The purpose of this part is to provide design standards for private facilities within the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area that are consistent with best management practices and that minimize impacts to primary conservation areas and other identified resources.
For the purpose of this part, "private facilities" means private roads, driveways, and parking areas; private water access and viewing facilities; decks and patios in setback areas; and private signs.
All private facilities must be developed in accordance with the land alteration, vegetation, and storm water management requirements in parts 6106.0150 and 6106.0160.
Except as provided in part 6106.0180, private roads, driveways, and parking areas must:
be designed and constructed to take advantage of natural vegetation and topography so that they are not readily visible;
Design and construction of private stairways, lifts, and landings are subject to the following standards:
stairways and lifts must not exceed four feet in width on residential lots. Wider stairways are allowed for commercial properties and residential facilities held in common, if approved by the local government;
landings for stairways and lifts on residential lots must not exceed 32 square feet in area. Landings larger than 32 square feet are allowed for commercial properties and residential facilities held in common, if approved by the local government;
stairways, lifts, and landings must be located in the least visible portion of the lot whenever practical; and
One water-oriented accessory structure is allowed for each riparian lot or parcel less than 300 feet in width at the ordinary high water level, with one additional water-oriented accessory structure allowed for each additional 300 feet of shoreline on the same lot or parcel. Water-oriented accessory structures are prohibited in the bluff impact zone and must:
Local governments may allow decks and at-grade patios to encroach into the required setbacks from the ordinary high water level and blufflines without a variance, in compliance with parts 6106.0150 and 6106.0160, provided that:
the encroachment of the deck or patio into the required setback area does not exceed 15 percent of the required structure setback;
the area of the deck or patio that extends into the required setback area occupies no more than 25 percent of the total area between the required setback and the 15 percent allowance, using the formula below:
[required setback depth (feet) x 0.15 x lot width (feet) x 0.25 = maximum total area]; and
Placement of signs is guided by the local government's underlying zoning, with the additional provisions in items A and B.
If the local government allows directional signs for patrons arriving at a business by watercraft, the signs:
if located within the shore impact zone, must convey only the location and name of the establishment and the general types of goods and services available;
if illuminated, must have lighting that is shielded to prevent illumination out across the river or to the sky.
MS s 116G.15
41 SR 799
January 19, 2017
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes