The Primary Grygla Elk Zone consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of State Trunk Highway (STH) 89 and Marshall County Road (CR) 145; thence along CR 145 to County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 6, Marshall County; thence along CSAH 6 to the northwest corner of Section 16, Township 157 North, Range 39 West; thence north along the west line of Sections 9 and 4 (360th Ave NE), Township 157 North, Range 39 West, to the Moose River; thence along the southerly shore of said river to Moose River Road NW, Beltrami County; thence along Moose River Road NW to its intersection with the Moose River impoundment dike; thence generally south along the Moose River impoundment dike to the intersection with STH 89; thence west along STH 89 to the intersection with CSAH 54, Marshall County; thence north along CSAH 54 to the southeast corner of Section 2, Township 156 North, Range 39 West; thence west along the south boundary of Section 2, Township 156 North, Range 39 West; thence along an unnumbered township road (330th St NE), Marshall County, that coincides with the south boundaries of Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6, Township 156 North, Range 39 West; thence along an unnumbered township road (330th St NE), Marshall County, that coincides with the south boundary of Section 1, Township 156 North, Range 40 West, to STH 89; thence along STH 89 to the point of beginning.
The Secondary Grygla Elk Zone consists of all of Marshall County east of State Trunk Highway (STH) 89 and that portion of Beltrami County lying within Northwood and Benville Townships (Township 157 North, Range 38 West, and Township 156 North, Range 38 West) and may be opened in addition to the primary zone by written notification from the commissioner. Notification, if made, will be at the elk hunter orientation sessions at the Thief Lake Wildlife Management Area.
The Kittson County Central Elk Zone consists of that portion of the state lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of County State-Aid Highway (CSAH) 1 and State Trunk Highway (STH) 175; thence along CSAH 1 to County Road (CR) 51; thence along CR 51 to CSAH 4; thence along CSAH 4 to State Ditch 85 (330th Street); thence along State Ditch 85 to State Ditch 72 (310th Street); thence along State Ditch 72 to 480th Avenue; thence along 480th Avenue to CSAH 10; thence along CSAH 10 to U.S. Highway 59; thence along U.S. Highway 59 to STH 175; thence along STH 175 to the point of beginning.
MS s 97B.515
18 SR 83; 33 SR 215; 35 SR 2014
October 3, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes