6131.0160 ANNUAL REPORT.
Subpart 1.
The purpose of the annual report is to describe actual mining activities completed during the past year and mining activities planned for the upcoming year. The permittee shall submit to the commissioner in duplicate an annual report between March 1 and 31 of each year.
Subp. 2.
Preceding calendar year.
For the preceding calendar year, the report shall include:
a statement describing financial capability to perform reclamation obligations;
the actual rate of mining;
the actual mining activities; and
the actual reclamation activities.
Subp. 3.
Upcoming calendar year.
For the upcoming calendar year, the report shall include:
the anticipated rate of mining;
the anticipated mining activities including:
the types, amounts, and schedule for mining the peat; and
the beneficiating process, including a discussion of the type and amount of any chemicals to be added and the types, amount, and means of waste disposal; and
the anticipated reclamation activities including methods, schedules, and research.
Subp. 4.
For the preceding and upcoming year, the report shall contain a map in the form prescribed by part 6131.0150, subpart 5, item A, which depicts the status of mining, reclamation, and watershed modifications.