The restitution values for game bird species are as follows:
turkey (wild), $400;
pheasant, $50;
quail, $50;
chukar partridge, $50;
gray partridge, $50;
ruffed grouse, $50;
sharp-tailed grouse, $50;
spruce grouse, $50;
greater prairie chicken, $500;
American woodcock, $50;
common snipe, $50;
sora, Virginia rails, $50;
gallinules, $50;
coot, $25;
ducks and mergansers, except canvasback, $50;
canvasback, $100;
geese, $50;
tundra swan, $200;
trumpeter swan, $1,000; and
sandhill crane, $200.
MS s 14.388; 97A.345
16 SR 93; 27 SR 379; 38 SR 787
December 9, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota Revisor of Statutes