An application for a bear hunting outfitter or master bear hunting outfitter license can be obtained from the License Center.
A bear hunting outfitter or master bear hunting outfitter license may not be issued after August 31 in any year.
The licensee may add additional persons to a master bear hunting outfitter license at any time.
Any person listed under a master bear hunting license remains on that license for the entire license year. No person may be substituted for a person listed under a master bear hunting outfitter license.
All licensed bear hunting outfitters and master bear hunting outfitters must complete the report form provided with the license and return it to the specified address no later than ten days after the close of the bear season. Failure to submit this report or failure to provide all requested information may result in ineligibility for a bear hunting outfitter or master bear hunting outfitter license for the following bear season.
Information required under item B, subitems (1) to (3), must be recorded on the report form before any bear hunting activity takes place.
Information required under item B, subitems (4) to (6), must be recorded on the report form within 24 hours of a bear being harvested by a guided hunter or within 24 hours of the completion of a hunt when a bear is not harvested.
The records required under this subpart must be available for inspection by the commissioner. The records must be preserved and available for three years after the expiration of the license.
To be eligible for a bear hunting outfitters license or master bear hunting outfitters license, an applicant must be at least 16 years of age and submit proof that the applicant:
is certified for standard first aid and CPR by the American Red Cross or American Heart Association or through an equivalent course;
has scored at least 70 percent on a written bear hunting outfitter exam, administered by the commissioner.
This subpart is effective October 4, 2011.
18 SR 83; 35 SR 505
October 3, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes