County auditors must keep a record of all transactions relating to licenses received by them and licenses issued by them to their subagents, including licenses received, sold, or returned for redemption or credit, fees collected, commissions retained, remittances made, and cash on hand or deposited, showing at all times the current status of the county auditor's account and the account of each subagent. Subagents must keep a record of all transactions relating to licenses issued to them in the same manner as county auditors. All such records may be subject to inspection and auditing by the commissioner.
Subagents must, on or before the 10th day of each month, return to the auditor each sold-out license book from the previous month. All proceeds from the sale of licenses, except those for which the auditor has previously been paid, will be paid to the auditor at the time the books are returned. Partially sold license books and all proceeds from the sale of licenses from such books must be returned to the auditor no later than March 10 of each year.
County auditors must preserve all sold and unsold license books, whether sold by the auditor or a subagent, for at least one year after the end of the license year.
County auditors must, on or before the 15th day of each month, mail or deliver a complete written report to the commissioner, either on forms provided for such purpose or in a prescribed format, covering all licenses issued and sold by the county auditor or subagents during the preceding calendar month together with a warrant on the county treasury for license fees as provided by Minnesota Statutes, sections 97A.475 and 97A.485. If no license fees were received during a preceding month, a written report so stating must be made to the commissioner. If a county auditor fails to submit these monthly reports within the specified time period, the commissioner may withhold further consignments of licenses to the county auditor until the report is received. An immediate and complete accounting of all licenses consigned to the county auditor during the current licensing year may be required.
The following provisions apply to final reports of unsold licenses and partially sold books:
Each subagent who has purchased or taken on consignment licenses for resale must, not later than March 10 of each year, return all unsold licenses and partially sold license books to the county auditor, except that all unsold licenses to take deer either by archery, firearm, or muzzleloader must be returned to the auditor on the first business day after the last day during which each type of license may be sold. The county auditor must give to each subagent a cash refund for unsold licenses or credit in the case of consignment.
No later than April 15, county auditors must prepare a final report which will show the total number of unsold, void, and no fee licenses to be credited toward their account and must contain a list of the sequential numbers of such licenses. Any unsold licenses not so reported for redemption or credit by the date prescribed will be presumed to have been sold, and the county auditor and subagent will be accountable.
MS s 97A.485
18 SR 83
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes