All timely and complete applications will be reviewed on a competitive basis. Grants will be awarded by the commissioner in amounts and to parties as deemed consistent with the overall purposes of the grant program. In evaluating applications and awarding grants, the factors described in this part will be considered.
The appropriateness of the proposal must be evaluated. Appropriateness includes:
the extent and history of labor-management activity within the area to be served by the proposed grant;
The attainability of the goals in the proposal must be evaluated. Attainability includes:
evaluation of the applicant's ability and capacity to implement program activities necessary to achieve stated goals;
Evidence of support for the proposal from multiple labor-management representatives within the area will be reviewed. The evidence may be submitted in the form of letters of endorsement, resolutions of support adopted by ad hoc groups, or other form that permits consultation and verification with individual representatives by the bureau. Established committees must attach a copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the proposal was approved and the minutes should reflect the names and organizations of all persons present for the meeting.
The thoroughness of the four-year financial plan submitted as a part of the proposal, including an analysis of the overall reasonableness of revenue and expense projections; the detail and reasonableness of projected funding sources and amounts; and the detail and reasonableness of projected expenditures will be considered. Established committees must attach copies of actual financial operating statements that reflect annual revenue sources and amounts and expense categories and amounts for each year of the three-year period preceding the current year, as well as for the current year-to-date.
The thoroughness of detailed plans for achieving the major goals and objectives of the committee will be evaluated to determine the ability of the committee to identify key tasks and action steps necessary to the attainment of goals; the designation of appropriate time frames; relevance of work plans to objectives of the grant program; and the extent of planning undertaken by the applicant with regard to its goals.
MS s 179.82
13 SR 2219; 15 SR 2267
June 11, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes