The following criteria will be used in evaluating outdoor recreation project proposals to establish priorities which have otherwise been determined eligible for financial assistance from the land and water conservation fund.
Evaluation of project proposals by the state agency will be made in three steps: classification of the general project, application of state criteria, and assignment of priorities.
The following acquisition and development projects shall receive priority over other projects which otherwise possess the same characteristics:
projects identified in a county or municipal plan which has been approved by a county or an established regional authority as required by part 6100.7400, subpart 4, items A and B and incorporated in an action program of the county or regional authority which approved the project application;
those types of outdoor recreation facilities and functions for which the applying agency is normally responsible to supply; see part 6100.7200;
proposed projects which cannot be funded from other grants-in-aid programs (i.e., open space, Public Law 566, etc.);
projects having regional or statewide significance when applicants adequately demonstrate their inability in finance the project without federal LAWCON assistance;
projects promoting an environment of natural beauty as compared to those having unsightly conditions (environmental intrusions) or reservations in the title which may create such intrusions; and
MS s 86.71
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes