It is recommended that Meeker County work with the board of supervisors of the Soil and Water Conservation District in setting criteria for the use of soil conservation service technical assistance for evaluating grading and filling permit requests relating to part 6105.0160, grading and filling provisions.
It is recommended that the Meeker County Highway Department and the Minnesota Department of Transportation cooperate with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources by placing no parking signs along any bridge crossing rights-of-way that are determined to be inadequate or dangerous as river access points.
It is recommended that the Meeker County Park Board complete development of lands it owns along the management area. DNR assistance will be provided for development, where appropriate.
It is recommended that the State Planning Agency, Office of Local and Urban Affairs, give priority to any local funding to requests for fee title acquisition of land for recreational sites within the management area consistent with the goals of the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP).
No Department of Natural Resources corridor trails are proposed in this management plan for the Crow River area. Local residents and landowners may desire specific trails. If so, it is recommended that such trails be developed through DNR's trail assistance programs, which make funds for trail development and maintenance available to local units of government, and private clubs and organizations.
To ensure that the historical heritage of the Crow River will be protected for the enjoyment of present and future generations, it is recommended that the Minnesota Historical Society consider the feasibility of conducting a study of historical and archaeological sites within the management area.
It is recommended that any recreational facilities, other than those shown on the recreation management map, be developed by local units of government, to ensure that maximum local input is obtained.
MS s 104.35
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes