A person may not establish, service, maintain, or sign any bear bait station prior to the Friday nearest August 14.
In order to establish, service, maintain, or sign any bear bait station, a person must have a valid bear hunting license or be operating under the direction of a person with a valid bear hunting license.
No more than three bait stations may be placed at one time for each licensed bear hunter. If a hunter wishes to establish a different bait station, one of the hunter's three existing bait stations must be removed. Each licensed bear hunting outfitter may establish up to three bait stations in addition to bait stations placed for licensed hunters.
A person may not establish a bear bait station without registering the site as provided in this subpart.
The following information must be provided on a form provided by the commissioner or on an 8-1/2 inch by 11 inch sheet of paper:
name, address, Minnesota DNR number, and telephone number of person who established the bear bait station; and
The form must be mailed to the Division of Enforcement no later than the next postal service day following establishment of the bear bait station.
A person establishing a bear bait station must display a sign at the site meeting the following requirements.
The sign must be made of plastic, wood, or metal and must be at least six inches by ten inches in size and, on public land, no more than 18 inches by 24 inches in size.
The sign must contain:
for unguided hunters, the full name and either the Minnesota DNR number or Minnesota driver's license number of the person on whose behalf the bait is placed; or
if placed by a bear hunting outfitter for a client, the outfitter's Minnesota driver's license number or bear hunting outfitter license number.
Letters and numbers must be legibly printed and either painted or impressed on the sign material.
The sign must be prominently displayed between six and ten feet above the natural ground level and within 20 feet of the bait.
The person who placed the signs is responsible for their removal within 48 hours of the close of the bear season.
Only signs prescribed in items A to D may be used. Warning or other signs used to mark generic locations of bait stations or advise people of bait stations on public land are prohibited.
A person may not hunt bear within 100 yards of a bear bait station unless it is registered and marked with a sign as required by this part.
A person may not take bear or establish a bear bait station within one-half mile of a garbage dump.
A person may not establish a bear bait station within 100 yards of a site where bait has been placed prior to the Friday nearest August 14.
A person may not establish a bear bait station within 150 yards of a campsite or in bear quota area 22.
18 SR 83; 20 SR 2287; 35 SR 505
October 3, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes