Part | Title |
5510.0100 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.0110 | APPLICATION. |
5510.0200 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.0210 | POLICY AND WAIVER. |
5510.0300 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.0310 | DEFINITIONS. |
5510.0320 | FILING AND SERVICE. |
5510.0330 | COMPUTING TIME. |
5510.0400 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.0410 | FILING PETITION. |
5510.0500 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.0600 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.0610 | WITHDRAWAL. |
5510.0700 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.0800 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.0900 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.1000 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.1100 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.1200 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.1300 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.1400 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.1410 | [Repealed, 46 SR 1387] |
5510.1500 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.1510 | [Repealed, 46 SR 1387] |
5510.1600 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.1610 | [Repealed, 46 SR 1387] |
5510.1700 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.1710 | [Repealed, 46 SR 1387] |
5510.1800 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.1900 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.2000 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.2010 | ELECTIONS. |
5510.2100 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.2200 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.2300 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.2400 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.2410 | APPLICATION. |
5510.2500 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.2510 | POLICY AND WAIVER. |
5510.2520 | FILING AND SERVICE. |
5510.2600 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.2610 | DEFINITIONS. |
5510.2700 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.2800 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.2900 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.2910 | [Repealed, 13 SR 1275] |
5510.2915 | MEDIATION PERIOD. |
5510.3000 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.3005 | STRIKES. |
5510.3010 | [Repealed, 13 SR 1275] |
5510.3100 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.3110 | [Repealed, 13 SR 1275] |
5510.3200 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.3210 | [Repealed, 12 SR 2712] |
5510.3300 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.3400 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.3500 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.3600 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.3700 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.3800 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.3900 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.4000 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.4100 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.4200 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.4300 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.4400 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.4500 | [Repealed, 9 SR 735] |
5510.4600 | [Repealed, 11 SR 2077] |
5510.4700 | [Repealed, 11 SR 2077] |
5510.4800 | [Repealed, 11 SR 2077] |
5510.4900 | [Repealed, 11 SR 2077] |
5510.5000 | [Repealed, 11 SR 2077] |
5510.5100 | [Repealed, 11 SR 2077] |
5510.5110 | POLICY. |
5510.5120 | APPLICABILITY. |
5510.5130 | DEFINITIONS. |
5510.5131 | COMPUTING TIME. |
5510.5140 | STEP ONE. |
5510.5150 | STEP TWO. |
5510.5160 | STEP THREE. |
5510.5170 | ARBITRATION. |
5510.5190 | [Repealed, 46 SR 1387] |
5510.5200 | APPLICABILITY. |
5510.5210 | DEFINITIONS. |
5510.5230 | ARRANGING HEARING. |
5510.5250 | EVIDENCE. |
5510.5260 | BRIEFS. |
5510.5270 | AMENDING DISPUTE. |
5510.5280 | PANEL'S AWARD. |
5510.5300 | SCOPE. |
5510.5310 | POLICY. |
5510.5320 | DEFINITIONS. |
5510.5330 | FILING AND SERVICE. |
5510.5350 | ANSWER TO PETITION. |
5510.5380 | BRIEFS. |
5510.5430 | DEFAULT. |
5510.5440 | INTERVENTION. |
5510.5460 | CONSOLIDATION. |
5510.5470 | HEARING. |
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
Parts 5510.0110 to 5510.2310 apply to proceedings before the commissioner involving matters of representation under the act.
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
Parts 5510.0110 to 5510.2310 are to be liberally construed to accomplish the purposes and provisions of the act. Any requirements of parts 5510.0110 to 5510.2310 may be waived by agreement of all parties and commissioner approval.
The commissioner must approve a waiver request under item A unless the commissioner determines that waiving the requirement would likely result in significant harm to the general public or to specific nonparties or is likely to substantially impair or frustrate the act's intent or purposes.
The waiver request must be made in writing to the commissioner in a timely fashion. The commissioner must set forth in writing the reasons for granting or denying the waiver.
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
For the purpose of parts 5510.0110 to 5510.2310, the terms defined in this part have the meanings given them.
"Act" means the Public Employment Labor Relations Act under Minnesota Statutes, sections 179A.01 to 179A.25.
"Amendment of certification" or "amendment of exclusive representative" means a change in the certification by the commissioner that the commissioner deems does not raise a question of representation.
"Appearance status" means the status of a nonparty having an interest in a matter before the commissioner to participate in bureau proceedings.
"Appropriate unit" or "unit" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.03, subdivision 2.
"Certification of exclusive representative" or "certification" means granting the status of exclusive representative to an employee organization by a written order of the commissioner.
"Certification petition" means a petition filed by an employee organization stating that at least 30 percent of the employees of a proposed appropriate unit wish to be represented by the petitioner.
"Commissioner" means the commissioner of the bureau or an authorized agent.
"Decertification petition" means a petition filed by an individual employee or group of employees stating that:
the exclusive representative no longer represents the majority of the employees in an appropriate unit; and
at least 30 percent of the employees no longer wish to be represented by the exclusive representative.
"Determination of affiliation" or "affiliation" means determining the affiliation of a supervisory or confidential employee organization under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.06, subdivision 2.
"Effective date of orders" means, for any commissioner-issued order, the day after issuance unless otherwise provided.
"Employee" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.03, subdivision 14.
"Employee organization" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.03, subdivision 6.
"Employer" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.03, subdivision 15.
"Exclusive representative" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.03, subdivision 8.
"Hearing officer" or "mediator" means the commissioner or an authorized agent.
"Holiday" or "legal holiday" means the dates designated under Minnesota Statutes, section 645.44, subdivision 5, as holidays for the state of Minnesota.
"Open-window period" means the following period before a labor contract expires:
"Party" means:
an exclusive representative, employee organization, or public employer recognized by the commissioner whose legal rights, duties, and privileges are directly determined in proceedings under parts 5510.0110 to 5510.3005; or
"Petition" means a written document containing information required by the commissioner.
"Representation petition" means a petition filed by an employee organization stating that:
the exclusive representative no longer represents the majority of employees in an appropriate unit; and
at least 30 percent of the employees in the appropriate unit wish to be represented by the petitioner.
"Service" or "serve" means, unless another manner of service is required by law, delivering a document electronically, in person, by facsimile, or by United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the bureau or a party at its last known address.
"Showing of interest" or "interest" means submitting authorization signatures in the form of individual authorization cards to show support for a petition filed with the commissioner.
"Transfer of exclusive representative status" means transferring the rights and obligations of an exclusive representative to another employee organization.
"Unfair election practice" means a practice or action that affects the result of a certification, representation, or decertification election, specifically:
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 23 SR 1564; 27 SR 637; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
Unless otherwise provided under parts 5510.0110 to 5510.2310, service on the commissioner or a party must comply with the filing requirements under this part.
Unless otherwise provided by law, a document filed under parts 5510.0110 to 5510.2310 is effective:
A document received Monday through Friday after 4:30 p.m. is effective the next working day that is not a legal holiday.
A document received on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday is deemed to be filed on the next working day that is not a legal holiday.
Unless another manner of filing is required by law, a document may be filed:
by United States mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to the bureau or a party at its last known address; or
electronically, with the express, prior written consent of the recipient that has provided an e-mail address for the filing purpose.
46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
When computing a period prescribed or allowed under parts 5510.0110 to 5510.2310, the day, act, or event on which the designated period begins to run is not included. The last day of the period is included unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.
46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
To file a petition, an employee organization or exclusive representative must have:
To file a petition, an employer must have the petition signed by the employer's authorized representative.
To file a petition, a public employee must be included in an appropriate unit for which there is an exclusive representative.
As provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.12, subdivision 2, one or more employee organizations and an employer may file a joint petition for certification of exclusive representative.
An exclusive representative and an employer may file a joint petition for unit clarification and amendment of certification.
Two or more employee organizations may jointly file a petition that a single employee organization is entitled to file.
9 SR 735; 23 SR 1564; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
If there is an exclusive representative and an effective labor contract, the commissioner must only consider a petition for clarification, decertification, representation, or certification when the:
commissioner determines that the interests of good labor relations warrant the commissioner to consider the petition during the life of the existing contract.
Unless otherwise provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.12, subdivision 12, when a certification election, representation election, or decertification election has been held, a petition seeking an election must not be entertained for a one-year period from the date the commissioner has issued the order certifying the election results.
The commissioner may not entertain a petition for transfer of exclusive representative status for a one-year period from the date of certification or from the date of transfer of exclusive representative status.
A petition raising a question of certification, representation, or decertification must not be considered after an impasse has been certified if:
Unless on file with the commissioner, a copy of the employee organization's constitution or bylaws in effect at the time of petition must accompany the following petitions:
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 23 SR 1564; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
A certification, representation, or decertification petition or a showing of interest may be withdrawn by a party at any point before the fifth calendar day after the commissioner issues an appropriate unit determination.
A clarification, transfer of exclusive representative status, amendment of certification, or affiliation petition may be withdrawn at any time before the hearing on the petition closes.
For a certification election, if an employee organization withdraws, and no other employee organization has petitioned or intervened, the petition must be dismissed.
For a representation election, if an incumbent exclusive representative withdraws, the matter must be processed as though a certification petition had been filed by the challenging employee organization.
For a decertification election, if a petitioner withdraws and no other employee organization has petitioned or intervened, the petition must be dismissed.
If the petitioner withdraws but another employee organization that has petitioned or intervened does not withdraw, the matter must be processed as a representation petition.
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
A petition for certification, representation, or decertification must include:
the name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of all other employee organizations or exclusive representatives known to have an interest in or claiming to represent any of the employees involved;
a statement on whether there is an effective labor contract and the contract's expiration date;
the approximate number of employees included in the proposed or previously determined appropriate unit;
a statement indicating that at least 30 percent of the employees in the proposed or previously determined unit support the intent of the petition;
Evidence of a showing of interest in the form of authorization signatures must accompany all petitions. An adequate showing of interest necessary to conduct an investigation or hearing is constituted by authorization signatures from 30 percent or more of the estimated number of employees in the established or proposed appropriate unit.
An employer must provide to the exclusive representative the name, home mailing address, and telephone number for all employees in the established appropriate unit if:
A request or order under this subpart must be consistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 13.43, subdivision 6.
9 SR 735; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
Authorization signatures submitted in support of a petition are privileged and confidential information and may only be withdrawn by the petitioner.
Authorization cards may contain the employee organization's name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number.
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
A petition for unit clarification must include:
a statement on whether there is an effective labor contract and the contract's expiration date;
9 SR 735; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
A petition for amendment of certification must include:
MS s 179A.04
9 SR 735
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
A petition challenging affiliation under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.06, subdivision 2, must include:
If the commissioner determines that the affiliation of an employee organization is improper according to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.06, subdivision 2, the commissioner must:
withdraw the certification of the involved employee organization as the exclusive representative for the unit for which the challenge was raised; and
dismiss any matters pending before the commissioner involving questions of representation or mediation.
If the commissioner determines that the affiliation of an employee organization is proper according to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.06, subdivision 2, the commissioner must affirm its standing as a proper employee organization and dismiss the challenge petition.
Upon the withdrawal of the status of exclusive representative after a commissioner determination of improper affiliation, a labor contract is void on the date of the determination if:
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 46 SR 1387
September 13, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
A petition transferring exclusive representative status must include:
documentation substantiating that the requirements of parts 5510.0110 to 5510.2310 have been met;
a copy of the incumbent exclusive representative's effective constitution or bylaws, unless on file with the commissioner;
documentation substantiating that the requirements of the constitution or bylaws of the exclusive representative have been met;
a copy of the effective constitution or bylaws of the employee organization that has agreed to accept the transfer of the exclusive representative's rights and obligations, unless on file with the commissioner; and
An exclusive representative may transfer its rights and obligations to another employee organization by complying with subparts 3 to 6.
The exclusive representative must provide advance written notice of the proposed transfer to each member of the exclusive representative in the appropriate unit.
The notice must state the time and location of the meeting to be held by the exclusive representative relating to the proposed transfer.
The exclusive representative must hold a meeting to permit members to discuss the proposed transfer at a time and location that is reasonably convenient for the majority of the members of the exclusive representative in the appropriate unit.
The exclusive representative must conduct a secret-ballot election among its members in the appropriate unit to approve or reject the proposed transfer according to the exclusive representative's constitutional requirements or bylaws.
The exclusive representative must file with the commissioner a petition if:
all employees in the appropriate unit have been afforded the opportunity to become members of the exclusive representative; and
a majority of the exclusive representative's members voting in the election under subpart 5 vote in favor of the transfer.
The incoming exclusive representative has all rights and obligations established by the effective labor contract and the act and must administer the labor contract until it expires.
9 SR 735; 11 SR 141; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 23 SR 1564; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
A petition abandoning the status of exclusive representative must contain a statement that clearly indicates that the exclusive representative no longer wishes to represent the appropriate unit at the expiration of the contract or the one-year certification period.
An exclusive representative may abandon its status effective on or after the expiration of the labor contract or effective on or after the expiration of a one-year period from the date of certification, whichever is later.
An exclusive representative abandoning its status retains the rights and obligations under the act and under the labor contract until the labor contract expires.
A notice of abandonment must be served in writing upon the commissioner and the employer.
If abandonment occurs, there is no bar to conducting a certification election.
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 46 SR 1387]
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 46 SR 1387]
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 46 SR 1387]
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 46 SR 1387]
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
A joint petition for certification of an exclusive representative must include:
authorization signatures from more than 50 percent of the employees within the proposed appropriate unit; and
identification of the employees and job classifications included within the proposed appropriate unit and those employees and job classifications excluded from the proposed appropriate unit.
A joint-party petition for unit clarification must include the name, title, and signature of the representative of both the exclusive representative and the employer.
9 SR 735; 23 SR 1564; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
The commissioner must accept stipulations or agreements that are consistent with bureau rules and the act.
This part applies to a hearing or investigation when provided under this chapter or chapter 5530.
For a hearing or investigation on a petition under this chapter, the hearing or investigation must address all issues raised by a valid petition that are within the commissioner's jurisdiction.
If all parties agree, the hearing may take place virtually through an online conferencing or videoconferencing tool.
The commissioner may consolidate one or more hearings or petitions if the commissioner determines that consolidation will serve the act's purposes.
Upon receiving a petition under parts 5510.0410 to 5510.1810, the commissioner must:
hold a hearing or conduct an investigation as required under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.12, subdivision 5; and
issue an order prohibiting negotiations and maintaining the status quo, in part or in whole, of the employees' terms and conditions of employment.
Upon the request of a party or the commissioner's motion, the commissioner may:
require the parties to file a prehearing statement containing items the commissioner deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of the prehearing conference.
A prehearing conference is informal. Agreements simplifying issues, amendments, stipulations, or other matters may be entered on the record or made the subject of a commissioner order.
Requests for subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents must be made in writing to the commissioner and:
A subpoena must be served by the sheriff, the sheriff's deputy, or any other individual who is not a party in accordance with rule 45.02 of the Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts of Minnesota.
When a subpoena is served, the cost of service, fees, and expenses of any witness subpoenaed must be paid by the party at whose request the witness appears.
The individual serving a subpoena must make proof of service by filing the subpoena and an affidavit of service with the commissioner.
Upon motion made at or before the time specified in the subpoena, the commissioner must quash or modify the subpoena on finding that it is unreasonable or oppressive.
The commissioner must permit an employee organization that submits a 30 percent showing of interest to intervene on a certification, representation, or decertification petition.
The commissioner must permit a group of employees submitting a 30 percent showing of interest wishing to decertify an exclusive representative to intervene on a representation petition.
Parties may present evidence, rebuttal testimony, and argument on the issues and may cross-examine witnesses. Individuals or organizations having an appearance status may only review exhibits and make statements for the record.
A party may be a witness or may present witnesses at the hearing. All oral testimony must be under oath or affirmation. At the request of a party or upon the commissioner's motion, witnesses may be excluded from the hearing room so that they cannot hear other witness testimony.
The commissioner may admit all evidence that possesses probative value, including hearsay, if it is the type of evidence on which reasonable prudent persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of their serious affairs. The commissioner must give effect to the rules of privilege recognized by law. Evidence that is incompetent, immaterial, or unduly repetitious may be excluded.
All evidence to be considered in the case, including all records and documents possessed by the commissioner or an accurate copy, must be made a part of the record. Matters not part of the record must not be considered when determining the case.
The commissioner may seek additional evidence and examine witnesses to the extent the commissioner deems appropriate but must do so on the record and with the opportunity for a party to contest the evidence.
The commissioner must maintain the record for 90 calendar days in each case under this part. The record must contain:
The commissioner must keep the hearing recording or transcript for not less than 90 calendar days after issuing a determination under subpart 14.
A hearing recording may be transcribed in whole or in part upon the written request of a party or person if the party or person requesting the transcript:
An individual or party appealing a determination under subpart 14 must agree in writing to pay for the:
An appealing individual or party may purchase a partial transcript and record if:
the appeal involves only a portion of the elements or factors decided by the commissioner; and
For a request under item B, the commissioner must determine, on the basis of the elements or factors under appeal, the extent of the transcript and record necessary to provide a complete record upon which that portion of the commissioner's determination was based.
A party to an appeal may request that a portion of the entire record be added to the record submitted by the commissioner. The party making a request under this item must agree in writing to pay for the cost of preparing the additional record. Any partial transcript must include all testimony and evidence relevant to the issues under appeal.
The commissioner must grant a hearing continuance or postponement request only upon a showing of substantial cause.
All requests under item A must be served according to parts 5510.0110 to 5510.2310. Requests served less than six calendar days before a hearing must be denied unless the commissioner determines that the request could not have been filed earlier and that the rights of a party will be substantially affected by denial.
The commissioner must continue a hearing that has already started whenever the commissioner determines a continuance is needed to determine the issues. For a continuance under this item, the commissioner must give oral notice on the record.
Unless the commissioner determines that the public interest will be otherwise served, a hearing under this part must be conducted according to this subpart.
After opening the hearing, the commissioner must state the procedural rules for the hearing, including that:
an objection to the conduct of the hearing, including the introduction of evidence, must be stated orally, together with a statement of the grounds for the objection;
no objection to the conduct of the hearing, including the introduction of evidence, is waived if the objecting party continues to participate in the hearing; and
failure to appear at the hearing in person or through an authorized representative may prejudice the rights of a party.
Any stipulations, settlement agreements, or consent orders entered into by any of the parties before the hearing must be entered into the record.
The party with the burden of proof may make an opening statement. The other parties may make opening statements in a sequence determined by the commissioner.
After any opening statements, the party with the burden of proof presents its evidence. The other parties follow in a sequence determined by the commissioner.
When all parties and witnesses have been heard, final argument may be permitted. The commissioner must determine the timing and sequence of the argument and whether the argument is presented in written or oral form, or both.
Recording devices, other than those provided by the commissioner or authorized by the commissioner with the consent of all parties, must not be operated in the hearing room during the hearing.
All determinations issued by the commissioner must be based on the record.
A unit determination or unit clarification that is appealed continues in effect unless stayed by the commissioner upon request of one or more parties or as directed by an appellate court.
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 12 SR 2712; 15 SR 1226; 17 SR 1279; 23 SR 1564; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
The commissioner may not order an election unless there is at least a 30 percent showing of interest for the unit determined appropriate.
If the commissioner orders an election, it must be conducted by secret ballot either at a site of employment or by mail, as determined under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.12, subdivision 7.
An election order must be served on all parties at least ten calendar days before the date of the on-site election or the date for mailing ballots for a mail-ballot election. The election order must:
All employees in the appropriate unit who are employed on the cutoff date and are identified on a list established by the commissioner are eligible to vote in an election under parts 5510.0110 to 5510.2310.
The commissioner must determine questions on adding or deleting names on the voter-eligibility list.
Names must not be added to the voter-eligibility list after the hearing closes on the election petition unless:
Names must be deleted from the voter-eligibility list if an:
employee transfers, is promoted, or is demoted out of the unit and the action is not prohibited by the status quo order under part 5510.1910, subpart 4, item B;
appeal or a court action delays the election or changes the cutoff date for voter eligibility; or
eligible voter is voluntarily or involuntarily terminated and has not appealed the termination.
A deletion under item C must be made immediately before the polls open or ballots are tabulated.
A written request to correct the voter-eligibility list must be received by the commissioner within seven calendar days after the date of the election order.
Eligible voters are permitted to vote during their work hours without loss of pay.
A certification election ballot must contain the following choices:
the name of the employee organization that has submitted the required showing of interest; and
An eligible voter unable to vote at an on-site election may secure an absentee ballot by submitting a written request to the commissioner. The request must be:
received by the commissioner no later than specified in the election order under subpart 3; and
dated and contain the voter's name and home mailing address, employer's name, voter's signature, bureau case number, and election date.
Upon receiving a timely request for an absentee ballot, the commissioner must mail to the voter a ballot, a return envelope, and a letter of explanation.
Absentee ballots must be received by the commissioner in the return envelope no later than specified in the election order.
An election must be held on the premises where the voters are employed during hours the commissioner determines, unless the commissioner determines that the election must be held at another location, by mail ballot, or by a combination of on-site and mail balloting.
The parties to an on-site election may designate one observer to be present at each polling location while ballots are cast and tabulated. The commissioner may allow each party to have more than one observer.
The parties to a mail-ballot election may each designate one observer to be present while ballots are tabulated. The commissioner may allow each party to have more than one observer.
The role of an observer is to identify employees eligible to vote, and observers are subject to commissioner orders.
A ballot must be marked according to the ballot instructions. A ballot that is defaced or identifies the voter is void. When a voter inadvertently spoils a ballot, the voter must immediately return the ballot to the commissioner, who then must destroy the spoiled ballot and provide another ballot to the voter.
When a voter states that, because of physical disability or inability to read or write, the voter cannot mark the ballot, the commissioner must assist the voter privately in marking the ballot.
A voter who has been mailed an absentee ballot by the commissioner may not vote at the on-site election.
If there is an appeal, the commissioner must proceed with any pending election unless the commissioner determines that the nature of the appeal precludes a reasonable determination of the question of representation to be decided by the election.
A party wishing to stay an election pending resolution of an appeal must notify the commissioner in writing within five calendar days of the appeal setting forth why the question of representation cannot be resolved while the appeal is pending.
The commissioner must respond to the notification under item B in writing within ten calendar days.
All ballots cast by eligible voters must be tabulated by the commissioner in the presence of the election observers, if any, at the site designated in the election order under subpart 3.
Envelopes containing timely mail or absentee ballots must be opened in the presence of the election observers, if any, and must be placed in the ballot box and mixed with other ballots before they are tabulated.
The commissioner must immediately rule on each ballot as to whether it is valid, void, or blank, and the ballots must be separated accordingly.
Mail ballots returned by employees whose names have been deleted from the eligibility list must not be counted.
After tabulating the ballots, the commissioner must prepare and sign a tabulation of election results. A copy of the tabulation of election results must be furnished to each observer under subpart 9, item B or C.
After the tabulation, the commissioner must keep all election ballots and election materials for at least 90 calendar days.
When a ballot contains more than two choices and none of the choices receives a majority of the valid votes cast, a runoff election must be conducted between the choices receiving the greatest and second-greatest number of votes.
In a representation or decertification election when the exclusive representative does not qualify for a runoff election, the election must be considered a certification election for purposes of tie votes.
A tie vote in an election containing no more than two choices results in the following:
for a certification election: certification that no exclusive representative has been selected;
for a representation election: certification that the exclusive representative remains certified; or
for a decertification election: certification that the exclusive representative remains certified.
After an election, runoff election, or tie vote, the commissioner must certify the exclusive representative according to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.12, subdivision 10.
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 12 SR 2712; 23 SR 1564; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
The following acts are prohibited and constitute unfair election practices if committed by an employer or its agents, an employee organization or its agents, or an employee:
A party to an election may file with the commissioner a charge of an unfair election practice, and a copy of the charge must be served by the charging party on all other parties to the election. A charge must:
be in writing, be signed by the charging party, and state the name and address of the party against whom the charge is made; and
Based on a hearing or investigation under subpart 2, item B, the commissioner must issue an order on the charge. If the commissioner determines an unfair election practice occurred, the commissioner must void the election and order a new election according to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.12, subdivision 11.
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
Unless otherwise provided, a party may file a request for reconsideration of a commissioner order under parts 5510.0110 to 5510.2310.
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
Except as otherwise provided under this part, a new exclusive representative assumes all rights and responsibilities as an exclusive representative the day after certification when an incumbent exclusive representative is replaced by the new exclusive representative as a result of:
All rights and obligations of the collective bargaining agreement transfer to and are assumed by the new exclusive representative, including processing pending grievances made known to the new exclusive representative.
Except for a transfer, the employer must terminate all payroll deduction of dues for the prior exclusive representative effective with the first payroll period after the certification of the new exclusive representative. If the new exclusive representative has submitted signed authorizations from affected employees, the exclusive representative may begin deducting dues by payroll beginning with the first payroll period after certification.
When a new exclusive representative has been certified as the result of a transfer, the employer must continue previous payroll deductions of dues and send the deductions to the person or place designated by the new exclusive representative.
When an exclusive representative is decertified, the labor contract remains in effect until its expiration. The decertified exclusive representative retains all its rights and obligations established by the act and the labor contract through the contract's expiration.
9 SR 735; 12 SR 2623; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
9 SR 735; 13 SR 1275; 23 SR 1564; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
Parts 5510.2410 to 5510.3005 are to be liberally construed to effectuate the act's purposes and provisions. Any requirements of parts 5510.2410 to 5510.3005 may be waived by agreement of all parties and commissioner approval.
The commissioner must approve a waiver under item A unless the commissioner determines that waiving the requirement would likely result in significant harm to the general public or to specific nonparties or would likely substantially impair or frustrate the act's intent or purposes.
The waiver request must be made in writing to the commissioner in a timely fashion. The commissioner must set forth in writing the reasons for granting or denying the waiver.
9 SR 735; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
Part 5510.0320 applies to a document filed or served under parts 5510.2410 to 5510.3005.
46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
The terms in parts 5510.2410 to 5510.3005 have the meanings given them in part 5510.0310.
9 SR 735; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
A written notification of the desire to meet and negotiate an original contract, renewal of a contract, or a reopener of a contract must be served on the other party and the commissioner. The notice must be served on forms available from the bureau and must include:
the name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the exclusive representative's representative;
Upon request by a party adversely affected by another party's failure to provide timely notice according to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.14, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), or by the commissioner's motion, the party failing to give timely notice is subject to a fine according to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.14, subdivision 1, paragraph (b).
A request or motion to assess a fine must be made in writing and served on the commissioner and the other party to the labor contract:
within ten calendar days of the requesting party's first knowledge of the other party's desire to negotiate; or
in the case of the commissioner's motion, within 15 calendar days of receiving a request for mediation assistance involving the parties and their contract.
A request from a party or motion by the commissioner must:
specify the date of first knowledge of the desire to negotiate and the expiration date of the effective labor contract; and
Upon receiving a written request or after the commissioner's motion to assess a fine for late notice, the commissioner must investigate the request or motion according to part 5510.1910. The commissioner may waive the fine according to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.14, subdivision 1, paragraph (b).
The fine must be credited to the state's general fund. The fine amount or its waiver is not subject to appeal.
9 SR 735; 10 SR 997; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 23 SR 1564; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
A petition for mediation must be served in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.15.
According to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.15, the commissioner may initiate mediation without receiving a petition. Upon notice to the parties, mediation must proceed according to parts 5510.2410 to 5510.3005.
Upon receiving a petition for mediation and concluding that mediation would be useful, the commissioner must serve notice of the time and place for a mediation meeting to the exclusive representative and the employer.
The parties must be represented by persons having the authority to negotiate in good faith and be prepared to identify unresolved issues and their positions on the unresolved issues.
The commissioner must schedule joint or separate mediation meetings of the parties according to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.15. Mediation meetings are informal and must be limited by the commissioner to matters relevant to settling the dispute. The parties must continue to participate in a mediation meeting until excused by the commissioner. Recording devices or methods are prohibited in mediation meetings.
In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.14, subdivision 3, a mediation meeting is closed to the public unless the commissioner determines that closing the meeting will not facilitate a resolution. In all cases, a meeting is closed only after the commissioner receives a valid and timely petition for mediation or after the commissioner initiates mediation.
When the commissioner determines that it is in the interest of resolving a dispute, the commissioner must authorize a closed meeting of the public employer's governing body to review and discuss the status of negotiations and the employer's positions.
A closed meeting must not be authorized unless the commissioner has received a valid and timely petition for mediation or unless mediation has been initiated by the commissioner.
A closed meeting must not be authorized when the commissioner is not physically present at the meeting unless the commissioner has received a timely and valid notice of intent to strike.
The commissioner must authorize a closed meeting upon written notice to the employer's governing body and exclusive representative at least 24 hours before the closed meeting if the commissioner:
cannot be physically present at the meeting and the commissioner has received a timely and valid notice of intent to strike.
9 SR 735; 10 SR 997; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 15 SR 1226; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
The following data are classified according to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.7908, subdivision 2:
all files, records, reports, documents, or other papers received or prepared by the commissioner while performing duties and responsibilities related to mediating a dispute.
The commissioner may unclassify data under item A according to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.7908, subdivision 2.
Until both parties have filed their final positions with the commissioner under part 5510.2930, subpart 4, item A, final positions submitted by a party in conjunction with a dispute that has been referred to interest arbitration are regarded as:
13 SR 1275; 23 SR 1564; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 13 SR 1275]
June 11, 2008
For all public employees except teachers, mediation periods referred to in the act begin on the day after a request for mediation is filed with the commissioner.
13 SR 1275; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
The commissioner must certify a matter to arbitration:
in the case of essential employees, according to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.16, subdivision 2; or
in the case of nonessential employees, according to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.16, subdivision 1.
All interest arbitration must be conventional arbitration except:
if the parties agree in writing to limit the arbitrator's authority to final-offer item-by-item or final-offer total-package arbitration; or
if the case involves a unit of principals and assistant principals, the arbitration panel must use final-offer item-by-item arbitration.
In requesting or agreeing to interest arbitration, each party must list all issues, items, or matters not previously agreed on. Based on the submissions of the parties and prior efforts to mediate the dispute, the commissioner must determine the unresolved items to be submitted to arbitration for essential employees according to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.16, subdivision 2.
When an agreement or requirement to arbitrate has been established and the commissioner has determined the items to be submitted to arbitration, the commissioner must certify the matters to arbitration and direct each party to submit its final position on the items certified by the commissioner. Final positions must be:
presented in the form of the contract language desired by each party to resolve the matter in dispute; and
filed with the commissioner within 15 calendar days of the certification date, but the filing deadline may be extended a reasonable period by the commissioner upon a party's adequate and timely showing of good cause.
If the arbitration form is a final offer, the final positions of the parties may not be withdrawn or amended except by mutual written consent or to correct nonsubstantive errors of a clerical-technical nature or matters solely of form.
When final positions have been received from both parties, the commissioner must provide each party with a copy of the opposing party's final position. The commissioner may provide copies of final positions to the arbitrator, but part 5510.2905, subpart 2, governs the protected nature of the final positions.
The failure of a party to submit timely final positions on an item that has been submitted to final-offer arbitration:
results in a default award unless the delinquent party demonstrates good cause for the delinquency to the panel or arbitrator, in which case the panel or arbitrator may proceed as if the delinquency had not occurred.
The failure of a party to submit timely final positions in conventional arbitration:
may be considered by the panel or arbitrator in weighing the testimony, evidence, and party's overall good-faith behavior regarding the items before the panel or arbitrator.
The commissioner may continue to aid the parties in resolving issues after a matter has been certified to arbitration under this part.
13 SR 1275; 23 SR 1564; 46 SR 1387
September 13, 2022
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
A notice of an intent to strike must be in writing and served on the employer and the commissioner under parts 5510.2410 to 5510.3005. The notice is timely when the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.18, have been fulfilled.
The dates that the right to strike matures and terminates must be determined by the commissioner according to Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.18, and the commissioner must provide written notice of the dates to the parties.
A strike must not begin during the first ten calendar days after the commissioner receives a notice of intent to strike.
Except for teachers, a notice of intent to strike may be renewed by serving a written notice on the employer and the commissioner not sooner than five calendar days before a right to strike terminates. If the renewal is served, a new ten-calendar-day waiting period applies and the commissioner must reestablish the dates when the right to strike matures and terminates.
13 SR 1275; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
[Repealed, 13 SR 1275]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 13 SR 1275]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 12 SR 2712]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 9 SR 735]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 11 SR 2077]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 11 SR 2077]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 11 SR 2077]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 11 SR 2077]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 11 SR 2077]
June 11, 2008
[Repealed, 11 SR 2077]
June 11, 2008
Parts 5510.5110 to 5510.5180 are to be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 179A, the Public Employment Labor Relations Act.
11 SR 2077; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
Parts 5510.5110 to 5510.5180 apply when a public employer and an exclusive representative have not reached agreement on or do not have access to a contract grievance procedure required under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.20, subdivision 4, paragraph (a).
11 SR 2077; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
For the purposes of parts 5510.5110 to 5510.5180, the terms defined in this part have the meanings given them.
"Appropriate unit" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.03, subdivision 2.
"Exclusive representative" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.03, subdivision 8.
"Employee" means a public employee who is employed in a position that is part of an appropriate unit for which an exclusive representative has been certified under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.12.
"Grievance" means:
a dispute or disagreement on applying or interpreting a contract term required under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.20, subdivision 1; or
if no contract exists between the exclusive representative and the employer, a dispute or disagreement on the existence of just cause in the discipline of an employee or the termination of nonprobationary employees.
"Nonprobationary" means an employee who has completed an initial probationary period required as a part of the public employer's employment process.
"Party" means either the exclusive representative and its authorized agent or the employer and its authorized representative.
11 SR 2077; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
When computing time prescribed or allowed under parts 5510.5110 to 5510.5180, the day or act or event upon which a period begins to run is not included. The last day of the period is included unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.
11 SR 2077; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
When an employee or group of employees represented by an exclusive representative has a grievance, the employee or exclusive representative's agent must attempt to resolve the grievance with the employee's immediate supervisor within 21 days after the employee, through the use of reasonable diligence, should have had knowledge of the event or act giving rise to the grievance. The supervisor must then attempt to resolve the grievance and must respond in writing to the grievant and the exclusive representative's agent within five days after the grievance is presented to the supervisor.
11 SR 2077; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
If the immediate supervisor is unable to resolve the grievance or has not responded in writing within the period under part 5510.5140 (step one), the exclusive representative may serve a written grievance on the next appropriate level of supervision.
The written grievance must:
concisely state the nature of the grievance, the provisions of the contract or the just-cause situation in dispute, and a statement of the relief or remedy requested; and
The employer's representative must meet with the exclusive representative's agent within five days after the written grievance is served, and both parties must attempt to resolve the grievance.
The employer's representative must serve a written response to the grievance on the exclusive representative's agent within five days of the meeting.
11 SR 2077; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
If the grievance is not resolved under part 5510.5150 (step two), the exclusive representative may serve the written grievance on the chief administrative agent of the employer or the agent's designated representative within ten days after the written response required by part 5510.5150 (step two) was due.
An exclusive representative's agent must meet with the chief administrative officer or designee within five days of the written grievance's service, and the agent and the chief administrative officer or designee must attempt to resolve the grievance.
The chief administrative officer or designee must serve a written response to the grievance on the exclusive representative's agent within five days of the meeting.
11 SR 2077; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
If the response of the chief administrative officer or designee is not received within the period under part 5510.5160 (step three) or does not satisfy the exclusive representative, the exclusive representative may serve written notice on the employer of its intent to refer the case to arbitration within ten days after the response required by part 5510.5160 (step three) is due.
Within ten days of the service of written notice of intent to arbitrate, the employer's chief administrative officer or designee must consult with the exclusive representative's agent and attempt to mutually agree on an arbitrator to hear and decide the grievance.
If the parties do not agree on an arbitrator, either party may request a list of impartial arbitrators from the commissioner under chapter 5530. The parties must alternately strike names from a list of seven names to be provided by the commissioner until only one name remains, and the remaining name is the selected arbitrator. Which party begins the striking process must be made by mutual agreement or a coin flip. If one party refuses to strike names from the arbitration list, the other party may serve written notice of this refusal on the commissioner, with a copy to the offending party.
Unless it is confirmed that the parties have otherwise selected or agreed on an arbitrator within three days of the notice's service under item B, the commissioner must assign one name from the list previously provided to the parties, and the arbitrator assigned by the commissioner has full power to act as the arbitrator.
An arbitrator has no authority to amend, modify, add to, or subtract from the terms of an existing contract.
The employer and the exclusive representative must share equally the arbitrator's fees and necessary expenses. Cancellation fees must be paid by the party requesting the cancellation, and any fees incurred as the result of a request for clarification must be paid by the party requesting the clarification. Each party is responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses as provided under part 5510.5180, subpart 1.
For purposes of this subpart, "request for clarification" means a party's request to an arbitrator to clarify the arbitrator's decision and award under subpart 3.
If a party requests a transcript be made, the arbitrator must allow a transcript to be made if the party requesting the transcript:
An arbitrator may maintain written notes of the hearing and may use an electronic recording device. The arbitrator's notes are the arbitrator's private and personal property and must not be made available to the parties or another party.
11 SR 2077; 23 SR 1564; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
To the fullest extent feasible, grievances processed under parts 5510.5110 to 5510.5180 must be conducted during the employer's normal business hours. Employees designated by the exclusive representative must be released from work without loss of regular nonovertime earnings as a result of their necessary participation in meetings or hearings held according to parts 5510.5110 to 5510.5180, whenever such release is consistent with the ability of the employer to conduct safe and reasonable operations.
No more than three employees are entitled to compensation for participating in a single meeting or hearing on a grievance.
The parties may by written mutual agreement waive participation in the grievance steps in parts 5510.5140 to 5510.5160 and may similarly agree to extend the time limits established by parts 5510.5140 to 5510.5170.
11 SR 2077; 46 SR 1387
September 13, 2022
[Repealed, 46 SR 1387]
July 27, 2022
Parts 5510.5200 to 5510.5295 apply to:
all arbitration proceedings under bureau rules as provided under Minnesota Statutes, subject to all applicable provisions of the law; and
Unless the context indicates otherwise, a panel of arbitrators includes a panel consisting of only a single arbitrator.
46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
For purposes of parts 5510.5200 to 5510.5295, the terms defined in this part have the meanings given them.
"Award" means an opinion or decision, including any damages, relief, and remedies, rendered by an arbitrator in a dispute among two or more parties.
"Party" means a person subject to arbitration or other proceedings under bureau rules as provided under Minnesota Statutes.
46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
An arbitrator must ensure that a fair hearing is conducted in a manner that minimizes cost and expense to the parties and complies with:
An arbitrator may record a hearing, and the recording is the arbitrator's personal property.
46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
When a panel of arbitrators has been selected, assigned, or appointed, the panel must schedule a hearing according to part 5530.0900, subpart 6, or as otherwise provided under statute. At least five calendar days before the hearing, the panel chair must serve on each party a notice of hearing.
The hearing notice may be waived, or the time for the notice may be shortened by agreement of the parties.
If all parties agree, the hearing may take place virtually through an online conferencing or videoconferencing tool.
An arbitrator may adjourn the hearing to a later time without further notice. If no time is fixed to continue the hearing upon adjournment, the arbitrator must give notice according to subpart 1 of the time the hearing is to be continued.
If a party requests a transcript be made and a transcript request is not addressed in the contract or grievance procedure, the arbitrator must allow a transcript to be made if the party requesting the transcript:
17 SR 1279; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
The order of the proceedings is as follows:
the party with the burden of proof outlines the party's case, calls witnesses, and presents evidence; and
after the party under subitem (1) presents its case, the responding party outlines the party's case, calls witnesses, and presents evidence.
Each party may cross-examine the other party's witnesses, and each party may call witnesses in rebuttal.
Any party may offer exhibits, and offered exhibits accepted as evidence are part of the record.
After the parties have presented their evidence, they may make arguments in the same order as described under item A for submitting evidence. The hearing closes after arguments end.
The panel may not present the case nor examine any party's witnesses except as needed to amplify the testimony disclosed under this subpart.
All proceedings and the hearing record are confidential unless both parties agree in writing to release the hearing record.
17 SR 1279; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
The panel may independently investigate the dispute or obtain information not presented at the hearing as the panel deems necessary for adjudicating the dispute. Unless waived by the party in writing, a party must be afforded an opportunity to examine any panel evidence and to introduce evidence rebutting panel evidence.
A party must provide evidence requested under item B if the evidence is available to the party. A party's failure to produce evidence under item B is a factor when the panel makes its award.
46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
The parties may submit briefs to the panel after the hearing closes. Before briefs are submitted, the parties must agree on:
46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
The original statement of the dispute may be amended by a supplemental written agreement signed by all parties and filed with the panel at any time before the record closes. The panel must only consider a dispute as specified in the original statement or a supplemental agreement under this part.
46 SR 1387
September 13, 2022
After concluding the hearing and investigation, the panel must make an award that is in writing, is signed by a majority of the panel, and details the panel's findings on the dispute and the panel's decision.
The panel must simultaneously file with the commissioner and the parties the original findings and award. The findings and award must be filed according to part 5530.0800, subpart 9.
If the parties make a written agreement resolving the dispute before the panel files an award, they must notify the panel. After being notified, the panel may not make an award.
L 1987 c 186 s 15; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
The panel must:
consider the request under subpart 1 if the panel deems the grounds stated sufficient according to subpart 1, item A; or
reject the request if the panel deems the grounds insufficient according to subpart 1, item A.
After considering a request according to item A, the panel must make its order granting or denying the request. If granting the request, the panel must reconsider the award and:
The panel may by order limit the matters upon which it will receive new or additional evidence and must conduct the hearing, if held, according to parts 5510.5240 to 5510.5260.
L 1987 c 186 s 15; 17 SR 1279; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
Except as otherwise provided by statute or the express terms of the arbitration agreement, the parties must equally pay the arbitrator's fees and costs.
If there is a dispute between one or both parties and the arbitrator over the arbitrator's fees or costs, the party or parties contesting the fee may request arbitration of the fee dispute according to subpart 2.
If a party believes that the arbitrator's fees or expenses are inappropriate or incorrect and cannot resolve the issue with the arbitrator, the party may submit a written statement of protest to the commissioner within 30 calendar days of receiving the arbitrator's invoice of fees and expenses. The statement of protest must provide the basis for the objection, and the party must provide a copy of the statement to the arbitrator and the other party.
The commissioner must investigate and respond to the statement of protest. If the commissioner determines that the disputed fee or expense is inappropriate or incorrect, the commissioner must refer the statement of protest to a panel of the advisory committee under chapter 5530. The panel must:
46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
Parts 5510.5300 to 5510.5490 apply to procedures governing independent review under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.25.
8 SR 293; 15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
Parts 5510.5300 to 5510.5490 are to be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes and provisions of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act.
46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
Except as otherwise provided under subpart 2, the terms in parts 5510.5300 to 5510.5490 have the same meanings given in part 5510.0310.
"Party" means any public employee, public employer, exclusive representative of public employees, public employee organization, or public employer organization whose legal rights, duties, or privileges are directly determined in an independent review.
8 SR 293; 15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
Part 5510.0320 applies to a document filed or served under parts 5510.5300 to 5510.5490.
46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
As provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.25, an employee may petition the commissioner in writing for independent review of a grievance when another procedure does not exist to hear the grievance.
The petitioner must file the petition with the commissioner and serve on all parties a copy of the petition when it is filed.
8 SR 293; 15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
September 13, 2022
Within 15 calendar days after receiving a petition, all other parties must serve on the commissioner and the other parties an answer to the petition. The answer must state:
whether the terms and conditions of employment claimed to be violated are established by law, contract, or policy;
8 SR 293; 15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
The commissioner, on the commissioner's motion or a party's motion, must dismiss a petition if the commissioner lacks jurisdiction. The commissioner must dismiss a petition:
8 SR 293; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
The commissioner must either:
follow the requirements for selecting an arbitrator under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.16, subdivision 4.
8 SR 293; 15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
September 13, 2022
The commissioner may request the parties to submit a written brief if the brief will help the commissioner make the determination under part 5510.5480. If briefs are requested, the commissioner must notify the parties of the dates for submitting the briefs.
All briefs must be served on the other parties, and proof of service must be filed with the commissioner.
8 SR 293; 15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
At least 15 calendar days before the hearing date, the commissioner must serve on all parties a notice of hearing providing:
If all parties agree, the hearing may take place virtually through an online conferencing or videoconferencing tool.
8 SR 293; 15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
A request to continue a hearing must be served on the commissioner and all parties at least six calendar days before a hearing. The commissioner must grant or deny a request according to part 5510.1910, subpart 11.
8 SR 293; 15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
Any party may be represented by a designated agent.
8 SR 293; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
8 SR 293; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
The commissioner may decide a grievance adversely to a party who fails to appear after receiving due notice and an opportunity for hearing.
8 SR 293; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
The commissioner must allow a person to intervene in an independent review proceeding if:
the person files a request with the commissioner before a hearing under part 5510.5470 begins; and
the commissioner determines that the person's legal rights, duties, or privileges will be directly determined in the proceeding.
8 SR 293; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
Until a hearing under part 5510.5470 begins, a party may substitute its representative if the party serves notice of the substitution on all other parties and the commissioner.
8 SR 293; 15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
The commissioner may consolidate cases if the commissioner determines that:
Notwithstanding subpart 1, the parties may stipulate and agree to consolidation. A stipulation under this subpart must be in writing and filed with the commissioner and is subject to commissioner approval according to subpart 1.
The commissioner must serve on all parties any order of consolidation under subpart 1 or 2.
Within seven calendar days of receiving an order of consolidation, a party may file with the commissioner a written petition for severance from consolidation. The petition must explain why the requirements of subpart 1 were not met.
Upon receiving a petition under item A, the commissioner must approve or disapprove the petition after determining whether the requirements of subpart 1 were met.
8 SR 293; 15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
A hearing must be conducted according to part 5510.1910, subparts 6, 8, 9, 12, and 13.
The hearing record must be maintained according to part 5510.1910, subpart 10, and it must be kept for 90 calendar days after the commissioner issues the determination under part 5510.5480.
8 SR 293; 15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
After the hearing closes, the commissioner must issue a determination on the petition under part 5510.5340 in writing. The determination must be based on the record and served on all parties.
The commissioner's determination and other orders under parts 5510.5300 to 5510.5490 are binding on all parties.
8 SR 293; 15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
July 27, 2022
A party may request that the commissioner reconsider the determination under part 5510.5480 by filing a request in writing that details the required grounds for reconsideration and why the request should be reconsidered.
The party must serve a copy of the request on the commissioner and all other parties. To be considered under subpart 2, a request must be served within ten calendar days of the commissioner's determination.
The commissioner must consider, grant, and make a determination on a request according to part 5510.5290, subpart 2.
If the commissioner grants a request, the hearing and briefs are according to parts 5510.5300 to 5510.5490.
15 SR 2107; 46 SR 1387
September 13, 2022
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes