subpart must be available for inspection by the commissioner. The records must be preserved and available for three years after the expiration of the license.
To be eligible for a bear hunting outfitters license or master bear hunting outfitters license, an applicant must be at least 16 years of age and submit proof that the applicant:
is certified for standard first aid and CPR by the American Red Cross or American Heart Association or through an equivalent course;
has scored at least 70 percent on a written bear hunting outfitter exam, administered by the commissioner.
This subpart is effective October 4, 2011.
18 SR 83; 35 SR 505
October 3, 2013
Moose may be taken by licensed hunters, in those years when a moose season is authorized by the commissioner, using legal firearm or legal bow and arrow within the following seasons:
in the Northwest Area (except the Agassiz Area) consisting of Moose Zones 1 to 17, when opened by the commissioner, for the nine-day period beginning the Saturday nearest October 11;
in the Agassiz Area consisting of Moose Zone 2, when opened by the commissioner, for the nine-day period beginning the Saturday nearest December 3; and
in the Northeast Area consisting of Moose Zones 20 to 80, when opened by the commissioner, for the 16-day period beginning the Saturday nearest October 1.
Open zones and date changes, if any, can be found in the annual hunting regulations.
MS s 97B.505; and others at 19 SR 6
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484
October 3, 2013
Licensees may not hunt moose without having the unused seal in their possession. Licensed parties may not assist other licensed parties in taking moose.
Licensed moose hunt parties may consist of individuals hunting with bow and arrow and individuals hunting with firearms.
The visible portion of the hunter's cap, if worn, and outer garments, above the waist excluding sleeves and gloves, must be blaze orange or be covered by blaze orange. Blaze orange includes a camouflage pattern of at least 50 percent blaze orange within each square foot. Persons whose sincerely held religious beliefs do not permit them to wear blaze orange may wear bright red as an alternative color in the same manner as blaze orange.
Moose must be registered, at a designated moose registration station in the area, within 48 hours after taking.
Moose may be skinned, quartered, or further divided prior to transportation and registration, but all edible meat, and all other parts of the moose not left in the field, must be presented at the same time.
Persons licensed to take moose must attend an orientation session and have their licenses validated prior to hunting. Members of a party need not attend the same orientation session.
A moose may not be transported or possessed unless the seal bearing the license number of the party taking the moose and the year of its issue has been affixed to the carcass by attaching it between the tendon and the bone of a hind leg and fastened around either the bone or the tendon, around the base of either antler, or through a slit cut through either ear.
The seal must be fastened so that it cannot be readily removed.
A moose license is valid for a party of two, three, or four persons only for the zone selected.
The bag limit of moose is one of any age or sex per licensed party of hunters. Only one moose may be taken by a party.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 19 SR 2222; 20 SR 2287
October 3, 2013
The provisions in this part apply to applications for moose licenses.
A person may apply only once and must apply in a party of two, three, or four. All party members must apply for the same zone.
Up to 20 percent of the licenses in each zone of the Northwest Area may be issued in a separate landowner and tenant drawing. The following persons are eligible for this separate drawing:
tenants living on at least 160 acres of agricultural or grazing land, within the zone applied for; or
family members of qualifying landowners and tenants, if they live on the qualifying property and are part of the farming operation. Family members include those related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
Applicants unsuccessful in the landowner and tenant drawing will be included in the selection process for the remaining licenses in the same zone. Landowner and tenant party applications that include individuals who do not meet the requirements for this license will be removed from the landowner and tenant drawing and will not be entered into the general drawing.
Twenty percent of the moose licenses to be issued each year are available in a separate selection for individuals who have applied at least ten times for a moose license and who have never received a license. If the 20 percent of licenses exceeds the number of eligible applicants, the remaining permits shall be made available in the regular drawing. Evidence of unsuccessful application for purposes of this drawing is the application history database retained by the commissioner.
An application fee, as prescribed in Minnesota Statutes, section 97A.431, subdivision 3, must accompany each party's application. Any check returned to the department for nonpayment invalidates the application and will be destroyed. Refunds of application fees may not be made for any reason.
There shall also be alternate parties drawn from the pool of unsuccessful parties, from the general drawing, in case successful parties decide not to purchase their permit. Alternate parties shall not be notified that they are an alternate party unless a successful party decides not to purchase a permit, in which event the alternate party may purchase a moose license.
Successful applicants will receive instructions for obtaining their licenses. Successful applicants must purchase their moose licenses by the Friday closest to July 1. Applicants who fail to purchase their license by the deadline forfeit their license and it will be offered to an alternate party selected through the regular drawing.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 19 SR 2222; 22 SR 292; 30 SR 613; 33 SR 215
October 3, 2013
The Clay County Refuge in Zone 15 and the sanctuary within the Rothsay Wildlife Management Area in Zone 16 are open for the taking of moose during an authorized season.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484
October 3, 2013
Nuisance moose may be taken under special authorization by licensed moose hunters from September 1 to December 31 under the following conditions:
Conservation officers may authorize licensed hunters to take nuisance moose after the officer has verified that a nuisance problem exists.
An authorized party taking a nuisance moose must register it with the authorizing conservation officer within 48 hours after taking.
Hunters authorized to take nuisance moose are subject to all provisions of parts 6232.3600 to 6232.4100 not inconsistent with this part and all laws relating to taking wild animals.
Authorization may only be granted to a party of hunters that has a valid moose hunting license. Priority must be given to parties with licenses valid for the zone in which the damage is occurring. Authorization may be granted for nuisance moose outside zones open to hunting. Only one party may hunt under an authorization. Each authorization is restricted to a specified location.
MS s 97B.505; and others at 19 SR 6
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 19 SR 2222
October 3, 2013
Moose Zone 1A consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 89 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 42, Beltrami County; thence along STH 89 to CSAH 44, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 44 to County Road (CR) 704, Beltrami County; thence along CR 704 to Dick's Parkway Forest Road, Beltrami County; thence along Dick's Parkway Forest Road to CSAH 5, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 5 to the Tangnes Forest Road, Roseau County; thence along the Tangnes Forest Road to the Krull Forest Road; thence in a southeasterly direction along the Krull Forest Road to CSAH 2, Lake of the Woods County; thence along CSAH 2 to STH 11; thence along STH 11 to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to CSAH 20, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 20 to CSAH 9, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 54, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 54 to CSAH 2, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 2 to CSAH 42, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 42 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 1B consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 11 and STH 313; thence along STH 313 to the northern boundary of the state; thence west along the north boundary of the state to STH 310; thence along STH 310 to STH 11; thence along STH 11 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 2 consists of the Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge and the State Eckvoll, Elm Lake, and Mud Lac Wildlife Management Areas in Marshall County.
Moose Zone 3 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary, except that part comprising Moose Zone 2:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 11 and STH 32; thence along STH 11 to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 20, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 20 to CSAH 9, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 54, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 54 to CSAH 28, Pennington County; thence along CSAH 28 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 4 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 11 and U.S. Highway 59; thence along STH 11 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 5 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 11 and U.S. Highway 59; thence along STH 11 to STH 310; thence along STH 310 to the northerly boundary of the state; thence west along the northerly boundary of the state to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 6 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 59 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 11; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to the northerly boundary of the state; thence west along the northerly boundary of the state to U.S. Highway 75; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to STH 11; thence east along STH 11 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 7 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 11 and U.S. Highway 75; thence along STH 11 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 28, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 28 to CSAH 4, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 4 to U.S. Highway 75; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zones 8A and 8B consist of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundaries:
Moose Zone 8A:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 28, Marshall County and CSAH 11, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 28 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 32; thence along STH 32 to CSAH 3, Pennington County; thence along CSAH 3 to CSAH 10, Pennington County; thence along CSAH 10 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to CSAH 11, Pennington County; thence along CSAH 11 to CSAH 11, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 11 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 8B:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 4, Marshall County and U.S. Highway 75; thence along CSAH 4 to CSAH 28, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 28 to CSAH 11, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 11 to CSAH 11, Pennington County; thence along CSAH 11 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 1; thence along STH 1 to CSAH 10, Pennington County; thence along CSAH 10 to CSAH 3, Pennington County; thence along CSAH 3 to CSAH 21, Polk County; thence along CSAH 21 to U.S. Highway 75; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 9 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 2 and U.S. Highway 75; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 21, Polk County; thence along CSAH 21 to CSAH 3, Pennington County; thence along CSAH 3 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 32; thence on STH 32 to CSAH 1, Polk County; thence along CSAH 1 to STH 9; thence along STH 9 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 10 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 41, Polk County and State Trunk Highway (STH) 59; thence along CSAH 41 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to CSAH 27, Pennington County; thence along CSAH 27 to CSAH 2, Polk County; thence along CSAH 2 to STH 92; thence along STH 92 to CSAH 6, Polk County; thence along CSAH 6 to the south boundary of Polk County; thence along the south boundary of Polk County to STH 59; thence along STH 59 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 11 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway 11 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 17, Lake of the Woods County; thence along CSAH 17 to the north boundary line of Section 8, Township 163 N, Range 34 W; thence west along said section boundary line to the shore of Lake of the Woods; thence easterly along the south shoreline of said lake to the intersection of said shoreline with the line between Range 32 West and Range 33 West; thence along said range line to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 4, Lake of the Woods County; thence along CSAH 4 to State Trunk Highway 11; thence along State Trunk Highway 11 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 12 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 75 and the northern boundary of the state; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 5, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 5 to its intersection with State Trunk Highway (STH) 220; thence due west from said intersection to the west boundary of the state; thence along the west and north boundaries of the state to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 13 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 75 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 19, Polk County; thence along CSAH 19, Polk County, to its junction with CSAH 64, Polk County; thence due west to the western boundary of the state; thence northward along the west boundary of the state to a point due west of the junction of CSAH 5, Marshall County and State Trunk Highway (STH) 220; thence due east to said junction; thence along CSAH 5 to U.S. Highway 75; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 14 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1, Polk County and State Trunk Highway (STH) 32; thence along CSAH 1 to STH 9; thence along STH 9 to CSAH 39, Norman County; thence along CSAH 39 to STH 113; thence along STH 113 to the west boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence along the west and north boundaries of said reservation to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to CSAH 41, Polk County; thence along CSAH 41 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 15 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 32 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 39, Norman County; thence along CSAH 39 to STH 9; thence along STH 9 to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 16 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 32 and U.S. Highway 10; thence along STH 32 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 35, Clay County; thence along CSAH 35 to CSAH 21, Otter Tail County; thence along CSAH 21 to STH 108; thence along STH 108 to CSAH 21, Wilkin County; thence along CSAH 21 to CSAH 16, Wilkin County; thence along CSAH 16 to CSAH 15, Wilkin County; thence along CSAH 15 to CSAH 20, Wilkin County; thence along CSAH 20 to CSAH 11, Wilkin County; thence along CSAH 11 to CSAH 21, Clay County; thence along CSAH 21 to CSAH 10, Clay County; thence along CSAH 10 to STH 9; thence along STH 9 to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 17 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 3, Mahnomen County and the north boundary of Mahnomen County; thence along the north, west, and south boundaries of Mahnomen County to CSAH 13, Mahnomen County; thence along CSAH 13 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 113; thence along STH 113 to CSAH 3, Mahnomen County; thence along CSAH 3 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 20 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the public water access on Kawishiwi Lake; thence northerly along the northeast shore of Kawishiwi Lake to the stream to Square Lake; thence northerly along said stream and along the eastern shoreline of Square Lake to the stream connecting to Kawasachong Lake; thence along said stream and along the western shore of said lake to the portage to Townline Lake; thence across said portage and through said lake to the portage to Polly Lake; thence across said portage and northerly through said lake to the outlet of the Kawishiwi River; thence downstream northerly on said river to Koma Lake; thence along the eastern shore of said lake to the Kawishiwi River connecting to Malberg Lake; thence along said river and along the west shore of said lake to the northwest corner of Malberg Lake; thence northwesterly across a portage to Record River; thence northerly along said river to Kawishiwi River; thence westerly downstream on the Kawishiwi River to the portages to Alice Lake; thence across said portages to Alice Lake; thence along the southerly shore of Alice Lake to the Kawishiwi River; thence downstream on the Kawishiwi River to the portage to Insula Lake; thence across said portage to Insula Lake; thence along the easterly shoreline of Insula Lake to the portage to Kiana Lake; thence across said portage to Kiana Lake; thence along the easterly shoreline of Kiana Lake to the portage to Thomas Lake; thence across said portage to Thomas Lake; thence along the westerly shoreline of Thomas Lake to the portages to the Kekekabic Trail; thence across said portages to the Kekekabic Trail; thence westerly on the Kekekabic Trail to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness boundary; thence southerly, westerly, and easterly along said boundary to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 21 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of State Trunk Highway (STH) 169 and STH 135; thence northeasterly on STH 169 to the intersection with County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 16; thence southerly and easterly on CSAH 16 to the Silver Rapids bridge; thence along the westerly and southerly shore of Farm Lake to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) border; thence southerly along the BWCA border to the South Kawishiwi River; thence southerly along the easterly shoreline of said river to Birch Lake; thence along the easterly shoreline of Birch Lake to Forest Road (FR) 178; thence southerly along FR 178 to FR 424; thence westerly along FR 424 to FR 1431; thence southerly along FR 1431 to FR 112; thence southerly along FR 112 to FR 113; thence southerly along FR 113 to the Cliffs Erie Railroad; thence westerly along said railroad to the intersection with the Dunka Spur of the Cliffs Erie Railroad in Section 11, Township 59 North, Range 13 West; thence easterly and northerly along said railroad spur to CSAH 623; thence northerly and westerly along CSAH 623 to CSAH 70; thence westerly along CSAH 70 to CSAH 21; thence westerly on CSAH 21 to CSAH 26; thence westerly and northerly on CSAH 26 to STH 135; thence northerly on STH 135 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 22 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 2; thence southerly on CSAH 2 to the Cliffs Erie Railroad; thence westerly along said railroad to the intersection with the Northshore Mining Company Railroad; thence northerly along said railroad to Forest Road (FR) 113; thence northerly along FR 113 to FR 112; thence northerly along FR 112 to FR 1431; thence northerly along FR 1431 to FR 424; thence easterly along FR 424 to FR 178; thence northerly along FR 178 to Birch Lake; thence northerly along the easterly shoreline of Birch Lake to the South Kawishiwi River; thence along the easterly shoreline of said river to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) border; thence southerly and easterly along the BWCA border to the Snake River; thence southerly along said river to FR 377; thence westerly along FR 377 to STH 1; thence southerly along STH 1 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 23 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and Forest Road (FR) 377; thence easterly on FR 377 to the Snake River; thence northerly on the Snake River to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness border; thence easterly along said border to the Island River at Forest Center; thence southerly along said river to FR 377; thence southwesterly along FR 377 to FR 373; thence southerly along FR 373 to FR 369; thence southerly along FR 369 to FR 172; thence westerly along FR 172 to STH 1; thence westerly along STH 1 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 24 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of Forest Road (FR) 377 and the Island River; thence northerly along said river to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness border; thence northerly and easterly along said border to Hog Creek; thence upstream in a northeasterly direction along said creek to FR 354; thence southerly along FR 354 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 7; thence southerly along CSAH 7 to FR 172; thence westerly along FR 172 to FR 369; thence northerly along FR 369 to FR 373; thence northwesterly along FR 373 to FR 377; thence northeasterly along FR 377 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 25 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 2, Cook County, and Forest Road (FR) 166; thence along FR 166 to CSAH 7, Lake County; thence along CSAH 7 to FR 354; thence along FR 354 to Hog Creek; thence southwesterly along said creek to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness boundary; thence northerly, westerly, and easterly along said boundary to the small stream on Sawbill Lake which connects to the portage to Alton Lake; thence southeasterly across Sawbill Lake to the public water access and CSAH 2, Cook County; thence along CSAH 2 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 26 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the mouth of the Horse River; thence southwesterly along the Horse River to Horse Lake; thence along the easterly shore of Horse Lake to the portage to Tin Can Mike Lake; thence across said portage to Tin Can Mike Lake; thence along the easterly shore of Tin Can Mike Lake to the portage to Sandpit Lake; thence across said portage to Sandpit Lake; thence along the easterly shore of Sandpit Lake to the portage to Range Lake; thence across said portage to Range Lake; thence along the easterly shore of Range Lake to the Range River; thence up the Range River to the intersection with Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) border; thence following the BWCA border southerly and easterly to Snowbank Lake; thence continuing southerly on the BWCA border to its intersection with the Kekekabic Trail; thence easterly on Kekekabic Trail to the portage to Hatchet Lake; thence across said portage to Hatchet Lake; thence northerly along flowage to the portage to Ima Lake; thence across said portage to Ima Lake; thence along the northerly shoreline of Ima Lake to the portage to Jordan Lake; thence across said portage to Jordan Lake; thence along the northerly shoreline of Jordan Lake to the portage to Adventure Lake; thence across said portage to Adventure Lake; thence along the northerly shoreline of Adventure Lake to the portage to Gibson Lake; thence across said portage to Gibson Lake; thence following the easterly shoreline of Gibson Lake to the portage to Ashigan Lake; thence across said portage to Ashigan Lake; thence following the easterly shoreline of Ashigan Lake to the portage to Ensign Lake; thence across said portage to Ensign Lake; thence following the northerly shoreline of Ensign Lake to the portage to Trident Lake; thence across said portage to Trident Lake; thence following the easterly shoreline of Trident Lake to the portage to Frog Lake; thence across said portage to Frog Lake; thence following the westerly shoreline of Frog Lake to the portage to Birch Lake; thence across said portage to Birch Lake; thence northeasterly along southerly shoreline of Birch Lake to the United States-Canada international border; thence westerly and southerly along said border to Lower Basswood Falls; thence southerly along the shoreline of the Basswood River to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 27 consists of that portion of the state lying within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Trout Lake Unit northeast of Lake Vermilion.
Moose Zone 28 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 2, Lake County and Superior National Forest Road (NFR) 122; thence along NFR 122 to CSAH 44, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 44 to County Road (CR) 266 (Fox Farm Road), St. Louis County; thence along CR 266 to the North Shore snowmobile trail; thence in a northeasterly direction along the North Shore snowmobile trail to CSAH 2, Lake County; thence along CSAH 2 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 29 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning on State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 at Isabella; thence in a southerly direction along State Trunk Highway 1 to the Erie Mining Company Railroad; thence in a westerly direction along the Erie Mining Company Railroad to Forest Road (FR) 102; thence along FR 102 to FR 104; thence along FR 104 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 2, Lake County; thence along CSAH 2 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 30 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 2, Lake County and Forest Road (FR) 122; thence along FR 122 to CSAH 44, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 44 to CSAH 16, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 16 to the Soudan Branch of the Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railway Company (DM&IR); thence along said railroad to Wyman Creek; thence along Wyman Creek to the Erie Mining Company Railroad in Section 17, T. 59N, R. 14W; thence eastward along said railroad to CSAH 2, Lake County; thence along CSAH 2 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 31 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 4, Lake County; thence in a southwesterly direction along CSAH 4 to CSAH 3, Lake County; thence along CSAH 3 to Silver Creek Township Road (TR) 24 (Alger Grade); thence along TR 24 to CSAH 2, Lake County; thence along CSAH 2 to Forest Road (FR) 104; thence along FR 104 to FR 102; thence along FR 102 to the Erie Mining Company Railroad; thence along the Erie Mining Company Railroad to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 32 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of the Little Indian Sioux River and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) boundary north of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 116; thence in a northerly and westerly direction along the BWCA boundary to the United States-Canada international border at Sand Point Lake; thence following the international border south and east to Loon Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Loon Lake to the Little Indian Sioux River; thence upstream on the Little Indian Sioux River to Lower Pauness Lake; thence along the easterly shoreline of Lower Pauness Lake to the portage to Shell Lake; thence along the portage to Shell Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Shell Lake to the portage to Little Shell Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Little Shell Lake to the portage to Lynx Lake; thence along the portage to Lynx Lake; thence along the southerly and easterly shoreline of Lynx Lake to the portage to Ruby Lake; thence along the portage to Ruby Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Ruby Lake to the portage to Hustler Lake; thence along the portage to Hustler Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Hustler Lake to the portage to Oyster Lake; thence along the portage to Oyster Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Oyster Lake to the portage to Oyster River; thence along the portage to Oyster River; thence along the Oyster River to its junction with the Nina Moose River; thence easterly along the Nina Moose River to its confluence with Lake Agnes; thence along the southerly shoreline of Lake Agnes to the portage to Boulder River; thence along the portage to Boulder River; thence easterly along the Boulder River to its confluence with the Dahlgren River; thence southerly along the Dahlgren River to its confluence with Stuart Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Stuart Lake to the portage to Nibin Lake; thence along the portage to Nibin Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Nibin and Bibon Lakes to the portage to Sterling Lake; thence along the portage to Sterling Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Sterling Lake to Sterling Creek; thence easterly along Sterling Creek to its confluence with the Beartrap River; thence easterly and southerly along the Beartrap River to the portage to Sunday Lake; thence along the portage to Sunday Lake; thence along the westerly shoreline of Sunday Lake to the Beartrap River; thence southerly along the Beartrap River to Beartrap Lake; thence along the southerly shore of Beartrap Lake to the portage to Thunder Lake; thence along the portage to Thunder Lake; thence along the westerly shoreline of Thunder Lake to the portage to Mud Hole Lake; thence along the portage to Mud Hole Lake; thence through Mud Hole Lake to the portage to Gull Lake; thence along the portage to Gull Lake; thence along the northerly shoreline of Gull Lake to the portage to Gun Lake; thence along the portage to Gun Lake; thence along the westerly shoreline of Gun Lake to the portage to Fairy Lake; thence along the portage to Fairy Lake; thence along the westerly shoreline of Fairy Lake to the portage to Boot Lake; thence along the portage to Boot Lake; thence along the westerly and southerly shores of Boot Lake to the portage to Fourtown Lake; thence along the portage to Fourtown Lake; thence along the westerly, southerly, and easterly shorelines of Fourtown Lake to the portage to Horse Lake; thence along the portage to Horse Lake; thence along the westerly and southerly shoreline of Horse Lake to the portage to Tin Can Mike Lake; thence along the portage to Tin Can Mike Lake; thence along the easterly shoreline of Tin Can Mike Lake to the portage to Sandpit Lake; thence along the portage to Sandpit Lake; thence along the easterly shoreline of Sandpit Lake to the portage to Range Lake; thence along the portage to Range Lake; thence along the easterly shoreline of Range Lake to the Range River; thence up the Range River to the intersection with the BWCA boundary; thence along the BWCA boundary northerly and westerly to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 33 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 116 and Forest Road (FR) 200; thence in a southerly direction along FR 200 to Hilda Creek; thence upstream in an easterly and southerly direction to the intersection with the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) boundary; thence following the BWCA boundary in an easterly, northerly, and southerly direction to where it intersects Slim Creek; thence northeasterly along Slim Creek to Hunch Lake; thence across Hunch Lake; thence continuing northeasterly along Spring Creek to the BWCA boundary line north of CSAH 116; thence follow said boundary back in a northerly and westerly direction to an unnamed creek in the Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 66 North, Range 16 West; thence follow said flowage westerly to FR 199; thence follow FR 199 southerly to CSAH 116; thence follow CSAH 116 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 34 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundaries:
Beginning at the junction of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 116 and Forest Road (FR) 200; thence in a southerly direction along FR 200 to Hilda Creek; thence upstream in an easterly and southerly direction to the intersection with the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) boundary; thence following the BWCA boundary in a westerly, southerly, and easterly direction to where it intersects Vermilion Lake; thence westerly along the north shore of Vermilion Lake to the Vermilion River; thence along the Vermilion River to Crane Lake; thence along the south and east shore of Crane Lake to King William Narrows; thence through King William Narrows to the south shore of Sand Point Lake; thence easterly along the south shore of Sand Point Lake to the boundary of the Kabetogama State Forest; thence from said boundary easterly across Sand Point Lake to the Canadian border; thence along the Canadian border in a southeasterly direction to the intersection of the BWCA boundary; thence following the BWCA boundary in a westerly, southerly, and easterly direction to an unnamed creek in the Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 66 North, Range 16 West; thence follow said flowage westerly to FR 199; thence follow FR 199 southerly to CSAH 116; thence follow CSAH 116 easterly to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 35 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundaries:
Beginning at the intersection of the Little Indian Sioux River and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 116 (Echo Trail), St. Louis County; thence along the Little Indian Sioux River to Upper Pauness Lake; thence along the east shore of Upper Pauness Lake to the outlet of Upper Pauness Lake; thence along said outlet to Lower Pauness Lake; thence along the east shore of Lower Pauness Lake to the Little Indian Sioux River; thence along the Little Indian Sioux River to the Canadian border; thence along the Canadian border through Loon, Loon River, Little Vermilion, and Sand Pit Lakes; thence through King Williams Narrows to the east shore of Crane Lake; thence along the east and south shore of Crane Lake to the Vermilion River; thence along the Vermilion River to CSAH 24, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 24 to CSAH 116, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 116 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 36 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of the United States-Canada international border and the westernmost point of Loon Lake; thence following said border in a northerly and easterly direction to Lower Basswood Falls; thence along the southerly shoreline of the Basswood River to the mouth of the Horse River; thence southwesterly along the Horse River to Horse Lake; thence along the easterly and southerly shore of Horse Lake to the portages to Fourtown Lake; thence along the portages to Fourtown Lake; thence along the easterly, southerly, and westerly shorelines of Fourtown Lake to the portage to Boot Lake; thence along the portage to Boot Lake; thence along the southerly and westerly shores of Boot Lake to the portage to Fairy Lake; thence along the portage to Fairy Lake; thence along the westerly shoreline of Fairy Lake to the portage to Gun Lake; thence along the portage to Gun Lake; thence along the westerly shoreline of Gun Lake to the portage to Gull Lake; thence along the portage to Gull Lake; thence along the northerly shoreline of Gull Lake to the portage to Mud Hole Lake; thence along the portage to Mud Hole Lake; thence through Mud Hole Lake to the portage to Thunder Lake; thence along the portage to Thunder Lake; thence along the westerly shoreline of Thunder Lake to the portage to Beartrap Lake; thence along the portage to Beartrap Lake; thence along the southerly shore of Beartrap Lake to the Beartrap River; thence northerly along the Beartrap River to the portage to Sunday Lake; thence along the portage to Sunday Lake; thence along the westerly shoreline of Sunday Lake to the Beartrap River; thence westerly along the Beartrap River to its confluence with Sterling Creek; thence westerly along Sterling Creek to Sterling Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Sterling Lake to the portage to Bibon Lake; thence along the portage to Bibon Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Bibon and Nibin Lakes to the portage to Stuart Lake; thence along the portage to Stuart Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Stuart Lake to its confluence with the Dahlgren River; thence northerly along the Dahlgren River to its confluence with the Boulder River; thence westerly along the Boulder River to the portage to Lake Agnes; thence along the portage to Lake Agnes; thence along the southerly shoreline of Lake Agnes to its confluence with Nina Moose River; thence westerly along the Nina Moose River to its confluence with the Oyster River; thence along the Oyster River to the portage to Oyster Lake; thence along the portage to Oyster Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Oyster Lake to the portage to Hustler Lake; thence along the portage to Hustler Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Hustler Lake to the portage to Ruby Lake; thence along the portage to Ruby Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Ruby Lake to the portage to Lynx Lake; thence along the portage to Lynx Lake; thence along the easterly and southerly shoreline of Lynx Lake to the portage to Little Shell Lake; thence along the portage to Little Shell Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Little Shell Lake to the portage to Shell Lake; thence along the portage to Shell Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Shell Lake to the portage to Lower Pauness Lake; thence along the portage to Lower Pauness Lake; thence along the easterly shoreline of Lower Pauness Lake to the Little Indian Sioux River; thence downstream on the Little Indian Sioux River to Loon Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Loon Lake to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 37 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning where the Trout Lake portage intersects the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) border; thence proceeding southerly and easterly along the north shore of Lake Vermilion to Armstrong Bay; thence westerly to the Soudan Underground Mine State Park boundary; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of said park to State Trunk Highway (STH) 169; thence northeasterly on STH 169 to the intersection with County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 16; thence southerly and easterly on CSAH 16 to the Silver Rapids bridge; thence along the westerly and southerly shore of Farm Lake to the BWCA border; thence northerly and easterly along said BWCA border to Snowbank Lake; thence westerly along said border to the intersection of Spring Creek and the BWCA border; thence southwesterly on Spring Creek to Hunch Lake; thence southwesterly from Hunch Lake along Slim Creek to its intersection with the BWCA border; thence following the southern BWCA border to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 60 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning where the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) boundary intersects the stream between Little John and John Lakes; thence westerly, northerly, southerly, and easterly along said boundary to the point said boundary intersects with the United States-Canada international boundary at the Height of Land portage between North Lake and South Lake; thence southwesterly along the Height of Land portage; thence easterly and southerly along the United States-Canada international boundary through South, Rat, Rose, Rove, Watap, Mountain, Fan, Lily, Moose, and North Fowl Lakes to a point due north of the mouth of the Royal River in South Fowl Lake; thence southerly approximately one mile through said lake to the BWCA boundary; thence westerly, southerly, and northerly along said boundary to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 61 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of the portage trail connecting Round Lake in Section 33, Township 65 North, Range 4 West, to Missing Link Lake and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) boundary; thence westerly and northerly along said boundary to Edith Lake; thence westerly along the southern shoreline of said lake to the stream connecting to Brant Lake; thence westerly along said stream and northwesterly through said lake to the portage trail to Gotter Lake; thence westerly along said portage trail and through said lake to the portage trail to Flying Lake; thence along said portage trail and northwesterly through said lake to the portage trail to Green Lake; thence southeasterly along said portage trail and through said lake to the portage trail to Bat Lake; thence along said portage trail and southwesterly through said lake to the portage trail to Gillis Lake; thence southerly across said portage and along the eastern and southern shores of Gillis Lake to the stream connecting to Crooked Lake; thence southeasterly along said stream and along the eastern shoreline of Crooked Lake to the stream to Tarry Lake; thence southerly along said stream and along the western shore of said lake to the stream to Mora Lake; thence southerly along said stream and along the eastern and southern shores of said lake to the stream connecting to Time Lake; thence southeasterly along all streams and through Time, Whipped, Fente, and Afton Lakes to Frost River; thence easterly along Frost River, through Pencil and Chase Lakes; thence along the south shoreline of Octopus Lake to the eastern end of Octopus Lake; thence southeasterly along an unnamed flowage to Noodle Lake; thence southwesterly along an unnamed flowage to Wing Lake; thence southeasterly along the eastern shoreline of said lake to the portage connecting to Guard Lake; thence across said portage and across said lake to the portage to Ranger Lake; thence easterly across said portage and along the western and southern shoreline of said lake to a stream connecting to Cherokee Lake; thence easterly along said stream and northeasterly along the north shoreline of said lake and along all streams through Town and Cash Lakes to the southeast corner of Cash Lake; thence easterly along an unnamed flowage to the unnamed lake in the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 64 North, Range 3 West; thence overland for approximately 0.5 miles easterly to an unnamed lake in the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 64 North, Range 3 West; thence easterly through said unnamed lake and along its outlet stream to Davis Lake; thence easterly along the southern shoreline of Davis Lake and along all streams and portages through Pup Lake to the portage to Winchell Lake; thence easterly across said portage and through said lake to the portage to Gaskin Lake; thence northerly over said portage to said lake; thence along the southern shoreline of Gaskin Lake and along all portages and through Icicle and Snack Lakes to Vista Lake; thence along the northern shoreline of Vista Lake to the portage to Jake Lake; thence across said portage and across Jake Lake to the stream to Morgan Lake; thence along said stream and across Morgan Lake to the portage connecting Morgan Lake to United States Forest Service Road 315; thence along said portage to the BWCA boundary; thence northerly and westerly along said boundary to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 62 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the public water access on Kawishiwi Lake; thence northerly along the northeast shore of Kawishiwi Lake to the stream to Square Lake; thence northerly along said stream and along the eastern shoreline of Square Lake to the stream connecting to Kawasachong Lake; thence along said stream and along the western shore of said lake to the portage to Townline Lake; thence across said portage and through said lake to the portage to Polly Lake; thence across said portage and northerly through said lake to the outlet of the Kawishiwi River; thence downstream northerly on said river to Koma Lake; thence along the eastern shore of said lake to the Kawishiwi River connecting to Malberg Lake; thence along said river and along the west shore of said lake to the northwest corner of Malberg Lake; thence northwesterly across a portage to Record River; thence northerly along said river to Kawishiwi River; thence northeasterly upstream along Kawishiwi River to the stream connecting to Kivaniva Lake; thence northerly along said stream and along the southeastern shore of said lake to drainage from Kivandeba Lake; thence along the drainage and southerly shoreline of said lake to the drainage from John Ek Lake; thence easterly along said drainage and along the southerly and westerly shorelines of said lake to the south end of said lake; thence overland for approximately 100 feet easterly to an unnamed flowage; thence easterly along said unnamed flowage across the South Half of the North Half of Section 31, Township 64 North, Range 5 West, and the South Half of the North Half of Section 32, Township 64 North, Range 5 West, to Teat Lake; thence easterly along said unnamed flowage through Teat and Lawless Lakes to the southern end of Lawless Lake; thence over land and all waters for approximately 0.8 miles southeasterly to the western end of Mesaba Lake; thence northeasterly on the north and west shoreline of said lake to an unnamed stream connecting to Hub Lake; thence northerly along said unnamed stream and along the east and south shores of Hub Lake to the stream connecting to Chuck Lake; thence easterly along said stream and along the south shoreline of Chuck Lake to the stream connecting to Florence Lake; thence along said stream and along the north shoreline of said lake to its northeast tip; thence overland for approximately 1,000 feet northeasterly to an unnamed lake in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 64 North, Range 5 West; thence through said lake to the stream connecting to Frost River; thence northeasterly along said stream; thence easterly along Frost River through Pencil and Chase Lakes; thence along the south shoreline of Octopus Lake to the eastern end of Octopus Lake; thence southeasterly along an unnamed flowage to Noodle Lake; thence southwesterly along an unnamed flowage to Wing Lake; thence along the eastern shoreline of said lake to its easternmost tip; thence across the portage to Guard Lake; thence across said lake to the portage to Ranger Lake; thence easterly across said portage and along the western and southern shoreline of said lake to a stream connecting to Cherokee Lake; thence easterly along said stream and northeasterly along the north shoreline of said lake and along all streams through Town and Cash Lakes to the southeast corner of Cash Lake; thence easterly along an unnamed flowage to the unnamed lake in the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 64 North, Range 3 West; thence overland for approximately 0.5 miles easterly to an unnamed lake in the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 64 North, Range 3 West; thence easterly through said unnamed lake and along its outlet stream to Davis Lake; thence easterly along the southern shoreline of Davis Lake and along all streams and portages through Pup Lake to the portage to Winchell Lake; thence easterly across said portage and through said lake to the portage to Gaskin Lake; thence northerly over said portage to said lake; thence along the southern shoreline of Gaskin Lake and over all portages and through Icicle and Snack Lakes to Vista Lake; thence along the northern shoreline of Vista Lake to the portage to Jake Lake; thence across said portage and across Jake Lake to the stream to Morgan Lake; thence along said stream and across Morgan Lake to the portage connecting Morgan Lake to United States Forest Service Road 315; thence along said portage to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness boundary; thence southerly, westerly, and northerly along said boundary to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 63 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the point where the Cook and Lake County boundaries meet the United States-Canada international boundary; thence southwesterly along said international boundary through Swamp Lake and to the portage connecting to Ashdick Lake; thence across said portage and southerly through said lake to a drainage from Chaco Lake; thence southerly approximately 1,000 feet along said drainage; thence southerly through Chaco Lake; thence along a drainage approximately 750 feet to an unnamed lake in the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 66 North, Range 6 West; thence southerly through said lake and southerly through drainage for approximately 2,200 feet to an unnamed lake in the Southeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 66 North, Range 6 West; thence easterly through said lake to a drainage from an unnamed lake in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 66 North, Range 6 West; thence through said lake to a stream connecting to Nawakwa Lake; thence southeasterly along said stream and southerly through said lake to a stream connecting to Fish Lake; thence southerly along said stream and through said lake to a drainage connecting to the south end of Fish Lake; thence southeasterly about 1.2 miles in Section 12, Township 65 North, Range 6 West, through said drainage to Nectar Lake; thence across said lake to the southern shore; thence southerly approximately 1,300 feet to Kingfisher Lake; thence southeasterly across said lake to the stream to Jasper Lake; thence southeasterly through said stream and along the north shoreline of said lake to the portage to Tern Lake on the east shore of Jasper Lake; thence easterly along said portage and southeasterly through said lake to the easternmost point where a stream enters the lake; thence easterly and southerly along said stream and small unnamed lakes to the northeastern shore of an unnamed lake in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 65 North, Range 5 West; thence easterly approximately 3,800 feet over land and water to Rumpus Lake; thence easterly across said lake to the eastern shore; thence southeasterly approximately 1,000 feet to Acorn Lake; thence easterly across said lake to the eastern shore; thence easterly approximately 5,000 feet over land and water to the northernmost shoreline of Loop Lake; thence easterly approximately 1,300 feet to the northernmost shoreline of an unnamed lake lying partially in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 65 North, Range 5 West; thence easterly approximately 1,500 feet to the western shore of Jap Lake; thence along the north shoreline of said lake to the stream connecting to Rally Lake; thence northeasterly along said stream and easterly through said lake to a stream to Squat Lake; thence along said stream and southerly through said lake to a stream connecting to a pond approximately 250 feet south of said lake; thence along said stream and through said pond to the south shore of said pond; thence south approximately 1,400 feet across land to Honker Lake; thence across said lake to the stream connecting to Bingshick Lake; thence southerly along said stream and southerly across said lake to the portages and stream connecting to Flying Lake; thence southerly across said stream, said portages, and said lake to the portage to Gotter Lake; thence across said portage and through said lake to the portage to Brant Lake; thence across said portage and through said lake to the stream connecting to Edith Lake; thence along said stream and along the southern shoreline of said lake to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness boundary; thence northerly, westerly, easterly, and southerly along said boundary to the United States-Canada international boundary at the outlet from Magnetic Lake; thence northerly and westerly along said international boundary through Pine River, Granite River, Saganaga Lake, and Swamp Lake to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 64 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the United States-Canada international border on the east end of Birch Lake; thence proceeding northeasterly along said border to Swamp Lake and the portage connecting to Ashdick Lake; thence southerly across said portage and southerly through said lake to a drainage from Chaco Lake; thence southerly approximately 1,000 feet along said drainage; thence southerly through Chaco Lake; thence along a drainage approximately 750 feet to an unnamed lake in the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 66 North, Range 6 West; thence southerly through said lake and southerly through a drainage for approximately 2,200 feet to an unnamed lake in the Southeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 66 North, Range 6 West; thence easterly through said lake to a drainage from an unnamed lake in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 66 North, Range 6 West; thence through said lake to a stream connecting to Nawakwa Lake; thence southeasterly along said stream and southerly through said lake to a stream connecting to Fish Lake; thence southerly along said stream and through said lake to a drainage connecting to the south end of Fish Lake; thence southeasterly about 1.2 miles in Section 12, Township 65 North, Range 6 West, through said drainage to Nectar Lake and to the southern shore of said lake; thence southerly overland approximately 1,300 feet to Kingfisher Lake; thence southeasterly through said lake to the stream to Jasper Lake; thence southeasterly through said stream and along the north shoreline of said lake to the portage to Tern Lake on the east shore of Jasper Lake; thence easterly along said portage and southeasterly through said lake to the easternmost point where a stream enters the lake; thence easterly and southerly along said stream and small unnamed lakes to the northeastern shore of an unnamed lake in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 65 North, Range 5 West; thence easterly approximately 3,800 feet over land and water to Rumpus Lake; thence easterly across said lake to the eastern shore; thence southeasterly approximately 1,000 feet to Acorn Lake; thence easterly across said lake to the eastern shore; thence easterly approximately one mile over land and water to the northernmost shoreline of Loop Lake; thence easterly approximately 1,300 feet to the northernmost shoreline of an unnamed lake lying partially in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 65 North, Range 5 West; thence easterly approximately 1,500 feet to the western shore of Jap Lake; thence along the north shoreline of said lake to the stream connecting to Rally Lake; thence northeasterly along said stream and easterly through said lake to a stream to Squat Lake; thence along said stream and southerly through said lake to a stream connecting to a pond approximately 250 feet south of said lake; thence along said stream and through said pond to the south shore of said pond; thence south approximately 1,400 feet across land to Honker Lake; thence across said lake to the stream connecting to Bingshick Lake; thence southerly along said stream and southerly across said lake to the portages and stream connecting to Flying Lake; thence southerly across said stream, said portages, and said lake to the portage to Green Lake; thence westerly across said portage and through said lake to the portage to Bat Lake; thence westerly across said portage and through said lake to the portage to Gillis Lake; thence along the eastern and southern shoreline of said lake to the portage to Crooked Lake; thence southeasterly across said portage and along the eastern shoreline of said lake to the portage to Tarry Lake; thence southerly across said portage and along the western shoreline of said lake to the portage to Mora Lake; thence southerly across said portage and along the western and southern shoreline of said lake to the stream to Time Lake; thence southeasterly along all streams and through Time, Whipped, Fente, and Afton Lakes to Frost River; thence southeasterly along said river .25 mile; thence southwesterly through a stream and through an unnamed lake in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 64 North, Range 5 West; thence southwest overland approximately 1,000 feet to Florence Lake; thence along the westerly shoreline of said lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Chuck Lake; thence follow southerly shore of all drainages northwesterly to Hub Lake; thence along the southerly shoreline of Hub Lake to the stream connecting to Mesaba Lake; thence along said stream and along the westerly and northerly shoreline of said lake to the portage to Chaser Lake; thence northwesterly over land and all waters for approximately .8 mile to the southerly side of Lawless Lake; thence through said lake to a stream connecting to Teat Lake; thence along said stream and through said lake to the western shore; thence westerly along unnamed flowages across the South Half of the North Half of Section 32, Township 64 North, Range 5 West, and the South Half of the North Half of Section 31, Township 64 North, Range 5 West, to the southern end of John Ek Lake; thence along the westerly and southerly shorelines of John Ek Lake to the drainage to Kivandeba Lake; thence westerly along said drainage and along the southern shoreline of said lake to the drainage to Kivaniva Lake; thence southerly and westerly along said drainage and southerly along the eastern shore of said lake to the portage to the Kawishiwi River; thence across said portage and downstream on the Kawishiwi River to the portages to Alice Lake; thence across said portages to Alice Lake; thence along the southerly shore of Alice Lake to the Kawishiwi River; thence downstream on the Kawishiwi River to the portage to Insula Lake; thence across said portage to Insula Lake; thence along the easterly shoreline of Insula Lake to the portage to Kiana Lake; thence across said portage to Kiana Lake; thence along the easterly shoreline of Kiana Lake to the portage to Thomas Lake; thence across said portage to Thomas Lake; thence along the westerly shoreline of Thomas Lake to the portages to Hatchet Lake; thence across said portages to Hatchet Lake; thence northerly along flowage to the portage to Ima Lake; thence across said portage to Ima Lake; thence along the northerly shoreline of Ima Lake to the portage to Jordan Lake; thence across said portage to Jordan Lake; thence along the northerly shoreline of Jordan Lake to the portage to Adventure Lake; thence across said portage to Adventure Lake; thence along the northerly shoreline of Adventure Lake to the portage to Gibson Lake; thence across said portage to Gibson Lake; thence following the easterly shoreline of Gibson Lake to the portage to Ashigan Lake; thence across said portage to Ashigan Lake; thence following the easterly shoreline of Ashigan Lake to the portage to Ensign Lake; thence across said portage to Ensign Lake; thence following the northerly shoreline of Ensign Lake to the portage to Trident Lake; thence across said portage to Trident Lake; thence following the easterly shoreline of Trident Lake to the portage to Frog Lake; thence across said portage to Frog Lake; thence following the westerly shoreline of Frog Lake to the portage to Birch Lake; thence across said portage to Birch Lake; thence northeasterly along southerly shoreline of Birch Lake to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 70 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the point where the Brule River crosses Minnesota Highway 61; thence northeasterly along Minnesota Highway 61 to the Grand Portage Indian Reservation boundary at the range line between Ranges 4 and 5 East; thence northerly along the Grand Portage Indian Reservation boundary to Swamp Lake; thence northwesterly along the Grand Portage Indian Reservation boundary to Pigeon River and the United States-Canada international boundary; thence northwesterly along said international boundary on the Pigeon River and South Fowl Lake to a point due north of the mouth of Royal River; thence southerly approximately one mile to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness boundary; thence westerly, southerly, and northerly along said boundary to Puff Creek; thence southwesterly approximately 900 feet along said creek to its junction with an unnamed creek on the section line between Sections 14 and 15, Township 64 North, Range 2 East; thence southeasterly along said unnamed creek to Tittle Lake; thence southeasterly through swamp for approximately one half mile to the unnamed lake in the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 64 North, Range 2 East; thence southwesterly through approximately one half mile of swamp and upland to Greenwood Lake at a location in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 64 North, Range 2 East; thence southwesterly through Greenwood Lake to its outlet at Greenwood River; thence southerly along Greenwood River to its junction with Brule River; thence southeasterly along Brule River to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 71 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 61 and the Devil Track River; thence northeasterly along U.S. Highway 61 to the range line between R. 4E and R. 5E; thence north along said range line to an unnamed lake in the Northeast Quarter of Section 13 of T. 63N, R. 4E; thence west-southwesterly to an unnamed creek entering Jackson Lake; thence along said creek, through Jackson Lake to Jackson Creek; thence along Jackson Creek to the Swamp River; thence along the Swamp River to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 16, Cook County; thence along CSAH 16 to Grand Portage State Forest Road (GPSFR) 2, Cook County; thence northwesterly along GPSFR 2 to the flowage from Moosehorn Lake toward the headwaters swamp of the Flute Reed River; thence along said flowage to the Flute Reed River; thence overland in a westerly direction to the junction at the Brule River and an unnamed stream near the center of the line between Sections 9 and 10 of T. 62N, R. 3E; thence along said unnamed stream to a trail (abandoned roadbed) in the Northwest Quarter of Section 9, T. 62N, R. 3E; thence in a southerly direction along said trail for approximately 1.6 miles to its junction with a second trail (abandoned roadbed); thence in a westerly direction along said second trail for approximately 1.5 miles to its junction with a third trail (abandoned roadbed); thence in a southerly direction along said third trail for approximately 2.25 miles to CSAH 14, Cook County; thence along CSAH 14 to CSAH 60, Cook County; thence in a westerly direction along CSAH 60 to its junction with the Devil Track River; thence along the Devil Track River to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 72 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of Cook County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 12 and United States Forest Service Road 146; thence northerly and easterly along said road to the stream connecting Aspen and East Bearskin Lakes; thence easterly along said stream to East Bearskin Lake; thence easterly through East Bearskin Lake to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) boundary on the southern shore of said lake at the section line between Section 12, Township 64 North, Range 1 West, and Section 7, Township 64 North, Range 1 East; thence southerly, easterly, and northerly along said boundary to Puff Creek; thence southwesterly approximately 900 feet along said creek to it junction with an unnamed creek on the section line between Sections 14 and 15, Township 64 North, Range 2 East; thence southeasterly along said unnamed creek to Tittle Lake; thence southeasterly through swamp for approximately one half mile to the unnamed lake in the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 64 North, Range 2 East; thence southwesterly through approximately one half mile of swamp and upland to Greenwood Lake at a location in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 64 North, Range 2 East; thence southwesterly through Greenwood Lake to its outlet at Greenwood River; thence southerly along Greenwood River to its junction with Brule River; thence westerly upstream along Brule River to Northern Light Lake; thence along the northern shoreline of said lake to the inlet of the Brule River; thence upstream along said river to the junction with South Brule River; thence easterly upstream along South Brule River to the BWCA boundary; thence westerly, northerly, and easterly along said boundary to Lizz Lake; thence northerly through said lake to the portage to Poplar Lake; thence northerly along said portage and along the southern shoreline of said lake to the line between the Northwest and the Southwest Quarters of Section 8, Township 64 North, Range 1 West; thence easterly across said lake to the stream connecting to Road Lake; thence northeasterly along said stream to CSAH 12, Cook County; thence along CSAH 12 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 73 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 12, Cook County, and CSAH 8, Cook County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 27, Cook County; thence along CSAH 27 to Forest Road (FR) 323; thence along FR 323 to Ball Club Lake; thence northeasterly across said lake to the opposite shore; thence northwesterly and easterly along said shore to the easterly tip of the bay where it intersects with the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness boundary; thence easterly and northerly along said boundary to the South Brule River; thence downstream through said river to the confluence with the Brule River; thence southeasterly along the Brule River to Northern Light Lake; thence along the northern shoreline of said lake to the outlet to Brule River; thence downstream along said river to Minnesota Highway 61; thence southwesterly along Minnesota Highway 61 to Devil Track River; thence northeasterly along Devil Track River to CSAH 60, Cook County; thence along CSAH 60 to CSAH 12, Cook County; thence along CSAH 12 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 74 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 12, Cook County, and Forest Road (FR) 146; thence northerly along CSAH 12 to the stream connecting Road Lake to Poplar Lake; thence southwesterly along said stream and westerly across said Poplar Lake along the line between the North Half and the South Half of Section 8, Township 64 North, Range 1 West to the shore of said lake; thence along the southern and western shorelines of said lake to the portage to Lizz Lake; thence southeasterly across said portage to Lizz Lake; thence across Lizz Lake to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) boundary; thence westerly, northerly, easterly, and southerly to the United States-Canada international boundary at the outlet of Magnetic Lake; thence southerly and easterly along said international boundary through Gunflint, North, and South Lakes to its junction with the BWCA boundary at the Height of Land portage; thence westerly, southerly, and easterly along the BWCA boundary to the westernmost extent of said boundary on East Bearskin Lake; thence westerly through East Bearskin Lake to the stream connecting to Aspen Lake; thence westerly along said stream to FR 146; thence along FR 146 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 75 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 61 and Cascade River; thence in a northerly direction along Cascade River to the unnamed creek near the center of Section 24 of Township 61 North, Range 2 West (T. 61 N, R. 2W); thence in an easterly direction along said unnamed creek to its headwaters swamp on the section line between Sections 16 and 21, T. 61N, R 2W; thence in an easterly direction along said section line for approximately 1 mile through said swamp and upland to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 48, Cook County; thence along CSAH 48 to CSAH 7, Cook County; thence along CSAH 7 to CSAH 6, Cook County; thence along CSAH 6 to CSAH 8, Cook County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 12, Cook County; thence along CSAH 12 to CSAH 60, Cook County; thence in an easterly direction along CSAH 60 to Devil Track River; thence along Devil Track River to U.S. Highway 61; thence along U.S. Highway 61 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 76 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 6, Cook County, and CSAH 8, Cook County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 27, Cook County; thence along CSAH 27 to Forest Road (FR) 323; thence along FR 323 to Ball Club Lake; thence northeasterly across Ball Club Lake to the opposite shore; thence northwesterly and easterly along said shore to the easterly tip of the bay to a point where it intersects with the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness boundary; thence westerly, southerly, northerly, and easterly along said boundary to the Brule Lake public water access and FR 326; thence along FR 326 to FR 170; thence easterly along FR 170 to CSAH 4, Cook County; thence southerly along CSAH 4 to Caribou Creek; thence northeasterly along Caribou Creek to Caribou Lake; thence northeasterly through Caribou Lake and Bigsby Lake to Murmur Creek; thence northeasterly along Murmur Creek to FR 332; thence easterly along FR 332 to CSAH 45, Cook County; thence easterly along CSAH 45 to the Cascade River; thence northerly along the Cascade River to the unnamed creek flowing from the Southwest, Northwest, and Northeast Quarters of the Southeast Quarter, Section 24, Township 61 North, Range 2 West; thence easterly along said unnamed creek to its headwaters swamp on the section line between Sections 16 and 21, Township 61 North, Range 1 West; thence easterly along said section line for approximately one mile through said swamp and upland to FR 158; thence easterly on said road to CSAH 48, Cook County; thence easterly along CSAH 48 to CSAH 7, Cook County; thence along CSAH 7 to CSAH 6, Cook County; thence along CSAH 6 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 77 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at Sawbill Lake at the small stream which connects to the portage to Alton Lake; thence northerly, easterly, and southerly along the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness boundary to the Brule Lake public water access and Forest Road (FR) 326; thence along FR 326 to FR 170; thence east along FR 170 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 4, Cook County; thence along CSAH 4 to Caribou Creek; thence southwesterly along Caribou Creek to the Poplar River; thence southwesterly along the Poplar River to an unnamed creek in the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 60 North, Range 3 West; thence westerly along said creek and overland to the range line between Range 3 West and Range 4 West of Township 60 North; thence northerly along said range line to Six Mile Creek; thence southwesterly along said creek to CSAH 2, Cook County; thence along CSAH 2 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 78 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 61 and the Temperance River; thence in a northerly direction along Temperance River to Six Mile Creek; thence in a northeasterly direction along Six Mile Creek to the range line between Range 3 West and Range 4 West of Township 60 North; thence in a southerly direction along said range line to the unnamed creek in Section 19 of Township 60 North, Range 4 West; thence in an easterly direction along said unnamed creek to the Poplar River; thence in a northeasterly direction along the Poplar River to Caribou Creek; thence upstream on Caribou Creek through Caribou Lake and Bigsby Lake; thence upstream along Murmur Creek to Forest Road (FR) 332; thence along FR 332 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 45, Cook County; thence along CSAH 45, Cook County, to the Cascade River; thence along the Cascade River to U.S. Highway 61; thence along U.S. Highway 61 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 79 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway 1 and U.S. Highway 61; thence along State Trunk Highway 1 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 7, Lake County; thence along CSAH 7 to Forest Road (FR) 166; thence along FR 166 to CSAH 2, Cook County; thence in a northerly direction along CSAH 2, Cook County, to Sixmile Creek; thence in a northeasterly direction along Sixmile Creek to the range line between Range 3 West and Range 4 West of Township 60 North; thence in a southerly direction along said range line to the unnamed creek in Section 19 of Township 60 North, Range 4 West; thence in an easterly direction along said unnamed creek to Poplar River; thence in a northeasterly direction along Poplar River to Caribou Creek; thence upstream in a northeasterly direction along Caribou Creek through Caribou and Bigsby Lakes to Murmur Creek; thence in a northeasterly direction along Murmur Creek to FR 332; thence in an easterly direction along FR 332 to CSAH 45, Cook County; thence in an easterly direction along CSAH 45, Cook County, to the Cascade River; thence in a southerly direction along the Cascade River to U.S. Highway 61; thence along U.S. Highway 61 to the point of beginning.
Moose Zone 80 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and Forest Road (FR) 172; thence along STH 1 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 7, Lake County; thence along CSAH 7 to FR 172; thence along FR 172 to the point of beginning.
MS s 97B.505; and others at 19 SR 6
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 20 SR 2287; 24 SR 644; 30 SR 613; 33 SR 215
October 3, 2013
The terms used in parts 6232.4200 to 6232.4600 have the meanings given in this part.
"Legal antlered bull elk" means an elk having at least one antler not less than ten inches in length.
"Legal antlerless elk" means all elk, including calves, other than legal antlered bull elk.
MS s 97B.515
18 SR 83
October 3, 2013
Elk may be taken by a licensed hunter using a legal firearm or a legal bow and arrow during seasons authorized by the commissioner.
MS s 97B.515
18 SR 83; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
The license is valid for a party of one or two persons and only for the season selected through the procedure described in part 6232.4500, subpart 3.
Licensees may not hunt elk without having the unused seal in their possession. Licensed parties may not assist other licensed parties in taking elk.
Licensed elk hunt parties may consist of individuals hunting with a bow and arrow and individuals hunting with firearms.
The visible portion of the hunter's cap and outer garments, above the waist excluding sleeves, must be bright red or blaze orange or be covered with those colors. Blaze orange includes a camouflage pattern of at least 50 percent blaze orange within each square foot.
An elk taken in this state may not be transported or possessed unless the tag bearing the license number of the party taking the elk and the year of its issue has been affixed to the carcass. The tag must be attached between the tendon and the bone of a hind leg and fastened around either the bone or the tendon, around the base of either antler, or through a slit cut through either ear. The tag must be fastened so that it cannot be readily removed from the elk.
Elk may be skinned, quartered, or further divided prior to transportation and registration, but all edible meat, and all other parts of the elk not left in the field, must be presented for registration at the same time.
A successful applicant may only obtain an elk license by attending an orientation session at the Thief Lake Wildlife Management Area headquarters.
18 SR 83; 33 SR 215
October 3, 2013
The provisions in this part apply to the elk license application process.
If the number of applications for any zone exceeds the quota, a random selection will be conducted to determine the successful applicants.
Up to 20 percent of the licenses in each zone may be issued in a separate landowner and tenant drawing. The following persons are eligible for this separate drawing:
tenants living on at least 160 acres of agricultural or grazing land, within the zone applied for; or
family members of qualifying landowners and tenants, if they live on the qualifying property and are part of the farming operation. Family members include those related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
Applicants unsuccessful in the landowner and tenant drawing will be included in the selection process for the remaining licenses in the same zone. Landowner and tenant party applications that include individuals who do not meet the requirements for this license will be removed from the landowner and tenant drawing and will not be entered into the general drawing.
Applications for the general and landowner and tenant drawing must be made on the appropriate forms and in accordance with instructions. The commissioner may reject applications not completed according to instructions.
An application fee as prescribed in Minnesota Statutes, section 97A.433, subdivision 3, must accompany each application of one or two hunters. Checks returned to the department for nonpayment will invalidate the application. Refunds of application fees will not be made for any reason.
The quota of licenses or permits for a drawing may be increased to accommodate group members if the last applicant to be selected is a member of a group.
If one or more qualified landowners in either zone apply, a drawing to select one landowner in the Primary and Secondary Grygla Elk Zones, combined, and one landowner in the Kittson County Central Elk Zone shall occur first. The remaining parties shall then be selected in a general drawing to finalize successful parties. If no qualified landowners apply, all licenses shall be drawn from the general pool of applicants.
There shall also be alternate parties drawn from the pool of unsuccessful parties. These parties would be offered the opportunity to purchase licenses that have been offered to a successful party, but not purchased. The pool consists of the remaining landowners, tenants, and parties from the general drawing. An alternate party shall only be notified in the event that a successful party decides not to purchase a license.
18 SR 83; 22 SR 292; 33 SR 215; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
The Primary Grygla Elk Zone consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 89 and Marshall County Road (CR) 145; thence along CR 145 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 6, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 6 to the northwest corner of Section 16, Township 157 North, Range 39 West; thence north along the west line of Sections 9 and 4 (360th Ave NE), Township 157 North, Range 39 West, to the Moose River; thence along the southerly shore of said river to Moose River Road NW, Beltrami County; thence along Moose River Road NW to its intersection with the Moose River impoundment dike; thence generally south along the Moose River impoundment dike to the intersection with STH 89; thence west along STH 89 to the intersection with CSAH 54, Marshall County; thence north along CSAH 54 to the southeast corner of Section 2, Township 156 North, Range 39 West; thence west along the south boundary of Section 2, Township 156 North, Range 39 West; thence along an unnumbered township road (330th St NE), Marshall County, that coincides with the south boundaries of Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6, Township 156 North, Range 39 West; thence along an unnumbered township road (330th St NE), Marshall County, that coincides with the south boundary of Section 1, Township 156 North, Range 40 West, to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to the point of beginning.
The Secondary Grygla Elk Zone consists of all of Marshall County east of State Trunk Highway (STH) 89 and that portion of Beltrami County lying within Northwood and Benville Townships (Township 157 North, Range 38 West, and Township 156 North, Range 38 West) and may be opened in addition to the primary zone by written notification from the commissioner. Notification, if made, will be at the elk hunter orientation sessions at the Thief Lake Wildlife Management Area.
The Kittson County Central Elk Zone consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 175; thence along CSAH 1 to County Road (CR) 51; thence along CR 51 to CSAH 4; thence along CSAH 4 to State Ditch 85 (330th Street); thence along State Ditch 85 to State Ditch 72 (310th Street); thence along State Ditch 72 to 480th Avenue; thence along 480th Avenue to CSAH 10; thence along CSAH 10 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to STH 175; thence along STH 175 to the point of beginning.
MS s 97B.515
18 SR 83; 33 SR 215; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
Registration blocks for deer and bear are designated and described by the registration block numbers and boundaries in this part.
Registration Block 101 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 89 and County Road (CR) 131, Marshall County; thence along CR 131 to 300th Avenue NE; thence along 300th Avenue NE to 305th Avenue NE; thence along 305th Avenue NE to 310th Avenue NE; thence along 310th Avenue NE to Street 100, Roseau County; thence along Street 100 to CR 125; thence along CR 125 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 8; thence along CSAH 8 to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to CSAH 4; thence along CSAH 4 to the west boundary of Hayes Lake State Park in Section 28, Township 160 North, Range 38 West, Roseau County; thence along the boundary of said park to the east side of Section 34, Township 160 North, Range 38 West, at River Forest Road; thence along River Forest Road to Blacks-Winner Forest Road; thence along Blacks-Winner Forest Road to Winner Forest Road; thence along Winner Forest Road to Dick's Parkway Forest Road; thence along Dick's Parkway Forest Road to CR 704, Beltrami County; thence along CR 704 to CSAH 44; thence along CSAH 44 to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 103 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning on the north boundary of the state at State Trunk Highway (STH) 72; thence along the north boundary of the state to a point due north of the intersection of STH 11 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1, Koochiching County; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 13, Koochiching County; thence along CSAH 13 to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to CSAH 6, Koochiching County; thence along CSAH 6 to CSAH 25, Koochiching County; thence along CSAH 25 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to CSAH 36, Koochiching County; thence along CSAH 36 to CSAH 36, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 36 to STH 72; thence along STH 72 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 108 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning on the north boundary of the state at a point due north of the junction of State Trunk Highway (STH) 11 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1, Koochiching County; thence along the north boundary of the state to the west boundary of Voyageurs National Park; thence along the west boundary of the park to the public access to Lake Kabetogama at Gappa's Landing; thence along County Highway 523, St. Louis County, to CSAH 123, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 123 to CSAH 122, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 122 to U.S. Highway 53; thence along U.S. Highway 53 to the Lost River Road; thence along the Lost River Road to the east boundary of the Bois Forte Indian Reservation; thence south along the east boundary of the Bois Forte Indian Reservation to CSAH 23; thence along CSAH 23 to Palmquist Road; thence along Palmquist Road to STH 65; thence along STH 65 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to CSAH 13, Koochiching County; thence along CSAH 13 to CSAH l, Koochiching County; thence along CSAH 1 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 110 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of the Tamarac River and State Trunk Highway (STH) 72; thence along STH 72 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 36; thence along CSAH 36 to STH 71; thence along STH 71 to CSAH 25; thence along CSAH 25 to CSAH 6; thence along CSAH 6 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to STH 46; thence along STH 46 to County Road (CR) 13; thence along CR 13 to CR 141; thence along CR 141 to Township Road (TR) 141 (USFS #2201); thence along TR 141 (USFS #2201) to TR 328; thence along TR 328 to CR 39; thence along CR 39 to CR 32; thence along CR 32 to CR 15; thence along CR 15 to the east boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation; thence along said boundary to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 118 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) at the northeast corner of Section 36, Township 68 North, Range 17 West, and the northern boundary of the state; thence along the northern boundary of the state to the northeast corner of Section 1, Township 64 North, Range 9 West; thence along said township border to the intersection of the BWCAW boundary at Snowbank Lake; thence along the BWCAW boundary to Delta Lake; thence west on said boundary to Pickerel Lake; thence south on the BWCAW boundary to the intersection of the Snake Creek; thence along the Snake Creek to Forest Road (FR) 424; thence along FR 424 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 112; thence along CSAH 112 to CSAH 70; thence along CSAH 70 to CSAH 360; thence along CSAH 360 to the boundary of Bear Head Lake State Park; thence along the south, east, and north boundary of said park to CSAH 128; thence along CSAH 128 to U.S. Highway 169; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to the Breitung/Eagles Nest Township border sign (Section 19, Township 62 North, Range 14 West); thence north along said border; thence along said border to the junction of Armstrong Creek; thence along the south side of Armstrong Creek to the north shore of Lake Vermilion; thence along the north shore of Lake Vermilion to the Vermilion River; thence along the east bank of the Vermilion River to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 117 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the north boundary of the state at the northeast corner of Section 1, Township 64 North, Range 9 West; thence south along said township border to the intersection of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) boundary on Snowbank Lake; thence south along said boundary to Pickerel Lake; thence south and east on the BWCAW boundary to the Brule River; thence along the Brule River to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 12; thence along CSAH 12 to the BWCAW boundary; thence east along the BWCAW boundary to the southeast corner of Section 7, Township 64 North, Range 3 West; thence along this section line due north to the northeast corner of Section 6, Township 64 North, Range 6 West; thence east along this line to the north boundary of the state; thence along the north boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 119 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary;
Beginning at the intersection of Voyageurs National Park and the north boundary of the state; thence along the west boundary of the park to the public access to Lake Kabetogama at Gappa's Landing; thence along County Highway 523, St. Louis County, to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 123, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 123 to CSAH 122, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 122 to U. S. Highway 53; thence along U.S. Highway 53 to the Lost River Road; thence along the Lost River Road to the east boundary of the Bois Forte Indian Reservation; thence along the east boundary of the Bois Forte Indian Reservation to CSAH 23; thence along CSAH 23 to U.S. Highway 53; thence along U.S. Highway 53 to Township Road (TR) 540 (East Olson Road); thence along TR 540 to CSAH 24; thence along CSAH 24 to the Lake Vermilion public access at Head of the Lakes Bay; thence along Lake Vermilion to the Vermilion River; thence along the Vermilion River to the north boundary of the state; thence along the north boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 122 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 2, Lake County; thence southerly along CSAH 2 to the Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railroad (DM&IR); thence southerly and westerly along the DM&IR to St. Louis County Road (CR) 547 at Brimson; thence westerly along CR 547 to CSAH 4, St. Louis County; thence northerly along CSAH 4 to the point immediately south of the Superior National Forest boundary at Whiteface Reservoir; thence north along the forest boundary to CSAH 16, St. Louis County; thence easterly along CSAH 16 to Forest Road (FR) 130 (Moose Line Road); thence along FR 130 (Moose Line Road) to CSAH 110; thence northerly and easterly to the DM&IR; thence along the DM&IR to the LTV/Erie Railroad; thence along the LTV/Erie Railroad to FR 424 (Tomahawk Road); thence along FR 424 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 southerly to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 126 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of the Erie Mining Company Railroad and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 7, Lake County; thence along CSAH 7 to Forest Road (FR) 170; thence along FR 170 to CSAH 2, Cook County; thence along CSAH 2 to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) boundary; thence along the BWCAW boundary to the North Brule River; thence easterly along the North Brule River to CSAH 12 (Gunflint Trail), Cook County; thence northerly along CSAH 12 (Gunflint Trail) to Trap Creek; thence northeasterly along Trap Creek to the BWCAW boundary; thence southeasterly along the BWCAW boundary to the northern boundary of the state; thence along the northern boundary of the state to the shore of Lake Superior; thence along the shore of Lake Superior to the east shore of the Manitou River; thence along the east shore of the Manitou River to the Erie Mining Company Railroad; thence along the Erie Mining Company Railroad to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 127 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 2, Lake County; thence along CSAH 2 to Lake County Road (CR) 15; thence along CR 15 to the Stony River Forest Road (FR); thence along the Stony River FR to FR 104; thence along FR 104 to the Erie Mining Company Railroad; thence along the Erie Mining Company Railroad to CSAH 7, Lake County; thence along CSAH 7 to FR 170; thence along FR 170 to CSAH 2, Cook County; thence along CSAH 2 to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) boundary; thence westerly along said boundary to FR 388; thence southerly along FR 388 to FR 377 (Tomahawk Trail); thence westerly along FR 377 to STH 1; thence southerly along STH 1 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 152 consists of public lands within that portion of the state posted as the Mille Lacs Wildlife Area.
Registration Block 155 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 169 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 210; thence along STH 210 to STH 65; thence along STH 65 to STH 18; thence along STH 18 to STH 47; thence due west to the east shore of Mille Lacs Lake; thence along the east shore of Mille Lacs Lake to a point on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake due east of the junction of U.S. Highway 169 and STH 18 at Garrison; thence due west to the junction of U.S. Highway 169 and STH 18; thence along STH 18 to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to the intersection of the Mississippi River; thence along the south shore of the Mississippi River to the flood diversion channel; thence along the flood diversion channel to the Mississippi River; thence along the Mississippi River to Rice River; thence along Rice River to U.S. Highway 169; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 156 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 210 and STH 65; thence along STH 210 to Interstate Highway 35 (I-35); thence along I-35 to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to STH 18; thence along STH 18 to STH 65; thence along STH 65 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 157 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary, except that part comprising Block 152:
Beginning on the east shore of Mille Lacs Lake at a point due west of the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 47 and STH 18; thence due east to said intersection; thence along STH 18 to Interstate Highway 35 (I-35); thence along I-35 to STH 70; thence along STH 70 to STH 65; thence along STH 65 to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to U.S. Highway 169; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to a junction with County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 35, Mille Lacs County; thence from said junction due north to the shore of Mille Lacs Lake; thence along the east shore of Mille Lacs Lake to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 159 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the interchange of Interstate Highway 35 (I-35) and State Trunk Highway (STH) 23; thence along STH 23 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 32, Pine County; thence along CSAH 32 to the east boundary of the state; thence along the east boundary of the state to STH 70; thence along STH 70 to I-35; thence along I-35 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 167 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 39, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 39 to the north boundary of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation; thence along the north boundary of said reservation to CSAH 133, Itasca County; thence along CSAH 133 to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to CSAH 14, Itasca County; thence along CSAH 14 to CSAH 29, Itasca County; thence along CSAH 29 to CSAH 26, Itasca County; thence along CSAH 26 to CSAH 31, Itasca County; thence along CSAH 31 to CSAH 26, Itasca County; thence along CSAH 26 to CSAH 26, Koochiching County; thence along CSAH 26 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 169 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and STH 65; thence along STH 65 to County Road (CR) 539; thence along CR 539 to CR 336; thence along CR 336 to CR 333; thence along CR 333 to STH 7; thence along STH 7 to CR 339; thence along CR 339 to Lum Lake Road; thence along Lum Lake Road to Wilderness Trail; thence along this road west and south to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 49; thence along CSAH 49 to CSAH 60; thence along CSAH 60 to STH 38; thence north along STH 38 to CSAH 19; thence west on CSAH 19 to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to the north boundary of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation at Bowstring; thence along the north boundary of said reservation to CSAH 39; thence along CSAH 39 to CR 328; thence along CR 328 to U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Road 2001; thence along USFS Road 2201 to CR 141; thence along CR 141 to CR 13; thence long CR 13 to STH 46; thence along STH 46 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 179 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 200 and STH 6 at Remer; thence along STH 6 to County Road (CR) 65; thence along CR 65 to 88th Avenue NE; thence along 88th Avenue NE to 124th Street NE; thence along 124th Street NE to the Mississippi River; thence along the Mississippi River to the White Oak public access road; thence along this road to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 19; thence along CSAH 19 to STH 38; thence south on STH 38 to CSAH 60; thence along CSAH 60 to CSAH 49; thence along CSAH 49 to Wilderness Trail; thence along Wilderness Trail to Lum Lake Road; thence along Lum Lake Road to STH 7; thence along STH 7 to CR 333; thence along CR 333 to CR 336; thence along CR 336 to CR 539; thence along CR 539 to STH 65; thence along STH 65 to STH 200; thence along STH 200 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 171 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 6 and STH 200; thence along STH 200 to the Mississippi River; thence along the Mississippi River to U.S. Highway 169 to the intersection of the Mississippi River; thence along the north shore of the Rice River; thence along the Rice River to the Mississippi River; thence along the Mississippi River to the flood diversion channel; thence along the flood diversion channel to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 172 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 371 and the south boundary of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation; thence along said boundary to White Oak Lake; thence along the Mississippi River to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 3; thence along CSAH 3 TO CSAH 74; thence along CSAH 74 to CSAH 65; thence along CSAH 65 to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to CSAH 1, Crow Wing County; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 2, Cass County; thence along CSAH 2 to STH 371; thence along STH 371 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 173 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 65 and U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to STH 73; thence along STH 73 to STH 210; thence along STH 210 to U.S. Highway 169; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to the Mississippi River; thence along the Mississippi River to STH 200; thence along STH 200 to STH 65; thence along STH 65 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 176 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 65 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 22; thence along CSAH 22 to CSAH 5; thence along CSAH 5 to the Sturgeon River State Forest boundary; thence east along this boundary to the Superior National Forest boundary; thence east along said boundary to CSAH 73; thence along CSAH 73 to CSAH 82 (Heino Road); thence east along CSAH 82 to U.S. Highway 53; thence along U.S. Highway 53 to STH 1; thence east on STH 1 to STH 169; thence east on STH 169 to CSAH 128, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 128 to the north boundary of Bear Head Lake State Park; thence along the north, east, and south sides of said park to St. Louis County Road (CR) 360; thence along CR 360 to CSAH 21, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 21 to CSAH 70, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 70 to CSAH 112, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 112 to St. Louis CR 623; thence along CR 623 to the LTV/Erie Railroad; thence along the LTV/Erie Railroad to the Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railroad (DM&IR); thence along the DM&IR to CSAH 110, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 110 to CSAH 100, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 100 to CSAH 135, St. Louis County; thence westerly along CSAH 135 to STH 53; thence along STH 53 to STH 169; thence westerly along STH 169 to STH 65; thence northerly along STH 65 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 177 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 65 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 23; thence east along CSAH 23 to U.S. Highway 53; thence south along U.S. Highway 53 to CSAH 540; thence along CSAH 540 to CSAH 24; thence north along CSAH 24 to the Lake Vermilion public access at Head of the Lakes Bay; thence along the north shoreline of Lake Vermilion east to Armstrong Creek; thence along Armstrong Creek to Section 17, Township 62 North, Range 14 West (Breitung/Eagles Nest Township boundary); thence south along this boundary to the intersection of STH 169; thence along STH 169 and STH 1; thence along STH 1 to U.S. Highway 53; thence along U.S. Highway 53 to CSAH 467; thence along CSAH 467 to CSAH 82; thence along CSAH 82 to STH 73; thence along STH 73 to the Superior National Forest (SNF) boundary; thence along the SNF boundary to CSAH 5; thence along CSAH 5 to CSAH 22; thence along CSAH 22 to STH 65; thence along STH 65 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 178 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 169 and STH 53 at Virginia; thence along STH 53 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 135, St. Louis County; thence easterly along CSAH 135 to CSAH 100, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 100 to CSAH 110, St. Louis County; thence along CSAH 110 to Forest Road (FR) 130 (Moose Line Road); thence along FR 130 (Moose Line Road) to CSAH 16, St. Louis County; thence westerly along CSAH 16 to Township Road 340 (Deer Forest Road)/Superior National Forest boundary; thence southerly to CSAH 4; thence along CSAH 4 to CSAH 49; thence along CSAH 49 to U.S. Highway 53; thence along U.S. Highway 53 to CSAH 133; thence along CSAH 133 to CSAH 25; thence along CSAH 25 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to STH 65; thence northerly along STH 65 to STH 169; thence along STH 169 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 180 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 4 and County Road (CR) 547, St. Louis County; thence easterly along CR 547 to the Canadian National Railroad (CNR); thence northeasterly along the CNR to CSAH 2, Lake County; thence northerly along CSAH 2 to CR 15; thence southeasterly along CR 15 to the Stony River Forest Road (FR); thence northeasterly along the Stony River FR to the LTV Steel Mining Company Railroad (LTVSMCR); thence easterly along the LTVSMCR to the east bank of the Manitou River; thence southerly along the east bank of the Manitou River to the shore of Lake Superior; thence due south to the east boundary of the state; thence southwesterly along the east boundary of the state to a point due south of the junction of the east bank of the Little Sucker River and the shore of Lake Superior, St. Louis County; thence due north to the east bank of the Little Sucker River; thence northwesterly along the east bank of the Little Sucker River to CSAH 61; thence southwesterly along CSAH 61 to CSAH 42; thence north along CSAH 42 to CSAH 43; thence westerly along CSAH 43 to CSAH 37; thence southerly along CSAH 37 to CSAH 69; thence westerly along CSAH 69 to CSAH 4; thence north along CSAH 4 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 181 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary, except that portion known as the Fond du Lac Indian Reservation:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 73 and STH 210, Carlton County; thence northerly along STH 73 to U.S. Highway 2, St. Louis County; thence northwesterly along U.S. Highway 2 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 25, Itasca County; thence east along CSAH 25 to CSAH 133, St. Louis County; thence east along CSAH 133 to U.S. Highway 53; thence northerly along U.S. Highway 53 to CSAH 49; thence easterly along CSAH 49 to CSAH 4; thence southerly along CSAH 4 to CSAH 9; thence westerly along CSAH 9 to CSAH 859; thence southerly along CSAH 859 to STH 194; thence westerly along STH 194 to U.S. Highway 2; thence westerly along U.S. Highway 2 to STH 33; thence southerly along STH 33 to Interstate Highway 35 (I-35), Carlton County; thence southerly along I-35 to STH 210; thence along STH 210 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 182 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 33 and U.S. Highway 2, St. Louis County; thence easterly along U.S. Highway 2 to STH 194; thence easterly along STH 194 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 859; thence northerly along CSAH 859 to CSAH 9; thence easterly along CSAH 9 to CSAH 4; thence northerly along CSAH 4 to CSAH 69; thence east on CSAH 69 to CSAH 37; thence north on CSAH 37 to CSAH 43; thence easterly along CSAH 43 to CSAH 42; thence south along CSAH 42 to CSAH 61; thence easterly along CSAH 61 to the east bank of the Little Sucker River; thence southwesterly along the east bank of the Little Sucker River to the shore of Lake Superior; thence from the shore of Lake Superior due south to the east boundary of the state; thence southwesterly along the east boundary of the state to STH 23; thence northeasterly along STH 23 to STH 210; thence westerly along STH 210 to Interstate 35 (I-35), Carlton County; thence northerly along I-35 to STH 33; thence northerly along STH 33 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 183 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of Interstate Highway 35 (I-35) and State Trunk Highway (STH) 210, Carlton County; thence easterly along STH 210 to STH 23, St. Louis County; thence southwesterly along STH 23 to the east boundary of the state; thence southerly along the east boundary of the state to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 32, Pine County; thence westerly along CSAH 32 to STH 23; thence westerly along STH 23 to I-35; thence northeasterly along I-35 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 197 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of the north boundary of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 39, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 39 to CSAH 20, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 20 to CSAH 27, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 27 to CSAH 12, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 12 to CSAH 27, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 27 to CSAH 8, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 25, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 25 to CSAH 4, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 4 to CSAH 46, Hubbard County; thence along CSAH 46 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to CSAH 45, Hubbard County; thence along CSAH 45 to CSAH 9, Hubbard County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 69, Cass County; thence along CSAH 69 to CSAH 5, Hubbard County; thence along CSAH 5 to CSAH 39, Hubbard County; thence along CSAH 39 to County Road (CR) 94, Hubbard County; thence along CR 94 to CSAH 31, Hubbard County; thence along CSAH 31 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 200; thence along STH 200 to U.S. Highway 371; thence along U.S. Highway 371 to the south boundary of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation; thence along the south and east boundaries of the reservation to the White Oak public access road; thence along this road to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to the east boundary of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation; thence along the east and north boundary of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 199 consists of that portion of the state known as the Fond du Lac Indian Reservation.
Registration Block 201 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the junction of the west boundary of Roseau County and the north boundary of the state; thence along the west boundary of Roseau County to its junction with County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 7, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 7 to CSAH 10, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 10 to CSAH 3, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 3 to the southwest corner of Section 31, Township 164 North, Range 41 West; thence due north along the section lines to a junction with the north boundary of the state; thence along the north boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 268 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 32 and County Road (CR) 108; thence along CR 108 to CR 109; thence along CR 109 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 25; thence along CSAH 25 to CSAH 22; thence along CSAH 22 to CSAH 3; thence along CSAH 3 to CSAH 4; thence along CSAH 4 to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to CSAH 8; thence along CSAH 8 to CR 125; thence along CR 125 to 100 Street; thence along 100 Street to 310th Avenue NE; thence along 310th Avenue NE to 305th Avenue NE; thence along 305th Avenue NE to 300th Avenue NE; thence along 300th Avenue NE to CSAH 6; thence along CSAH 6 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 203 consists of that portion of the state within the boundaries of Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge plus the Elm Lake, Eckvoll, and Mud Lac Wildlife Areas.
Registration Block 263 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 59 and the north boundary of the state; thence along the north boundary of the state to the west boundary of Roseau County; thence along the west boundary of Roseau County to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 7, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 7 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 11; thence along STH 11 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 105 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 310 with the 49th parallel of north latitude; thence east along the 49th parallel of north latitude to the Ontario border (on Lake of the Woods); thence southeasterly along the north boundary of the state to the point due north of the junction of STH 72 and STH 11; thence due south to said junction; thence along STH 11 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1, Lake of the Woods County; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 3, Lake of the Woods County; thence along CSAH 3 to CSAH 2, Lake of the Woods County; thence along CSAH 2 to STH 11; thence along STH 11 to 670 Avenue, Roseau County; thence along 670 Avenue to the Tangnes Forest Road; thence along the Tangnes Forest Road to CSAH 5, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 5 to the Thompson Forest Road, Roseau County; thence along the Thompson Forest Road to the boundary of Hayes Lake State Park; thence along the boundary of Hayes Lake State Park to CSAH 4, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 4 to CSAH 9, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 2, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 2 to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to STH 310; thence along STH 310 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 267 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 7 and CSAH 10; thence along CSAH 10 to CSAH 3; thence along CSAH 3 to the southwest corner of Section 31, Township 164 North, Range 41 West; thence due north along the section lines to a junction with the north boundary of the state; thence along the north boundary of the state to State Trunk Highway (STH) 310; thence along STH 310 to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to CSAH 2; thence along CSAH 2 to CSAH 9; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 4; thence along CSAH 4 to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to CSAH 4; thence along CSAH 4 to CSAH 3; thence along CSAH 3 to CSAH 22; thence along CSAH 22 to CSAH 25; thence along CSAH 25 to County Road (CR) 109; thence along CR 109 to CR 108; thence along CR 108 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to STH 11; thence along STH 11 to CSAH 7; thence along CSAH 7 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 207 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 11 and U.S. Highway 59; thence along STH 11 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to STH l; thence along STH 1 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 208 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary, except that portion described as Registration Block 203:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 32 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 6, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 6 to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to CSAH 54, Pennington County; thence along CSAH 54 to a point due west of the northwestern corner of the Red Lake Indian Reservation; thence east to said corner; thence along the west boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation to STH l; thence along STH 1 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 209 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and U.S. Highway 59; thence along STH 1 to the west boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation; thence southerly along the west and easterly along the south boundaries of said reservation to the west shore of the Sandy River, Clearwater County; thence southerly along the Sandy River to Township Road (TR) 279th Avenue or Bailey's Road south; thence along said road to TR Clover Road west; thence along said township road to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 11, Clearwater County south; thence along CSAH 11 to CSAH 4, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 4 to STH 92; thence along STH 92 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 210 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 92 and U.S. Highway 59; thence along STH 92 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 4, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 4 east to CSAH 14, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 14 south to CSAH 3, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 3 east to County Road (CR) 3, Beltrami County; thence along CR 3 south to CSAH 17, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 17 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 west to STH 92; thence along STH 92 to CSAH 27, Clearwater County, and westerly to the north boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence west along said boundary to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 111 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 72 and STH 11; thence along STH 72 to the Tamarac River; thence along the south shore of the Tamarac River to Upper Red Lake; thence along the north shore of Upper Red Lake to the boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation; thence along the north boundary of the reservation to the west boundary of Beltrami County; thence due west to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 54, Marshall County; thence north along CSAH 54 to STH 89, Roseau County; thence along STH 89 to CSAH 44, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 44 to County Road 704; thence along County Road 704 to Dick's Parkway Forest Road; thence along Dick's Parkway Forest Road to Winner Forest Road; thence along Winner Forest Road to the River Forest Road; thence along the River Forest Road to the boundary of Hayes Lake State Park; thence along the boundary of Hayes Lake State Park to the Thompson Forest Road; thence along the Thompson Forest Road to CSAH 5, Roseau County; thence along CSAH 5 to the Tangnes Forest Road; thence along the Tangnes Forest Road to 670 Avenue; thence along 670 Avenue to STH 11; thence along STH 11 to CSAH 2, Lake of the Woods County; thence along CSAH 2 to CSAH 3, Lake of the Woods County; thence along CSAH 3 to CSAH 1, Lake of the Woods County; thence along CSAH 1 to STH 11; thence along STH 11 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 113 consists of that portion of the state known as the Red Lake Indian Reservation.
Registration Block 114 consists of that portion of the state north of the 49th parallel of North Latitude commonly known as the Northwest Angle.
Registration Block 221 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 27 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 8, Morrison County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 39, Morrison County; thence along CSAH 39 to CSAH 33, Morrison County; thence along CSAH 33 to CSAH 26, Morrison County; thence along CSAH 26 to CSAH 30, Morrison County; thence along CSAH 30 to CSAH 3, Benton County; thence along CSAH 3 to STH 25; thence along STH 25 to STH 95; thence along STH 95 to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to the Mississippi River; thence along the east shore of the Mississippi River to a point due west of the junction of CSAH 48, Morrison County, and STH 371; thence due east to said junction; thence along CSAH 48 to STH 25; thence along STH 25 to STH 27; thence along STH 27 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 222 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 27 and U.S. Highway 169; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to STH 95; thence along STH 95 to STH 25; thence along STH 25 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 3, Benton County; thence along CSAH 3 to CSAH 30, Morrison County; thence along CSAH 30 to CSAH 26, Morrison County; thence along CSAH 26 to CSAH 33, Morrison County; thence along CSAH 33 to CSAH 39, Morrison County; thence along CSAH 39 to CSAH 8, Morrison County; thence along CSAH 8 to STH 27; thence along STH 27 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 223 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary, except that part comprising Block 244:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 23 and the east bank of the Mississippi River at St. Cloud; thence along STH 23 to STH 95; thence along STH 95 to U.S. Highway 169; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to STH 101; thence along STH 101 to the east bank of the Mississippi River; thence along the east bank of the Mississippi River to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 224 consists of that portion of the state known as the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge.
Registration Block 225 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 23 and U.S. Highway 169; thence along STH 23 to the east boundary of the state; thence along the east boundary of the state to STH 95; thence along STH 95 to U.S. Highway 169; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 227 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 169 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 95; thence along STH 95 to Interstate Highway 35 (I-35); thence along I-35 to the north border of the Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area; thence along the north and west border of the Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 18, Anoka County; thence along CSAH 18 to CSAH 58, Anoka County; thence along CSAH 58 to CSAH 9, Anoka County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 22, Anoka County; thence along CSAH 22 to CSAH 12, Sherburne County; thence along CSAH 12 to U.S. Highway 169; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 228 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at a point on the east boundary of the state due east of the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 95 and STH 96; thence due west to this intersection; thence along STH 96 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 15, Washington County; thence along CSAH 15 to CSAH 68, Washington County; thence along CSAH 68 to CSAH 9, Washington County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 7, Washington County; thence along CSAH 7 to CSAH 8A, Washington County; thence along CSAH 8A to U.S. Highway 61; thence along U.S. Highway 61 to CSAH 8, Washington County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 14, Anoka County; thence along CSAH 14 to CSAH 17, Anoka County; thence along CSAH 17 to CSAH 18, Anoka County; thence along CSAH 18 to CSAH 58, Anoka County; thence along CSAH 58 to CSAH 9, Anoka County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 22, Anoka County; thence along CSAH 22 to CSAH 12, Sherburne County; thence along CSAH 12 to U.S. Highway 169; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to the east bank of the Mississippi River; thence along the east bank of the Mississippi River to the east boundary of the state; thence along the east boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 235 consists of that portion of the state known as the Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area (including the Sunrise River Addition), Anoka and Chisago Counties.
Registration Block 236 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary, except that portion of the state known as the Carlos Avery State Wildlife Management Area:
Beginning at the intersection of Interstate Highway 35 (I-35) and State Trunk Highway (STH) 95; thence along STH 95 to the east boundary of the state; thence along the east boundary of the state to a point due east of the intersection of STH 95 and STH 96; thence due west to this intersection; thence along STH 96 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 15, Washington County; thence along CSAH 15 to CSAH 68, Washington County; thence along CSAH 68 to CSAH 9, Washington County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 7, Washington County; thence along CSAH 7 to CSAH 8A, Washington County; thence along CSAH 8A to U.S. Highway 61; thence along U.S. Highway 61 to CSAH 8, Washington County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 14, Anoka County; thence along CSAH 14 to CSAH 17, Anoka County; thence along CSAH 17 to the western boundary of the Carlos Avery State Wildlife Management Area; thence along the north and west boundary of the Carlos Avery State Wildlife Management Area to I-35; thence along I-35 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 242 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 371 and STH 84; thence along STH 371 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 29, Crow Wing County; thence along CSAH 29 to the city limits of Lakeshore, Cass County; thence along the north, west, and south city limits of Lakeshore to County Road 107, Cass County; thence along County Road 107 to CSAH 15, Cass County; thence along CSAH 15 to CSAH 77, Cass County; thence along CSAH 77 to CSAH 18, Cass County; thence along CSAH 18 to STH 210; thence west along STH 210 to CSAH 36, Cass County; thence along CSAH 36 to the Crow Wing River; thence along the north shore of the Crow Wing River to its confluence with the Mississippi River; thence along the west shore of the Mississippi River to STH 210; thence along STH 210 to CSAH 3, Crow Wing County; thence along CSAH 3 to CSAH 1, Crow Wing County; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 2, Cass County; thence along CSAH 2 to STH 84; thence along STH 84 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 243 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 10 and U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 17, Wadena County; thence along CSAH 17 to CSAH 23, Wadena County; thence along CSAH 23 to CSAH 15, Wadena County; thence along CSAH 15 to the west bank of the Crow Wing River; thence along the west bank of the Crow Wing River to CSAH 34, Wadena County; thence along CSAH 34 to CSAH 83, Todd County; thence along CSAH 83 to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 258 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 59 and the south boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence along said boundary to the boundary of the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge; thence along the west, south, and east boundaries of the refuge to the south boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence along the south and east boundaries of said reservation to State Trunk Highway (STH) 113; thence along STH 113 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to STH 87; thence along STH 87 to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 259 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 200 and U.S. Highway 71; thence along STH 200 to STH 371; thence along STH 371 to STH 87; thence along STH 87 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 13, Hubbard County; thence along CSAH 13 to CSAH 2; thence along CSAH 2 to CSAH 40; thence along CSAH 40 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to the boundary of Itasca State Park; thence along the east boundary of said park to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 246 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 13, Hubbard County and State Trunk Highway (STH) 87; thence along STH 87 to STH 371; thence along STH 371 to CSAH 29, Crow Wing County; thence along CSAH 29 to the city limits of Lakeshore, Cass County; thence along the north, west, and south city limits of Lakeshore to County Road (CR) 107, Cass County; thence along CR 107 to CSAH 15, Cass County; thence along CSAH 15 to CSAH 77, Cass County; thence along CSAH 77 to CSAH 18, Cass County; thence along CSAH 18 to STH 210; thence along STH 210 to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to CR 83, Todd County; thence along CR 83 to CSAH 34, Todd County; thence along CSAH 34 to the west bank of the Crow Wing River; thence along the west bank of the Crow Wing River to CSAH 7, Wadena County; thence along CSAH 7 to CSAH 23; thence along CSAH 23 to CSAH 18; thence along CSAH 18 to CSAH 26; thence along CSAH 26 to CSAH 13, Hubbard County; thence along CSAH 13 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 247 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1 and CSAH 3, Crow Wing County; thence along CSAH 3 to STH 25; thence along STH 25 to STH 18; thence along STH 18 to STH 6; thence along STH 6 to CSAH 1, Crow Wing County; thence along CSAH 1 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 248 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 10 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 210; thence along STH 210 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1, Cass County; thence along CSAH 1 to the Crow Wing River; thence along the north shore of the Crow Wing River to its confluence with the Mississippi River; thence along the west bank of the Mississippi River to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 249 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of the Mississippi River and State Trunk Highway (STH) 210 in Brainerd; thence along STH 210 to STH 25; thence along STH 25 to STH 18; thence along STH 18 to its junction with U.S. Highway 169; thence due east from said junction to the shore of Mille Lacs Lake; thence along the west, north, east, and south shore of Mille Lacs Lake to a point due north of the junction of U.S. Highway 169 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 35, Mille Lacs County; thence due south to said junction; thence along U.S. Highway 169 to STH 27; thence along STH 27 to STH 25; thence along STH 25 to CSAH 48, Morrison County; thence along CSAH 48 to a junction with STH 371; thence due west to the Mississippi River; thence along the west bank of the river to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 251 consists of that portion of the state known as the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge.
Registration Block 283 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and the east boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation; thence along STH 1 to STH 72; thence along STH 72 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 32, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 32 to CSAH 15, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 15 to the south boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation; thence along the south and east sides of the Red Lake Indian Reservation to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 184 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of the south boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation and the Sandy River; thence southerly along the Sandy River to Township Road (TR) 279th Avenue or Bailey's Road south; thence along said road to TR Clover Road; thence along said township road to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 11, Clearwater County; thence south along CSAH 11 to CSAH 4, Clearwater County; thence southerly and then west and then along CSAH 4 to CSAH 14, Clearwater County; thence south along CSAH 14 to County Road (CR) 3, Clearwater County; thence west along CR 3 to CSAH 17, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 17 to U.S. Highway 2; thence west along U.S. Highway 2 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 92; thence southerly along STH 92 to CSAH 27, Clearwater County, and west to the northeast boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence south along said boundary to the boundary line between Range 37 West and Range 38 West; thence south along said range line to STH 113; thence easterly along STH 113 to the Itasca State Park boundary; thence north, east, and south along said boundary to U.S. Highway 71; thence easterly (north) along U.S. Highway 71 to STH 200; thence easterly along STH 200 to CSAH 31; thence east along CSAH 31 to CSAH 94, Hubbard County; thence north along CSAH 94 to CSAH 39; thence westerly along CSAH 39 to CSAH 5; thence along CSAH 5 to CSAH 69; thence northerly along CSAH 69 to CSAH 9; thence west along CSAH 9 to CSAH 45 to U.S. Highway 2; thence east along U.S. Highway 2 to CSAH 46, Hubbard County; thence along CSAH 46, Hubbard County, to CSAH 4, Beltrami County; thence along CSAH 4 to CSAH 25; thence along CSAH 25 to CSAH 8; thence east along CSAH 8 to CSAH 27; thence along CSAH 27 to CSAH 20; thence easterly along CSAH 20 to CSAH 39; thence along CSAH 39 to U.S. Highway 71; thence north along U.S. Highway 71 to CSAH 72; thence along CSAH 72 to CR 32; thence west along CR 32 to CR 15; thence north along CR 15 to the southern boundary of Red Lake Indian Reservation; thence west along the Red Lake Indian Reservation boundary to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 285 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 92 and U.S. Highway 2; thence along STH 92 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 5, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 5 to the south boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation; thence along the south boundary of said reservation to the Sandy River; thence along the Sandy River to CSAH 32, Beltrami County; thence west to CSAH 4, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 4 to CSAH 14, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 14 to CSAH 23, Clearwater County; thence along CSAH 23 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 287 consists of that portion of the state known as Itasca State Park.
Registration Block 297 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning on County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 3, Mahnomen County, at the north boundary of Mahnomen County; thence along CSAH 3 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 113; thence along STH 113 to CSAH 13, Mahnomen County; thence along CSAH 13 to CSAH 21, Becker County; thence along CSAH 21 to STH 224; thence along STH 224 to CSAH 21, Becker County; thence along CSAH 21 to the south boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence along the south, west, and north boundaries of said reservation to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 298 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning on County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 3, Mahnomen County, at the north boundary of Mahnomen County; thence along CSAH 3 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 113; thence along STH 113 to CSAH 13, Mahnomen County; thence along CSAH 13 to CSAH 21, Becker County; thence along CSAH 21 to STH 224; thence along STH 224 to CSAH 23, Becker County; thence along CSAH 23 to the south boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence along said boundary to the west boundary of the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge; thence along the west, north, and east boundaries of said refuge to the south boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence along the south and east boundaries of said reservation to STH 113; thence along STH 113 to the boundary line between Range 37 West and Range 38 West; thence along said range line to the north boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence along the north boundary of said reservation to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 337 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the confluence of the South Fork of the Crow River and the Mississippi River; thence along the east bank of the Mississippi River to U.S. Highway 61; thence along U.S. Highway 61 to County State - Aid Highway (CSAH) 46, Dakota County; thence along CSAH 46 to U.S. Highway 52; thence along U.S. Highway 52 to CSAH 66, Dakota County; thence along CSAH 66 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 3; thence along STH 3 to CSAH 50, Dakota County; thence along CSAH 50 to CSAH 23, Dakota County; thence along CSAH 23 to CSAH 70, Dakota County; thence along CSAH 70 to CSAH 8, Scott County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 79, Scott County; thence along CSAH 79 to STH 282; thence along STH 282 to CSAH 9, Scott County; thence along CSAH 9 to Valley View Drive, Scott County; thence along Valley View Drive to 195 Street, Scott County; thence along 195 Street to the east boundary of the Minnesota River Valley State Park; thence along the east and north boundary of said Park to the east bank of the Minnesota River; thence along the east bank of the Minnesota River to CSAH 45, Carver County; thence along CSAH 45 to CSAH 50, Carver County; thence along CSAH 50 to CSAH 43, Carver County; thence along CSAH 43 to CSAH 11, Carver County; thence along CSAH 11 to STH 5; thence along STH 5 to CSAH 30, Carver County; thence along CSAH 30 to CSAH 92, Hennepin County; thence along CSAH 92 to CSAH 6, Hennepin County; thence along CSAH 6 to CSAH 20, Carver County; thence along CSAH 20 to the South Fork of the Crow River; thence along the east bank of the South Fork of the Crow River to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 338 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 5 and STH 25; thence along STH 25 to the west bank of the Minnesota River; thence along the west bank of the Minnesota River to STH 19; thence along STH 19 to Interstate Highway 35 (I-35); thence along I-35 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 70, Dakota County; thence along CSAH 70 to CSAH 8, Scott County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 79, Scott County; thence along CSAH 79 to STH 282; thence along STH 282 to CSAH 9, Scott County; thence along CSAH 9 to Valley View Drive, Scott County; thence along Valley View Drive to 195 Street, Scott County; thence along 195 Street to the east boundary of the Minnesota River Valley State Park; thence along the east and north boundary of said park to the east bank of the Minnesota River; thence along the east bank of the Minnesota River to CSAH 45, Carver County; thence along CSAH 45 to CSAH 50, Carver County; thence along CSAH 50 to CSAH 43, Carver County; thence along CSAH 43 to CSAH 11, Carver County; thence along CSAH 11 to STH 5; thence along STH 5 to CSAH 30, Carver County; thence along CSAH 30 to CSAH 92, Hennepin County; thence along CSAH 92 to CSAH 6, Hennepin County; thence along CSAH 6 to CSAH 20, Carver County; thence along CSAH 20 to the east bank of the South Fork of the Crow Wing River; thence along the east bank of the South Fork of the Crow Wing River to STH 25; thence along STH 25 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 339 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of Interstate Highway 35 (I-35) and State Trunk Highway (STH) 19; thence along STH 19 to the Little Cannon River; thence along the west bank of the Little Cannon River to its confluence with the Cannon River; thence along the north bank of the Cannon River to U.S. Highway 61; thence along U.S. Highway 61 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 18, Goodhue County; thence along CSAH 18 to Lock and Dam No. 3 and the east boundary of the state; thence along the east boundary of the state to the Mississippi River; thence along the east bank of the Mississippi River to U.S. Highway 61; thence along U.S. Highway 61 to CSAH 46, Dakota County; thence along CSAH 46 to U.S. Highway 52; thence along U.S. Highway 52 to CSAH 66, Dakota County; thence along CSAH 66 to STH 3; thence along STH 3 to CSAH 50, Dakota County; thence along CSAH 50 to CSAH 23, Dakota County; thence along CSAH 23 to CSAH 70, Dakota County; thence along CSAH 70 to I-35; thence along I-35 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 341 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 19 and U.S. Highway 52; thence along U.S. Highway 52 to STH 57; thence along STH 57 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 24, Dodge County; thence along CSAH 24 to CSAH 13, Olmsted County; thence along CSAH 13 to the municipal boundary of Pine Island; thence along the municipal boundary of Pine Island to U.S. Highway 52; thence along U.S. Highway 52 to CSAH 12, Olmsted County; thence along CSAH 12 to U.S. Highway 63; thence along U.S. Highway 63 to U.S. Highway 61; thence due east to the east boundary of the state; thence along the east boundary of the state to Lock and Dam No. 3; thence along CSAH 18, Goodhue County to U.S. Highway 61; thence along U.S. Highway 61 to the Cannon River; thence along the north bank of the Cannon River to the west bank of the Little Cannon River; thence along the west bank of the Little Cannon River to STH 19; thence along STH 19 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 342 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 247 and U.S. Highway 63; thence along U.S. Highway 63 to U.S. Highway 61; thence due east to the east boundary of the state; thence along the east boundary of the state to the south boundary of Wabasha County; thence along the south boundary of Wabasha County to U.S. Highway 61; thence along U.S. Highway 61 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 14, Wabasha County; thence along CSAH 14 to STH 42; thence along STH 42 to STH 247; thence along STH 247 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 343 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 247 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 4, Wabasha County; thence along CSAH 4 to CSAH 10, Olmsted County; thence along CSAH 10 to CSAH 9, Olmsted County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 22, Winona County; thence along CSAH 22 to STH 74; thence along STH 74 to STH 30; thence along STH 30 to CSAH 13, Dodge County; thence along CSAH 13 to U.S. Highway 14; thence along U.S. Highway 14 to STH 57; thence along STH 57 to CSAH 24, Dodge County; thence along CSAH 24 to CSAH 13, Olmsted County; thence along CSAH 13 to U.S. Highway 52; thence along U.S. Highway 52 to CSAH 12, Olmsted County; thence along CSAH 12 to STH 247; thence along STH 247 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 344 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 42 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 4, Wabasha County; thence along CSAH 4 to CSAH 10, Olmsted County; thence along CSAH 10 to CSAH 9, Olmsted County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 22, Winona County; thence along CSAH 22 to STH 74; thence along STH 74 to U.S. Highway 14; thence along U.S. Highway 14 to CSAH 33, Winona County; thence along CSAH 33 to STH 248; thence along STH 248 to CSAH 31, Winona County; thence along CSAH 31 to CSAH 28, Winona County; thence along CSAH 28 to CSAH 25, Winona County; thence along CSAH 25 to U.S. Highway 61; thence along U.S. Highway 61 to CSAH 14, Wabasha County; thence along CSAH 14 to STH 42; thence along STH 42 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 345 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 74 and STH 30; thence along STH 30 to STH 43; thence along STH 43 to the east boundary of the state; thence along the east boundary of the state to the south boundary of Wabasha County; thence due west along the south boundary of Wabasha County to U.S. Highway 61; thence along U.S. Highway 61 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 25, Winona County; thence along CSAH 25 to CSAH 28, Winona County; thence along CSAH 28 to CSAH 31, Winona County; thence along CSAH 31 to STH 248; thence along STH 248 to CSAH 33, Winona County; thence along CSAH 33 to U.S. Highway 14; thence along U.S. Highway 14 to STH 74; thence along STH 74 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 346 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 43 and the Root River; thence along the Root River to the east boundary of the state; thence along the east boundary of the state to STH 43; thence along STH 43 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 347 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 63 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 30; thence along U.S. Highway 63 to the south boundary of the state; thence along the south boundary of the state to U.S. Highway 52; thence along U.S. Highway 52 to STH 30; thence along STH 30 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 348 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 30 and U.S. Highway 52; thence along U.S. Highway 52 to STH 139; thence along STH 139 to the south boundary of the state; thence along the south boundary of the state to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 28, Fillmore County; thence along CSAH 28 to STH 44; thence along STH 44 to STH 43; thence along STH 43 to STH 30; thence along STH 30 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 349 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of the Root River and State Trunk Highway (STH) 43; thence along STH 43 to STH 44; thence along STH 44 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 28, Fillmore County; thence along CSAH 28 to the south boundary of the state; thence along the south and east boundaries of the state to the mouth of the Root River; thence up the Root River to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 260 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the north and west boundary of the state; thence along the north boundary of the state to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 11; thence along STH 11 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 20; thence along CSAH 20 to CSAH 1; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 4; thence along CSAH 4 to County Road 111; thence along County Road 111 to CSAH 36; thence along CSAH 36 to STH 1; thence along STH 1 to the west boundary of the state; thence along the west boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 261 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and the west boundary of the state; thence along STH 1 to U.S. Highway 75; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to STH 9; thence along STH 9 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1; thence along CSAH 1 to the west boundary of the state; thence along the west boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 262 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1 in Polk County and the west boundary of the state; thence along CSAH 1 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 9; thence along STH 9 to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to the west boundary of the state; thence along the west boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 264 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 11 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 20, Kittson County; thence along STH 11 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to STH l; thence along STH 1 to CSAH 36; thence along CSAH 36 to County Road (CR) 111; thence along CR 111 to CSAH 4; thence along CSAH 4 to CSAH 1; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 20; thence along CSAH 20 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 256 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 1 and U.S. Highway 75; thence along STH 1 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to STH 102; thence along STH 102 to STH 9; thence along STH 9 to U.S. Highway 2; thence along U.S. Highway 2 to U.S. Highway 75; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 257 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 59 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 32; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1, Polk County; thence along CSAH 1 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 265 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 9 and STH 102; thence along STH 102 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1; thence along CSAH 1 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to the north boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence west and south along the boundary of said reservation to CSAH 31; thence along CSAH 31 to CSAH 29; thence along CSAH 29 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to STH 200; thence along STH 200 to STH 9; thence along STH 9 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 266 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 9 and STH 200; thence along STH 200 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 29; thence along CSAH 29 to CSAH 31; thence along CSAH 31 to the west boundary of the White Earth Indian Reservation; thence south and east along the boundary of said reservation to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to STH 9; thence along STH 9 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 241 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 10 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 34; thence along STH 34 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 56, Becker County; thence along CSAH 56 to CSAH 39; thence along CSAH 39 to CSAH 38; thence along CSAH 38 to CSAH 40; thence along CSAH 40 to CSAH 47; thence along CSAH 47 to STH 34; thence along STH 34 to CSAH 28, Hubbard County; thence along CSAH 28 to CSAH 48; thence along CSAH 48 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to CSAH 40; thence along CSAH 40 to CSAH 2; thence along CSAH 2 to CSAH 13; thence along CSAH 13 to CSAH 26, Wadena County; thence along CSAH 26 to CSAH 18; thence along CSAH 18 to CSAH 23; thence along CSAH 23 to CSAH 7; thence along CSAH 7 to the west bank of the Crow Wing River; thence along the Crow Wing River to CSAH 34, Todd County; thence along CSAH 34 to County Road (CR) 83; thence along CR 83, Todd County to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 239 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 10 and U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 78; thence along STH 78 to STH 210; thence along STH 210 to Interstate Highway 94 (I-94); thence along I-94 to STH 34; thence along STH 34 to STH 32; thence along STH 32 to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 240 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 10 and U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 22, Todd County; thence along CSAH 22 to CSAH 46, Otter Tail County; thence along CSAH 46 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 235; thence along STH 235 to CSAH 38, Otter Tail County; thence along CSAH 38 to STH 78; thence along STH 78 to U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 273 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 59 and Interstate Highway 94 (I-94); thence along I-94 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 29; thence along STH 29 to STH 28; thence along STH 28 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 213 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 82 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 210; thence along STH 210 to STH 78; thence along STH 78 to CSAH 38; thence along CSAH 38 to STH 235; thence along STH 235 to CSAH 46; thence along CSAH 46 to CSAH 22; thence along CSAH 22 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to CSAH 28; thence along CSAH 28 to STH 29; thence along STH 29 to Interstate Highway 94; thence along Interstate Highway 94 to CSAH 82 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 214 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 71 and U.S. Highway 10; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 27; thence along STH 27 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 215 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 27 and U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to Interstate (I) 94; thence along I 94 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 75, Stearns County; thence along CSAH 75 to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to the east bank of the Mississippi River; thence along the east bank of the Mississippi River to STH 27; thence along STH 27 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 276 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 59 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 28; thence along STH 28 to STH 104; thence along STH 104 to U.S. Highway 12; thence along U.S. Highway 12 to STH 9; thence along STH 9 to STH 28; thence along STH 28 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 277 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 55 and STH 104; thence along STH 104 to U.S. Highway 12; thence along U.S. Highway 12 to STH 15; thence along STH 15 to STH 55; thence along STH 55 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 218 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 28 and STH 55; thence along STH 28 to Interstate Highway 94 (I-94); thence along I-94 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 75, Stearns County; thence along CSAH 75 to CSAH 15; thence along CSAH 15 to STH 55; thence along STH 55 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 219 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 23 and STH 15; thence along STH 15 to U.S. Highway 12; thence along U.S. Highway 12 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 9, Wright County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 35, Wright County; thence along CSAH 35 to CSAH 8, Wright County; thence along CSAH 8 to Interstate Highway 94 (I-94); thence along I-94 to STH 24; thence along STH 24 to the Mississippi River; thence along the northeast bank of the Mississippi River to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 269 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 10 and the west boundary of the state; thence along U.S. Highway 10 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 32; thence along STH 32 to STH 34; thence along STH 34 to Interstate Highway 94 (I-94); thence along I-94 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 24, Otter Tail County; thence along CSAH 24 to CSAH 26, Wilkin County; thence along CSAH 26 to its junction with U.S. Highway 75; thence due west to the west boundary of the state; thence along the west boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 270 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at a point on the west boundary of the state due west of the junction of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 26, Wilkin County, and U.S. Highway 75; thence due east to said junction; thence along CSAH 26 to CSAH 24, Otter Tail County; thence along CSAH 24 to Interstate Highway 94 (I-94); thence along I-94 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 55; thence along STH 55 to the west boundary of the state; thence along the west boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 271 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 55 and the west boundary of the state; thence along STH 55 to the west boundary of Grant County; thence along the west boundary of Grant County to the west boundary of Stevens County; thence along the west boundary of Stevens County to STH 28; thence along STH 28 to the west boundary of the state; thence along the west boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 272 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 55 and U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to STH 28; thence along STH 28 to the west boundary of Stevens County; thence along the west boundary of Stevens County to the west boundary of Grant County; thence along the west boundary of Grant County to STH 55; thence along STH 55 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 275 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 28 and STH 9; thence along STH 9 to STH 29; thence along STH 29 to STH 40; thence along STH 40 to STH 7; thence along STH 7 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 25, Big Stone County; thence along CSAH 25 to CSAH 10, Big Stone County; thence along CSAH 10 to CSAH 21, Big Stone County; thence along CSAH 21 to STH 28; thence along STH 28 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 282 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 12 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 29; thence along STH 29 to STH 7; thence along STH 7 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 4, Chippewa County; thence along CSAH 4 to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to U.S. Highway 212; thence along U.S. Highway 212 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to U.S. Highway 12; thence along U.S. Highway 12 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 283 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 12 and U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 4, Renville County; thence along CSAH 4 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 4; thence along STH 4 to STH 7; thence along STH 7 to STH 22; thence along STH 22 to U.S. Highway 12; thence along U.S. Highway 12 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 284 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 7 and STH 4; thence along STH 4 to STH 19; thence along STH 19 to STH 15; thence along STH 15 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1, Nicollet County; thence along CSAH 1 to STH 22; thence along STH 22 to CSAH 2, Nicollet County; thence along CSAH 2 to CSAH 9, Sibley County; thence along CSAH 9 to STH 5; thence along STH 5 to U.S. Highway 212; thence along U.S. Highway 212 to STH 22; thence along STH 22 to STH 7; thence along STH 7 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 285 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 12 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 22; thence along STH 22 to U.S. Highway 212; thence along U.S. Highway 212 to STH 25; thence along STH 25 to the South Fork Crow River at Watertown; thence along the east bank of the South Fork Crow River to U.S. Highway 12 at Delano; thence along U.S. Highway 12 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 229 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 8, Wright County and Interstate Highway 94 (I-94); thence along I-94 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 24; thence along STH 24 to the Mississippi River; thence along the northeast bank of the Mississippi River to the confluence of the Mississippi River and the south fork of the Crow River; thence along the east bank of the south fork of the Crow River to U.S. Highway 12; thence along U.S. Highway 12 to CSAH 9, Wright County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 35, Wright County; thence along CSAH 35 to CSAH 8, Wright County; thence along CSAH 8 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 274 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of the west boundary of the state and State Trunk Highway (STH) 28; thence along STH 28 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 21, Big Stone County; thence along CSAH 21 to CSAH 10, Big Stone County; thence along CSAH 10 to CSAH 25, Big Stone County; thence along CSAH 25 to STH 7; thence along STH 7 to U.S. Highway 12; thence along U.S. Highway 12 to the west boundary of the state; thence along the west boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 278 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of the west boundary of the state and U.S. Highway 12; thence along U.S. Highway 12 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 7; thence along STH 7 to STH 40; thence along STH 40 to STH 29; thence along STH 29 to STH 7; thence along STH 7 to U.S. Highway 212; thence along U.S. Highway 212 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 31, Lac qui Parle County; thence along CSAH 31 to CSAH 20, Lac qui Parle County; thence along CSAH 20 to STH 40; thence along STH 40 to STH 119; thence along STH 119 to CSAH 28, Lac qui Parle County; thence along CSAH 28 to U.S. Highway 75; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to CSAH 24, Lac qui Parle County; thence along CSAH 24 to the west boundary of the state; thence along the west boundary of the state to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 281 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 212 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 7; thence along STH 7 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 4, Chippewa County; thence along CSAH 4 to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to U.S. Highway 212; thence along U.S. Highway 212 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to STH 19; thence along STH 19 to STH 273; thence along STH 273 to CSAH 9, Redwood County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 1, Yellow Medicine County; thence along CSAH 1 to STH 67; thence along STH 67 to CSAH 2, Yellow Medicine County; thence along CSAH 2 to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to CSAH 43, Yellow Medicine County; thence along CSAH 43 to STH 67; thence along STH 67 to CSAH 8, Yellow Medicine County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 19, Yellow Medicine County; thence along CSAH 19 to U.S. Highway 212; thence along U.S. Highway 212 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 290 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 71 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 4, Renville County; thence along CSAH 4 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 4; thence along STH 4 to STH 19; thence along STH 19 to STH 15; thence along STH 15 to STH 257; thence along STH 257 to CSAH 20, Brown County; thence along CSAH 20 to CSAH 11, Brown County; thence along CSAH 11 to CSAH 24, Brown County; thence along CSAH 24 to STH 4; thence along STH 4 to STH 68; thence along STH 68 to STH 67; thence along STH 67 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 291 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 5 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 9, Sibley County; thence along STH 5 to STH 25; thence along STH 25 to the Minnesota River; thence along the north bank of the Minnesota River to STH 19; thence along STH 19 to CSAH 11, LeSueur County; thence along CSAH 11 to STH 99; thence along STH 99 to CSAH 15, LeSueur County; thence along CSAH 15 to CSAH 26, Blue Earth County; thence along CSAH 26 to STH 60; thence along STH 60 to CSAH 6, Blue Earth County; thence along CSAH 6 to CSAH 22, Blue Earth County; thence along CSAH 22 to CSAH 19, Brown County; thence along CSAH 19 to STH 15; thence along STH 15 to CSAH 1, Nicollet County; thence along CSAH 1 to STH 22; thence along STH 22 to CSAH 2, Nicollet County; thence along CSAH 2 to CSAH 3, Nicollet County; thence along CSAH 3 to CSAH 9, Sibley County; thence along CSAH 9 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 299 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 15 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 19, Brown County; thence along CSAH 19 to CSAH 22, Blue Earth County; thence along CSAH 22 to CSAH 6, Blue Earth County; thence along CSAH 6 to STH 60; thence along STH 60 to STH 22; thence along STH 22 to STH 30; thence along STH 30 to STH 15; thence along STH 15 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 279 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning on County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 24 at the west boundary of the state; thence along the west boundary of the state to the south boundary of Yellow Medicine County; thence east along the south boundary of Yellow Medicine County to U.S. Highway 75; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to CSAH 24; thence along CSAH 24 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 280 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 28, Lac qui Parle County, and U.S. Highway 75; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to the south boundary of Yellow Medicine County; thence along the south boundary of Yellow Medicine County to State Trunk Highway (STH) 23; thence along STH 23 to CSAH 43, Yellow Medicine County; thence along CSAH 43 to STH 67; thence along STH 67 to CSAH 8, Yellow Medicine County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 19, Yellow Medicine County; thence along CSAH 19 to U.S. Highway 212; thence along U.S. Highway 212 to CSAH 31, Lac qui Parle County; thence along CSAH 31 to CSAH 20, Lac qui Parle County; thence along CSAH 20 to STH 40; thence along STH 40 to STH 119; thence along STH 119 to CSAH 28, Lac qui Parle County; thence along CSAH 28 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 286 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning on the west boundary of the state at the north boundary of Lincoln County; thence along the west boundary of the state to U.S. Highway 14; thence along U.S. Highway 14 to the east boundary of Lincoln County; thence along the east boundary of Lincoln County to the north boundary of Lincoln County; thence along the north boundary of Lincoln County to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 288 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lyon County; thence along the west boundary of Lyon County to U.S. Highway 14; thence along U.S. Highway 14 to the east boundary of Lyon County; thence along said boundary to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 22, Lyon County; thence along CSAH 22 to CSAH 9, Lyon County; thence along CSAH 9 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 23; thence along STH 23 to the north boundary of Lyon County; thence along the north boundary of Lyon County to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 289 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 22, Lyon County, and the west boundary of Redwood County; thence along said boundary to U.S. Highway 14; thence along U.S. Highway 14 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 4; thence along STH 4 to STH 68; thence along STH 68 to STH 67; thence along STH 67 to STH 273; thence along STH 273 to CSAH 9, Redwood County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 1, Yellow Medicine County; thence along CSAH 1 to STH 67; thence along STH 67 to CSAH 2, Yellow Medicine County; thence along CSAH 2 to STH 23; thence along STH 23 to CSAH 9, Lyon County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 22, Lyon County; thence along CSAH 22 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 294 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning on U.S. Highway 14 at the west boundary of the state; thence along the west boundary of the state to the south boundary of Pipestone County; thence along the south boundary of Pipestone County to U.S. Highway 75; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 268; thence along STH 268 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 18, Pipestone County; thence along CSAH 18 to CSAH 1, Pipestone County; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 1, Murray County; thence along CSAH 1 to STH 91; thence along STH 91 to U.S. Highway 14; thence along U.S. Highway 14 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 234 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the north boundary of Rock County at the west boundary of the state; thence along the west and south boundaries of the state to State Trunk Highway (STH) 91; thence along STH 91 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1, Murray County; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 1, Pipestone County; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 18, Pipestone County; thence along CSAH 18 to STH 268; thence along STH 268 to U.S. Highway 75; thence along U.S. Highway 75 to the north boundary of Rock County; thence along the north boundary of Rock County to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 237 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 30 and STH 91; thence along STH 91 to the south boundary of the state; thence along the south boundary of the state to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 3, Nobles County; thence along CSAH 3 to STH 264; thence along STH 264 to CSAH 1, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 1, Nobles County; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 18, Nobles County; thence along CSAH 18 to CSAH 3, Nobles County; thence along CSAH 3 to the south boundary of Murray County; thence along the south boundary of Murray County to CSAH 42, Murray County; thence along CSAH 42 to STH 62; thence along STH 62 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to STH 30; thence along STH 30 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 295 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary, except that part comprising Block 238:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 14 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 91; thence along STH 91 to STH 30; thence along STH 30 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to STH 62; thence along STH 62 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 42, Murray County; thence along CSAH 42 to the south boundary of Murray County; thence along said boundary to CSAH 3, Nobles County; thence along CSAH 3 to CSAH 18, Nobles County; thence along CSAH 18 to CSAH 32, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 32 to CSAH 9, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 5, Cottonwood County; thence along CSAH 5 to STH 62; thence along STH 62 to U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to U.S. Highway 14; thence along U.S. Highway 14 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 238 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 6, Murray County, and CSAH 42, Murray County; thence along CSAH 42 to the south boundary of Murray County; thence along said boundary to CSAH 3, Nobles County; thence along CSAH 3 to CSAH 18, Nobles County; thence along CSAH 18 to CSAH 32, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 32 to CSAH 9, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 5, Cottonwood County; thence along CSAH 5 to CSAH 13, Cottonwood County; thence along CSAH 13 to CSAH 6, Murray County; thence along CSAH 6 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 250 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1, Nobles County, and CSAH 18, Nobles County; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 1, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 1 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 264; thence along STH 264 to CSAH 3, Nobles County; thence along CSAH 3 to the south boundary of the state; thence along the south boundary of the state to CSAH 23, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 23 to CSAH 8, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 29, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 29 to CSAH 36, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 36 to CSAH 1, Cottonwood County; thence along CSAH 1 to STH 60; thence along STH 60 to STH 62; thence along STH 62 to CSAH 5, Cottonwood County; thence along CSAH 5 to CSAH 9, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 9 to CSAH 32, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 32 to CSAH 18, Nobles County; thence along CSAH 18 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 296 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 14 and U.S. Highway 71; thence along U.S. Highway 71 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 60; thence along STH 60 to STH 15; thence along STH 15 to STH 257; thence along STH 257 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 20, Brown County; thence along CSAH 20 to CSAH 11, Brown County; thence along CSAH 11 to CSAH 24, Brown County; thence along CSAH 24 to STH 4; thence along STH 4 to U.S. Highway 14; thence along U.S. Highway 14 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 252 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 60 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1, Cottonwood County; thence along CSAH 1 to CSAH 36, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 36 to CSAH 29, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 29 to CSAH 8, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 8 to CSAH 23, Jackson County; thence along CSAH 23 to the south boundary of the state; thence along the south boundary of the state to STH 15; thence along STH 15 to STH 60; thence along STH 60 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 253 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 30 and STH 15; thence along STH 15 to the south boundary of the state; thence along the south boundary of the state to STH 22; thence along STH 22 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 29, Faribault County; thence along CSAH 29 to CSAH 3, Waseca County; thence along CSAH 3 to STH 30; thence along STH 30 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 292 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 19 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 11, LeSueur County; thence along CSAH 11 to STH 99; thence along STH 99 to CSAH 15, LeSueur County; thence along CSAH 15 to CSAH 26, Blue Earth County; thence along CSAH 26 to STH 60; thence along STH 60 to CSAH 16, Rice County; thence along CSAH 16 to CSAH 15, Rice County; thence along CSAH 15 to Interstate Highway 35 (I-35); thence along I-35 to STH 19; thence along STH 19 to the point of beginning. STH 135 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 293 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 19 and Interstate Highway 35 (I-35); thence along I-35 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 12, Steele County; thence along CSAH 12 to CSAH 24, Dodge County; thence along CSAH 24 to CSAH 22, Dodge County; thence along CSAH 22 to STH 57; thence along STH 57 to U.S. Highway 52; thence along U.S. Highway 52 to STH 19; thence along STH 19 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 230 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 60 and STH 22; thence along STH 22 to STH 30; thence along STH 30 to STH 13; thence along STH 13 to STH 60; thence along STH 60 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 232 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 60 and STH 13; thence along STH 13 to STH 30; thence along STH 30 to U.S. Highway 218; thence along U.S. Highway 218 to Interstate Highway 35 (I-35); thence along I-35 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 15, Rice County; thence along CSAH 15 to CSAH 16, Rice County; thence along CSAH 16 to STH 60; thence along STH 60 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 233 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 12, Steele County, and Interstate Highway 35 (I-35); thence along I-35 to U.S. Highway 218; thence along U.S. Highway 218 to State Trunk Highway (STH) 30; thence along STH 30 to CSAH 13, Dodge County; thence along CSAH 13 to U.S. Highway 14; thence along U.S. Highway 14 to STH 57; thence along STH 57 to CSAH 22, Dodge County; thence along CSAH 22 to CSAH 24, Dodge County; thence along CSAH 24 to CSAH 12, Steele County; thence along CSAH 12 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 254 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 30 and County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 3, Waseca County; thence along CSAH 3 to CSAH 29, Faribault County; thence along CSAH 29 to STH 22; thence along STH 22 to the south boundary of the state; thence along the south boundary of the state to STH 105; thence along STH 105 to STH 116 in Austin; thence along STH 116 to U.S. Highway 218; thence along U.S. Highway 218 to STH 30; thence along STH 30 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 255 consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 30 and U.S. Highway 218; thence along U.S. Highway 218 to STH 116; thence along STH 116 to STH 105; thence along STH 105 to the south boundary of the state; thence along the south boundary of the state to U.S. Highway 63; thence along U.S. Highway 63 to STH 30; thence along STH 30 to the point of beginning.
Registration Block 601, also known as the Metropolitan Deer Management Zone, is comprised of Registration Blocks 228 and 337 under subparts 75a and 91.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 19 SR 2222; 22 SR 292; 24 SR 644; 30 SR 613; 33 SR 215; 33 SR 1967; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes