Mille Lacs County shall enact or amend such ordinances and maps as necessary to:
Sherburne and Isanti Counties shall enact or amend such ordinances and maps as necessary to:
Anoka County shall enact or amend such ordinances and maps as necessary to:
The municipalities which are listed in part 6105.1440, subpart 4, item G as urban areas shall enact or amend such ordinances and maps as necessary to establish the land use district as identified in the land use district descriptions in part 6105.1480 and conform to the provisions required in part 6105.1440, subpart 4, item G.
The municipalities of Saint Francis (all, except the S 1/2 of Section 29, T 34 N-R 24 W, west of river only; Section 32, T 34 N-R 24 W; and the N 1/2 of Section 5, T 33 N-R 24 W), Ramsey (all, except the S 1/2 of Section 19, T 32 N-R 24 W; and Sections 25, 36 and the S 1/2 of Section 24, T 32 N-R 23 W) and Andover shall enact or amend such ordinances and maps as necessary to:
Any of the involved counties or cities may retain or adopt regulations which are more restrictive than those required by this plan.
The DNR shall assist local units of government in implementing parts 6105.0010 to 6105.0250 and this management plan, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, section 103F.335, subdivision 1.
The DNR shall delineate the land use district boundaries on the appropriate zoning maps for the affected local units of government.
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes